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Drix D'Zanth

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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth

  1. The cool metal of Eonwe's blade felt somehow [I]right[/I]. Centuries of inaction by the Valar unleashed in a copulance of fury in battle. The Maiar spun across the room cutting the goblins that lay before them. He let the blade spin with it's unbridled fury, the purest of Aule's metals shone with a light of their own easily cleaving goblins in two. He watched the horse whiney and gallop towards a small group of enemies toppling them over. Out of the corner of his eye, Eonwe saw the young elven maiden (whom he only knew as daughter to Legolas) fight with stunning prowess. Inside the chamber, the great wooden doors opposite of the entrance began to rattle and clank. Splinters rained from the cracks quickly forming within the thick logs. Suddenly the doors burst asunder and a thick paw stepped out. A low growl emmitted from the fanged maw of the creature. "Child of Chalchroth... a warg." Eonwe emitted. The first of the five wargs that entered the room lept at the daughter of legolas. Fast as a gust of wind Eonwe stood before her. Bracing himself by sliding his right leg behind him he raised his sword to face the leaping creature. The sword plunged deep into its chest, the viscious liquid warming his pale hands. The beast began to struggle against the blade until, with a deep heaving of its chest, it fell dead. Eonwe slid his blade out of the carcas. "[I]Eldu aith wayeth[/I](be careful)," he whispered softly to the elf behind him. He then charged forward to meet his next foe
  2. The golden haired elf that sat on the head of the council table grinned, "[I]Your arrivals are greatly appreciated friends to the crown. We hope that you are the first of many to join us.[/I]" Duranian leaned against the marble walls, the silver hilt of his longsword ringing softly as it tapped the stone. Glorfindel stepped out to the flank of King Turgon, "[I]It will be soon before Thorondor rides above my leige, with your permission I shall begin my manifest at that time.[/I]" King Turgon nodded to his trusted captain, somehow he felt confort in the prowess of the new faces with those he trusted.
  3. Here it is! Current Cast (in signup order, if you want to join PM me.): Deedlit-Elsyan Airserke (Elven) Rhys Mayiessen-Idril (Elven) Orien_Xel-Darillian (Elven Raiha- Lethe Sevenstar (half Maiar/half Elven) DuoMax-Duranain (Human) Juuthena-Laitina Kittana (Elven) Braidless Baka-Corin son of Gorin (Dwarf) and his brother Sarsy-Lorin, Son of Gorin (Listen to the LOTR soundtrack while reading this prelude for a cool effect) The sun rose to an era of strange peace in the realm of Beleriand. It's warm rays carried acros the sky as beacons of hope to the now victorious people. Angaband lay in ruin, it's iron towers and steel-toothed walls burned with the same sulfurous ash they had arisen. Towers of the Edain and Eldar now stood watch over the conquered enemy, laying constant seige to the hated Morgoth, staying any possibility of attack. The year was 260 of the Age of the Sun over Beleriand. The great elven kingdoms of Hithlum, Doriath, Gondolin, Menengroth, and Narthrogrond stood prosperous in wake of this new peice. The men of Dol Lomin and Eckenbrand began to create marvels of their own, cities of glittering stone, and their race still in it's infancy. Belegrost and Nogrond held the marble halls of the dwarves, great labrynths of magnificent beauty from centuries of labor. It was in this era that the people of the land could feast and enjoy the prosperity of the Age. It is in the City known as Gondolin where your adventure shall begin: [IMG]http://tolkienilu.chez.tiscali.fr/epopee/illustrations/silmarillion/tuor_devant_gondolin.jpg[/IMG] The rising sun's saffron rays peirced the tips of the encircling mountains before lighting the plain below them. The breeze carrying spices and laughter wafts past your nose as you turn to face the glorious display of light. The city glitters, it's white towers reflecting the sun in a prism of colors. Children laugh and dance through the marble streets and music is softly playing from shop to residence. A sindarian child skips up to you, cheerfully handing you a ripened fruit. His soft voice beckoning in joy "Aa? menealle nauva calen ar? malta." (may your ways be golden with fortune). You look at the ripened fruit to see the light reflect upon it. A streak of silver, then white, then crimson. Your eyes widen as you look towards the east. The sun's rays pass through a cloud; crimson light eminating across the mountain peaks. The small child stares up at you his azure eyes glittering, "Lle tyava quel? (are you feeling ok?)" he inquires. The crimson sun means one thing: blood has been spilled upon this day. A chill carries through the breeze sending shivers up your back. Another smell.... blood. "Gothrim amin narathil." (my foes have returned) Something has happened in Angaband. You anticipate Turgon will be calling an audience soon. A silent prayer quivers from your lips to the Valar. "Please do not let it be so." (OOC: somehow each of you has arrived here. Why, is up to you.) The herald of Ecthelion puts a great horn to his mouth. With a rumbling blow he announces to an onlooking crowd, "Grave happenings have occured in this dawn, those who can fight or help in defence against Morgoth, the enemy, would be greatly appreciated by King Turgon. Those who do not hold residency in Gondolin will be paid mercenary fee's if they choose to assist us. I shall return with further details and a calling of the council as the great eagle Thorondor gives his cry." The mention of "Morgoth" sent a gasp and shudder through the crowd. Bad news indeed. ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: To check out the cool picture (it might not download on all computers) just right click on it then click "show picture". It should download. It's the best picture of Gondolin out there
  4. GREAT! these all are approved. Just a few more points of interest I would reccomend you read before starting: -Men will play their decendants as the game passes. -You will have the opportunity to ascend to a king or something of that nature if you wish. -The less you start with, the more you will end with i assure you that. -It is assumed that you can kill maybe an orc within one post, later on multitudes. Please do not one-post-kill the uber bosses. ie. "I stab my sword through the orc and into gothmog, lord of the balrog's, head. Oh ya, it kills him." -The magic in lord of the rings is extremely POWERFUL, ANCIENT, and VERY HARD TO USE properly. If you are an elf, pat yourself on the back, you have an innate ability to use magic. That's about the only racial dominance you have. Important: Before you plan on using magic PLEASE PM ME. If i give you the go ahead then the results will be much more favorable towards you. Just give me a message describing what type of magic you will use. Also, fireballs and spells of crackling lightning can only go so far. Think of something origional. In the silmarillion the elven king Finrod Feglund had a magic duel with Sauron (Morgoth's luitenant, who is suprisingly more proficient in magic than melee, contrary to the movie). The two cast spells by singing songs.... songs of POWER! It seems kind of silly, but songs are one of the more powerful types of magic in Middle Earth (the world was created by songs). If you need/want help with magic or what type of magic to use, please PM me.. I'll set you up with something awesome. -I'll be playing NPC's baddies, etc, don't worry about that. Exceptions to this: In the case of a child or spouse, I will allow the PC to play the multiple characters. However, i will strongly reccomend you do not bring both your spouse and yourself on a mission, as it may become complicated. -No post limit, but please be considerate. Some people don't have constant acess to a computer constantly. You are required 2 posts a week, at least (this is subject to change). If you have a problem with your computer and pm me I'll be very understanding. Please keep me informed or OOC the group. -If you have a problem with a group member PM me first please. Finally: Those who missed the sign-up, please pm me with a normal registration form for approval. If you are planning on joining, it is highly suggested that you read the posts as the players will be determining the path they take (basically, you can't just read my messages and hope to discern the entire plot). You can now find the Beggining of our story in the adventure area. -Drix
  5. Ok, a few things: -I'm going to post the beggining of the story in the Adventure arena tommorow in the afternoon. -The story will begin in gondolin, your character will start there for some reason (its up to you) but doesn't nessicarily mean he lives there by any means. -It's too bad we couldn't get any dwarves :\ oh well, elves are usually everoyones favorite Race. If you ARE playing a mortal, note this: -You can marry and have children. -In time your character will grow old and you will play your children. -You have less affinity to magical arts, however you are commonly stronger and more... durable than the elves (in regards to the conditions around them). If you are an Elf- -This is the age where elves are most common. -The elven magic has a discernible feeling to it. It is most prominent in enchanting objects or land or speaking a small charm of protection. Elves rarely cast offensive magic, that's the Istari/Maiar. -Your character is immortal, and will survive for as long as the game continues. You can bear children and choose to play them if you wish. That's about it. Watch for the prelude in the message board in 1 day!
  6. Sorry 'bout that Rahia... I'm new here. Anyway a few things: -All your posts are of great detail and I am very pleased. -Rahia, about your Istari, please pm me with a detailed background about your Istari. Istari aren't a race, they are a society, the race is Maiar and it is VERY rare for them to produce children. I'm sure whatever you PM will be fine considering what I've seen now. (Your quest to recover your magic is going to be a very unique one) -DuoMax, great post im sure your character is going to be loads of fun to play. However, nuemenor isn't until a few centuries from now. I'm sure as the game progresses you will be able to play a decendent of Duranian who IS Numorean, however, here's a list of kingdoms that men currently occupy (not nessicarily kindoms of men): -Dor Lomin, Brethil, Ladros, Estolad, Mithrim, Dorthonion, Gondolin, Hithlum. Remember you are limited in no way to any of these kingdoms. Heck, you could have had a house in a cave on the ice plains of Helcarxe (sp?) if you wanted ! ^^ Thanks for posting guys I'm sure this game is going to be alot of fun. I'm writing up a prelude very shortly and will post when someone else does (so i dont double post). -Drix :) Edit: That is a beautiful picture Rahia, did you draw it yourself?
  7. Anyone else? Honestly, that reading the silmarillion book was just for suggestion. I'm not going to be very book heavy except in location and names of NPCs. I'll come up with a prelude soon, maybe that will pull some more people to join.
  8. Alriiight... Uhhh so what i posted is ok? How bout this: I'll play like the genie in aladin, no real tactile ability, just comedic relif. OK? I havent played the game and I would need some help as to what his abilities are. Otherwise ill play him to the best of my ability... OK? :|
  9. Eonwe stood at the fore of the group. Everyone was shaken by the sheer display of radiance, just as he had anticipated. "[I]Uruk nagaz du atz hageth z'dors suizl[/I]" the words spilled out of Eonwe's mouth as easily as he had spoken the eldar tounge. The goblins recoiled, suprised at this outsider fluent in their tounge and warning them with such fury. "Choose your actions carefully or I shall regret defiling my own voice with your cursed language." His eyes beamed with the fury of the Illuvitar as he stared down the proud goblin-cheif. Reacting in usual goblin manner the chieftan began talks by gruftly arming himself with a great schimitar, it's blade notched and rusted from many battles before. "No man, no matter how hard he speaks, will stand in front of Durzing son of Azog!" the thick bodied humanoid roared and charged the his new foe. Blow after blow rung out in front of a stunned audience as Eonwe masterfully parried each attack with only the handguard of the blade, thrusting it foward to intercept the goblin's fell swings. In an instant the goblin thrust forward, attempting to disembowl his evasive foe with strength that no king of men could muster. Another ringing of metal upon metal and Durzing stumbled forward. Eonwe looped is right arm around the goblin in that moment until he fel upon the sheath of Eonwe's sword. Swiftly, with merely a grunt emmiting from Eonwe's foe, he unsheathed his sword allowing the blade to pass directly through his enemy. The goblin chieftan fell to the ground in equal sections, the great sword clanging to the floor. The other goblins stared in amazement. Ril raised an eyebrow as Winter leaned in to face him, "Were you expecting that?" Slowly Ril shook his head, his steely gaze locked upon the individual, 'I suppose it is your move stranger, what other suprises do you keep?' the thought whispered within Ril's concience. Then he remembered the four goblins to the left of him...
  10. The party of heros were lead into the great goblin hall, lined with torches blazing from an unholy fuel. The area stank with fetid meat and the smell of goblin, wet goblin in particular. Legolas' nose cringed in slight disgust. Wind began to pour around the group from Latina's spell, the magical energies staying the goblin's wrath. "What is thiss!?!" Blackened spittle was swept up into the wind as the broad goblin cursed his plight. Laitina's mouth pursed slightly, 'How is the spell this strong?'. The energies of the wind grew more intense until the weaker goblins clung to their chairs and pillars surrounding the halls. Those with longer hair found their manes whip around, unruly, as if cast into a vortex. Lightling broke the building asunder and an eagle's cry rung out in the intensity. "Edain and Eldar, make haste and arm yourselved!" The booming voice rang out with a hollow echo, filling the room. The shackes began to glow brightly from within, and with another crack of thunder, they were released the group now freed from the captivity of the vile goblins. The ring of swords being drawn filled the room as the wind died down. The group now faced their enemies with renewed vigor, for a mysterious white-clad warrior now stands among them.
  11. This is great guys! It's not required that you read them, just strongly suggested. As for your characters, they look fine. Don't worry about the story line, we will create our own in time, unless you want to follow it exactly, the choice will be yours. Also, anyone planning on signing up please consider signing on as human or even dwarf. If you pm me with a good reason I can consider letting you play as a Maiar. -Drix
  12. [B]Before Sauron, Before the Rings of Power, Before the simple hobbits even exhisted....[/B] There was an age of Magic. An age of power in which gods walked the realm with mortal and immortal. Where the most magnificent cities of old sprawled across the land for miles and the battles raged for centuries. An age where the light of the gems known as Simaril's glows brighter than the Sun. This is an age where the Dark Lord Sauron existed... not as the greatest of evils, but luietenant to the supreme lord of all that is evil: Melkor. [B]An age where the races are within their infancy[/B] The lineage of elves are clearly defined. Nolodor with their majestic beauty and prowess in battle. Teleri, with their affinity to the sea and its beauty. And Vanyar, fairest and most vulnerable, but by far the most high and reveared amongst the elven. Men are newly born. Their eyes and hearts have opened up to this strange realm of mystery and danger. Within this danger is discovery and valor, a time for hero's to rise up and create the kingdoms of men that will be whispered in legends for ages to come. Dwarves have delved from their mountain halls, eager to seek the mystery of the surface worlds. Equipped with the strenth of stone and steel, these stout people are ready to journey out and meet their enemies. [B]An age where the most onipotent evil dwells[/B] Melkor's iron fortress of Utumno and Angaband lie deep within the mountains of the north. Their many corridors and passages hide evils beyond the comprehension of even the gods. Dragons and vampires, werewolves and wraiths. Even the once fair elves are twisted and tortures, bastardized into the most deplorable race known throughout history: the orc. [B]An age of Wonder[/B] The simaril's are only a fraction of the wonders exhisting in this ancient land, discoveries of untold power and beauty await the adventurer. Decisions that will influence all of time. What i need: Name: Age: Race: (try for typical fantasy, pm me if you want help and i could hook you up with a good race) Description: History including any motives or goals: Weapons: (pm me if you want anything more than a standard rusty sword or used hunting bow etc, this is almost dark ages in comparison and you WILL find weapons that are heroic in power. It just takes a bit of time, thats all. Otherwise you are going to need a gooood reason). - as for classes and such, you can be anything you want unless you want to deal with magic. pm me if you want to use it in any way and we can talk (magic is very very unknown to the common people and is also very specialized in it's use) -no extremely powerful beggining characters please. -i'll give posting rules on game startup. -I SERIOUSLY would suggest anyone getting into this game should have read the Silmarillion at LEAST. Alot of items, names, and places will come from silmarillion source knowledge and may be lost to anyone not familiar with the series. -I am planning on running this game all the way up to the downfall in numenor, in case you are interested.
  13. I think Buruma (bulma to you poor cn watchers) is by far the sexiest. In DB she and Son goku have their moments. You see, Son goku had no idea what a woman was when Buruma came along, so alot of her.. "womanly features" are adressed early in the series. If you've seen the unedited stuff well lets just say goku gets to see a side of Buruma we can all dream about in our wildest fantasies (hint* he says "where are your b...b...balls?!"). I also like Yamucha stumbling upon a sleeping, naked buruma, oh and the whole deal where he sees her in the shower. I suppose she would be the only DB/Z character that you see topless (women, that is). The only problem is that she is 15 or 16 in dragonball O.o and it seems almost... pedophilific.
  14. Hey, well i'd love to play genie if i knew what he did. I've never played the game, but I'm familiar with the story line. If someone wants to tell me what abilities I need to use then feel free... Name: Genie Summons: ... me Attacks: Fists, i think (cant he warp his hands into whatever he wants?) Special attacks/magic..: ugh... he is a genie right? Can i grant wishes? hmmm I think i have the ability to shapechange into anything for fun/ comedic relief. Bio: I think saying the name "genie" is enough said. Feel free to tell me what he can do in the game and I'll edit my post.
  15. OOC: whoops pressed enter too soon. IC: It seems as though the unique little group that Eonwe had been eyeing had lost it's luck. The nazgul began to turn back towards them, preparing for another ambush and they had been caught by ... goblins. Once again Eonwe beckoned his trusted ally to sweep down closer. He whispered "do not let the goblin eyes see you, we must prevent the ringwraiths from attacking them" He saw a young elven lady amongst the group silently walking with them. Eonwe lifted his hands, beckoning the winds to swirl around them, "The hand of Manwe and Lady Varda of the stars is with you, do not fear." With a twitch of the wrist the small breeze cascaded towards the young elf.
  16. Eonwe stepped onto the eyrie overlooking lythe and the plain of rivendell. His eyes pierced the distance around him revealing, to his dismay, chaos. "Manwe picked a good time to intervene in these events" He stopped speaking to the companion to his right, the gread Eagle Landroval. "Nazgul!", it was a curse of pure hatred ringing below mortal hearing as Eonwe witnessed the darkened individuals encircle a small group of travellers. He mounted Landroval and with a slight gust of wind they decended upon the group to assist. Cautiously Eonwe eyed the group below. 'They've fended them off!' he stared stunned. 'What an extraordinary group!'.
  17. I am a HUGE fan of LOTR, Sil, etc as evident by this character. I would be playing Eonwe, herald of Manwe Name: Eomer Age: Before the age where time was recorded, in the ages before the two trees and in the dawn of stars.(approx 39,000 years old) Weapons: A great sword created by Aule himself, with a shine greater than mithril and a glow on par with the great blooming trees themselves. It must always be sheathed for the presence in the eye of man will surely corrupt them. The banner of Manwe.. A banner created from the winds of a hurricane and clouds of a thunderstorm. It bears Manwe's mark and inspires courage and valor in all who witness it. Appearance: Standing 6'1, Eonwe does not appear all that different from a man. However, he posesses features of beauty that glow with the warmth of the radiant sun and hair that is alive with the winds of valinor. His deep sky blue eyes contain the secrets of the Valar within them, only to be unlocked by the wisest and most worthy. Supernatural abilities: Alternate form: When in battle Eonwe grows to immense power, the fist of the heavens in righteous fury against one foe. Horn of Eonwe: Once per age, he may call upon the maiar with the trumpet that rings across the heavens. This would probably only occur during an apocolyptic event. Eagle affinity: Chosen creatures of Manwe, eonwe can communicate and summon any eagle within a breeze (see next ability). He uses eagles to ride across the lands. Speak with the wind: Eonwe's voice can be heard as clear as it was spoken along a gust of wind, eonwe also has the ability to read the winds and where they will lead. Bio:Created amongst the other Maiar in the first valarian age, eonwe lead a life serving Manwe. When the time of melkor's great betrayal occured his existance was dedicated to fighting for the hope of defeating the great dark lord's evil. After the great war of the gods ending the first age of the sun Eonwe returned to the undying lands. Not even a threat as great as Sauron called for Eonwe to return to the forsaken land of men. However, the combination of two of the greatest Maiar: Sauron and Sauruman has created a threat that could unlock the chains of melkor himself. The very existance of the undying lands may be in question. Therefore, Eonwe has been sent. His mission is to discover a means to end this new threat, wether through the One ring or pure destruction and end the threat once and a while. - Note: those who may be (O.o) oogled at the proposition of my playing a maiar, keep in mind that Gandalf was a Maiar. -Maiar aren't allowed to influence the affairs of mortals and immortals without the possibility of serious reprocussions. -The maiar are ordained a singular purpose or goal and cannot strive to achieve their own wants or needs but must focus on the needs appointed to them. -Eonwe, being part etherial in being is more of a guide or wise man than aything.
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