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Drix D'Zanth

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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth

  1. I think that's the point, Meteora... Anyway, being a geek for the greater portion of my life.. I can relate. :D
  2. And one time, at band camp... I never went. I was and will forever be a choir boy. A bitt OT, eh... I guess I can relate , alot of people I know are band groupies. It's possible to be a groupie to your own hobbies.. to some extent. These people were the epitamy of obsessed, so I'll leave it at that...
  3. Alright, this isn't the place for your sig/poem. If you need some sort of banner, go to the request forum, otherwise just display your poetry in it's designated forum. Nothing to discuss here, so I'm going to just close this.
  4. A: Well, he really ony RULED at the very end of the 3rd age. And he died in 120 of the Fourth age.. so 120 years is my guess. If I'm wrong..well :P B: Morgoth lost something in his battle against Fingolfin, what was it?
  5. Destro, to quote someone whom I forget, "Spelling is your friend." Please don't make your friend sad. Thanks :)
  6. A: Lindon? I think... I'm not sure if it's more specific.. Q: The river Mitheithel is created from what two major river-tributaries?
  7. OOC: This is turning out to be a very good RPG indeed, good posters, sorry I haven't been quite as on task as usual, as the week starts up again I'll post acutal RPG info. I don't want to leave you with some half-assed reply, so I'm going to edit this post later. Ecclectic, if you could, try to post what NPC's say or do as [I]little[/I] as possible, it's just I'm changing the standard format for typical RPG's on OB. Thanks :) Will post reply soon, with BIG story hooks! Doukeshi03 ------ The scene unfolds before your eyes elegantly and mesmorizingly. Your Gucci-clad friend clasped a chilled hand on your shoulder, smiling down at you again. The dance that unfolding seemed esoteric, the pristine nature of their grace amazed you. The dancer's appeared to be wearing makeup, as they were exceedingly pale, twirling their silken garbs, letting the fabric rub against the flustered volunteer. She giggled a bit, possibly induced by flute of Vine Rosse. Two of the three stood her up, taking her wrists daintily, her hips leaning in a confident saunter. She resembled Christ for a moment, as the third disrobed her, letting her garments fall to the ground. Taken aback by this action, she crosses her legs, while standing, struggling a bit to fold her arms across her chest. You can see the hair rising on her back, the cool air on her bare skin now snapping her out of drunkenness. She let loose a small whimper, the dancers holding her wrists, delicately, held fast like steel. A few hushed chuckles from the crowd at her fear, a few of the more vocal onlookers providing a subtle burlesque. A well-dressed man, with a sterling gaze stepped forward, like a warrior prepared to ravish the woman of who's nation he's conquered. He grins at the crowd, "Delicate, so elusive and pale. Why does one vacillate from the purest of beauties?" He inquires rhetorically, brushing a silken hand against her cheek. She turns away, diamonds rolling down her cheek, sparkling in your slightly hazy vision. He lets his hand rest upon her neck, the performers lifting her towards the didactic elder, his black hair slippery even in the dim, "Fear is but a fallacy, let us melt thine fear with an innocent proposal. As one must smell the scent of the rose, so must every flower as this be granted the kiss of innocence." He leaned forward, his blue lips on hers. She blushed, cross-eyed as she looked down upon her own situation. Her eyes seemed to roll back into her head and her body trembled slightly.. [I] ecstasy?[/I] . The figure pulled away, and the young lady stood reddened. Now crying silently, her eyes reddened, and cheeks flushed crimson. Slowly, a line of blood dribbled down her chin like the thread of a spider's web. Then another, and once more you noticed the crimson streaks seemingly evoking themselves from already crimson lips. You realized, she was now bleeding, her lips quivering from some obfuscated injury..... ----------Adahn-------- As the world went black around you, you fell the stern, unyielding grip of a hand on your back, then a sensation of weightlessness. You dreamt of the night around you, the smells, the soft sounds, the fuzzy visions passing before you surreally. The wind suddenly, and reflexively expires from your lungs as you are dropped to a cold floor. Your head is still throbbing, and the wound has gone numb, possibly from cold, or adrenaline rush. As you look up, you open your eyes, crusted over with a combination of tears and blood. Doublevisioned, the room is foreign. You hear the rocking fabric of the person you met in the alley before. For the fist time, his face is fully revealed, it looks as if the lower half of his skull has rotted away, revealing a death grin, some of his teeth menacing and jagged. His eyes are deep, pure black, and full of sorrow. He looks up at you sympathetically, a few hairs poking through the patches of flaky skin and boils, "He wouldn?t have died? He shouldn?t have.. you know." He burst forward, crawling like an insect, "WHY DID HE DIE ? WHY THE HELL DID IT HAPPEN?!" He screams, his rhaspy voice breaking under the strain of his agony. He stops, his face before you? his stench eeking through your nostrils where blood and mucus hasn?t plugged. You shudder, and he grimaces, or smiles. Frankly, you can?t tell. "Do you think [I]you[/I] could replace him? I have my right.. I have my right.." he sulks back.. sitting down, clenching his knees. The room appears dank, obviously abandoned. Peeling wallpaper, and brown water stains decorate the ceiling. A single, shattered window is the only venue for the moonlight to spill in. As you look for an exit, you notice the door has fallen apart, or rotted away, as a single set of rusted joints adorn a hollow wooden frame. The gruesome companion watches you search the place, "Don?t even try.." -------Eclectic--- The sudden loss of blood sends your ears buzzing, and you find yourself drifting into unconsciousness. You shudder with delight. While the bite seemed painful at first, it now sent waves of unadultered pleasure down your spines. Your fingertips tingled, then your legs, your arms. You felt your heartbeat race, your breathing slowing. The air felt like needles of ice as your nostrils flared. He pulled away, his lips now significantly more [color=crimson]red[/color], "I trust you are more apt to my contract now?" A slight noise eeks from your parted lips, and your eyes flutter faintly. He tosses your weakened physique into the back of the car. Immediately it begins it?s journy through the forest of steel skyscrapers. Marion smiled down upon you, "You aren?t going to survive this.. no." his spurious words leaked into your ears like molten lead. Intransigently , your soul refused his claim, your heart beat growing faint, "You won?t live? but I can offer you the chance to [I]not[/I] die." He laughed softly, smiling as if he could read your astonishment in your eyes, while your expression remains broken, defeated by your weakened state? His eyes burn with passion, inflamed by the blood.. He is your demon, the evoked hatred within you, his delight is your scorn, and he loves you for it. His feral expression grins again, dripping with your blood? your heart begins to weep for you, it?s tears sapping your life?.
  8. Bssh, sorry.. -_- A:Nahar Here's a toughie: What Vallar chose Alatar and Pallando to be sent to middle earth?
  9. It seems you and I are the most prolific posters on this thread dark Youkai ^_^. Here's a toughie: What Vallar chose Alatar and Pallando to be sent to middle earth?
  10. You are right , Rada, I looked it up for you.. post away
  11. A: "Time! Time" (he was actually asking for more time) Q: What is the name of the Butler mentioned a few times in Thranduil's halls during "The Hobbit'?
  12. Gah, your right, Orodreth is Thranduils father.. heh.. this is all off of memory. I guess you can answer a new question.. *shrug*
  13. Well, I think people can look at their potential in more than one aspect. We could look at is as, everything has happened the way it has, and nothing could change the fact. For instance, you are slow because you didn?t spend time running, but if you could?ve gone back into the past, who is to say that you wouldn?t have done it any differently? Secondly, you could approach it with a very proactive mind, "I?m going to choose what goals I want and work towards them." Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality. There are countless ways of achieving greatness, but any road to achieving one's maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity. I don?t think it?s [I]achieving[/I] your potential that matters, it?s the journey to achieve the potential that is far more rewarding.
  14. A:Orodreth Q: Name the 3 peaks above Kazad Dum.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RPCrazy [/i] [B]I am normal! I dress exactly like everyone else in m school, I act the same damn way, I think and say the same stupid and insulting things! I laugh at people who are different than me and call them weird because they are not normal, like I am! Normal is a thing and it does exist, how dare you people say it isn't! That's so wrong! -beams- Thought I'd change the pace some. And that's sarcasm you're reading there, people... ~_^ [/B][/QUOTE] Eh, not bad but I would have really been impressed if you would've given me something like, "Why do people ask such strange questions, jeeze, why can't people just be normal." Along those lines.. I'll let people like wrist cutter and poison toungue dabble something up.
  16. When I lived in Lansing an ice cream truck always came by my house. I was 5, it's one of the only memories I have from so long ago. That Ice Cream truck made my day... heh.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B] The fact is, they are not superior, because there is more difference between two white men, than there is between the same man, and a black woman! (DNA wise) [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with everything you said, except this juicy morsel. Actually, two white men have more similar DNA than a white man and black woman. Granted , a white man and black man may have more similar DNA... The only problem with your statement is that DNA varies all the time for each person with it's traits, etc. A black woman is different through the 23rd chromosome in total! All men are similar to eachother because of the XY, the gender. So I'll have to say your point meant well, but wasn't entirely accurate.
  18. --Avathar was the answer yes, but I was talking about the era, not the occurance, correct answer though--- A: Many of the Valar rose against him. In might etc. Really though, only Tulkas restled with Melkor, as he was the only person to match him in pure brute strength. All of the valar contributed in their own way, please try to make your questions a bit less vague. Q: What Ruling Steward built the Rammas Echor around Pelennor Fields?
  19. Well, it seems as the man living in the darkest corner of each of your brains has a bit of a soul as well. I write poetry, some happy, sad, lovely, boorish poetry that I'm sure we all have in common. I try to write something new, usually describing life around me. Heh check out the rap battle to see my shakespearean poems kick the crap out of rappers. Alright, I'll post a few, then you can critique, then I'll post some more.. and the viscous cycle can commence. [B]Ode to an Ice Cream Truck[/B] Oh ice cream truck, I know thee well. Oh let me hear thy clanking bell! Thy music sets my spine a-tingle Whenst I hear thy tinny jingle! With sweating hands My money lands Upon thy counter, whenst thou stop-- Amidst my street, an ice cream shoppe! I dream of cream-- Thy frozen treats! Thy baseball cards! Thy bags of sweets! Oh come to me, I hope, I pray, To bring sweetmeats On summer?s day. In wintertime, thy bell rings not-- Thou only com?st when days are hot. When Sol swings round, with rays a-swelter, I hear thy lov?ly music welter. I hath my coin! ?Twill this purloin A missile pop, of multihue, With colors red and white and blue? What luck! I suck Thy nectar, cold, That on a stick I fiercely hold. The taste, it is a thing divine. My missile, bold! ?Tis mine! All mine! =============== [B]Unattainable Magnolia[/B] How can love so sweet go so unnoticed? My sweet Magnolia, sways and blows, Smiling down from where it grows, Ever lithe, lighthearted expression, Beauty unfaltered, [I]non repose[/I] I seek thee, dear Magnolia, I yearn upon you, at your perch, Forever have I sought such love, Beg you please, end my search How can it be you grin from there? Your smile has pierced my will! That aire of seduction, debonair, Inflames my soul to never chill Curse you iris, lens of desire, Curse the fact I now require, to see her each day, in her beauty, My longing urges can't retire! Curse my soul, and love so pure, To be spent on a flower so secure, upon it's perch out of finger's reach, Taunting me, Magnolia, so demure. Let me reach out, pluck your fair form, Let me feel your skin so warm, Let it tremble in my hands, Far beyond life?s tolling norm. How can love so sweet go so unnoticed? (yeah yeah, a bit cliche there..sorry) --------------------------- [B]Teen Angst[/B] She puts on her black lipstick, "no one understands me", She ties her tall boots, pant?s chains ring out, "I am original." She boards her mother?s minivan, "I hate the world." She walks down the street, carrying her angst, Her demeanor as angry as the text burned into her clothes, She smiles at her friends , "They are original too", And the gothic-clad youths begin to journey. The spit their phrases, they write their poems, "Black crushed flower, Bleeding heart, Vampires are Real", They wear their headphones, listening to their bands, "They understand me.. they sing my pain" As the Band sits in satin seats, laughing.. counting their money. After all of her angst filled, introspection, She realizes nothing?s accomplished, All her self pity has gotten her? nowhere? Finally,it appears, she has a reason to hold such angst... (This poem is dedicated to the OB?ers obsessed with the "darkness of the world", and all that angsty crap.. *sighs*) More coming soon.
  20. A: Morgoth Balguir, Melkor, etc. He didn't kill his master, but he did help manage to kill alot of things.... Try to aviod two paters, especially if one section is vague. Here's a HARD one muahhaha: Q:In the Darkening of Valinor, what dark place does the spider Ungoliant reside within.
  21. Normalcy is a creation of mediocre minds to hinder the great minds of this world. The Idea of normalcy is a falacy, there is no such thing is normal in personality or physiology. Main Entry: 1norĀ·mal Pronunciation: 'nor-m&l Function: adjective Etymology: Latin normalis, from norma Date: circa 1696 1 : PERPENDICULAR; especially : perpendicular to a tangent at a point of tangency 2 a : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern 3 : occurring naturally 4 a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development Hmm, following a set pattern? An average intelligence? So everyone is normal except mentaly handicapped people? Everyone is normal by acting the same every day, conforming to whatever pattern they set for their lives? This, honestly, seems very very sad nowadays. We live in a country where you can choose your life's outcome for the most part, you can wear what clothes you want, say whatever you want (unfortunately this isn't always the case), or be whoever you want. Normal is also a relative point of view. There is no real absolution on normalcy, the Bible doesn't tell anyone how to be "normal", heck, God gave us free will. When someone asks you to "be normal", it's for lack of anything worthwile, intelligable, or legitimate to hold against you. They just don't like the person you are. Just tell them, "someday you'll realize how idiotic that sounded. Until then, I'll just stand here feeling sorry for you." Move on with life, eventually your peers will catch up. "He who marches joyfully in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been endowed with a large brain by mistake, for him a spinal cord would suffice" -Einstein
  22. REALIZE NOW THERE ARE SPOILERS ALL OVER THIS REVEIW. I DON?T WANT TO USE THE SPOILER FEATURE EVERY FEW SENTENCES IN THIS REVIEW, SO FOR THE SAKE OF COHERENCY, I?VE LEFT IT AS IT IS. DO NOT READ FURTHER IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO READ SPOILERS! I recently watched the 12 o?clock showing of the movie Underworld, by Sony Entertainment/Screen Gem?s productions. I arrived with my group of friends, including Adahn, unable to expect much of anything. I had read the day?s earlier reviews claiming it as a "matrix rip-off" , etc. I decided to keep my expectations low in order to be as objective as possible and enjoy the experience. The movie turned out to exceed my expectations. The plot, while not horribly original, was fairly complex. I enjoyed the slight love triangle between Selene, Michael, Craven, and that other girl vampire (who?s name escapes me). I did like how the plot built up bit by bit towards the end, finding loyalties switching one after another. I really was like "Go Selena! ? ****.. wait .. Go Viktor and Selena!? victor did WHAT?.. Go Lucian!? Go Lucian and Craven??? Go Michael.. no wait? Selena!" I thought the best moment of the movie was the hazy memory scene where Lucian observes his vampire wife perish. Very big plot twist there, I was very pleased. I must say, the plot was a bit lacking in motivation. I really don?t believe Selene was fighting for 600 years to find this one lucky SOB that can become half vampire half werewolf? it?s kind of sad, the motivation of these characters. Good points: Fighting- The fighting was , as expected, very good. It seemed that all the vampires, except Viktor, easily got their asses whipped by the werewolves. Even the whip guy who was so popular in the preview was taken out in a few seconds. Selene fought smart to a certain extent. Yes, her gun had unlimited ammo ;) , but she took cover and ran away from the Lycans instead of fighting them head on, for obvious reasons. Slow Motion- No, this movie wasn?t a Matrix Rip-off. I loathe that stereotype. Why? Because slow-mo was in movies well before the Matrix, it just took it to a nearly essential level in it?s film and incorporated the "sweep around view in slow motion, time freeze, etc" scene. Now when a movie has Slow Motion, it?s automatically giving credit to the Matrix? Not in my book. The slow motion in this movie was done well, used when necessary, and wasn?t taken to extremes (I.e. the "follow the bullet ripples slow-mo of the matrix). The severe badasses: Alright, this movie was almost a level upon level of new badass after another. First, Selene, who is a badass through the whole dang film, especially the finale. Secondly, the Lycans as a whole. They SLAUGHTER the vampires, they can take silver bullets much better than vampires can take the daylight bullets, and rip vamps to shreds? Then Viktor comes along, and he beats a Lycan without much effort at all? total badassedness. Apparently he?s the oldest vampire, so this makes complete sense. Then we have Michael who becomes the hybrid thing, he turns all black, and badass looking. I felt like gleeful little middle-schooler watching an episode of DBZ. More badassedness, new powers, and new levels at every turn. And one black Lycan guy.. his voice? it was ultimate badass, it?s like Darth Vader?s badass son?. Jeeze. The Setting: The rainy, dark, and somehow exceedingly blue-tinted city (of who?s name we are not given..) definitely has style. Everything takes upon a definite gothic feel. They?ve got haunted mansions, ancient vampire tombs, subways, and every other dank location you could imagine a secretive war to take place in. The mad-doctor Lycan?s place has a very distinct flavor to it as well, plenty of rusty needles to go around, it appeared. The Plot: I already touched on this. Next to Interview with a Vampire, this movie has the best plot of it?s genre (blade doesn?t compare, plot-wise). Kate Beckinsdale: ?. Yeah like I really need to put a thing here. Within the first two minutes of the movie you see her nice sculpted? leather?.. pants.. *drools* The Ending: Not the final slice of Selene?s sword, but the fact blood leaks into the other vampires coffin. I think this is actually a great place to end for a sequel. I?m all in favor of a sequel? after seeing That much tight leather? Hell yes, it kept me more awake than downing a bottle of caffeine pills. Bad/Annoying points: Michael- whoever chose this guy to act should get a pat on the back, then a ball pin hammer to his head. He?s like Keanu Reeves, except he talks less, and he looks even more pathetic. This guy has one emotion: desperate. A lot of plot holes hit this guy. There?s pictures of him with some lady? and no woman is brought up within the film. Nothing is explained, it seems his only friend is a hospital worker who has no trouble turning poor Michael here into the police. The final blow: When Selene slices Viktor?s face?. He whips out his knifes, whips around, does a little jig?.. looks happy.. looks sad? then all of a sudden, his face falls off? A bit drawn out there. Vampires are Lame?- I was sincerely pissed at this. Vampires didn?t get to do jack squat. Without cool silver Nitrate bullets, they were absolutely ineffective against Lycans. Their teeth were pathetic compared to Lycan jaws, and even their coolest whips couldn?t do next to anything in slowing down a Lycan. Really, how does someone who is dead DROWN, or BREATHE?. *shrug* Really, the only things Vampires had going for them, is that they had Viktor and Selene. They can jump from high places.. wow. Oh yeah, Selene jumps up in the air 50 feet and flips at the end of the movie.. for no reason. Why she didn?t employ this tactic earlier is beyond me. Oh yeah, their eyes turned blue when they were pissed or something. No explanation.. just blue eyes. Why blue? No idea, I guess that everyone with blue eyes must be vampires now. Sorry guys, your secret?s out. Hell, one of the 3 elders, that girl elder, is whooped in mere seconds by probably second-class Lycans. One of the 3 BEST vampires, by 2 or three Lycans?. Isn?t Viktor the best?- Ok, the hybrid Michael almost beats the CRAP out of Viktor, and just barely loses. At the end of the movie, it says that the last elder will awaken, Marius. I?m left with a feeling of "so what"? Why? Because Viktor is hyped up as being the oldest and most powerful vampire, and he almost loses. Marius doesn?t stand a freakin? chance! Lack of Purpose- This movie really ends with no real purpose. Ok, Michael is a hybrid, he and selene are in love, and that?s it. Ok, Marius with hunt them down?. Great.. So what happens now? Are the vampires and Lycan?s still fighting. Are Selene and Michael against everyone? Lycan stupidity- for being so powerful, they are pretty stupid creatures. Lycans knew where the vampire place was the whole movie, and they didn?t bother hunting the vampires during daylight times? pathetic waste of a HUGE advantage. Why didn?t they just light the mansion on fire? God? Vampires are Pussies- According to this movies, vampires are all incredibly beautiful, and have to dress up in cocktail dresses every day, hang out in a mansion and talk. Or, they could fight the lycans, maybe hop off a few buildings, and get their asses handed to them. Vampires are pretty pansy-like, they just sit there and act beautiful. I saw 3 vampires in total fight until the last 8th of the movie, maybe. Overall I?d give it a 7 out of 10. Nothing really all that groundbreaking, but it did improve upon other movies of this genre. And Kate Beckinsdale earns the movie a few points by herself. I always liked vampires, too. If you want the cream of the crop, rent Interview with a Vampire (as mentioned before). If you are content with a fairly mediocre plot, with a few cool twists, great action, and cool looking places; this movie will suit you fine. Finally, please excuse the spelling/grammar/syntax errors, I wrote this at about 3 pm. *yawns*
  23. Adahn _------_ The figure snaps to attention upon noticing you... screaming profanities into your direction. Shadows crawl up his face but you see a menacing grimace cross his face, darkened but for luminescent eyes that shine like stars. He narrows his gaze, "****ing fool, what are you doing , you ****ed up again, you really ****ed up. You SEE it don't you... you seen it with your eyes..." Within a nearly inconceivable amount of time, he appears almost directly before you, a leathery hand cracking into your jaw like an Iron. You fly back, soaring into a trash can, which compresses with a large cacaphony under your fall. You feel your jaw hang loose, broken, as blood pools into the dislocated socket, swelling your cheek. "****, ****, ****, ****, he can't be seen, will he do? ", The figure mutters off in rapid fire. He brushes off a peice of paper that landed on his shoulder, stomping and grinding it beneath tattered loafers. "I hate this! I can't let it live... ****.", he breathes, his eyes darkening. You blink the sweat away from your eyes. As you re-focus them, the figure is gone... the area mysteriously quiet. Doukeshi03 _-----_ The gentleman to your side looks at you , puzzled. He stares into your eyes, as you try to focus in and out, clinging to coherency. "You are absolutely SMASHED," he declares angrily while looking into your face. He takes the liberty to slap you across the face, "I hope this adjusts your vision correctly." He points towards the picture, "Don't you see? It's YOUR work!" You seem to mutter something, finally recognizing the painting. Questions seem to spring into your head as you wonder where he could find, and commision his work without his knowledge. The gentleman calmly adjusts his Gucci tie, straightening it, "I doubt you are in any way aware of who I am .. or why you are here." He pauses, gesturing to the room's corner, " I want you to sit in that chair... I think you should see something." The commotion in the room begins to slow down and quiet. The lights of the room dim, to where a spotlight adorns the main hallway. You hear the resonating thud of the two doors being shut. A violinist plays some music now, allowing his melody to lead the attention towards three new faces. The three people, faces painted, and bodies shrouded in costume, dance silently onto the lit area. A woman in a thin, black dress is gestured by the trio, and you notice something remarkable. The woman in question seems to appear caucasion, but suddenly brings to realization just how pale the occupants of this party had been. She smiles broadly at the attention, attempting her funniest movements to the chair, evoking a slight chuckle from the crowd. The three dancers pull a soft leather chair from the gathered crowd, setting it into the center of their "stage". The woman acts suprised, oblivious to the fact that whatever "production" might occur that night, It was not at all fictional...
  24. I think Namekians puke up eggs.. that's how Picollo, or Ma Jr. Was born...
  25. I'd like to mention Boba Fett. His reaction to Dayday's unsolicited insults on the Picture forum helped me realize the declining quality of some member's posts. And what a cruel thing dayday said... what a low blow... sheesh. I always admired him for his love of starwars... he and I shared that love.. *sighs* Miss ya, man
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