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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]You have proof of this, I hope? And my name is KnightOfTheRose, not Double_B_Daigo. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, the fact that you even ask this question is proof enough. Listen, by asking him for proof, I'm assuming that you have the answer? Surely you couldn't be claiming some sort of rebuttle agaisnt his point when you yourself cannot claim any point of veiw with some sort of fundamental evidence? You cant? Oh, that's right, we found 2 fossilized bacteria on Mars. Yup, they (attempted to) comprehended the complexities of the universe as we did. Plus, give him a break, he's new. Next, my thoughts on the topic. I think the human body is an amazing peice of life. I belive it's absolutely beautiful in it's workings, a literall artwork on a molecular scale, and artistic machine. I belive what makes the human vastly superior to other earthly creatures is our idea of Humanity, and the structures resulting from. I belive we are designed by god individually, and amazing gifts. I belive he's endowed us with a mind and soul unlike anything else on the planet. Granted, we all have our flaws. But Knight of the Rose, I personally consider the way our neurtransmitters fires in a spectacular fashion every day, or perhaps the way our heart can continue to contract for 24/7 while subsiding on simple materials is VASTLY more complex than a supernova. I understand the supernova involves ALOT more mass, and it's a wonderful big explosion that may one day condesne into more stars, or implode into a black hole. Well, these patterns are actually reletively simple, thermodynamics really. It's not the size that counts ;) On a humor note, I think Alpha Centuri was totally pissed when Sirus B dumped him yesterday, he was throwing up a firestorm! :P ---Edit--- I forgot to mention this. I belive what the bearer of this thread (sorry forgot to check who :blush: ) has experienced a paradigm shift. It's amazing that no other creature in known existence has had this possibility, and it is a beautiful event in itself. For those who don't know what i'm talking about, a paradigm is a veiwpoint, a shift of paradigm is similar to the "AH! I FINALLY GET IT" sensation. It's amazing how much humanity can comprehend, or attempt to comprehend. I think that the attempt at comprehending infinity, while futile, is easily as noble as understanding some of the mechanisms of the human body. I like it when people realize what they take advanatage of , and enjoy a moment of reflection. I enjoy it as well. Keep up the good discussion!
This is called a Paradigm Shift (I'll be writing more later so this isn't considered spam, I'm just VERY busy )
It is a white wolf rip off, in fact White wolf is suing Underworld on several accounts. Acutally upon seeing the preview, I thought this was a white wolf movie. I personally agree with the lawsuit, the similarities between what I've seen in the previews and the White Wolf game are just too precise. Either someone was influenced by the popular RPG, or they just plagarized most of it. But I'll see the movie anyway, Beckinsdale is very very attractive. I think this links to the lawsuit [url]www.gamingreport.com/article.php?sid=10015 [/url]
I think if i had to talk to someone for twenty minutes, I'd get a bit annoyed too. I need to be able to do more than just.. uhh sit... and uhhh talk. But in all seriousness, I think that you should just be yourself, if you are outgoing, well then go talk to some people. At least make your presence known to the people you would relate too and I'm sure they will take some interest in you, after a while you will probably have friends. Find something that you can relate to with them. Offer to hang out with them, invite them to your house, do whatever you would be willing to comfortably do. Eveuntally you'll find people who's relationships won't be judged on how much you talk about, or getting annoyed by talking. You will probably find someone who likes talking, or likes to be quiet. Either way, you don't have to judge the quality of your friendship on what you talk about (not that you do, just a little tidbit). Well, I hope I helped. Heck you seem like a guy I could relate to from what I've read. Despite our differences in opinions, so find someone like me. Better yet, find someone that idolizes me (they're everywhere) and befriend them. It may be "fools gold" but, you'll feel rich nonetheless :D
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Drix D'Zanth replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark king [/i] [B]the emotion that i would erase would be emptyness. explanation: simply because emptyness is that you are missing a verry important thing in your life. eventually it leads to an uncontrolable greed, and hunger. you wan`t something that badly but you can`t reach it. it`s verry frustrating, i know. [/B][/QUOTE] I belive that emptiness in some situations is good, its a peace from all the busy of the world, whether good or bad. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B] To ignore the [i]theory[/i] is to breed ignorance, and that isn't a good thing, to simply dismiss it because it conflicts with your own ideas is stupid really. [/B][/QUOTE] It's not a theory, perhaps by definition, but my scientific method it is not. In order to have a theory, you must be able to conduct an experiment in a controlled environment. You cannot take a species, and change it into another species, it isn't possible. Therefore evolution (macroevolution ) is a "Model", only possible through the application of "faith". I mentioned this at the beginning of the article. I understand there is a theory of MICRO-evolution, yes, but they don't [B]just[/B] teach microevolution in schools, do they?
If you could be anyone? who would you be
Drix D'Zanth replied to XC SpydeR's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I think I'd like to be Peter the Apostle, or at least have a spirit likened unto him. Other than some anointed church father, I can think of no one else I'd rather be. Though, I am not much satisfied with myself currently, there's no one else or me to be. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] Oh! Good choice Justin. I would probably pick Paul though. I love the book of Acts. Personally, the idea of being a Martyr, however sad, seems attractive. Call me morbid, but I would love to die for God (if it was my time adorned by Him, of course.). Paul is a figure that I look up to, as my story of redemption is very similar in it's essence. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Once Upon A Mattress? Oh dear God. The show is so horrible...I suffered through it in high school. My least favorite show I've ever done. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh god, mine too. I hated playing a naive whiny little prince boy. It was very annoying. However, our drama director is not one where you would question the genius to her insanity. I played the part without complaint, more or less, and the show turned out pretty well. I wish I had been born a year earlier, then I would have been JUST in time for fiddler on a roof. Gah, and I've got such a strong bass voice!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]I've always wanted to go on a big road trip with some friends; I think that would be a lot of fun to do. I would pick up some random people from across the country (probably OB-ers) and we would just travel some tourist destinations randomly. I've always wanted to visit [url=http://www.metropolischamber.com/index.html]Metropolis, Illinois,[/url] [url=http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/AZGREtitan.html]a Titan II missile silo,[/url] and [url=http://pages.prodigy.net/vaporware/alien.jpg]Area 51.[/url] Also, we would get to see some of the larger cities, and perhaps learn something about the rest of America. Yeah, it's corny, but I love it. Anyone want to come along? Jenna seats five... -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] OOO OOO! can I come? Hehe, now I know why I joined a fanclub devoted to you ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]I thought that some fella's stole the double helix structure from Marie Curie. Maybe I am wrong. At school on Monday I will come back to this thread, because I have a cool book there all about medical stuff. Is gross. :p [/B][/QUOTE] The book sounds like fun. I did a report on Marie Curie about 3 years ago, she discovered a few elements apparently, and helped understand radiocative materials. Some of her research was instrumental in the creation of the X-Ray (machine, not the actual ray). She was the first person to ever win 2 nobel prizes. The only problem was that her work killed her. The two elements she worked with and discovered, radium and polonium, ended up killing her through radiation poisioning. She actually would handle the dangerous materials without very much protection at all! Talk about a person dedicated to his/her work.
Hmm. I suppose I could post my thesbian resume: -I got the male lead my Sophmore year in "Guys and Dolls" -I got the male lead my Junior year in "The Music Man" -I got the male lead my Senior year in "Once upon a Matress" My school had a fall play, and spring musicals. Those are the musicals. As for fall plays: -Lead in hamlet and -Freshman year: baliff in "the night of january 16th). It was my first role ^_^ I'm not tooting my horn or anything, i guess i just like acting. I get a rush from standing up there and making the crowd laugh or cheer. I owe my voice to my mom, and singing all the time as I grew up. I guess it was my little niche. Well, that's all I've done. I've yet to take advantage of any theatre events at my college.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Drix - I don't think you've interpreted the bible or this topic correctly. It was a sequence of events that eventually led to adam and eve, not random misaligned stories. No it was not sequential at all, this is a known fact that is supported by records in Rome and other places with documentation from that time. (Or rewrites of such documents.) [/B][/QUOTE] I can see we are off to a good start. Next time before giving me some random reference to Roman records, give me a reference. Some weblink or book, before touting it as "fact". Unless you have gone to rome and seen the records yourself ;). As for the valitdity of the records, you are asking people their INTERPRETATION of the Bible. Why bother writing an intepretation when you agree with the current dogma? I belive the 'records' you speak of, if they exist, may be thoughts or possibilities envisioned by theologists at the time. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]See what I mean? It is because of fundamentalist views that the bible is absolute truth that it has been projected to people as a series of events when they were just the two leading theories on how the world (which was flat at that time my I remind you according to the bible) was created at the time the books that finally made up the bible we known today were written. Please now that you know this stop quoting your own opinion with out knowing some amount of basic background to the bible it's self. (Eg. You?re not going to win this part of the argument because I think the people that made the bible know better than you.) [/B][/QUOTE] The bible never says the earth is flat. That was assumed by MEN, not told by God. While people were considered "heathenous" for disputing the Pope's perception of the world and it's shape, this is not because God told them to. As for Absoulte truth, well, the Bible says "thou shalt not kill", that's about as absolute as you get. No bible will say "thou shalt kill". If you don't belive in some form of absoulte truth, what do you belive in? The only option is relative truth, where the human mind and opinions are all their independent 'absolute' thruths. We've seen how trusting the mind of man is, so I'll refer back to a source of wisdom far more profound and absolute than Mr. Cloricus here. Side note: Don't you love it when people think a civil debate is considered an "argument", where one person is intended to "win" such argument? I sure do ;). Kid, get over yourself , and understand this for what it is: an exchange of ideas with critical intepretation. Let's not force our critical intepretation as fact. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Really I'm sick of the constant arguing about this topic, the Christians mainly want their thing tourt and people who believe in fact want their ideas tourt. [/B][/QUOTE] Solution: Don't argue, discuss. I'm not quite sure how to "tourt" anything (flips through a dictionary). Don't forget that Christians belive their "thing" is fact. Don't fall into redundancy here, kiddo. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]The Christians that normally get into this mis-interpreted the whole thing and some of them even compromise and have an out come like Drix up there which I find utterly disgusting, not only do they dis others idea's they modify them to what they want and then call it a theory that is better than both. [/B][/QUOTE] I love this. After turning our debate into a supposed "argument, claiming i "quote my own opinion" (what the hell is that supposed to mean?), (in the following paragraphs) calling my religious views "stupid", and clearly claiming his opinions as "fact" (multiple times); he says that [B]I[/B] "dis" other's ideas. And I'll have you know I'm not modifying the bible, I think that the complexity of the world is far too great to be attributed to anything less than something immaculate or divine. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Then you have scientists who are so busy laughing at Christians because they are believing a story that a guy who thought the earth was flat wrote a few thousand years ago that they don't address creationism better and leave them selves open to attacks which brings us to this whole damn big circle again. [/B][/QUOTE] I like this one. You realize that the only reason science is around today is because people belive in fairly [I] unbelievable[/I] events? Think of it, gravity wasn't realized as a definable force until the renaissance(sp..)! Let's see, apparently this "guy" that wrote this "story" (for the less astute, i belive he is referring to God influencing people through his Spirit to write the Bible), don't adress creationism bettter, leaving themselves to "attacks". I'm not sure what you were on when you wrote this, but get me a perscription! I don't think any of the arguments of creationism are open to "attacks" as it is a mute effort anyway. Creationism cannot be proven or disproven. On another note, dont use run on sentences. You are no Cormac McCarthy here , buddy. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Frankly the creationism story from my religion is stupid, I would have a hard time convincing any realistic person that it?s was true and happened. Then again evolution is so incomplete it can collapse in on it's self when you try and explain it, this I'm sure will be fixed with future research and smart people have a pick at it. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for insulting my beliefs. You think creationism is "unreasonable?". Try convincing me the reason to these common evolutionary principles: -Despite any rhyme or reason, there is a Big Bang. Nothing is recorded before this, because we have no way of understanding why this could possibly happen. -Despite the extremely necessity for the PERFECT distance from the son, and somehow the right mix of molten lava and asteroid dust, water condenses on earth. (Yah, I know i'm exaggerating with "asteroid dust" but you get the idea) -Despite the severe complexity, millions of particles, and need for nearly percise order to FUNCTION , RNA/DNA forms from nothing. Note here, there is no way to support the fundamental genetic material responsible for producing life. -Desipite the fact that it would take hundreds of thousands of carbon molecules to form some sort of organism to support this DNA, it all happens through a random lightning strike on a pool of inorganic material. This material survives on a world about as harsh as venus. -Despite the fact that according to fundamental evolution principles, most organisms mutate and evolve through competition, this seems to mutate for no apparent reason, but to mutate, somehow RANDOMLY mutating into an organism that utilizes oxygen. Listen, while I don't belive in this, I'm not going to say that it's wrong. It's a difference of opinion, something requiring faith, not even a theory, but a Model. I suggest you and your "scientist" buddies stop laughing at my beliefs and try to answer this scrutiny. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]So really none of you can be right, you can't prove a god so you can't prove creationism. But you can prove evolution and I'm sure if it is right it will be proved or adopted as factual some time in the near future and to me it sounds like the best bet at the moment and well if it's wrong well it's better than the 2000 years where no one was allowed to question the creationism theory. [/B][/QUOTE] That's funny, after calling your opinion "fact", laughing at my beliefs, and insulting my intelligence, you suddenly reverse your role to neutral-omniscent. OOPS! Never mind. Even after saying "none of you can be right" (you are refering to both models, I belive), you suddenly decide that evolution will be "proved (i think it's spelled 'proven') or adopted as factual". How do you adopt something as factual without proving it? The two are mutally exclusive, and your entire paragraph is a big oxymoron. (special emphasis on the "moron") Actually the most recent time I believe questioning the creationism "theory" was 1782 (off the top of my head) , when the US constitution ratified that all men have freedom to speech and religion, ironically, unaliably endowed by their "Creator". [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]So evolution and believable theories should be reviewed and be added into the syllabus as required by unbiased people if possible. Or you could just move to Australia where we have a decent school system and you can believe what ever the hell you want as long as you pay attention is classes. [/B][/QUOTE] I like living in the USA, it's a nice country :D. As for your final statment, I suppose it's odd that you seem to be saving face. You decide to bash creationism ideas, then suddenly have a turn around and say both should be added to the syllabus. It's funny when I see people who have all the time in the world to write up well-thought rebuttles and opinons, and evidence to support those opinions. Yet, they choose to post crap like this. *sigh* Good thing people like James and Baron Samedi are posting on this thread. ----------------------------- [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]I must say first of all, that this is another worthwhile, but pointless discussion. There is no point to this. People can say "God made the Earth and Man" people can say "Mankind evoloved" But there is very little, consistent evidence to back up either. There is more going for "Mankind evolved" than there is for "We just appeared when God made us". I may be slightly ignorant on this subject, at my distinct lack of Chritianism (apologies, I know this isn't only Christianity) but wasn't Eve created from Adam's Rib? Or something. And Men and women have the same number of ribs. Hell, this might not be relevant, but Yeah... Anyway, this is about whether it should be taight in school (intelligent design). Religious people may find it their 'duty' to spread the word of the Bible, but they should not be, or more correctly, others should not have to hear it if they do not want to. It works both ways, but here is my reasoning. People who want to, learn about 'how the world was created' from many different sources, Generally Bible or Church. If it was not taught at schools, than how would that theory (Evolution) get out? Where would we find out about it? If I wanted to learn about Creatonism, I can easily find out from Christians or the Bible. If I want to learn about Evolution, I go to school. All views have a right to be expressed, until one is proven right. But there are places for it to occur. Perhaps they could have 'Evolution' as an extra part. People can give that a bye on Moral or religious grounds, if they so wish to, rather than having to learn about it. It (Evolution) should be taught, as school is a proper place fir it to be taught at, as Church is the place for 'Creationism'. In the end, the beauty of the religious belief, is that it can not be disproven because who is to say that God wasn't of a scientific frame of mind, and made it so. Who is to say that a force does not make the necessary changes for 'evolution' of a species possible. But, on the flip-side, Who is to say there is a force. Another unprovable argument, that generates some truly interesting, but fruitless, discussion. Unprovable. Because, Science is fighting an uphill battle, because the 'God' group has many things to fall back on, because God may have been a scientist. In the End which is true does not overly matter to most people, only that they should have the chance to learn both (or all theories/ideas). Evolutionism should be taught at schools in my opinion, because where else are they going to find out about it? Church for Creationism, School for Evolutionism. They both have a place, and to my mimd, while I do not believe in God, I do not refute, as there is no proof of either. So should all keep an open mind, whether they believe or not. Because, never forget: You could be wrong. It all comes down to Faith, in the argument of Life.[/B][/QUOTE] I would acutally like to thank you Baron Samedi, you have proven to , once again, provide one of the more reasonable and well substantiated opinions in this topic (breath of fresh air considering my last rebuttle). I agree with you, except you must realize that people aren't given the option to ignore, evade, or otherwise not-learn evolutionism/darwinism in our school without a substantial effect upon their grade. You aren't bound by law to attend church, however you must attend highschool. I remember back when I was in highschool, and I felt that it seemed biased, and unfair that only one of these 'models' was being taugh. As you have aptly put it, it all comes down to Faith. I resent being taught a faith-based philosophy, without the option of the next.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]All right hen. War is caused by greed and predjudice. But he only war i ever agreed with was the War, that i know many are gonna hate me for, but i actually, semi agreed with. But thats cuz i saw it in an american soilders point of veiw. Its cuz it was obviious soem one had to take out Saddam Hussien. The guy was a pshycotic torturous, dictator. No one else had the perverbial balls to take him on, so Bush and Britain took charge for it. Beleive me, my dads in the army and he gets pretty well informed about it. But other than that, War is created by greed and prejudice. Like the holy crusades, the WWs and the Civil War. And the Revolutionary War. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you on the Sadaam war. But you do not agree with the other wars? I mean, WW2 was just as much greed, and prejudice as The war in Iraq. Hitler and Sadaam both killed LOTS of their own people because they hated the ethic differences. The war against Iraq is most definately perpetuated by Iraqui hatred for the US. I think you may be misunderstood. I would hope you agree with wars like the Revolutionary or WW2, especially if you lived in the US. These wars are the reason you live with the freedoms you posess today. However, I understand the possibility you may be confused. You think that the united states fought the rev. war, civil war, etc against hatred and greed. At least I hope you think that. But the same is true for Operation: Iraqui Freedom. You just seem to have the sides mixed up ;). Unless of course you belive the US was fighting a greed, or prejudice-induced war against the German people... in which case... well... :rolleyes:
I disagree. Love is never really a cause for war, direct or indirect. You seem to find a bit of paradigm in the fact that people in war may fight for things they love, but when talking about a war's [I]cause[/I] it's usually a reversal on that personal state. Think about it, you don't start war because you want to protect something you love, you start war because you hate whats threatening what you love. Think WW2, germany invaded poland for love? Sure, they probably LOVED the new land, idea of conquest, and morale of the german machine. However, love would not be the cause of the war. The emotion is far too specific towards the individual and not the war itself, far too indirectly. And when you think about it, almost every single emotion expressed by humanity could be a direct or indirect cause to war. Pick an emotion, any emotion, and one can easily manipulate some aspect of the soldier or war's purpose around it. So I belive the discussion isn't all that suprising, if anything, perhaps it brings to realization that not all war turns people into lust, loot-induced animals seeking to slake their thirst for blood, but predominately to protect their fundamental characters and the emotions that accompany such.
Here's the tough reality here Hells Fire. If you have sex with her, and : -her parents find out. and/or -you break up with her and/or -she doesn't really want to, before during or after the actual process and/or -someone finds out and/or -either of you admit to it. You will go down for Statiatory Rape. Not good at all, you will probably end up for a few years in a state prison, or fed institution. Don't have sex, or if you do, make it so damn good that she wouldn't dare bring up charges. ;)
[COLOR=crimson]"Why?", V'Sh'Thou reinterated Trilby's question. His soft, pallid, lips curling into an enlightened grin, his eyes beaming with darkness, he switched his gaze towards Hikage. His eyes narrowed slightly, "Simple.", her replied, "because you cannot fail." He stroked Trilby's cheek softly, "No my friends, I cannot let you fail. You must master the elements you so earnestly hold dear, and I shall help you. But you must drop the melodrama." He glared at Hikage upon mentioning [I]melodrama[/I]. "I shall return you both now. Expect to see me again, I shall always be watching." With the final words, the shadows drew apart, like smoke clearing a fan. Trilby could feel her normal breath returning to her. The shadow had gone, as had the chair, table, candles, everything. They now stood at the place where trilby was drawn into the void, under a dree, drenched in it's willowy shado. Hikage helped Trilby to her feet, she now knew that this shadow master was no enemy, perhaps he would become their greatest ally. [/COLOR]
Heh, actually I decided it would be better to leave the sequel alone, I'm writing another story. It's very tragic, but love induced. The tragedy of a life of damnation. Less of a scizophrenic point of view in the new story coming soon.
[COLOR=darkred] V'sh'thou felt the presence of another faint in the distance, " Looks like you have valuable friends, this limits our time ." He swiveled her chair to face him as he paced slowly, wrather, slithered like an evening shadow, slowly across the obsidian floor. "You have to realize that I am not here to harm anyone. I tested you and you reacted like children!" he grew spiteful, "I swear, with great power comes responsibility, and you don't just lock ANYONE up in an energy cage! I get ahead of myself.." regaining his composure, "As time is limited I'll make this short, I want to give you a chance. I want to enlighten you with my wisdom, I want to protect you from every shadow, but you must grow in your own mastery. I want to teach you how to master the element, how to grasp it within your fingers and manipulate it like the sound of your voice, like the thoughts shaping your mind." He let his shadowy tendrils support Trilby as she suffered the effects of a foreign realm, "In a few moments you will be returning to your realm, and unable to reach me. I want you to tell them, for me. Tell them I am not here to hurt you, that I am here to help you, perhaps in time, the trust shall be formed. Until then, I give you the opportunity to a single question. What question might you have that i might answer?" He crooked a sadowy eyebrow, letting his innocent features shine as he looked up towards the blue chandoleir. He sat, waiting for Trilby to compose herself. The presence would be here soon. [/COLOR]
First off, I don't know how to "rite" anything to someone, or what "loive" is. I'm sure you and she should consider the fact that you are only, what, 16? You have maybe experienced 1/6th or less of your life and you think you can comprehend the mysteries of TRUE LOVE? I think you two should make like any typical adolescent couple and part ways, attempt being friends, but you kind of asked for it by putting a relationship before a friendship. This is an experience issue here, the best advice I can give is to grow from the experience. Some day you will understand how profound real love is. Until now, you are just discovering these feelings for possibly the first time. If she wants to get together with you, fine, if not, there is really not much you can do about it. Also , don't hold it against yourself that she thinks you are annoying. Do NOT CHANGE. It's part of growing up, and It's just as much her fault for not communicating this with you earlier. Approach her, reach out to her. If anything, bring the issue between you out in the open (not literally, I'm talking about not boxing in your feelings, talk to eachother). If anything, you will be saved alot of pain by bringing the issue to close, breakup or makeup, saving you both a lot of stress. These are special relationships , I know, I'm not trying to de-value them. Just do not take them too seriously.
[COLOR=darkred] V'sh'thou stopped almost suddenly, the ichor of darkness began to echo around them. He was at his home deep within the bowels of the shadows. He noticed the mortal he had been escorting seemed to shake. Nervousness? Shock? V'sh'thou watched her drift in and out of conciousness, slowly he shaped the world around him into a faux of the mortal realm. With a snap shadows formed chairs, a room, desks, flickering blue flame that cast their light like inverted shadows, the room seemed to ripple like calm water. He set her softly upon a chair, letting his figure drip from the floor upwards , taking the shape of the teenaged boy. "Wake up, please.", he asked bluntly, she blinked. "Welcome to my realm, you need not fear your existence, the shadow is quite hard to get used to, I'm actually surprised by your fortitude, most people are fairly unconscious by this time. I suppose that makes things earlier for the both of us." he raised an eyebrow, "I'm assuming you are wondering why I've brought you here." [/COLOR]
Well if ANYONE knows me enough, they know I LOVE vampires. Here's a short story I wrote a while ago, probably nothing I would continue. It's about vampirism from a very personal beginning. Anyone who's signed up for my RPG might want to read this. I'll post a new story sometime soon. I'm working on another. ---- [B] Obsidian Awakenings, Crimson Dreams [/B] ---- Blood. That's the first thing I remember. A lot of blood. Don't laugh. Do you think I don't know how cliché that sounds? Yeah, yeah - vampire, blood, the whole dramatic nine yards. Well, **** you. This is my story, and I'm telling it the way I remember it. And the first thing I remember is blood - more than I've ever seen before. At least, I think it's more than I've seen before. I woke up, I guess. I was covered in blood. Not mine, I don't think, since I didn't have any cuts or anything. And I didn't see any bodies, either - so I'm not sure where it came from. All I know is that it was everywhere. In my hair, in my eyes, under my fingernails... my clothes were soaked with it. Splashed all over the walls and pooling on the uneven basement floor. It was starting to congeal, I think, but I don't know. I'm no doctor. Strange thing was, I didn't seem to mind so much. In fact... I couldn't help thinking it smelled terrific. I suppose I should feel bad about that, but I didn't. I do feel bad about not feeling bad, so maybe that counts. To be honest, I don't really care. I've got enough problems without questing into my own psyche to explore how I feel about not minding being soaked in blood. I never put much stock in that pyschobabble crap anyway. So, there I am... covered. Dripping. I must have looked like a homicidal maniac home from a hard day's work. But I had bigger problems to deal with, so I guess I didn't really think too much about it. What bigger problems? Good question. I was getting to that. I was in a strange place. At least, I think it was a strange place. I don't remember ever seeing it before. Not too big a help, since I don't really remember anything. I've figured out my name is Lucas. Well, either that or I stole a library card from someone named Lucas. It's as good a name as any other, I guess, and it's better than saying 'I don't know' when someone asks my name. Not that anyone has yet. It took me a few minutes to get my bearings. It was really strange. I felt dizzy and wildly energized all at once. I don't know if this was normal, though it didn't seem like it. I had the feeling something had happened... something major. I couldn't remember it, though. That was a little unsettling, but I figured there was someone upstairs who could probably tell me about it. So, I went upstairs. It took a little elbow grease to unstick the door, but I got it. Probably not the smartest move I made that night, but up I went into the hallway. The first door I came to didn't have any light showing under it, so I guessed either no one was home or they were asleep. It was pretty dark outside, so I figured it must be late. The second door had lights, though... so I knocked. It took that lady forever to answer the door, but when she did... she screamed bloody murder. I tried to tell her I needed help, that something had happened... but she just slammed the door in my face and kept on screaming as she retreated back into her apartment. I just thought she must have a weak stomach or something. I knew she was probably calling the cops, but I didn't care. I figured at least they'd be able to help me figure out what was going on. I've never been very patient. Never really the type to stand around and wait for the cavalry to show up. So I knocked on the next door, because their lights were on, too. This lady answered the door pretty quick, but she passed out as soon as she saw me. I started to wonder if I was the only guy in the world who didn't mind a little blood. I waited for a husband or boyfriend or something to come and get her off the floor - I even called into the apartment. She must have lived alone though, because no one came. Call me a sucker for a pretty girl, but I couldn't just leave her laid out on the floor like that. It didn't seem right. So, I picked her up and carried her into her bedroom. Good thing I shut the front door behind me, I guess. Gotta love those automatic locks. She was absolutely beautiful. Not glamorous or flashy or fake looking, just really naturally pretty. Clean looking. Wholesome. Just my type, I think. According to the little gold necklace she wore, her name was Wendy. She smelled great, too. I didn't know exactly what it was... I thought maybe it was soap or perfume or something. Now that I do know what it was - trust me when I say you don't want to hear about it. I felt bad about getting fresh blood stains on her white sheets, but I didn't really want to leave yet, either. She was passed out cold, and I wanted to be there when she woke up. I figured I should clean up a bit before came around. If the sight of all the blood was what spooked her in the first place, better if I got some of it off. I was looking for the bathroom, but I came across the kitchen first. It had a sink, and that was good enough. I turned it on just as I heard the sirens getting closer, and washed my face quickly. I put my gloves down the garbage disposal - I didn't want to throw bloody gloves in Wendy's trash can. When I got a look at my hands, I knew something must have happened. They were gray-blue and bruised all over. It seemed weird at the time, because they didn't hurt. But those sirens were getting closer, and Wendy hadn't woken up yet, and I was in a hurry. I guess I should have given it more thought, but I didn't. Sue me. I hurried back in to Wendy's room to wake her up, because I wanted to talk to her for a minute before the cops got there. Don't ask me what about, because I don't know. I just wanted to talk to her, ask if I could call sometime or something. She really was a looker. I shook her and she came around, and then she started screaming just like the other woman had. I tried to tell her that something must have happened, I showed her my hands and told her I was hurt. She screamed louder still. I didn't get it. I told her the blood wasn't mine, that I didn't know whose it was. I asked her to calm down. She just kept screaming. I didn't really mean to hurt her. Really I didn't. I just got frustrated when she wouldn't quiet down. I thought she was hysterical, so I slapped her. Actually, I backhanded her. I didn't think I'd hit her that hard, but I must have... I knocked her unconscious. From the way her face looked, I must have broken her jaw too. She wasn't quite so pretty anymore. Right about then is when I heard the cops breaking the door down. Maybe they had knocked first, I don't know. I couldn't hear over Wendy's raving. Cops. Me covered in blood. Wendy sprawled on the floor with a broken face. I knew how bad this looked. I knew they'd probably shoot first and ask questions later. I hurried to lock the bedroom door. I couldn't think of anything else to do. I didn't know who I was, or where I was, or what I was doing there. It suddenly seemed pretty damned unlikely they were going to believe that I couldn't remember where the blood came from. What can I say? I panicked. I knew that flimsy little pressboard door wasn't going to hold. I knew they'd be through it in a minute. I looked around - no other doors, no windows except for a tiny one up by the ceiling. Wendy lived mostly below ground, it seems. I say 'lived' because I didn't just hurt Wendy - I killed her. I really didn't mean to. I just wanted her to stop screaming. It worked, I suppose... pretty brutal way to shut some one up, though. I really do feel bad about it. She probably didn't deserve that. But, I'm getting away from the story again, aren't I? So, I'm panicking... the cops are banging on the door... Wendy's down for the count... and somehow I just knew that was it. You know, THE it - that moment when your whole life changes, when it becomes 'do or die.' Except, I didn't know what to do... and I wasn't right anyway. That do or die moment had come and gone, and I had died. Of course, I didn't know that yet. I suppose I could have figured it out if I stopped and thought for a second. But, hey - the cops were busting through the door, I had broken into a woman's apartment and mauled her - it didn't really strike me as the time to pause and reflect on my own physical state. Finally, I just gave up. They had me. I was cornered and outgunned. I just decided to wait for them to bust in and take me down. I figured it would be better if I didn't resist... maybe they wouldn't be as rough on me. I sat down on Wendy's bed and waited. It got quiet, and I figured that must be because they had gone and gotten the biggest guy there to come bust down the door. One minute passed, two minutes, five minutes... I was watching Wendy's digital alarm clock change. Every minute seemed to take an eon to pass. Funny how time slows down when you're dreading something. But they never came. The cops never busted through the door. I waited fifteen whole minutes there on the bed, and after it got quiet I had never heard another sound. I remember being so confused. Surely they hadn't just given up, or gone away. The people on the next block must have heard Wendy screaming - I couldn't believe the cops at the door hadn't. But they had stopped banging on the door, stopped shouting demands and orders. Something was terribly amiss. I knew it, too - down in my bones I knew it. I should have acted like it, too. But I didn't. I got up and opened the door. More blood. There they were, strewn about the room in various piles and pieces - six police officers. Wendy's dusty rose and cornflower blue hallway now looked much like the basement. Did I say I was panicked before? Well, I really panicked then. I hadn't heard a thing. Six guys yelling at me to come out one minute, and dead silence the next. I admit I was pretty spooked. Then I got scared - because I knew they would blame this on me, too. I thought about trying to wake Wendy up, but I figured she'd be pretty pissed at me. I had broken her jaw, after all. She probably wasn't going to want to go out with me after that. In some twisted attempt to be gallant, I decided to call her an ambulance. I could lie about who I was, right? And I could be gone before they ambulance got there, so they couldn't catch me and pin all those murders on me. I picked up the phone, I dialed 911. I started talking to the dispatcher, telling her my neighbor looked hurt. I said she was on the floor, and I couldn't wake her up. I said it looked like something might be wrong with her face. That's when I heard snickering. It may not make a whole lot of sense, but it made me furious. Here I was in the middle of a crisis, trying to cover my *** and do the right thing at the same time... and someone was laughing at me. Why didn't I wonder who it was? Good question - and right about then, I did. It dawned on me that whoever made confetti of those cops was still here. I got scared. Really scared. I don't think I even hung up the phone. I think I just dropped it. I admit I wasn't thinking too clearly then. Who would be? I ran. I just ran. I was trying to get away... get out of the apartment. Away from a banged up girl named Wendy, away from six shredded cops, away from the maniac that was laughing less than twenty minutes after murdering six people. I didn't make it, though. I ran through the hall, into the living room. I should say now that it was empty - because it looked that way to me. But when I got to the door, I got yanked back by the shoulder so hard that it dropped me flat on the ground. And it wasn't empty at all - there were three of the ugliest monsters I had ever seen in my life standing there. It was hard to tell with the third one, but two of them were smiling at me. One of them was still snickering a little. I flipped out. I must have. I could describe these things all day long, and you still wouldn't understand how ugly they were. They had two arms, two legs, and a head like people do... and that's about where the similarity ended. Well, they had eyes... and mouths, though it'd be more accurate to call them 'maws'. But their skin was all green-grey, and they had weird patches of hair growing in all the wrong places, and moles and growths... well, all kinds of deformations. It really was sick. They looked like something right out of a monster movie, or a sci-fi flick about mutations caused by radiation. And one of them had me. As soon as I had any of my wits about me, I tried to get away. I struggled and pulled and flailed and convulsed... and never once did that thing lose it's grip on me. For the second time in one night, I thought, 'This is it.' Here I was in the clutches of this thing who had killed a bunch of cops without making a sound and laughed when I called an ambulance. I remember contemplating just how screwed I really was. And then the one that had me in an iron grip spoke. He just opened his mouth and spoke, like nothing was nothing and we were all just regular guys. "Haven't you tired of these festivities yet, child? Admittedly some of it has been great fun, but the hours do grow small. We shall have to draw your little escapade to a close now. More serious matters require our attention." I don't know what I was more stunned by - the fact that he spoke or what he said. He talked like he knew me, like we were old pals or something. Yeah, maybe I couldn't remember anything... but I was pretty certain that I'd remember knowing these guys. They're not the kind of faces you forget. Ever. I guess I just gawked at him. I don't know how much time passed. To me it seemed like time just stopped, like I was frozen in this horrible moment. I remember wishing I could wake up now - that this awful dream would just be over. That may sound silly... but what would you think was going on? Blood and gore and monsters and amnesia? It smacked of a nightmare. It was a nightmare, too. It still is - just not the kind you can wake up from. Ever. Finally one of the other ones spoke. I don't remember exactly what he said. I was sort of in shock, I guess. I know he was talking to the one that was holding me, and I know he called him Ambrose. I know he said something about me and how I was behaving. I was still looking at Ambrose, though. Still in shock. Still thinking that maybe if I pinched myself, I could wake up. Still trying to get my head together. Trying, and failing. Ambrose was talking to me again, but I didn't catch the first part. I caught on somewhere in the middle. "... so we have to go back down now. You've frightened these people quite enough for one evening, and frankly I'd rather not clean up any more of your messes." I found my tongue then and there, for better or for worse. "MY messes? Clean up MY MESSES?? What the hell is wrong with you? Well, besides the obvious. And WHAT the hell are you, anyway???" I expected an outlandish explanation. I expected no answer at all. I expected a good chastising for asking the wrong questions. I didn't expect a round of boisterous laughter - but that's what I got. That pissed me off, too. I've never appreciated being laughed at. I still don't, though I've lightened up a bit since then. But I'm getting away from the story again. Sorry. They carried me out of the room that way: laughing. Laughing like this was some big joke, some hilarious prank that I just hadn't caught on to yet. Like they didn't have a care in the world. Six dead cops. Faces like the Creature From the Black Lagoon. Humps on their backs. And not a care in the world. It's safe to say I had totally lost my perspective now. Ambrose was motoring me down the hall with ease, even though I wasn't cooperating in the least. I saw that the door I had knocked on first was open now, and from the splintered wood around the lock I could tell it had been forced open. I imagined that she was dead, too. Why not? Everyone else was. I was probably next. I didn't really care anymore. Don't get me wrong - I didn't want to die. I like living as much as the next guy. But I didn't want to play this game anymore either, and if dying was the only way out then it was the only way out. I would have liked to have thought there were other ways, but I tend to be a little on the realistic side. Three freaks. Six armed, trained cops now in many, many pieces. With all my might I couldn't shake Ambrose's grip even a smidgen. If they wanted me dead, I was dead - and that was that. I tried to make a deal with God right there in that hallway. I begged his forgiveness for anything I might have done in that past I couldn't remember, and promised I'd spend eternity in heaven shining harps or something if he could just let these weirdoes not torture me. It was really pathetic. But, I was desperate... and desperate men do foolish things. We went back down into the basement, and I realized Ambrose was talking again. From the tutorial tone he was using, I reckoned he was speaking to me. He was. "...hadn't really thought you'd manage the door, since we sealed it fairly well. I was going to stop you, but Ezra thought it would be great fun to watch what you did. It was quite a show, young master Lucas. I must say Ezra was right - great fun indeed. We had intended for you to find the passage down through the floor. I suppose you're not accustomed to the concept of down yet, but that will change. You've quite a few lessons ahead of you, but I think I shall make that the first. Always down if you can, never up unless you must: a vital adage now. Don't worry, young master Lucas - you shall learn." I had more questions than you can possibly imagine, and I couldn't find the gumption to spit out a single one. Maybe I was still in shock. Maybe I had failed in the pursuit of suspension of disbelief. Maybe I was just terrified. Maybe I was busy losing my mind. Probably a healthy combination of all them, really. The basement still smelled great, but we didn't stay long. They opened what looked like a utility cover on the outside, but it wasn't - it was a narrow tunnel. The walking nightmare called Ezra slipped through first, then the other one... then Ambrose shoved me through it. It turned out to be a short chute that dumped me in a drainage pipe. Ambrose was last down, and I heard him pull the door shut after us. When I finally managed to get to my feet, he was already standing there grinning this snaggletoothed grin at me. "Can't have our little trap doors discovered, can we young master Lucas?" I didn't get time to answer that - not that I actually had an answer - because Ezra and Ambrose looped arms with me and set us off walking through this drain pipe. At the time I thought it was strange because we were traveling farther into the tunnel, and not out towards the light. But, hell... what was I going to say? Nothing. And that's exactly what came out of my mouth. Nothing. I think I was just kind of drifting along for a while there. Ezra and Ambrose were taking tuns yammering at me, but most of it was lost. I gotta be honest... I was feeling sorry for myself. Here I was in a friggin' sewer, with a couple of foul smelling uglies for escorts, I couldn't remember who I was or where I came from or how I got into that basement... and these guys are talking like we're just shootin' the breeze over beers or something. I did hear some of it, though. Let me tell you - if anyone else had said the things they said, I would have called them a fruitcake. They were going on about Vampires and Nosferatu and blood and daylight and a place to sleep. I never saw movie vampires that looked like these freaks, and I said so. They told me that's because none of their clan ever had an acting career. What could I say? It made perfect sense - and that worried me. Then it occurred to me that they said clan, so I asked if they meant the KKK or something. I said that if they did... I totally understood about the sheets now. This earned more laughter, which kinda sickened me since I realized I had made a joke. Ambrose asked if I would be wanting my own sheet. I told him I didn't really dislike black people. He burst into laughter all over again. Sometimes I can be really thick skulled. Finally we got where we were going. I couldn't have told you how, and I sure couldn't have found my way out again. We must have taken thirty turns, eight secret passages and two more slides before we got to their place. I realized just how lost I was about the same time Ezra announced we were there. Their 'haven,' as they called it, was pretty amazing. Well, for a subterranean dump anyway. A lot of nice stuff there, most of it old. Tons of books and papers all over the place, and a complete living room set. Heaven knows how they managed to get it all down there. I sure didn't ask. They told me to make myself at home, and Ambrose must have seen me cringe because he said told me I might as well just do it, since this WAS my new home. I really didn't want to hear that, I guess, because for a minute I forgot what I had seen them do to the police and just went ballistic. I screamed about not knowing where the hell my home was, but how I was sure that it wasn't here with these freaks of nature. I screamed about them all being disgusting monsters and murderers. I screamed about how I'd just like to go home now, if I could just figure out where that was. I probably waved my arms around a lot and gestured wildly, too. I'm not sure - that parts a little fuzzy. What isn't fuzzy is the look on Ambrose's face when I finally ran out of steam. In fact, that I remember really clearly. He looked patient, as if he had been waiting for me to do that. He looked like he had anticipated my breakdown, and even like he might have understood. I remember not liking that very much, either. My outburst didn't even get so much a batted eyelash from any of them, either. They all just sat there looking at me, and I remember thinking that there was something important in their silence. I know - it doesn't make a lot of sense. Still, that's what I thought at the time and it was enough to make me stop and try and figure out what that important thing was. It seemed like a full five minutes passed while I looked from face to face, trying to hear what wasn't being said. They weren't grinning anymore, they weren't sneering. They looked like they were waiting, too. "Why do you think you're different from us?" Ambrose didn't say it very loud, but it hit me like a Mack truck. It seemed pretty obvious to me, y'know? At least, the major points did. I looked at him - probably like he was from another planet - but I didn't get time to say anything. "Look at your hands, young master Lucas." I don't know why I did as he said. I wanted to call him an idiot, to begin listing off the obvious differences between me and them. But I did what he told me to. I looked at my hands. When I looked at them in the dim light of Wendy's kitchen, they had looked bruised - and even though the light down here didn't seem much better, I could see them now. They weren't bruised. They were changing color, becoming the blue-green gnarled little claws you see now. They were growing these warts and patches of hair - I think that one right there was already fully formed. You can probably imagine how horrified I was, huh? I mean, they had done something to me - they had made me look as hideous as they did. I know I can't remember anything before that night, but I was pretty sure I didn't look like that way before. I feel like that's the sort of thing you remember. I started to shake. I really did. I know... big tough guy, shivering like a little girl. Yeah, you would have too buddy. Hey - hey - okay... maybe you wouldn't have... cut me a break, okay? I'm still new at this. Anyway, I couldn't even say anything. I was just shocked. Suddenly this whole, awful life started to flash before my eyes. I would live down here in the sewer with all the other monstrosities, probably stealing babies and naming rats like they were household pets. No more bars on Saturday nights, no more picking up half drunk young girls who are impressed by a leather jacket and a roll of bills. Then I realized they had all gotten quiet again - even stayed quiet while I mentally stepped outside for a few minutes. I kind of came back to the 'here and now' with a start, and just started shaking my head and babbling about how it couldn't be true. They seemed to expect that, too, and I vaguely remember wondering just how many people they'd done this to before me. I wondered if all those people had done the same things I had. Ambrose motioned to one of the other ones, and it brought me a chair. I sat down, because I wasn't sure I could stand up much longer. I wasn't feeling faint or anything - in fact, I felt great. There was the occasional pain here and there, but even those died down. I felt like I could run for miles, chop down a tree with my bare hands. I did feel like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, though... and that seemed like a good enough reason to park my *** in the offered seat. After all... they already had me, right? Ambrose stood up and shifted his dilapidated cloak-thing. It was kind of ironic - he stood there like Julius Caesar must have stood when he addressed Rome, but Ambrose was a real mess with his green skin and tattered robe. He didn't seem to notice, though, because he stood up pretty straight and lifted his pointy chin just like he was nobility. "There is no mistake; this is neither a hallucination nor a dream. You are one of us now. You are Kindred, and more importantly you are Nosferatu. Your change is not complete, but it will be soon. When it has run its course you will resemble us, and you will look that way forever - for you are a vampire now." He started to say something else, but I guess I laughed so loud that he decided to stop. When I calmed down a bit, he chimed in again. "You find that amusing, young master Lucas? Good - I wager you will need that sense of humor to see you through the next few weeks. Or perhaps you find the notion preposterous? If you do, I would love to hear your theories concerning the alternate explanation for our appearance and the things you have witnessed. After all, we enjoy a good laugh as much you appear to." That sobered me up a little. I rambled off something about government experiments, something about aliens, something about genetic mutations and probably something about fluoride in the water, too. They got a kick out of my raving, I guess, because there was a lot of snickering. I think Ezra said something about the fluoride bit being a new one. "Yes, I suppose all of those ideas seem as plausible to you as my explanation. Since I would obviously know a bit more about what's going on here, however, what say we listen to the expert for a moment? I assure you I have better things to do than construct such an elaborate scheme to pull the wool over your eyes. I could offer you proof of what I say, but I believe you would find that even more gruesome than what you have been through already this evening." I just nodded. I don't know why. He had a point about him knowing better than me... and while I didn't have a lot of faith in the existence of vampires, I didn't have much in the existence of little green men in the sewers, either. But there they were... and there I was. So I shut up and listen. He gave me the run down about sunlight and fire and wooden stakes... you know, all the basics. Then they said I would need to drink blood to survive. Just the word 'blood' made me feel weird, and suddenly what they were saying made a lot more sense. While it wasn't as strong, the idea of drinking blood made me feel just like I had in that basement; just like I had when I smelled Wendy. Ambrose must have seen the light of realization on my eyes, because he just nodded like he'd been waiting for it all along. "Yes, now you begin to hear the truth in my words. I am surprised you have not yet noticed that you have ceased breathing, that your heart has ceased beating. Your body temperature should be far below the human average now also. When the sun rises, you will be dragged into a deep sleep and when it sets again you shall wake again. It will be this way for eternity, or until you get yourself killed. You will learn to be stronger than you've ever imagined, and you will learn to hide yourself from those you would not have see you. You will learn to call and command the beasts of the earth. You will also learn to pay a bit more attention, young master Lucas - both to your own condition and to the world around you." I would have to say that's when it hit me. I was a vampire. I was sure I'd had some fantasies about being a vampire before, but not like this. I had pictured the dark and dashing gentleman with piercing eyes and a good chin, cursed to be a handsome devil who stole the hearts and cherries of young European girls forever. I had NOT fantasized about being some mangled little bridge troll who stunk like a toilet and slunk around that ever-popular-with-the-ladies sanitation system. And I was going to be like this forever... ugly forever. As much as that sucked, I figured I could live with that... I mean, not every guy can be Richard Gere, right? But combine that with the other stuff - drinking blood, killing cops and little old ladies... Man, I just couldn't cope. There wasn't anything I could do either. I asked if I could undo what they had done to me, if I could just go be a person again if I kept my mouth shut. I'd say their round of laughter was all the answer anybody really needed, though. That was a week ago. So, now... here I sit, telling you my little sob story. What? Oh, no... I'm taking it a lot better now. I guess it's not as bad as it could be... and even if it is, what the hell could I do about it? About as much as you did, I reckon. I still don't know where I lived before I lived here, or if I had a family or anything. They tell me that will come back in time, but I don't know if I want it to. I'd hate to think I've got a wife and kids or something; someone who might have needed me. I tell ya, I hate wondering... but I'd hate it even more if I knew something like that. I feel like Ambrose knows who I was before, but he never says anything about it... even when I break down and ask. You know, the guys call me Lucky. They say they've never seen anyone turn this particular shade of aqua before. I think it's their private little joke, though. Kinda like calling a guy who only has his right arm 'Lefty'. So, here I am... hiding out in this storm drain watching the people go by up there... I'll never have anything that even resembles a normal existence - even for vampires. I look like a nightmare on legs, I smell bad, and I'm supposed to be a member of one of the most devious and dangerous clans around... except... how the hell am I supposed to do that? I don't know. You don't think they'll off me if I don't learn fast enough, do you? What's that? That's really cool of you... but I don't think you should do that. I mean, I wouldn't want you to- Huh? Well, yes... it would be nice to know that someone had my back if the **** went down... Man, I tell you... you Brujah are alright in my book...
Stop stereotyping people. It's really annoying. Stereotyping results in critisism. Now, in reality, the world have paid too great a compliment to critics, and have imagined them to be men of much greater profundity then they really are.
[COLOR=darkred]Nightfall set fairly soon, and shadows cast across the entirety of the road, slowly lights flickered on. The sun turned to crimson, to pink, and finally to violet. The black infinity of the sky began to echo the rouge of a full moon. V'sh'thou found the darkened shadows far more accomodating, now able to freely move from shadow to shadow. He was careful to keep his presence hidden, however, but figured at least one of the group could easily manifest his presence. [I]Bastards. I treat them to my power and they throw it in my face! Self Righteous kids, out to prove their worth in a world that could destroy them, led by their own naive ambition![/I] , V'sh'thou blamed the guardians for the earlier mishap, for you see, he was more than a guardian of his element, he was the Master. He melted from shadow to shadow unbeknownst to the group. [I]They will understand! If they cannot learn from their own misunderstandings, they do not deserve to survive![/I] , he reasoned, [I]But I have never seen this before. They could become masters. They could suceed like myself.[/I] The shadowlord contemplated his next move.. considering the damage he could cause, and how such a schism could hinder their potential. He came to a conclusion, he must reason with one of them. The shadow master's essence descended towards them, unseen until he came to the nearest of the group, reaching up with one hand he grabs Trilby by the tunic, yanking her into the shadow which rippled like syrup. The young elemental guardian was taken into the shadow realm, at unimagionable speeds into the deepest of darknesses that only night could provide. "Do not fear what is happening to you, If you cannot trust me, you cannot survive, do not let go of my hand", V'sh'thou shot back towards the startled warrior as they descended deeper into the obsidian pool.[/COLOR]
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Drix D'Zanth replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HammerBlade [/i] [B] It seems you were talking about emotions and there opposites, and I couldn't help but beg to differ on this comparison. The actual opposite of love is FEAR, not hate, and I belive this because while love can make you want to be closer to someone, fear can make you want to be farther away from someone. (Which is why its great to be both loved and feared at the same time. Kind of like a king. 'Cause like, people are there when you want 'em to be, and there not when ya DONT want 'em to be. Or something.) Ok, back to the subject...FEAR is the emotion I would want to eliminate. At least, for when I NEED to be brave. Yeah... [/B][/QUOTE] Entry: hate Function: verb Definition: dislike Synonyms: abhor, abominate, allergic to, anathematize, be loath, be reluctant, be sorry, can't stand, contemn, curse, deprecate, deride, despise, detest, disapprove, disdain, disfavor, dislike, disparage, down on, execrate, loathe, nauseate, object to, recoil from, scorn, shudder at, shun, spit upon, spurn Antonyms: adore, approve, cherish, embrace, like, love, relish, treasure Concept: hate Source: Roget's Interactive Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.0) Copyright © 2003 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved. ------------ Entry: fear Function: noun Definition: alarm Synonyms: abhorrence, agitation, angst, anxiety, apprehensiveness, aversion, awe, bugbear, chickenheartedness, cold feet, cold sweat, concern, consternation, cowardice, creeps, despair, discomposure, dismay, disquietude, distress, doubt, dread, faintheartedness, foreboding, fright, funk, horror, jitters, misgiving, nightmare, panic, phobia, presentiment, qualm, recreancy, reverence, revulsion, scare, suspicion, terror, timidity, trembling, tremor, trepidation, unease, uneasiness, worry Antonyms: boldness, bravery, courage, fearlessness, valor Concept: fear Source: Roget's Interactive Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.0) Copyright © 2003 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved. ----------------- An antonym is an opposite. The opposite of Love is Hate. Enough said. Without hate, or the acknowledgement and understanding of hate, love is pointless, or at the least diminish its significance. This is why you can have love and fear when describing someone, yet you cannot love someone you hate within the same period of time. -
What the hell is the point of this thread? I'm assuming from your incredibly riveting IM conversation, that there is no point at all. A pity really, alot of people, like myself, could be doing something useful other than replying to this.