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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth
[I] Eonwe could smell the sulfur and brimstone before he even reached the ash mountains near mordor. The liquid fire of mount doom cascading across the darkened sky gave the realm a reddish hue. Cautiously he lead his eagle to the balcony of the Barad-dur, the Dark Lord's rebuilt fortress. The great eagle swooped down, frightening the uruk-hai who stood guard there. Eonwe dismounted commanding the eagle to return later. Boldy, Eonwe stood before the doorway to the dark throne itself. A great olag-hai, half troll half sentient orc, stood before him grinning wickedly. [/I] Olag: What do you think you are doing foolish one? You have sealed your fate stepping into the dark fortress! Eonwe: I command my faith alone foul beast. Now stand aside dare you face the wrath of Manwe Sulimo's herald. Olag: Mere divine flag bearer, your power is nothing here > Prepare to die! [I] The ringing of a rusted bronze bell tolled through the upper echilon of the tower. A swarm of Uruk-Hai rushed to meet this strange intruder. Eonwe held his palm out gathering the winds around him. A white light erupted from in front of the maiar, shockwave cascading through the room, knocking his foes down. Eonwe stepped around the piles of moaning creatures to the door. The olag still stood, clutching his ears with soiled hands. [/I] Olag : you who has mastered sound will soon only hear your own dying breath. [I] The warrior spun and ducked under the great troll's mace. The black weapon shattering a nearby column. Swiftly and with practiced grace, Eonwe thrust upward and into the Olag's stomach. White light began to glow from within the beast, shooting out of his eyes, mouths, and other visible orifaces. The Olag screamed hoarsely before falling, his carcass charred from the inside. The golden warrior quickly removed the blade and with an extended arm, threw open the doors to meet with the Dark One. [/I] [I]The physical manifestation of Sauron and Sauruman combined was a behemoth of black plate. Burning eyes shone from behind a blackened helmet. The entire armour seemed hewn from the obsidian of Mt. Dooms lava flows, weaving and spiked with an almost organic sheen. [/I] Eonwe: I don't know how you would identify yourself dark one. The joining of two deadly maiar such as Sauron and Saruman could never have been anticipated by even the wisest Illuvitari. Dark One: I don't anticipate the nessecity for you to understand anything foolish servant of a foolish God. Eonwe: Only one who would stand against the very power of the Valar could be guilty of ignorance and nearsightedness dark one. Too confident are you in your own abilities that failure will be your ultimate destruction. Dark One: I have no failure to concern me as victory quickly approaches my fortress of Isenguard. Soon the one Ring will be in my posession. [I] An image of sorcery sprung up before the dark lord showing the beleaguered Frodo captured by a group of Orcs and Uruks. The trees gave the impression of northern dunland. Eonwe, realizing where Frodo was, decided to take his leave and stop the ring's progression to Isenguard. As he began to leave the blackened doors slammed shut with unearthly force. A shrill sound of drawing blades perforated the air behind Eonwe. He turned to see the dark lord standing before him, his black blade glowing with a sorcerous blue fire. [/I] Dark one: As i said foolish maiar, I have no failure to concern me. [I] Eonwe had to think fast, he couldn't afford to lose his physical form now if he were to be defeated. With an iron will, he drew his sword in front of him, preparing for battle. He would have to win the battle, at least for the time being. [/I]
RPG The Silmarillion: A Quest for the First Age
Drix D'Zanth replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
[I]Soon after the party began organizing itself, night fell upon them. The ebony dome above sparkled with majesty under the crisp mountain air. Glorfindel waited upon his silver horse, the two dwarves next to him on stout pack-steeds.[/I] Glorfindel eyed the arriving members, "Thank you for coming, I hope you are all prepared. As for weapons and armor, we are to head east to Belegost. Corin and Lorin shall lead the way." [I] Corin and Lorin smiled at the party. Lethe and Latiana looked at eachother. Slowly the final remaining members began to trickle in to join the group. The twilight sent a cold shiver up most of their backs, half mixed with anxiety. Only time would tell of the peril's ahead.[/I] Glorfindel spoke again, " We will be leaving now, follow silent and swift." [I] With a soft kick the dwarves headed off, glorfindel flanking them close. Lethe seemed to drink in the cool night air while the humans peered on with concentration at their leader below shining horse-hair adorned helms. The party left the city almost silenty, only light horse noise and the clinking of weapon apon mail echoed through the silent streets. The seven gates opened up to allow the adventurers through. [/I] Darillian sighed with mixed anxiety and excitement, "So it begins.." -
[COLOR=teal] [I] The three walked into the castle, warm light streamed from many-paned glass windows. Their footsteps echoed off of the marble floors and painted tapestreies. They followed a velvet carpet to a courtyard. Warm rays of sun beamed onto the three and off the flowers that studded the grass. Finally the party entered the throne room. Zelda sat on her throne, bored, twirling a golden thread of hair around her finger. She looked up, her eyes immediately brightening. [/I] Zelda: Link! Link (smiling): Zelda! [I]Zelda stopped as she reached Link. She looked at him, then Miaku.[/I] Zelda: Who's this? Link: This is going to be a long story.... [/COLOR]
The party looked up, the sound of an airplane echoing in their ears. Sora: What? Genie: Ten-niner, comin' in for a forty three pass on target. They look up to see genie in a fighter jet. He bails out, landing next to Riku. In full military uniform genie quickly digs a trench. Genie: Ahhh! (holding up a radio to his ear) The general says charge.... welll.... Climbing out of the foxhole, "FIIIIRE" He pointed his fist at the boss shooting out blue bursts rapidly. Most of the balls bounced harmlessly off the Robot. A few exploded causing sparks to erupt from the Behemoth. The robot walked up to genie grabbing him in one hand then slaming him into the ground. A small, flattened genie looked up at the giant robot's hand. Genie: yipe!
OOC: I don't think it's a big problem at all, I thought the ent was cool. (shrugs) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Latiana(while walking): I'm not sure exactly how much you know of recent events in middle earth. Well, the ringbearer, a hobbit known as Frodo has been captured. If that ring reaches the darkest of lords then no elven, dwarven, or human empire will ever be able to stop him until the world fades and dies. Oakenwillow: Hoooooooom (letting out a small sigh). This is bad ... news.... indeeed. Latiana (patiently letting the ent finish his slow sentance): Yes we have been chosen by Elrond of Rivendell to march near Isenguard, hopefully we can intercept those who captured Frodo. Ril (his arms behind his head): Well, I didn't expect too much action but I think we did alright. Winter (smiling): Yes, I am now confident that we are fit for the quest ahead of us. Latiana: Where's the dwarf? Muffled rustles and swaying bushes alerted the party to turn around. Each member drew or notched his weapon. Sure enough the dwarf burst out of the bushes, panting. Gloin: What are ye' lookin' at? I just got me axe stuck in a blasted bush cuz' ye' INSISTED upon comin up that darned hill. Look at me legs! I can't get up a blasted hill! Grunting the dwarf made his way back into the underbrush to retrieve his steel. The group held back laughter, holding their breath. Suddenly Oakenwillow's booming voice seemed to roar with laughter over the countryside. Everyone burst into fits of laughter, even ril who put his hand on the dwarf's shoulder with support. Gloin (blushing): What are ye' all laughin at? Latiana (chuckling): Wait... (a serious look crossed her face) Wheres Aratmacil? A great eagle's cry rang overhead and it's glistening feathers shone in the eyes of the fellowship as they saw it calmly descend in the middle of the party. Aratmacil dismounted the great bird, smiling brightly. Aratamacil: Vedui? il?er, mani nae lle umien? (greetings everyone , what's going on?) ~~~ Five minutes earlier, just outside of goblin town. Eonwe strode out of the destruction to meet the young elf, sitting on a pine stump. His golden hair trailed him as he reached the young elf putting his hand softly on her shoulder. "Only you had listened to my whisper from the sky," he told her with shining eyes, " you posess a rare gift young Aratamacil." She looked back at him. His hand sent a healing warmth throuought her whole body, his words felt like a breeze lapping her from a calmly rocking boat. "I have never seen such beauty since the time of Luthien the fair," he admitted taking her hand in his. Eonwe opened her hand so that her palm faced upwards. Slowly he removed something from his tunic. A bright light shone between the two sitting figures. He set the small object in her hands and it began to dim to a comfortable glow upon touching her fair skin. "In the isle of Valinor, there used to be two trees that lit the world," He explained, "They were destroyed, devoured by the dark lord of the time. Here is one of their last leaves, if you hold it by it's stem it will shine as bright as any star." Aratamacil looked at the leaf in wonder, the colors and lights playing across it's surface. She looked back into his features, her brow furrowed in light concern. 'Why does it feel so good to be here, next to you?' her mind spoke and she gasped, hoping her thoughts weren't so loud that Eonwe wouldn't hear. She took his hands into hers, squeezing their palms softly and warmly together. "Thank you," she whispered to his ear. Eonwe smiled, looking to the south, "I should return you to your party." He whistled, calling one of the great eagles from the mountains. Whispering into the eagle's ear he motioned for Aratamacil to mount. "I will be watching over you from above, do not fear any danger. And remember, let you heart guide you for it is the greatest gift you can bestow on anything," Eonwe whispered into her ear before the eagle took flight. As Aratamacil looked back at the golden/white maiar seem to shrink behind her she shook her head, turning her thoughts to the quest before her. "I hope you can ride fast great eagle," she said with a sly smile, " for we have little time to waste!" Then she spotted her party....
As the three companions finished putting on their newly purchased clothes, they moved up the main street of the city. Birds chirped overhead and children ran around, playing games. Music played from a tavern nearby, filling the street with warm sound. Miaku: Well.. this sure is a nice place, very... quaint. Link (with a puzzled look): Quaint? Miaku didn't answer, he was too focused on the new magnificent building that was Hyrule castle. It was just as magnificent as the record books portrayed it. The three made their way up to the main gate. Link: erm.. ok.. guards? The guards appeared lifeless and their armor hid their expressions. Suddenly a strange sound began to eek out of the guards helm. Guard: ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZ Link (rolling his eyes): oh great. (he begins tapping the guards helmet) Guard (Startled) : BAH! WHO'S THERE! (looking around frantically, then down at the three). Hey! It's you link! Link: That's the second time I've heard that today. Guard: Oh. I suppose you all want to get in then. Here ya go. Gripping a nearby lever, the guard pulled hard, opening the large doors. Link walked in with confidence, as did Miaku. Zudo hunched over nervously.. looking around as if the whole castle could eat him up.
OK, i edited. Sorry bout' the temple thing. Ya, It would be strange for link to ride epona into the temple. However, doesn't the master sword take you to the temple directly if you remove it? Well, i suppose it doesn't matter too much 'cuz i fixed it :D
ooc: not trying to be cynical, rude, or otherwise a nuisance posting without any IC action.... the reason i was asking for a story is because i was hoping Miaku would explain something (i'm still kinda lost about what domon is planning for this). Lan, its just your post kinda ruins the whole point :| OH well I'll post again when i can.
[I]Link looked down at the suprisingly uninvited guests standing in hyrule feild. His biggoron sword gleamed on his back as he rode up to them.[/I] Link: Well..? Who are you? [I]Shaking his head, slightly dazed, Miaku looked up at the strikingly familiar face. Link?s eyes widened as well. The resemblence was? slightly scary. [/I] Miaku: It.. it?s .. you! Link: Wha?! What about me? Miaku: You are Link! Link: Of course I am! Now who are you? How did you manage to get the Master Sword? Miaku: Link, before I tell you, you might want to sit down. [I]The Hylian swiftly dismounted, stroking Epona. Sitting down on the soft grass next to Miaku, Link?s blue eyes stared into Miaku?s inquisitively.[/I] Miaku: This is going to be a long story? [I]Zudo, who had been standing slightly to the right, surveying his surroundings and the beautiful Hyrulian countryside.[/I] Zudo (to himself): Well, this is going to be interesting?
RPG The Silmarillion: A Quest for the First Age
Drix D'Zanth replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
[I]The scent of lavender and lithiel, the fairest of flowers outside of Valinor began to waft over the city as Elves lit candles. Peach light seemed to glow from inside each building, radiating softly outward and from a distance the city looked like a warmly shining moon. The tumultuous roaring of daily life had died down to silence. Now only the soft ripples of warm sounds as elven mothers sang to their children filled the streets. The whole city softly chanted their tunes, different in melody but synchronous in tune creating the distinct impression of faintly ringing bells. Glorfindel rode by the gathered party, only a few hours remained before they would meet and begin their trek. Corin looked to his companions.[/I] Corin: I believe a visit to Belegost is in order. Our mines provide the finest mithril, and I'm quite sure the price would not be unreasonable. (ooc: repeated from an earlier post, i know) Glorfindel, stopping to answer the dwarf: It would be in order if we knew a fast way through those lands north of Doriath. We aren?t familiar with such a route. Corin: Well, it only took me fifteen days to arrive here from the blue mountains. On these stout legs, that?s no small a task. I could show you a quicker route if need be. Supposin? we take the horses, it would take no more than three days if we kept pace. [I]Glorfindel paused to think. That would add a days worth of travel. However the dwarves of belegost produce the finest of armors, and mithril was not an easily obtained luxury.[/I] Glorfindel: Very well dwarf, we shall follow your lead to the dwarven city of belegost. [I]The dwarf looked over at his companions, the elves staring into the sunset, gazing at the stars appearing in an ever-darkening sky. Corin scratched his head, looking at his brother. Lorin was sitting on a bench, pint in hand, lazily carving a rune into the soft wood. Looking back at the elves, who never changed position, Corin shook his head.[/I] Corin: elves? -
It seems kind of odd how you are nessecitating competition between the three major characters. The amount that people will write on their bios isn't indicative of their post dedication. I'm not sure how comfortable I am waiting for two other people to beat me out for link.. :\ Can i post a pseudo-accurate post Gannondorf bio maybe to place me ahead of the game? And if no one else wants link, can't I just play him?
RPG The Silmarillion: A Quest for the First Age
Drix D'Zanth replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
King Turgon?s obsidian and gold armor shimmered as a beam of light shot through a window, highlighting the magnificently crafted work. His eyes narrowed with slight intensity, brow wrinkling on a normally smooth Elven face. Glorfindel looked over at the king apprehensively, ?would they be enough?? the captain could only ponder the potential of these strange individuals. His green eyes sparkled with hope, perhaps within these strangers would their tenuous task be accomplished. With a nod of comformation from the King, Glorfindel pulled out a map. [I]"I will be leading the group,"[/I] Glorfindel said softly looking at the various beings collected around him . Elysan, Idril, Darillian, and Latiana representing the elves. Corin and Lorin of the dwarven kingdom Belegost. Lethe standing for the mysterious and powerful maiar. Finally, the able Duranian stood with a cocky grin, his tempered steel and mortal inquisitiveness standing for the Humans. [I]"We will be taking the southern pass : the hidden way. We must travel quickly and quietly through that area. Upon exiting the encircling mountains we must travel west until we reach the great river Sirion. Thirty leagues from the island Tol Sirion. The ferry-warden there is named Asenorf of House Forwilden. Do not speak to him, do not touch him. He possesses a fiery temperament to the Elves and does this only as a favor. We will cross the ferry and make for the western mountains of Dor Lomin. A new trade?s worth of armor and weapons newly fashioned at Nogrond has arrived. We will try to purchase a few mithril chain for those who are most proficient with melee combat. His majesty?s royal coffer shall pay for all expenses. We shall meet at sunset upon the steps of the city. I assume you all have mounts?" [/I] The rest of the group nodded silently.[I]"Very well, dismissed then." [/I] Glorfindel finished. Murmurs filled the audience hall as the group walked out, younger elves staring with awe at the brave volunteers. King Turgon announced the dismissal of the whole audience hall until the men returned with news. Slowly your characters walked out into the main plaza outside the white tower of Echthelion. A group of commoners gathered in their silken garments of leisure. Applause broke out across the group and singing erupted. Lorin strained his face, trying to remember his Sindarian. -
"Whoooo!" Genie cheered as he limboed under a bamboo pole held up by 2 magical genie-clones. "This is such a great ride!" Genie threw leis (sp?) around to the rest of the crew. Suddenly, genie tripped over mushu, spilling his drink on the ship's control panel. "Hey watch it!" Sora yelled. The eletcrical wires sizzled and sparked. Smoke began to billow from the engines and the ship began to plummet. Sure enough the mass of the vessle slammed into the ground, luckily skidding without too much damage. "Waddaya know," donald gasped looking out of the window, "Hollow bastion."
Name: Link Race: Hylian Age: 19 (i have the resource book , thats how old he was, go figure..) Weapons: The biggoron sword, The mirror sheild, the hook-shot,and a bow with several arrows. Link is also fairly proficient in magic. Description:Ill post an actual picture of link soon. Otherwise, he is a little shorter than the standard Hylian. He posesses fair featues and the typical link hairstyle. As always he abandons armor for more flexible garments, except for his gauntlets of power. Bio: Travelling through time has tired Link, and it's time he settled down. Finally after settling down link led a peaceful life, setting aside his weapons for books, parties, and kind words. With the kingdom returned to normal, Link had his eyes set on a future of peace. ~~~~~ Edit: ok domon, i edited. sorry it took so long my profile didnt tell me there was a reply.
Genie found his blue form jammed against the back of the ship. He hit the wall, immediately liquifying into blue goo. "Must... resist... force," groaned genie as his face popped out of the mass stretching forward like putty. Riku, realizing the overcompensation, stopped the ship suddenly to gain her (its a her right O.o?) bearings. Genie was immediately propelled to the front of the ship hitting the windsheild. The gelatenous mass that was genie looked up at sora and riku with a sheepish grin, "uhh... hey guys!" as he slid down to the floor, collecting his liquified body.
Hmm... baka i would definately like to join if i knew what the game is like. Could you please give some sort of examlpe of play, or prelude (besides the one you wrote). What is the world like? What are the orginizations? Why wouldn't we want to fight? Who is fighting? What would be our insentive? How do we know any better if we are bred as super soldiers from birth? Can you consider any alternative besides super soldier? If you could answer these questions it would be a real help. Thanks :) -Drix
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B][I]Eonwe ducked a warg's paw driving his sword behind the beast's ear killing it nearly intsantly. The warg fell forward locking his blade deeply wedged between his heavy muscles. Another warg let out a low growl, saliva dripping to the ground. Eonwe knew he didn't have time to remove the blade. Thrusting the oncoming warg's head to the side, the Maiar twisted his arm aroud the warg's neck fur. Propelling himself on top of the wargs back he wrapped his legs around it's neck, gesturing to the nearby Ril. [/I] "I need a blade quickly!," Eonwe cried out from the bucking Warg. [I] Eonwe looked at Ril's plight. Ril gritted his teeth, his wiry muscles stressing underneath the motion of the Warg. For a simple moment, Ril let go, clinging with one hand and all the might he could muster. Ril slid a carefully placed dagger from a sheath on his back, tossing it in Eonwe's direction.[/I] [I] Eonwe slid upside down from the warg's neck, quickly cutting its jugular. Blood spewed from the open wound, drenching the warriors fair face. He quickly pushed off of the warg, throwing the dagger at a goblin while curling through the air. The goblin fell back, it's skull cloven in twine.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~` Edit: (ooc) tursi, small posts are the food of gods! don't sweat it.
Heck I'll give it a try. I havent seen the show in a long time. I will play as this character if another person plays a villian (preferably that black lightning guy.) I'll play Rajura (Dais in america). Name: Dais Age:about 460 years old(DOB 1549) Eyes: Blue Hair: White Height: 5'9" Weight: 154 Have amor: yes Crafty and cunning, he is the Warlord of Illusion. Lies and deciet are his arsenal. True to his animal sign of the spider, his special attack is the dreaded "Web of Deception." His weapon is a spider-like shield-looking item he wears on his back, with bladed "legs" extending from it. This is where his deadly web originates. From his weapon, energy threads extend into all over as the entire area becomes black. His opponents are entwined and incapacitated. Quite useful, especially since he wears an eyepatch over his left eye. That would impare his depth perception, wouldn't it? The kanji (Chinese symbol) on his forehead, "NIN," means "serene endurence," usually used with emphasis on enduring. It is the root word for "ninja."
[I]Eonwe ducked a warg's paw driving his sword behind the beast's ear killing it nearly intsantly. The warg fell forward locking his blade deeply wedged between his heavy muscles. Another warg let out a low growl, saliva dripping to the ground. Eonwe knew he didn't have time to remove the blade. Thrusting the oncoming warg's head to the side, the Maiar twisted his arm aroud the warg's neck fur. Propelling himself on top of the wargs back he wrapped his legs around it's neck, gesturing to the nearby Ril. [/I] "I need a blade quickly!," Eonwe cried out from the bucking Warg. [I] Eonwe looked at Ril's plight. Ril gritted his teeth, his wiry muscles stressing underneath the motion of the Warg. For a simple moment, Ril let go, clinging with one hand and all the might he could muster. Ril slid a carefully placed dagger from a sheath on his back, tossing it in Eonwe's direction.[/I] [I] Eonwe slid upside down from the warg's neck, quickly cutting its jugular. Blood spewed from the open wound, drenching the warriors fair face. He quickly pushed off of the warg, throwing the dagger at a goblin while curling through the air. The goblin fell back, it's skull cloven in twine.[/I]
A looming shadow hung over Mushu. Mushu shrunk , "oh no..." he whispered softly as the giant shadow's eyes glowed in the dark corner of the ship. A ebony hand reached out from the darkness. Mushu tried to leap away but was caught, shivering in fear in the grasp of this strange creature. "Whats the matter little buddy?," genie's voice picks up where the shadow had been. The darkness melts away to show genie gently holding the trembling dragon. "You ok? We should put you on ice for a while." Genie snaps his fingers creating a large block of ice out of the air. He sets Mushu on top of it, the small dragon quickly melting down the entire block. "GENIE!" mushu screams, a small bit of fire spurting on a collision course for genie's face, blackening it. Genie just let out a small sigh with a puff of smoke.
Carren's asked me to play the villian. Please get more people to join so we can start this thing. Also, Carren says that it may appear that I do more of the plot of the story than he might, don't worry about it(i know him IRL). OH YA... FIND MORE PPL TO JOIN SO WE CAN START THIS THING !!!:flaming: -drix
RPG The Silmarillion: A Quest for the First Age
Drix D'Zanth replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
"[I]Lle merna aut farien?[/I](will that be all)?" Said King Turgon sitting up slightly, "The bravery shown by these maidens is great indeed but have you no confidence?" Corin and Lorin stumbled in, carrying pints of Ale. Their soft burps condensed on their swaying beards. "[I]You, good dwarves. You would join us wouldn't you?[/I]" Inquired the chiseled features of the king. They looked at eachother, tucking in their beards with the usual dwarven bodily noises. "Well, i suppose if we 'an help ye out.." Corin started. Lorin finishes, "...if there's somethin' in it for me *a sharp elbow from Corin*..er.. us," -
RPG The Silmarillion: A Quest for the First Age
Drix D'Zanth replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
OOC: was it me, or were the boards down a bit last night?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A shrill cry rose overhead. Thorondor the eagle swooped low over the village giving its mid-morning call. Glorfindel looked to king Turgon, who nodded, then stepped forward onto a slight prepace to face the audience. "Free peoples of middle earth, Edain, Elves, and friends." the golden Captain began, "The previous night a grave occurance has arisen, compromising the integrity of our peaceful existence here and to other nations." Another elven maiden stood behind Glorfindel translating into sindarian. Glorfindel looked around the room at grim faces, "The seige of Angaband has been compromised this day. The dark one's most evil of beasts has arisen from the defiled pits. This great beast is known only as Glaurung. We are not aware of the potential threat the beast posseses. What we do know is that it has destroyed Hithlum's (ooc: an elven kingdom ruled by high king of the nolodor)northern seige, with it's breath of inferno alone." Gasps arose, more mumbling. Glorfindel's eyes shone with defiance as he picked up his voice, " Obviously this is a creature of great power and devastation so no risks will be taken towards any of our destruction. I will send a group of ten, no more no less, in order to scout out the Fens of Serech and possibly witness this monster. If you find any of the Nolodor survivors.." he paused, swallowing," do not attempt to rescue them." Cries of dismay and disagreement arose from the audience hall. Glorfindel spoke over them, "We CANNOT risk any more lives for those who have already fallen the task is of too great importance. The needs of many out weigh the needs of the few." At this the elf sat down with a disgouraged look crossing his face. Glorfindel wanted to save the survivors, if there were any, as much as any of the elves attending. A herald spoke up, "Those who have heard what Glorfindel has said and agree to join, please step forward." -
Genie put on a coon hunter's uniform. "YEEEEE HAW, well enuff of that corn pickin' and dog hollerin' lets get out I gots to get my gun some ack-shiiiiion!" He proceeds to fire a few musket blasts in the air from a greatly exaggerated barrel while puttin on a monkey tail hat. The hat quickly pops back into a very pissed off mushu. "Sorry bout' that little buddy," replies Genie while popping a bit of straw into the monkey's mouth
The lights dim in the room as Sora, Mickey, and company begin to look around inquisitively. Suddenly A stage pops up, lights descend from the sky and a spotlight highlights the stage. A small girlish figure appears on stage, oddly enough.. she's blue. She is wearing a small outfit strangely similar to dorothy from the "Wizard of OZ". "Sooooooommee wheeere..." She breaks out into a strangely masculine version of Somewhere over the rainbow. Upon hitting the final note she dissapears and with a puff of smoke appears before Sora, lips outstreched to meet his. HE finds himself drawn to her until. "Ker POP!" the wet smak of a kiss planted dead on sora's astonished features. He pulls away only to see genie. "I didn't think you missed me that much Sora," quickly turning away (his face turning into a blatant impression of Groucho Marx) "A little on the wet side, but a guys gotta deal with what a guys got.. you know what i mean" *wink* *wink*. Another magical pop and genie's face is back to normal.