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Drix D'Zanth

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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth

  1. And neither do you Shin, so before trying to lecture me on stereotypes, let's discuss what we have: postulations. If you are really going to get so picky on what we know and don't know, we have no reason to discuss the topic at all. Yes I'm sterotyping to an extent, but stereotypes arent created by some comittee for no definable reason, they are created by a group living up to the stereotype! Stereotyping isn't WRONG, or BAD, unless the group makes a discernable effort to change. I saw the newscasts of iraqui schools before the war, being told that America was a horrible nation. That sadaam was right. I saw the tyranny he evoked, and the terror he inflicted upon his own country. I'm not talking about mild mannerisms here, Shin, the Baath party paraded down the street dragging bodies. I sincerely doubt you have experienced their "pain". It's funny, you condemn me to generilization, at the same time generalizing their own "pain." We all experience hardships in one way or another, emotionally or physically. Let's not disinvalue people's personal journies. There' s no point in comparing eachother's pain. It's ironic how oxymoronic you sound... not an insult, just an observation... Edit: I respect your opinions, of course.. I just don't agree.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]But they are more popular. Oh, and the whole shot nine times thing. Listne, 50 Cent isn't nevre marketed that himself, its his producer. I never saw him say it himself. He really doesn't care about it. So, you can't bomb 50 about that. [/B][/QUOTE] This is a bit belated, but I don't hear 50 playing it off. He wears a bulletproof vest on stage for christ sakes. I wouldn't consider bringing up the point "bombing" 50 cent, it's a well known fact that he pisses off other gangs. He probably said that a few times, played it off. Either way, a bulletproof vest is going to raise some eyebrows, no?
  3. I know when I like to snap people to their "sences" , I shoot them...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shahi [/i] [B]I belive its the govorment paying all this money for other countrys that might just want to be left alone yet they don't have the money they need to send every one in america to collage for free but I bet you all that money the repubilcan goverment is getting could go to collage funds. all these other problems in the world and all this money is olny going in to a war that could have been prevented [/B][/QUOTE] First off.. Make some **** -ing sense. Punctuation, spelling, and grammar are your friends :). Next, college is a private establishment for the most part, why in the hell would the government pay for free college? What funds are you talking about.. tuition? You mean the government should pay for my college? That would be nice.. but... no, it spends enough already. And what money for other countries? Foreign aid?? Good idea, let's get rid of foreign aid, screw the rest of the world. The war was inevitable as long as Saddaam remained in power, we even gave him FAIR warning to step down, and cede the country to UN control for inspection...... *sigh* Why don't you just sit there and look stupid, wrather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt? - a wonderful T-shirt I noticed the other day. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]I disagree with you Drix D'Zanth. No human life should be taken away by something they're not even involved in. [/B][/QUOTE] No, I agree with you. *pop's in the taped news recordings of 9/11* You are abso****inglutely right.... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] If everyone had your attitude, the world would be a mess. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm flattered :D. A "mess" is far less harsh than the condition the world resides in today. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] No war is really justified, think about it. From the beginning of mankind to modern society, man has fought, and for what? Conflict of interest. People have always fought for what they believed in, but it's never justified. Before you judge the enemy, know your enemy and more importantly, know your enemy's enemy, that is, yourself. [/B][/QUOTE] Your right! The killing of 6 million jews was perfectly justified, right? Perhaps the death of a few thousand people at pearl harbour.. that was justified, I mean.. Japan gave us fair warning, right? Of course it's a conflict of interest. Know my enemy... well.. let's see, I know that Sadaam has no problem attempting to exterminate an entire race of people, put children into jail, and let toddlers clear minfeilds.. Thank you for coming to the realization, that by disagreeing with Saddaam's point of view, I'm the true enemy. Your wisdom astounds me. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] You have no right to criticize Iraq's current state. Would you still be so bold if you were in Iraq? Remember, think how the Iraqi citizens feel about this(not Saddam). [/B][/QUOTE] I would probably be as bold as the raging mob that happily tore down the statue of Saddam. Think about it for a moment. If you expect me to look at this through an Iraquis' shoes consider this: -They are indoctrinated to belive the united states is pure evil -They are indoctrinated to belive Saddam is a god-like figure.. something to be heralded as a great person. -They are killed if they have a difference in opinion. -Remember the Iraqui information minister? he probably spewed alot of the same BS propoganda well before the war began. So I guess the Iraqui opinion was a bit biased to begin with, don't you think? They haven't had the right to freedom of expression as you have. No open debate.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charlie Levoy [/i] [B]By what? Murdering more people? Cause that's what we're doing. Does any body agree with this method? [/B][/QUOTE] mur·der ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mûrdr) n. The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. Slang. Something that is very uncomfortable, difficult, or hazardous: The rush hour traffic is murder. A flock of crows. See Synonyms at flock1. NO premeditated malice. It was lawful in our eyes. And we did not mean to kill the innocents in the war. Stop bitching about innocents anyway, if there's any country that is least likely to kill Innocents in a war, it's the US. I agree with our war, the justifications. We are attacking a threat to our country that has been already voted in by the house and senate. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B] I also agree with your second point, but for slightly different reasons. The leaders of our country were extremely rude to the other members of the UN in the period leading up to this war. Some even commented that the UN was becoming obsolete. Many believed that we could win the war (which we did) and stabilize Iraq (which we haven't) without its assistence. Isn't it ironic that we're now crawling back to the UN, practically begging for help? And do we ever need it. When eight Iraqi policemen are accidentally killed by US troops, something's seriously wrong. Our army is simply spread too thin, and we can't afford to risk more American lives. [/B][/QUOTE] The UN is becoming obsolete. The method of solving the investigation in Iraq was pathetic. It seems that countries are taking advanatage of open debate, and claiming the lesser of two evils, hindering definitive action. The UN doesn't stand for a pillar of justice or truth anymore. We didn't slander the UN as their leaders slandered our nation. (I'll substantiate this when I find the time) And no, we aren't crawling back to the UN after this war. These soldiers should be marching with their heads held high, as they protected the freedoms of you, and your family, Daggger. And American troops aren't wandering around killing policemen, they are trying to establish a system of law, and order. After random shootings and carbombings, I'd be a bit paranoid if I saw 8 armed Iraqui's.... Careful how you word things, dagger, it almost appeared as if you demonized the US soldier there. QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Your third point is debatable. I'm not a high-ranking government official, and I haven't seen the intelligence either. I thought I should point out, though, that intelligence is never completely certain. It's a composite of semi-reliable informats, rumors, and educated guesses, as well as hard evidence. So simply because intelligence may have seemed to indicate that nuclear weapons were made in Iraq, doesn't automatically mean that they were or are definitely there. [/B][/QUOTE] The fact is, it's far riskier to NOT act, than it is to ACT. The greater good. I'd give my life for 8 other americans. I love my country that much, to the point that if it were to call upon me in an event of major war, I would accept. Nuclear weapons are fairly distinguishible. We also had records of chemical, biological, etc. We had shipping records of radioactive material from France (perhaps why they so ferverently opposed us, no?) I, like yourself, only know what I've heard... which is pretty convincing. I reiterate: it's not worth the risk that there ARE nuclear weapons. QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Finally, I'd like to thank you for giving a meaningful contribution to this debate/conversation. I may not agree with everything you've said, but it was definitely interesting to consider your point of view. [/B][/QUOTE] I thank you as well. I enjoy the exchange of ideas between us, Dagger. Keep it up :).
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]WEll, i guess with each likeliness there are those who dislike me. And whats wrong with my crowd, DRix? [/B][/QUOTE] Didn't say anything was "worng" with them. Perhaps because you came to that assumption so quickly, there is. However, if you must ask, you are not yet ready to know. It's quite self-explanitory DBD.
  7. I suppose I should jump in here and give my take on a few points. Many religions can be streched to the point where fanatics kill people in "the name of god." I agree, not all worshipper of Islam should be condemned. As for finding nuclear weapons? James put it best, i suppose. Iraq is a country about the size of California in sq. miles. Intelligence reveals that durty bombs could be manufactured in a plant about the size of a small house. Here's what I'll do, I'll go hide my nuclear weapons in a house somewhere in california, give you an army .. and you can find them. Oh yeah, I can move them to other countries, move them around my country, bury them and mark the spot with GPS. That's not fair? Tough. Get the point? I wish the world would slow down for a second and be patient, I mean we found evidence of nuclear weapons in BACK YARDS. It's going to take a long time to find something that Hussein meant to keep secret for so long. Personally, the risk of seeing a major US city go up in smoke one day is worth the destruction of a tyrannical power. Now that we've basically done that, I think we should turn the country over to the UN. I think we made the US safer today and for years to come through this action. It usually takes years after an event, for people to realize how important it was. Should countries like North Korea, or Iraq be allowed to have weapons? Nope, they can't be trusted with them! Can we? Absolutely, unless in times of dire war or nuclear attack would we ever respond in such a manner. The US has never used it's military muscle as a bargaining tool, we don't force our opinions unless they directly relate to the security of our nation (Iraq). Do I think there WERE nuclear weapons in Iraq? Yes, there was intelligence to prove that. Have I seen the intelligence myself? No. Would I want to? NO. Why? Because any studier of the history of intelligence knows that once we reveal the locations of "secret' establishments, the opposition capitalizes on the fact. It also puts the people who gathered intelligence in Iraq at risk. I'll post more.. I have to get to work
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tattoi nobori [/i] [B]From your myOtaku: Oh really?? ?_? [/B][/QUOTE] .....BURN.. Nice tattoi ;). I didn't buy his story either, but I'm no snowboarder, I'm just an olympic skiier :rolleyes:
  9. Baron Samedi, I would much rather be within your "clump" amongst the likes of Poison Toungue, Azazel, etc... than.... *looks towards the thread starter*..yeah. consider me flattered.
  10. Kanojo by far has influenced me the most. If you have not yet experienced Kanojo yet, please find the nearest Cyanide dispenser and partake of the delicious fruity combinations you can purchase from said dispenser. If you really want to know who influenced me.. rever to my previous post: New Awakenings.
  11. No I hate them. In fact.. I hate Anime. Good thing I signed up on Otakuboards!
  12. *scratches head* Uhh.. Welcome Back? I'm not sure what you would classify as "important". I'd check the event boards to find the really major stuff....
  13. [COLOR=darkred]Seeing as this will be my last post as a Newbie, and first post as a Junior Member, on Otkauboards.com, I figure that I should commemorate the event with some words of wisdom, reflection, and recognition. I think my experience on otakuboards has been more than a source of entertainment, but a source of camaraderie and friendship. I decided to take a few things into retrospect. How would I want to be known at my funeral? I figure I?ll give my opinions of other people and the status of otakuboards. Feel free to move, close, or fumble with this thread as much as you wish. If we wish to open this thread to some sort of reflection upon itself , by all means.. I would first like to point out a few individuals of special note who deserve some personal spotlight. In no particular order: [B]James[/B]- Ah, who really couldn?t love this guy? He has truly been one of the more inspirational members of otakuboards in his supreme amount of patience. James is one of those amiable persons that will happily answer any questions or concerns with a profound fountain of wisdom. You are a man of character and integrity, deserving of the full respect and love from your peers. [B]Transtic Nerve[/B]- You seem to be my polar opposite, which is perhaps one of the reasons I value your company on otakuboards so much. No other person has seemed to butt heads with me in such a fairly respectable manner. I think we have expanded our personal understandings through otakuboards. Oh, and I still stand by what I say; If I were gay, you?d be mine ;) [B]Poision Tongue[/B]- Holy? Where to begin? Alright, this guy not only tries to take every major point I make and perform some extraneously long rebuttal, he actually makes SENSE doing it. He actually argues with me effectively, revealing he?s one of the few on otakuboards that can seemingly match my wits (emphasis on seemingly, no ego trips for you). Honestly though, Poison Tounge is a great guy, who?s rough around the edges if you step on a hotbed issue, we both take extreme joy in verbally assaulting each others closest opinions. No other member on otakuboards can claim such a prize. [B]Semjaza Azazel[/B] ? This guy probably is one of the most restraint-driven persons I know. I find it amazing how he manages to deal with the immense amount of stupidity that I see on some of the otakuboards by perhaps eeking out a bit of sarcasm. I?ve talked to him a bit on AIM, and found we have a lot in common. I think I?m going to try out a few more of the bands on your winap list, Tony. Thank you so much for introducing me to my new favorite band: Nine Inch Nails. I hope we definitely get to find out what else we both have in common. [B]Raiha[/B]- *sudders * No person has ever defiled my innocence like this girl has. You have told me things about yourself that would make a preist vomit. I truly admire your self-respect and devotion to your? values. In any event, your writing is something worthy of the most premium esteem on otakuboards, and your legacy stands testament. I wonder why you aren?t a moderator? In any event, I doubt I will have to tell you this, but; stay original. [B]The Harlequin[/B]- Another of the writing GREATS on otakuboards. This guy has, from what I gathered, cracked the whip on the Adventure forums, making it one of the finest subcategories found on otakuboards? entirety. I have a profound respect for his leadership skills, and taking the discipline to where it is needed. Bravo, Harlequin. Although I haven?t had much of a chance to meet you personally, you did flatter me with interest in my vampire game, and I look forward to the development and introspection that will result from my RPG. I hope you get as much out of it as I do. Again, bravo. [B]Wrist Cutter[/B]- Ok, boys and girls, listen carefully. This man is dangerous. Stay far far away. If you are afflicted with a disease that my incapacitate your writing abilities beyond elementary school level, though comprehension, or the ability to make any coherent sense, avoid this man. If you do not understand the sarcasm in this post, honor his name and slit your wrists. Give suicide a chance. [B]Shy[/B]- Who?s my daddy? Shy?s my daddy. [B]Babygirl[/B]- Someday? someday I?ll woo her with my sonnets and piano-playing. Someday I?ll treat her to a night out on the town with a sparkling dinner, and evening of dancing. Someday we?ll learn how to tango. Someday we?ll share the company of each other, wrapped in the warmth of a loving embrace. Someday we?ll laugh at our jokes and cry at our sorrow, appreciating the simple things in life amongst the hassle of a demanding world. Someday, but until then? just keep lookin? beautiful. :blush: [B]SailorStar[/B]- I must say that her spelling and grammar are issues to work on, but this kid is damn cute. She always adds that sprinkle of insanely happy joy (bear with the redundancies) that seems to complete any thread. She?s always by far the most empathetic person on a thread, and willing to give her heart to anything. She?s probably got the purest soul on the entire board scene. Did I say how cute she was? [B]Adahn[/B]- Ok people, I know Adahn in real life. His real name is Erik and I consider him one of my BEST friends. Watch out for this one, he may appear to be a newbie, but he is leagues beyond even myself. See ya tomorrow erik! [B]Mitch[/B]- I read his stuff, some of it made me cry. This man has an artistic talent nearly unparalleled on otakuboards. I wouldn?t be surprised if someday he is published. Honestly, the works you write have inspired me, as has your work on the writing forum. Expect me to be a more regular attendee from now on. [B]Sara[/B]- Alright, I?ve got a confession to make. Everyone, I proposed to Sara a few weeks ago, unfortunately she couldn?t accept. She was so gracious about it, I resisted the urge to persist. Frankly, Sara is that center we all need. Sara provides the a stability similar to James, a stability we can all rely on. I really admire her personality, sense of humor, and overall kind heart. If James is otakuboard?s daddy, Sara is the mom. I realize that I should post so many more names, but I think I?m developing mild carpal tunnel syndrome. Expect a PM to those who I?ve forgotten, for in reality, I never have. To all who have been kind to me in any way, you have my sincerest gratitude for making otakuboards such a wonderful experience. Now allow me to comment on a few of the sub-boards of note: The Lounge- Well, I suppose this is my hangout. It?s moderated extremely well and brings up all the topics from broken bones to theories on Time. This is where I spend the most time on otakuboards for obvious reasons. Have a thought provoking revelation? Post it! Usually the feedback can give a person several different perspectives on the same topic. This is where people grow out of a self-absorbed existence, and into the real world of ideas. Adventure Arena- Some of the RPG?s are amazing (Maverick hunters) and some less than amazing ( digimon: the fallen ), and some downright terrible. The Harlequin runs a tight ship, making this place one of the finest RPG boards I?ve ever seen. I truly admire the devotion that some people put into RPGs, making them turn out to be amazing stories. I hope, nay, believe that the Vampire RPG will turn out to be an exciting experience as well. If you aren?t signed up, enjoy what people have written already, it looks to focus on an incredibly introspective tale of personal horror. I?m constantly thankful of this venue where I may create such a world. Battle Arena: I must say, the rap battles are inventive, despite some obvious flaws. However, I really want to encourage some of the better Roleplayers to re-invest into this forum. Chaos seems to be so busy, and a lot of people on the forum have let their writing fall into lax, clique writing; poor spelling, grammar, and corny lines you could quote from last years Digimon episode. I?ve worked a game with sailorstar, and hopefully this will be a learning experience for us both. I do encourage that we revitalize the older style of battling, when I first signed up. Let?s try to bring it back to the days where battles were more a war of wits than steel, where a person would describe their character being INJURED more than injuring their opponent. Instead of degrading into mildly clever ways of inflicting damage, let?s focus on the clever ways our characters nearly faced defeat. Perhaps someday, people will post their character?s death, instead of victory. Writing forum: A wellspring of creative energy. I enjoy the feedback I receive there, and find delight in reading some of the most inventive poetry and fictional stories I?ve ever encountered. I sincerely encourage use of this forum. Well, that?s about it. The media forum is nice, but I think Tony posts enough for the both of us ;). I honestly thank all otakuboards? staff and members in creating such a unique environment. So I leave you with what I have, and bid farewell to being a Newbie! [/COLOR] See you, Space Cowboy.
  14. No one has a favorite drink? No one enjoys the true value of some spectacular wines? Ugh, I didn't think of myself as the only afficionado of the finer aspects of alchohol. As for beer, I detest it, once you taste a fine burbon, the swelling of the pallate as your sinuses fill with the overwhelming fumes. It's just an enjoyable experience. I belive getting drunk only subdues the flavor, the overall enjoyment of a drink. Oh yeah.. one more post before I'm Junior Member :)
  15. I broke the clavicle (collar bone) as well. It was in my Junior year of High School. A good amount of friends and I got together to go sledding. Well, I wasn't the biggest guy, pretty light , aerodynamic etc. You see, In west michigan, we don't really sled on puny hills. West Michigan has these immense (200ft) sand dunes that get covered in snow. So our friends would barrel down these gigantic , nearly vertical , slopes. One particular slope had a bit of a jump at the end, nothing major, just a bump. The trick was, people slowed down on the way down.. they would use their feet or hands to create a bit of drag, instead of losing control. Well, I'd not sledded down the hill, and I wanted to go as fast as possible. I took the fastest sled from a friend of mine, and went down the hill, angling my body to create absolutely NO wind resistance. "Slow down! Dude slower!" the exhaspirated cries of my peers barely reached my ears by the time I was at the bottom. You remember the little hill I was talking about? Well, at high speeds, this little hill sent me flipping in the air, head over heels for a few seconds. The world seemed to go in slow motion, until, *CRUNCH*. My body seemed to drop.. as if I was wightless for one second, and a two ton dumbell the next. I thought I had broken my neck, as my whole body tingled. Slowly I got up, the breathing painful, and realized I couldn't move my shoulder. I toughed it out the rest of the night, suprisingly. I finished my friends birthday party, watching movies until about 1:30 am, at which time we all left home. Boy , it was uncomfortable.. not a horrible pain. The injury didn't dehabilitate me all that much, and a few weeks of wearing a sling I was all better. You know, I would do it all over again. Sometimes people have to take risks like these. It was both a good memory, and a learning experience. Now I know to be more cautious as I sled down 200 foot snow-covered vertical dunes. :D
  16. 15, I think. I could list them off if you want. PM me if that's right and I'll edit my post with a question Edit: Seems I got it right. My question is: What is the ancient race that destroyed the Uruk Hai as they fled from Helm's deep?
  17. My prayers are with you and your family. I think it's an absolute miriacle to survive a head on crash , especially in a freeway environment. It could have been alot worse. My heart truely goes out to your family, and I am honestly happy that you are still alright. I've been rear-ended before, and the whiplash hurt like hell. I can honestly say that you are one lucky guy ;). My prayers go out to you.
  18. (Dokeuishi's plot) Cars whizz by, leaving streaks of sound, in the distance from the alley, you hear echos of men who made it, clawing their way over a mountain of flesh. Softly, almost enchantingly, a light sound drifts across your drunken hulk. It's a soft tune, melodious in it's brevity, the feeling of it seems to envigorate you, and for a moment the world seems a calmer place. As you look up, you notice a man facing you. He is dressed in fineries, a nice suit with an overcoat to shut out the cold. He smiles at you with strangely pale lips, "I saw your work, it inspired me to write this." He extends a leather clad hand slowly, "Walk with me?" Embarrassment floods your body as you look up towards him. Thoughts flood your mind, 'why is he being so kind'? 'What does he want'? 'Is he going to mug me'? Yet, as your hand embraces his... the world seems like a safe place again, and you feel safe...
  19. Can I just develop this topic into people's favorite drinks? Obviously, this will refer to people who can legally drink , or handle drinking maturely. Personally I'm fond of the Lagavoulin Scotch. Aged 16 years. My dad bought some in scotland, and we shared a glass.. it was superb, a rich taste, almost like cedar. I enjoyed that drink immensly. I am also fond of Lemoncello. It's an italian drink made on the island of Capri, off the cost of Italy (sorrento). The drink is very thick, and meant to be sipped chilled in a chilled glass. Stunning drink, really. Bleu d Bleu, a spumanti from somewhere in tuscany. Something was added to it (not a dye) to give it a blue hue. The drink was almost addicting, I couldn't help but ask for several glasses. Not extremely refined, more of a fun dessert wine. How about yours?
  20. I'm glad you came to some sense, the problem is it took you some idiotic action like submitting to pressure and drinking at 14. Alchohol is illegal because of irresponsible people. I think if we stopped making alchohol such a HUGE part of our existence, and getting wasted a constant fad. I enjoyed a few sips of wine here and there for special occasions as a kid, but I never felt the pressure to go out and get wasted until people would insult me for it. "Oh, I'm a ***** because I don't want to vomit up dinner? My mom cooked Lasagna, I love lasagna, don't make me puke up lasagna for you self-absorbed materialistic approach to life." Tell your friends they need to get a hobby. Call me an ***, but drinking is really overrated nowadays. Hanging out with friends who like to waste time drinking is probably more of a waste of time than the act itself. Spare yourself the misery, find new friends. Plus, it's illegal. What the hell are you thinking? Don't be an idiot and drink. Period.
  21. I find the natural accoustics of a shower are the best place to refine my Bel Canto technique (you know, the sarah briggtham, andrea bochelli technique, etc). I like to sing opera hits like "Ave Maria" or "Nel Cor Piu Non Mi Sento". Sometimes I sing nice musical songs like "I have dreamed" from the King and I. The problem is, while the music has a discernable taste, my college roomates don't enjoy it.
  22. The players thus far: Eclectic- Alanna Murdock Ars_Magicae - Alan Batim The Harlequin- Kattarin Alekseyevich Doukeshi03- Jerith Arkum Adahn- Gristle (mortal name was John Staborn) [B]Prelude: Crimson Requiem [/B] "How did it start?", the figure seemed cast in stone as he recalled the events of a previous decade, "I don't really know. 1997, 1992, November 20th, all dates of embrace, all times of great strife. The dates slip, usless when a clock bears no meaning to you." The darkened figure looked towards his convesur, "I can tell you their stories." The young man looked up, frightened, "You mean to tell me they existed? Vampires?" His eyes grew wide, never had he seen a man with such a refined aire. The silhouette leaned forward, his face seemed pale in the firelight. His marbelized visage seemed corpreal, decrepit, somehow fallen in it's glory. No wrinkles, no crowsfeet, just the eyes. Only the determinated gaze of this ancient creature gave away it's true age, years of wandering with abstaining guidance. His name was Beruguard Du Mallies, and he is a vampire. "As I've said, times only grow more difficult as the years pass by. The days of prancing around estate du Marquise and picking off from the juicy upper class are gone. We must be more subtle in our appearance now," He leaned back, shadow covering his face but for luminescent eyes. "I heard the stories, Theo Bell, Anatole, vampires who's legacies will never be echoed within the tomes of mortal history. I learned their stories, the one's who changed it all" The boy's hand's quivered as he began to account the tale on a cheap notepad. Never could he have imagioned the childhood tales true, the vampires prowling the night, supernatural beings. "Yes," the ancient one leaned into the soft velvet, "I remember their stories quite acutely." --------------------------------- The night was young in New York City. By this time, the city had aged like a Merlot, the darkened texture of archaic buildings, husks of centuries past, peforated by the cold steel of modern nights. Everything was black, dark, almost a shadow unto itself, as it rose from the ground in starless nights. City lights would drown out the light from above as humans claimed the sky from God. Nothing but a Gotham, a world of pure darkness, where kindness was as rare as seeing one of those glittering angels adorning night's grace. We never lived in a world ruled by Vampires, they always kept the Masquerade. Secretly the wars between rival sects, between rival clans raged. Slowly, as the despots would rot in vats of their own piglike fat, and hookers laced themselves with more drugs than a cancer patient, the world began to tear itself apart. New York seemed like a beacon of hope to the superficial humans, a place where their lives could burn like a flickering candle, where they had the chance, while remote, to etch their name into societie's adamant halls. Vampires. The name seemed to echo true at that time, the shadowy dogma that escaped the guttoral utter of each ensuing victim. The fact remains, the masters of the night did exist. They spent more time in their Baroquial homes than the crumbling alleyway, but that is beyond the point. Their stories will fade like the sands of immortality, and they will all be consumed by each's inner beast. All of the participant's were embraced in the same time of year, something about the "Sabbat war packs" being mentioned, I forget. However, the Camarilla, a sect of vampires devoted to protecting our undead existence, had been mounting resistance. It seemed as if a great seige was in the making. Crime cooed, traffic drifted, people emulated the buildings they devoted themselves to, walking aimlessly, swimming in their own dellusions of grandeur. The calm before the storm. I remember them discussing their last night of mortality, their last night of knowing freedom from their own conscience.... OOC: You will now describe a bit of what you are doing in your last night while mortal, I'll explain how the vampires embrace you one by one. Raiha, don't post yet, we have to work more out in PM, I figure we will introduce you later as a special character.
  23. Sure Erik. I'm going to start the game soon. I've got to work out some things with Raiha, I'm going to RP through PM with her for a little bit. I think I remember the sheet , but that's ok , I do the rolling for you.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adahn [/i] [B]I've had one dream twice, but only when I had some sort of weird, feverish feeling, like I was sort of sick, but not. Anyway I'm on a white plane (not an airplaine, kind of like a plane of existence) and there is a big black glob. I have an opponent, or if not that, then some sort of resistance. There are three consciousnesses (referees/judges?) that I can't really perceive except for that they are different and they communicate. The object of the "game" was to push the glob around mentally, trying to move it to one side or the other, or split it, or combine it. I don't really know the rules, just that there were some while I was dreaming, and I knew what I had to do. "I" wasn't touching the glob, but I willed it to move against the will of my resistance, and it seemed to go on for a long time. I don't know if I "won" or not, because it was a long time ago. At the time I had it, I was in my early teens, and it was indescribable. I knew it was weird, though, really, really weird. [/B][/QUOTE] That's insane. Have you been practicing for the VtM game? I'm joking, I think this has been the most profound dream I've ever heard before. I am truly impressed.
  25. OOC: I sent a PM for Gene's message, so anyone posting from here on, pretend that Gene hasn't posted this (not insultingly, just for cohesion sake). It's the fact that T-man forgot Rika, a big boss, a set of huge spell enchanted doors, and a nice flight of stairs is in their way of "stumbling onto" Trilby. -------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkred] As V'sh'thou came through the rip in darkness, he noticed the other two adventuruers. They glanced, trying not to act as suprised as they possibly were, v'sh'thou didn't care, "I suppose we can all work [I]together[/I] when the threat presents itself?" He looked at the group, and in particular Gene, who sat there with a grin of self-assurance. The shadowlord let out a gutteral hiss, "Let's put even the agenda of Trilby aside if we care to save her, I shall let you all lead on, this is your trial. Do not Fail". He let his words echo down the ornate hallways of the enemy. V'sh'thou searched the areas breifly for the several locations of shadows he could use. Ominously, Trilby's screams drifted from directly ahead. [I] Were they recent, or are they echos of this night's horrors? [/I] [/COLOR]
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