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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth
Jeez, deal with it dayday.... Honestly, we've all been sick one way or another. I find that alot of sickness can result from a lot of positive thinking... wait.. I guess you can't deal with it then. And If your doctor says you are Asthmetic.. you are.. not all asthma is chronic.
Writing LOTR trivia (may contain spoilers)
Drix D'Zanth replied to Radaghast's topic in Creative Works
.. I think you mean Durin's tower. And Eckenbrand is correct! A: Gwahir the Windlord. Q: while we're on eagles. Who is Gwahir's brother? -
Writing LOTR trivia (may contain spoilers)
Drix D'Zanth replied to Radaghast's topic in Creative Works
Heh, stormy it was actually Goldberry. My bad for not picking up on that quick enough. He had 13, I think. From memory, so by all means screw my question if I'm wrong. Q:Who was the Captain that lead the charge in helms deep from the "West"? (I'm talking the one who blew the horn) -
Know that when you say what's on your mind, you are basically opening yourself up to critisism. This board doesn't have total freedom, there are rules on this board to keep it in order. I doubt you've read the past racism thread either. People stopped posting there for a reason...
name: Gandalf the White age: He's a Maiar.. as old as creation. weapons: Glamdring, His staff shield: none armor: He wears white robes, he doesn't seem to need armour. bio: Gandalf is an Istari of Middle Earth, he is a maiar of Nienna. On middle earth he went by many names (Olorin is his istari name), Mithrandir by the elves, Tharkun to the Dwarves, and Incanus to the Haradrim. His outward form was that of a bearded old man dressed in a white cloak with a tall pointed hat and long staff. Upon his arrival in the Grey Havens, Cirdan gave him Narya, the "ring of fire". For over two thousand years, Gandalf has worked against the rising evil powers in Middle-earth. Eventually he was essential in the downfall of Sauron at the end of the Third Age. He inspires everyone around him, while riding his Meras; Shadowfax. He faced and defeated the Balrog, multiple orcs/goblins, and The Witch King. He oversaw the reuniting of Gondor and Arnor in 3021, but in this story has decided not to return to the Undying lands. For Sauron lives.. broken, but alive.... appearance: He appears old, but unwhithered. He has bright hair, and a chest length beard. He wears a white cloak, and his hat is tall and pointed. occupation: Wizard location: He'd probably begin in no set location. I suppose I'll stick him at the Grey Havens if possible, he'll probably ride to Minas Tirith. race: Istari Reason: Well I admire Gandalf's wisdom, and could emulate it quite wlel I belive. I also am very well versed in LoTR knowledge, only Radaghast being my competition I think. Which makes sense, the two wisest characters in Middle-earth being played by the two most LoTR savvy people? Yup, makes perfect sense. I'm a good roleplayer.. and I'll STICK to a game if the roleplaying is GOOD, the people aren't STUPID, and by FAR if you be at least SOMEWHAT true to Tolkein's great works....
I think it's better than DBZ, persoanlly. The fights seem more meaningful, like Goku's ACHIEVED something than another powerup war/hidden power/new level of SSJ-lets powerup for 5 hours- slugfest. The character development is far more acute, and meaningful in DB. In DBZ it just goes downhill... huge battles permiated by a tiny bit of real character interaction. Granted, DBZ's battles are far more epic, but sometimes you need a STORY. Most of DBZ's stories are excuses to fight more... That's my take.
Writing LOTR trivia (may contain spoilers)
Drix D'Zanth replied to Radaghast's topic in Creative Works
Glamdring. Who does tolkein specifically claim is more powerful? Tom Bombadil , or Goldberry? (50/50 chance here hehe) -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B] It's not that hard if you have a brain and an average over 2.1. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm glad I have an average of over 2.1, whatever the hell thats supposed to mean. GPA? That has nothing to do with intelligence, just effort. I'm going to guess it's the story of your life, song lyrics, or a poem of some sort. I can't discern anything really meaningful from it besides that. Is it your own creation?
Doukeshi03 --------------- The distinguished man seemed austere in the permiated floodlighting. He smiled at his drunken companion, sending a warmth through Jerith's heart far greater than any sort of Alchohol. He seemed to radiate confidence on that nigh, almost fendishly. He gestures to the entryway of the local art museum. You hear laughing, and busy noises coming from inside. Soft classical music floats into the streets. There are people milling around inside. Almost without hesitation, he leads you towards one of the side exhibits. "I think you are going to enjoy this, " he smiles, picking up a fine Merlot, more expensive than your finest suit, handing you a glass from the tray, "follow me, all your questions will soon be answered." ------- Adahn _____ Whispering shuddered the brick walls of the alleyway. John heard a deep pounding sound. It sounded like the chorus of sod raining down upon fresh soil. A few more thuds, then silence. As he rounds the corner he notices a pacing figure, his gestures erratic and paranoid. You can't make out who this figure is in the faint light, but he is emitting a stream of profanity, muttering to himself. He walks over to a sack lying on the ground. [I]A heap of garbage?[/I] The figure kicks it angrily before pacing again. He fails to notice you.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]So, we have: Step 1: ?Absolute Truth A? x ?Relative Truth A? = ?Relative Truth B? Step 2: ?Relative Truth B? = ?Absolute Truth B? Now, therein lies the fault. Surely you agree that it is impossible to have two ?Absolute Truth.? In essence, we have (?Absolute Truth A? vs ?Absolute Truth B?), which is inherently faulty, as there cannot be two absolutes (paradox). Realizing the conflict between ?Absolute Truth A? and ?Absolute Truth B,? we see they are different in nature, contradicting each other (as two ?Absolute Truth? are impossible), providing a variation on fractured perspective, thus becoming ?Relative Truth.? This abstract mathematical equation and solution that arrives at ?Relative Truth? then brings us right back to ?what is truth.? The answer? Good question. It seems, there is no set truth; only what we, the individual, believe in. [/B][/QUOTE] I'll make this short and sweet. Try this Absolute truth: Everyone will have a relative opinion. By arguing with this truth, you would only be supporting it. Every person has a relative opinion, whether it is right or wrong. Therefore, I consider relative truth to be derivative of absolute. I belive God gave us free will, therein giving the Absolute truth that everyone has Opinions. This doesn't mean that God's opinion is WRONG, I belive in it, after all. I think that it's not the truth that makes an opinion valid as the opinions are valid within their own right. As almost hypocritical to the idea of Absolute Truth as that sounds, the fact is.. it's all Absolute. I love this ride.
A popular chem Joke: Protons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic! Ben, I dont get your joke... did the guy step on a tack or something? What happened? Are people just being mean? Did he open the door? Elaborate please. -to the less astute , I was kidding, sometimes feigning ignorace is so much fun.
Sara's made me laugh! Good one, I'm definately going to tell that to my chemistry teacher. Ahah I did a powerpoint on the guy WAYY Back.
Adahn you've always been so dang pool. I thinp I'm going to try this type of speaping.
Writing LOTR trivia (may contain spoilers)
Drix D'Zanth replied to Radaghast's topic in Creative Works
There are SEVERAL languages of middle earth! -The Valar and Maiar speak in immaculate tones: song magic. -Westron: we've got ancient rohirric, a hobbit sub-language. -Haradrim: they have their own language -Wose.. -Orcish (derivative of the Black Speech) -Elvish: Sindarin, Sylvan, Quenya (more of a writing style) -Numenorian (Adunaic) -Entish -Khuzdul (Dwarvish) -All the languages of the world's creatures. Ravens, eagles, etc. They talk with these creatures too. Spiders.. etc My question is : Who is the only Nazgul with a name? (Rada can't answer, he's already answered once before in our pm quiz :P ) -
I'm going to give a bit of constructive critisism. Well, the post is ok, the syntax could use a bit more puncutation. Sometimes it was hard to see where your thoughts ended. Also, use "you" instead of "u" , it gives your poetry/song far more distinguished appearance. I suppose your opinion makes some sense.. to an extent. I agree with it in certain conditions. But poetry isn't about whether or not I agree.. i can definately understand writing something based on certain circumstances :).
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B] See what I mean? Even by expressing views related to God and "Absolute truth," you're not setting anything in stone (pardon the pun...heh...Moses type reference). You're showing a different viewpoint, as I am doing now, and we both are turning the discussion into "relative truth." [/B][/QUOTE] Bah, and my absolute truth says your relative truth is wrong.. lol. I guess it's a viscious circle that will *again* unravel the universe.... We are going to be perpetually repeating ourselves. We are going to be perpetually repeating ourselves. We are going to be perpetually repeating ourselves. We are going to be perpetually repeating ourselves. We are going to be perpetually repeating ourselves. We are going to be perpetually repeating ourselves...
Adahn, as you anticpated, I had a little talky with Senor, poision tounge: XtremeVerbatage: Adahn apparently thinks i was leading into religion XtremeVerbatage: i was talking about Post-Modernism fat clown6969: Well religion has a big part in it fat clown6969: Well you belive in Relative Truth fat clown6969: that there is no real "truth" XtremeVerbatage: exactly XtremeVerbatage: Post-Modernist fat clown6969: I belive in absolute truth fat clown6969: There is a right and wrong.. black and white.. fat clown6969: that's just my opinion fat clown6969: both are relative, and both absolute.. neither can be proven XtremeVerbatage: but what i'm wondering is, XtremeVerbatage: how in the hell did Adahn think i was talking in religious terms? fat clown6969: Well he belives in absolute truth as well fat clown6969: Absolute truth can only be founded upon by some higher power... fat clown6969: Post-Modernism's "higher power" is the human mind... fat clown6969: it is a belief system XtremeVerbatage: ah, yes a belief system XtremeVerbatage: but still acknowledging no set reality fat clown6969: Post-modernism is as valid a belief system as Christianity or any other religion XtremeVerbatage: due to fractured perspective fat clown6969: I understand that XtremeVerbatage: i love it. XtremeVerbatage: lol XtremeVerbatage: so great stuff fat clown6969: YEs XtremeVerbatage: the fact that, fat clown6969: But you have to realize something, when believing in a relative truth, nothing can be justified. Some things MUST be justified XtremeVerbatage: there is no set of anything XtremeVerbatage: ah XtremeVerbatage: but what must be justified XtremeVerbatage: who thinks we must justify something? fat clown6969: Right and Wrong, humanity's consciousness fat clown6969: That's what people are trying to do in the message board, justify the political and social rammifications of a war on Iraq XtremeVerbatage: but what if there is no justification? XtremeVerbatage: no matter even on justification fat clown6969: That's the difference between our difinitive philosophies XtremeVerbatage: that sounded incoherent XtremeVerbatage: hehe fat clown6969: I agree fat clown6969: I understand both of them XtremeVerbatage: i've totally been scatterbrained all day fat clown6969: I've once belived in Sophism for a point fat clown6969: it's ok fat clown6969: But when you say that.. some of the worst things in history are perfectly acceptable, nay, they need no acknowledgment. Human consciousness, human emotions, are all irellevant fat clown6969: Truth is irrelivant. XtremeVerbatage: explain further XtremeVerbatage: so i may better in kind reply fat clown6969: Alright , I'll give you an example: Kindness fat clown6969: How can you define kindness with some sort of structure, some bias on what is right or wrong? XtremeVerbatage: simple XtremeVerbatage: you can't fat clown6969: exactly. XtremeVerbatage: everyone has their own opinion on the matter fat clown6969: your right, but I belive there is a CORRECT opinion.. as odd as that sounds XtremeVerbatage: absolute truth XtremeVerbatage: or pertaining to it fat clown6969: Because I'm a christian, I belive God is arbitrary in everything, he is the only person who can unchangingly define something as vauge as an emotion fat clown6969: Even that is relative.. people have opinions on religion right? fat clown6969: so religion CANT be right if people aren't forced to agree with it RIGHT? fat clown6969: But then again, by belieiving in absolute truth, those people are WRONG because of the higher power's unyeilding omnipotence! fat clown6969: It's a viscious circle fat clown6969: heh.. mind nuke to the ****ing extreme XtremeVerbatage: LOL XtremeVerbatage: you see where I'm coming from XtremeVerbatage: :-D XtremeVerbatage: we agree XtremeVerbatage: holy **** fat clown6969: We agree and disagree at the same time.. XtremeVerbatage: agree to some extent fat clown6969: It's paradoxal XtremeVerbatage: it could destroy the universe fat clown6969: It will XtremeVerbatage: space and time are unraveling as we speak XtremeVerbatage: i'll see you in the past fat clown6969: I already saw you... in the past's future. Way back when we are going to do it. I'll be seeing you as I see you when I eventually get around to it. XtremeVerbatage: brb XtremeVerbatage: potty *isn't he adorable?* *snicker* I'm fatclown6969. I hope that sums about everything up. It was a fairly acute discussion.. nothing too all-encompassing
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Stereotyping is wrong in any way, and in now way does this topic have to do with it. The great thing about democracy is that we can express our opinions in any way. Don't forget that Sadaam is Dictator of Iraq(or was) and he could control the media in any way he wanted. A dictatorship allows you to control all aspects of a country, but that doesn't mean the people have to agree with it. And do you really think that you've had more hardships than the Iraq citizens? I'm not trying to sound like a hypocrit by disinvaluing everyone's hardships, hell I've had a lot of my own as I'm sure you all have. But the hardships In their country are beyond comparison. Even Muslim Americans have faced a lot of hardships. I'm not disinvaluing anyone's problems, I'm only giving pity. Can you not understand that? [/B][/QUOTE] Whether stereotyping is right or wrong is not the issue. It happens for a reason, and a good one at that. Re-read please. You are right, **** the basic liberties of Man, and let the dictator rule as he pleases. I really didn't care THAT much until he threatened the security of the united states. The only debate is wheter or not he did.... I have faith in our intelligence, and It's worth the risk that he DOESNT have nuclear weapons! Out of the greatest hardships came the greatest people. Take Viktor Frankyl, for example. His family almost totally perished in Nazi death camps, and he endured torture. However, he realized the fundamental freedom he had that the Nazi's could not take away. He saw them take away his family, comfort, lifestyle, and dignity, but he held on to the freedom to choose how he would react to it. He came out of the camp a stronger man, didn't let them break his spirit, and found a newfound center in his life. You keep complaining about the lifestyle in Iraq? Well, Saddam sure as hell wasn't doing anything to the better. And this argument does nothing to justify whether or not we should have made war upon Iraq. I could honestly say that if you put me in an Iraqui's situation today, I wouldn't let it break me. I would make the best of what I have, all the pity from anit-war activists isn't going to do JACK. Personally, I would spit your pity back at you.. I despise pity. Another thought came to mind.. why the hell are Pacafists trying to defend Saddam?? The irony is mind-blowing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B] Well good for you. Just don't go into the kitchen and start grabbing knives. [/B][/QUOTE] Bravisimo, probably the funniest and by far most clever thing I've ever heard you say! :laugh: That was utter burn. I wonder what kind of ointment he'll need? I think Skin Grafts are in order *passes the burn victim some ice*.. poor guy. :devil:
Writing LOTR trivia (may contain spoilers)
Drix D'Zanth replied to Radaghast's topic in Creative Works
Alfelas, or kingsfoil... I don't even need to PM, i know i'm right (ego trip!!!AGH) ;) My question is: Who is the elf that assists frodo after he is poisioned by the morgul-blade, carrying him across the Brunien River? (book version only!) -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magdalena [/i] [B]But the fact someone freaked out because someone else touched his bag is a little extreme, no? So you're saying, not to put words in your mouth, that's it's pointless to notice racism and to not do a thing about it? What about Martin Luther King, Jr? He changed many things, because he noticed something and tried to change it. [/B][/QUOTE] Extremists exist.. nothing can be done about that. Martin Luther King argued against the LAWS and injustices instated against the black population. Sure, he argued moral implications, but back then Black people were forced to go to different schools/follow jim crow/segragate..etc. I think he changed things to the point of equality. Legally, we've attained equality, no person can legally take some sort of race into question. But we cannot legally tell someone they have to hold a certain opinion. Everyone must form their own. What can we do now? Argue our opinions all we like, but the fact is we may be reversing what Dr. King wanted in the first place. If we continue to bring up skin color, whether benevolently-minded or not, we continue to bring race into the persepective as a factor. Take Affirmative Action, for example.... indirect supporter of racism. I can't tell people whether or not to be racist. I don't want anyone to have that power.
*prays* please knock out internet connections god. Heh.. I really don't think Isabelle is going to be THAT bad.. a cold air mass just hit it, lowering it's windspeed by two categories.. I think the cooler fall season will hit it, decreasing it's power.
Nothing productive can really result from a conversation as racism. It's like a means without an end, for the end is purely utopian and unattainable, despite how sad that may sound. I do encourage you to see the earlier thread, a few prolific examples and persepctives , including my own. Noticing racism, identifying racism, acussing racism doesn't do a thing. Despite everyone's best efforts, if someone is racist, they have a right to be so.. they just cannot infringe upon another's rights. Everyone is prejudice in some way or another... nuff said.
Freeza (furiza, freezer, frieza) actually sounds far more masculine in the Japanese version of DBZ. He also kicks far more ***, and says far more evil things... he's absolutely brutal to Goku. It seems like we get a watered down version of his attitude. In my opinion, freeza is the definitive form of evil in all DBZ. I can't hold Buu or Ceru (cell) to that regard as they were created.. same with the androids. Vegeta becomes good.. etc Freeza is pure, unadultered evil.
Soki-Dan= is literally "Spirit Bomb" This is Yamucha's primary attack. Funimation doesn't know what to call it because: Genkidama, or "spirit bomb" in the US is actually a miss-translation. Kiousama's infamous attack actually translates to : "Energy Ball". I guess funimation didn't know what to do. They miss-named Goku's "energy ball" as "spirit bomb" and when they had to translate Yamucha's attack.. well.. there you have it. They are entirely different techniques though.