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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth
3, yup, age 3 was when i was smartest.
You know what, WW2 is exactly right. Seig Heil! Whoops? Those 4 million jews? Never heard of em... no they are on vacation, Yeah, prepaid. Where? uhh... Santa Monica... check with them! That song you mentioned was a nice bit of indoctrinating pablum, i prefer listening to music when i'm not doped up though. I guess whatever floats your boat. If you want genius, refer to the last few posts James and I exchanged on this thread.
I dunno, Ayokano, I think some american shows are alright. Especially for humor purposes. In all truth there is alot of crappy anime out there, or anime that I just don't like. It's usually the anime's that get me to think that are worth the time. You know, anime's like cowboy bebop, Trigun, etc. Anime's that make you cry when a main character dies and all. I suppose Japan has the advantage in that respect. But give me an american made live-action film any day *cough* fight club *cough*.
I digress. Refer to my last sarcastic (for some of the slower amongst us ) post on page 1. Can a mod close this thread? It's really not like i'm trying to fight for this idea, I know as well as anyone Avril is not Punk. It's a friggin joke. No joke is worth being called stuipid, then having to try and support a veiw that you don't concur with. *sighs*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial] just like 3 plus 2 doesn't make 6. [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you for explaining to me the mathematics behind music! I don't think you get it.The fact that she calls soft rock/pop PUNK, IS punk, but a vernacular definition. Whatever genere her music falls into , the mere fact that she would claim to be "punk" is , well, "Punk". I want you to try something Amibasuki, before you post any more replies, read through once, read through twice, create a diagram of the situation in your head. Then discuss with yourself what the topic means. Consider the possibility that the whole thing is a joke. Consider the posibility that mathematics and punk music MIGHT not go together.. Do that next time or you might come off as, you so aptly put it, "stupid."
Well then, by all means. Have fun :)
I laugh at people. I point and stare at people. It's not for any good reason. I think the fact that people freak out when you make eye contact with them is amusing (just try it while driving). Suddenly everyone becomes the Devil's incarnate, or they imagine you in the same respect. Try it sometime. Walk down the street and pick a random guy/girl.. offer to shake their hand and say "I'm sorry." when they ask what for, just walk away like they don't exist. I laugh at myself, that can be very very deadly indeed.
Ok guys, before we have any more replies.. i want whoever replies from now on to take this article SERIOUSLY i mean really people! This is NOT a joke. Read it! ITS REAL! I STAND BY MY LOGIC! -_- please.
Raiha and I are on the same page here. I suppose answering your question about why taking care of a diabetic dog is worth it? Well, he seems happy, we are happy around, and we consider him a part of the family. My dog is diabetic because of pancreatitis that resulted during a surgery on a benign tumor. It may have been the vets fault, he may not have sterylized the procedure correctly. But going around blaming him wont help anything, as Raiha pointed out. Nothing but emptyness. So I'll live with the few fleeting years my dog may have on his life, and enjoy every second.
in response to mitch's 2nd rply AHAH thats gold.. i'll have to refer to it in my next "Avril is teh punkest" article. Awesome reply man! Shoulda thought of that myself. (though i was going by the vernacular definition of punk :P)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1] So basically you're saying she is the most punk rocker today because she fell from the charts and made her fans hate her? O.o Eh..sure. [size] [/B][/QUOTE] No no.. she is punk because of the music she plays. Its just ironic that the people who consider themselves "Punk" hate her. :P its a joke people!
In reference to your thread title: Form your own.
I hope of you can appreciate my sick sense of humor here.. or how many Punk fans i'll be pissing off. The Avril is teh punkest Theory (C) Avril is the punkest rocker today. Perhaps some of you have seen her on the smaller networks like, oh, MTV. But the most intriguing part of Avril's career was the interesting switch in fanbase. Avril's audiences, before hitting the mainstream, were predominantly punk audiences. They loved her when she became mainstream.. the loved the "voice" it gave them. Suddenly, Avril fell a bit down on the charts and it became absolutely TABOO for any punk rocker to like Avril. "She is so fake" or "She is nothing punk" would sneer her former-fans as i would listen into their conversations about Ms. Lavigne. Then it occured to me. Avril had taken a group of people who loved the "genere against the genere" and pitted them directly opposite of her. My god.. how punk. Allow me to elaborate. Punk is easily defined as "Going against the system". If you don't agree with that phrase as a more or less universal meaning of Punk, read no further. Everyone else following me? Good. Let's take the, arguably, first punk band, The Who. The Who created music that was never heard before, music AGAINST the mainstream. It was labeled as "Punk". Various other bands followed the Who's lead, creating punk bands of their own (i.e. the beloved Ramones). Then we have Avril. Avril here doesn't sing like the rest of the punk band.. she sings "pop (take this figuratively please)" , "soft rock" , and calls it PUNK! She is going against the SYSTEM that is PUNK! Therefore avril is inherently more punk than ANY other punk band. She is punker than Blink, punker than Sum, Punker than The RAMONES! She is the "punkest" thing since The Who! *Braces himself* Ok, what are your thoughts?
Leah your argument makes some sense. But are you so quick to discount your peers as being "uneducated hicks"? Maybe because they don't try to emulate a cultural understanding, means just that. I know gay people, i understand what they are doing to be gay, but i don't emulate that behavior, I'm not gay. See? What irks me about this whole thing is kids are too cought up with the colors of their school BOTH ways. Kids in predominatly white schools apparently tend to be hicks, and lack an understanding of other cultures (if you call it a culture). And people in more diverse schools seem to be high-and mighty on their pedestal of "cultural acceptance". "But Drix!" You scream "How would a kid in a white school know what a black kid acts like???!/!?!" Simple, they don't. And neither does the black person nessicarily. Allow me to explain. People, especially minorities are reinforcing their cultural steryotypes through a faux understanding. Get it? Refer to my reply on racism. I seemed to have scared everyone else off. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29517&pagenumber=3[/url]
This frightens me alot. Animals having the same rights as humans? Don't you realize how unbelivably insane that sounds? Wait.. hold the phone. You say animals don't get the respect they deserve!!?? They are lucky history took a fluke fad through the domestication of dogs, or else your beloved pets wouldn't exhist. Do you think animals were ALWAYS domesticated? No, usually it was some hunting dog, or an Egyptian queen's cat. I think the animals today get more than enough respect in terms of domesticated animals. TV shows are dedicated to them, countless books, internet sites, toys. I'm sorry, some animals get more respect than most humans. However I stray off track... here.. Here's why Animals will never have the same rights as humans. 1) Animals are stupid, compared to humans, it takes extreme training to get them to sit on command, they live by instinct most of the time. 2) Animals cannot voice opinion. They cannot speak, they cannot write, they cannot express proper body language to give reasonable argument to anything, such as my argument for example. 3)Animals are not self sufficient. 4)People should NEVER die for animals. I don't care if it's the best damn collie in the United States, NO person should die as a result of killing/injuring that dog. It's an ethically nightmarish problem. 5)Animal's don't care much about eachother, they can't create a society. 6)Most of any animal's "emotions" are based on self preservation, any animal will override emotion for instinct. Those are just a FEW of the myriad of reasons why animals should never be treated as humans. I ran over a cat on the way to another town a few weeks ago. Sure, I felt bad for the poor thing, and I didn't mean it. But I'll be damnned if it sends me to JAIL. Next, I understand the boy's saddness. I understand the Vet may have made a mistake in giving the dog anesthesa. But suing the vet is an extremely selfish act. What good is it doing? Nothing. The vet may go out of business. Wonderful. A man who has saved HOW MANY pets, and WILL save how many more? Doesn't this brat care about the other dogs that have no other Vet to go to?? Doesn't he care about the other dog's he's helped? Doesn't he care about the Vet's contribution to that community? Oh, wait, he was on vacation. That kid needs to wipe his tears, move on, and understand things like this happen and Suing the problem wont fix it. On a final note, I have a pet, His name is Jake. He's a 9 year old yellow lab with diabetes and a thyroid problem. Do you know how hard it is to take care of a Diabetic dog? Anyway. He's snuggly and nice, and when he dies it's going to be the saddest moment in my life thus far. I sympathize, but disagree.
Hey emme888 I remember that scene. European road show.. episode 320 i belive. Stewie and brian are on a tour in Germany. German guide: You'll find more on germany's contribution to ze arts in ze pamphlet provided. Brian: Yeah..uhh..uhh about your pamphlet.. hmm .. i'm not seeing anything about german history between 1939 and 1945, there's just a big gap. German Guide (Quickly responding): Everyone vas on vacation! (calmly) Now on your left is munich's first city hall... Brian: Wait wait, what are you talking about? Germany invaded poland in 1939.. and.. German guide interrupts: We were invited! Punch was served. Check with Poland! Brian: Wait you cant ignore those years. Thomas Mann fled germany because of nazism's stranglehold on Europe. German: Nope nope. He left to manage a dairy queen. Brian : A dairy queen? Thats preposterous. German: I WILL HEAR NO MORE INSINUATIONS AGAINST THE GERMAN PEOPLE! NOTHING BAD HAPPENED! (then he stands up straight) *in german, this is spelled phonetically* Zeiben niechzand, Zeiben oiglad, Ziben nichgilanded o deuchland! (he hitler salutes.. the whole bus goes quiet) Brian (breaking the tension) : Is that a beer hall? MY god.. i almost cried i was laughing so hard at that scene. I also like when stewie and brian get stoned in amsterdam later in the episode. "The only reason people die is because they accept it as an inevetibilty... *dramatic expirhation*"
Warning: Ebaumsworld.com may host picutres and or objectionable material that could easily offend anyone of inapporpriate age. Be careful about this. I'm not sure whats on the site which may make it objectionable, but .. be careful. Alright, I've been in a pissy mood for most of tonight. But I dont want everyone thinking I'm some depressed self-idolizing dilenette of the message boards. So i decided to provide some humor :) Have any of you checked out ebaumsworld.com? If you haven't, I would recommend it. It's brightened many a dark night. Well, first things first. Here's a cute blond chick giving a blowjob. [url]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/blondechicbw.jpg[/url] Next, I think we should traumatize some of the younger/male audience of otakuboards.com with an almost shockingly not-subtle explination of.. well.. you'll see: [url]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/periods101.html[/url] Finally, directly ripped from the site itself, some of the funniest GI Joe parodies i've ever seen. (God it brings back memories) [url]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/gijoe.html[/url] I know it's nothing origional, but I hope you still get some laughs out of it. -Sips some blood from his crystal snifter.
Yah, i know exactly what you mean, James. I go to a fairly conservative school, from a collegic standpoint. However, the anti-war crowds gathered every morning there too. I saw the signs, i debated with the protesters. I symaptize completely. Although, one thing that irked the anti-war protesters was asking them straight up "How will keeping sadaam in power in Iraq help the situation that the world is in today?". I never did get a straight answer .. always something like "there are other options. " or "Bush is just as bad." Sure, Mr. Protestor, I remember the day when Bush gassed 5,000 Michiganders, or sent 200 Children across the landmines of Indiana. Reality Check. Please. Finally, a message to all the mindless rhetoric-spewing cultural drones that may be lurking around the otaku boards: Shut the ******** up and listen to people like James. At least he has a real opinion. edit: is it me.. or are there too many astriks in that "dirty word" .. oh well I'll leave it be for humor sake.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I never said I was socially enlightened. There's no such thing as social enlightenment. And we'll never get there. color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's my point. Intriguing. Maybe we should discuss this in a PM , i don't want to piss off the moderators with my short posts. But allow me to elaborate on Social Enlightenment. I'm using the term in a figurative sense, it could be relative to "street", "gangsta", "preppy", or any other misconception that someone is somehow more socially "aware" (perhaps that is a better term?). The "enlightenment" wouldnt bother me if people would stop using it as a barganing chip. If I sound vague, PM me or something and I can elaborate without disturbing the thread topic.
Thank you James, I was beggining to belive everyone was caught up in the monomaniacal all-war-is-unjustified state. Your reply is like a soothing wind in my macabre-ridden cave of a mentality. Put it simply, I agree with James.
Except for ending slavery, facism, nazism, and (for the most part) communism; war has never solved anything. That's my two cents. You people are right in saying war is bad for the most part. But you fail to realize war is essential. Because we live in a flawed world through most philisophical and religious accounts, humans are .. well.. human. So there are occasions where people need to support legitimate war to protect our homes and our way of life. I could argue pro-war for the middle east if i was angst-filled enough, but i just finished my racism argument in an earlier thread.
Rahia, it's not my problem, it's society's problem. It's just important that diago and yourself realize being surrounded by minorities doesn't socially enlighten someone. There's so much more to people. Whoever calls you a skank is just as guilty of this societial headache. Sorry if i come off as bitchy, but I've suffered too. It's gotta be brought out.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B] I'm glad i go to a very diverse school and its probably the closest thing to a racial utopia as i'm going to get in my life time. [/B][/QUOTE] Racial Utopia. My god son, you consider a utopia where each race is equally represented? Why that would call for.. lets think, either drastic measures in the movement of people to pre-designated locations, or... Controlling the amount of childbirth in a specified area, allowing the minorities to have more children. Gee, sounds like a Utopia to me. Honestly.. can we get over this now? Being around different colored people doesn't make you wiser than the vanilla masses. If anything it makes one naive by creating this faux image of "cultural understanding". Why don't people start to realize that skin has nothing to do with your mind? There's so much more to race. Get over it.
I'm going to take a bit of a radical stand here. I belive the main proprietor of racism TODAY are the minorities themselves. Let me explain before you try to lynch me. What is up with the double standard found in some black culture through use of the word "Nigga." So because they are black, they can use a racially insulting slur as some sort of proactive connotation? Excuse me.. did i miss something? Why is it that when i watch the BET it seems to rip apart its white guests (if you've seen it you would agree). Why is it that acting like a sterotypical "nigga" when you are white is disrepectful to their "culture", and they tote the same "culture" as "oppressed by racism" on mainstream media. Why is it that a black family tried to sue the school because their son didn't get on the basketball team, despite the fact he performed horribly during tryouts? How is it fair that if i critisize a minority, it becomes a racial issue, yet if a caucasian asked for the same pitiance he would be ridiculed? I understand that racism is a reality, but the false pretenses need to stop here people. Everyone's guilty here. I like Charle's response earlier when he explained how systems like Affirmative action indirectly support racism. I agree. I've been ridiculed for being white. I've been called "racist" because I don't have minority friends. I'm sorry oh wise and powerful 17 year old, i didn't realize being a different skin color made you all the wiser to the harsh realities of the world. We've all felt pain some way or another, stop idolizing yours. Somehow it's suddenly taboo to talk about race at all. I get nervous around black people, I've seen what happens when someone accidently "acts gangsta" and is riddiculed for it. I've seen people hold the fact they are white against them. Enough already. I think the more people bring it up and "take a stand" against racism the worse it gets. I say that because then everyone sets rules about how they must act or be. It indirectly reinforces caucasian steryotypes. Why can't we just be mature about the whole thing and ignore race as a major attribute, it's just making the ground more tumultous. Call me racist if you will, but you only refuse to accept my opinions whether or not i accept yours. That makes you no better than myself. This thread is depressing me.
Sign Up The Lord of the Rings: Sauron's Return
Drix D'Zanth replied to Heavyblade's topic in Theater
Hey, this is my debut return to otakuboards, My family has had to move several time because of my fathers death. I don't care to talk about it however, and just wanted to assure you that the residence is now permanent. I hope i can join. I'd like to play an evil guy if possible. Name: Gorthol (Literally sindarin for "Dread Helm" a mockery of turin turumbar's alias of the first age) Race: Nazgul (I dont want to be sauron.. So i'm assuming this would be his left hand man.) Appearance: Without the ring he has taken a more physical form, a great man of blackened flesh, grey hair billowing from his helm like smoke, and peircing black eyes rimmed with silver. His face appears skull-like and sunken, his skin streched across his jaw create a death-grin. He is larger than his previous, etherial, form. Weapon: A great ball-and chain, the ball modled into the semblance of a human skull. He carries a two handed sword on his back for more "personal" engagements. Specialties: Immune to fear (he's to busy fearing sauron), inhuman strength and fortitude, Absolute intimidation, Command over the weak, Mastery in his sword "Grist" and mace "Grond" (lotr fans will get the reference). Number of creatures under his control: 1 flying beast (if allowed as a mount), 20 trolls, 10 Olag-hai, 50 uruk hai, 150 lesser orcs. The other eight nazgul follow his lead unless specifically required by Sauron. (Note: i'm not trying to be gratuitous in my supply of men, i just consider the average orc much weaker than a gondorian soldier for example. If you want me to add or subract any of these numbers, by all means i can edit.) Edit: Is anyone playing this?? no replies in a few days.. I'm not sure if it's going under or what.