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Drix D'Zanth

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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth

  1. My college sends a group of physical chemists and physicists to Cadarache, France each summer to visit the construction site of ITER; one of the fusion assemblies mentioned in the article that you have provided. The idea behind fusion is a simple one with very complex implications. Basically fusion involves two isotopes of Hydrogen: deutronium and tridium, colliding to form a helium atom and an extremely high-energy neutron. Because of the first law of thermodynamics, there is a HUGE exothermic release of energy when you can overcome the magnetic forces repelling these two isotopes. This large amount of energy will be captured in water by convection and used to generate massive amounts of usable energy. [quote name='Raya][COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1] If only processing it in temperatures exceeding a hundred million ºC's costs less than three hundred liters of gasoline (~$650, yes?)... [/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] This is only partially true. The housing (china may be the first to actually attempt the reaction, but not build the reactor) of this reaction is a specially designed magnetic ?seal? that will contain the plasma required to initiate the reaction itself. The reason you need such a large magnetic field is because if the reaction were to burst from it somehow, the entire facility would melt in the blink of an eye. If the casing were to fail at all, a blast far greater than we?ve ever seen would atomize everything in the surrounding area. I digress; the housing is very very expensive. The tridium is VERY difficult to acquire, but we only need a little (and unlike what Spiderman 2 might say, tridium is a gas). deutronium is all we need to sustain the reaction. deutronium is easy to acquire (we have lots of it in lab). One of the easiest ways to acquire it is through water (why not? For every one water molecule, there are 2 ?possible? deutronium molecules). That?s why it seems so cheap. [QUOTE=Raya][COLOR=#790A43][SIZE=1] I really, sincerely hope that this arificial sun will work. This is probably the closest we've got to clean, renewable energy: if it were possible to process all the water from all the oceans, energy equivalent to some 411 sextillion(x10^21) liters of gasoline can be produced. That would translate to 2.59 sextillion barrels or 42 trillion(x10^12) years worth of petroleum extracted in 2004. Wow.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] That?s a fun calculation, but you forgot to subtract the energy required to actually [i]get[/i] the water into a system where we can extract deutronium. Not only that, we can (in the lab) increase the likelihood of acquiring deutronium in a far more efficient fashion than water extraction. Basically, where there is hydrogen, there?s a possibility for deutronium. This device isn?t meant to run the reaction for long. ITER, a larger, more advanced reactor is to run the reaction for 500 seconds total. However, the energy that can be acquired from that reaction is to be substantial. Needless to say, if this is a success, it will be the first step on the pathway to the bankruptcy of the Middle East. Not only that, but the sudden decline in oil demand will free up oil for a far more important use: plastics. There are more effective means of acquiring energy besides fusion (for instance, matter-antimatter collision is an effective means of releasing energy a la e=mc^2), but I can see why this is very exciting. But I hope we recognize the implications of the commercialization of this technology. Those companies developing it? will become the richest in the world. Kinda makes you want to go into physical sciences, yeah? So no, if this is successful it is most definately [b]not[/b] a white elephant.
  2. If you ever attend a eulogy, and are asked to speak (or the recently passed come up in conversation) it is quite possibly one of the rudest things to insult the recently deceased. No one has died, sure, but someone?s not with us anymore; and what you have to say is that all you felt was ?pity? and the members ?got what they deserved?? That not only insults them, but it insults their friends- including myself. Save your toast, and your pity. Mitch?s and Alex?s feud got the best of them and OB has lost two of some of the greatest members it?s ever going to seen. QKT, OB?s guild, is swirling downhill and it?s only a matter until truly dedicated Guild Wars players move on to a newer guild with more active leadership. Mitch?s poetry was actually getting quite good, and his stories were thought provoking; he was a great moderator during the lit forum who worked on staff around the same time I did. I recall us being quick friends. He was a kind, courteous person, who just took the criticism of Alex a bit too seriously. As for Alex (Brasil), he was my best friend here on the boards. He knows that, we speak all the time on AIM, and we are trying to arrange a convenient time where we?ll be able to meet. The friendship we had was a testament to what?s possible on an internet forum- and Idea that would seem absurd to me before I?d joined. His banning is a loss consoled by the fact that it really doesn?t bother him all that much. I don?t feel so bad for his loss, but for the OB community itself. We?ve lost three great members for three unique reasons. That?s a shame, really. It?s too bad those involved in this decision weren?t willing to consider a temporary ban before going straight to a perma-ban. *raises glass* As virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say, "The breath goes now," and some say, "No," So let us melt, and make no noise, No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move; 'Twere profanation of our joys To tell the laity our love. Moving of the earth brings harms and fears, Men reckon what it did and meant; But trepidation of the spheres, Though greater far, is innocent. Dull sublunary lovers' love (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove Those things which elemented it. But we, by a love so much refined That our selves know not what it is, Inter-assured of the mind, Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss. Our two souls therefore, which are one, Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion. Like gold to airy thinness beat. If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two: Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show To move, but doth, if the other do; And though it in the center sit, Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans, and hearkens after it, And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must, Like the other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end where I begun.
  3. [IMG]http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/2804/tabbycopy7eq.jpg[/IMG]
  4. [URL=http://img352.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nucleardawn16zt.jpg][IMG]http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/6049/nucleardawn16zt.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Here's my next peice called [b]Nuclear Dawn[/b]. It's an abstract idea my friend gave me. It really started with the "crystal burst" in the background, and I decided to build upon it. I hope you guys like it. I'm thinking of changing my technique to more photo-editing. We'll see what I can cook up. [b]Flake[/b] Ugh, this is more a cry for help than anything. I am having difficulty blending these images. I think it's the use of a lower resolution snakehead on a fairly high-resolution flamingo that is giving me the most problem. Does anyone have any hints/tips or links? [URL=http://img215.imageshack.us/my.php?image=flake0sk.jpg][IMG]http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/4372/flake0sk.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Ineffective Camo[/b] This is a far better example of my learning how to diffuse layers and mask more efficiently. You'll see that (besides the eye), the entire snake's scales have a pattern of peacock feathering on them. I really like how this one turned on.. it fits well with the background. I count this amongst my sucesses. ^_^ [URL=http://img33.imageshack.us/my.php?image=montpelliersnakecopy7su.jpg][IMG]http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1745/montpelliersnakecopy7su.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  5. Well, I made a new banner, and I thought I'd shamlessly work my way into this thread for some feeback. Simplicity, what makes me enjoy your banner the most is how it overridingly reeks of a cute humor with just the perfect bit of vinegar bite. Your text matches your banner/avatar color, which adds a new dimension to your overall posting style. I really like the simplicity... it certainly lives up to your username! 9/10
  6. ------ I'll be honest Mitch, I'm no genius when it comes to poetry. In fact, some of your poetry flys *way* over my head. But I like this poem a [i]lot[/i] [QUOTE=Mitch]can a number show me the root of a tree? can a number show me what it is to be free? can a number [color=red]subtract[/color] all the losses in my life? can it add all the beauty that's in my sight? [/QUOTE] I really like this, because it has some significance in my life. Earlier I argued with my stats teacher that everything that?s quantitative also has some qualitative foundation. For instance- what makes 5 inches 5 inches? It?s just an assigned length to a space that was there to begin with! I digress. Your opening stanza has a solid rhyme and rhythm. The second line strikes me as odd. Where the other three, you have clever analogies to mathematics, I?m not sure about that second line. See what you can do to work with it? ?derivative? is a word you might be able to build around that has both mathematical and qualitative significance. [QUOTE=Mitch] can a number show me where life's point lies? the answer's simple in the poetry of your eyes this proof isn't written since there's proof alone[/QUOTE] No complaints, here. I love the last line, it brings me back to Descarte?s [i]cogito ergo sum[/i]. The proof exists whether we write it or not. [QUOTE=Mitch] if life's an equation, then where's the answer? everything's question after question - a cancer so benign but malignant if touched by the mind numbers are a lie, but words are divine[/QUOTE] That ?cancer? came out of nowhere and created a substantially different imagery. I wasn?t sure how I was going to like it. The third line had me, though. Really, it was very well handled. I would replace ?so? with ?how?, however. I think the ?numbers are a lie? is too brusque a conclusion to draw. I think, following such witty and subtle wordplay I would recommend changing ?a lie? with? ?illusionary?. Maybe ?nebulous?? And by God man, give your baby a name.
  7. Annie, I?m always happy to read your works of literature. I love the way you tend every character faithfully to a mix of OB personality, and genuine personality! Your series (and I suppose this wonderful sequel is indication that the Bandits are series-worthy?) really flatters the members that are a part of it; evil villain or supercharged Bandit alike. I especially like how your writing style has matured. Some of the characters have not ;), but you have definitely improved since the last Bikini episode. The lead-in with the Alan/Alex news duo was quite appropriate and entertaining, however clumsy. I suppose the format is loose for a reason, and easy enough to follow. You really have mastered the art of weaving an atmosphere. Other OB writers listen up: ?The bright light illuminated the wall full of spattered blood? doesn?t necessarily create the illusion of atmosphere. ?Annie blinked, setting the empty glass down,? does. I really think that these little in-between actions that may seem inconsequential in real conversation are paramount to creating believable instances in your unbelievable setting! By the way, each picture of a seductive Faye really sets the atmosphere quite effectively. I didn?t know so many pictures of her existed. Your characters are fun to read, and their antics are genuinely funny! You are one of very few people on OB who can make me laugh! Each Bandit is wonderfully honored and respected as a unique member of your team. This is as much a tribute to those special ladies than anything else. Speaking of new characters, bravo on mixing in some of the newer members- Retribution?s newest appearance comes to mind. You have him figured out! If I have one complaint, it would be the wishful thinking of somehow being able to hear what the other characters are thinking? although considering the story is written from your perspective, I understand why that?s not possible. Keep exploring descriptive possibilities, sometimes I?d lose track of what characters are where- some would wonder to various places, or simply stop talking and seem to *disappear* (this is rare). Your last post tells me how you are capable of laying quite an epic plot move in a single post! Milk this plot for all it?s worth, I know you?re capable of surprises and I?m hoping to see the wise Goddess Athena use her powers to throw in a fun plot twist or two ^_^. For instance, use more adjectives. A lot of the girls can start blending into each other if you just read their dialogue. You are all kind of sister-esque in that the Bandits appear to think alike (you know what they say.. great minds..); how about how they *sound*? What do they *look* like? I know you?ve gone into this to a certain extent, but explore your writing palette. I guess that?s all I?ll say for now. Lastly, I?ll highlight one of my previous points by quoting something I found quite humorous (was it intended?): [quote name='Athena] [b]?Be careful, Syk3!?[/b] Annie called out and covered her face. It was too late, the moderator had already pounced. With a loud smash, both the stool and Syk3 tumbled to the floor. The only thing Annie saw between her fingers were limbs flailing about, Syk3?s hair, and a few broken pieces of the stool flying around. After a few minutes of listening to him groan and curse, Annie sighed and stood up to help him. [a few lines lower'] ? Forgetting the mangled mess of Syk3 and stool, Annie ran to the keyboard. [/quote] You know, there are [i]two[/i] meanings to the word ?stool?. Think of the significantly more disgusting word (which I did, my idle mind is so dangerous) and re-read this paragraph. :-p Ciao!
  8. [QUOTE=hentai#1]Drix D'Zanath I respect your oppinion, because I'm a Christian to, but what does this have to do with your oppinion on Bush. I understand what your saying, I dont condone violence or want to kill anybody neither, but the question was what your oppinion was on Bush Jr. Do you like what he's done for the U.S. yes or no and why?[/QUOTE] Well I [i]have[/i] posted my opinion on Bush. I'm very mixed. The reason I posted my opinion on war in general is because it is an issue relevant to our Presiden'ts two terms: The war in Iraq and on Terror. As for his domestic policy, I'm pretty supported. I like his judicial nominees, his policy on abortion, homosexual marriage (although, a constitutional ban is a bit much), and the economy. I don't blame Katrina or the Economy on him. I blame the economic depression on companies like Enron, which was exacerbated further by 9/11. I like his tax-cut plan, and I think it's fair (if you spend more on taxes, you get a proportional amount back in returns). I think if people don't [i]save[/i] that money, and re-cycle it into the economy- we would see stimulation. Inevitably, there's little a government can do in a capitalist-driven market. I think Bush is terrible at public speaking, but I think he's a bright person. I actually have the right to say this, as I've had an opportunity to meet with the President at a luncheon with my close friend Phyllis. Pyllis is the vice-chair of the International Democratic Party. She was invited to the white house last August. Phyllis and I are close friends, as she was my preceptor and trainer in earning my Paramedic license. We worked long hours together and share a strong bond of friendship. So she took me along, and I had the opportunity to speak with the president. In person, he's very kind and very articulate. I didn't really debate with the guy (he was my host, after all) but I had fun chatting with him [the short while we were able to chat, that is]. The food was [i]amazing[/i].
  9. I posted this same thing in the Bush thread, perhaps it is more appropriate here. If a mod thinks that posting in both is redundant, please remove it from the Bush thread. [b]As a Christian I cannot endorse violence.[/b] The more I?ve thought about this and read the Bible? the more I find that, as a Christian, I [i]desire[/i] to be ?like-Christ? (the meaning of ?Christian?). It?s an easy decision for any Christian (and I mean [i]real[/i] Christian) to say he or she would die for his religion. Blessed are the martyrs right? This also means, I accept the social repercussions of being opposed to ideas that I believe are immoral- homosexuality, abortion, capital punishment, totalitarianism, etc. So when I?m called by my peers or my government to give my opinion, I will do so as a moral individual? I will do so as a conscious Christian. What about when my government calls upon me to endorse or oppose War? Think about the message of Jesus. When asked whether or not ?eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth? was correct- Jesus replied by saying ?When a man strikes one cheek, turn the other?. Peter, an apostle of Christ and the founder of the formal ?church? was killed by inverted crucifixion. Matthew, another follower, was killed by the sword. The Apostles never fought back. Martyrs throughout the world, and while they may stand in opposition? they never fight their enemies to live. Jesus, the Son of God, hangs dying from the cross. He extends his forgiveness to everyone by dying for them. He forgives anyone who accepts it, including the Roman guard who looks upon him and admits that he is Lord (Mt 29). ?50 Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. 51With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear. '52"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?" ?The book of Matthew, Ch 26 The Son of God does not fight back. The war we as Christians fight is waging and won. I know we are called by our country to fight for values we find important? but what does God have to say about it? How exactly am I, as his follower, supposed to approach war? Can we honestly reconcile our virtues of faith and forgiveness by killing our enemies- even if it is in the defense of ourselves or another? Or should we, as Christians, love our enemies? These are questions heavy on my heart. I cannot remove myself from my faith? even if the Government asks me to. Even if the Government asks me to kill for my country, I cannot disobey my God. So I pray that it does not ask me to do so.
  10. [b]As a Christian I cannot endorse violence.[/b] The more I?ve thought about this and read the Bible? the more I find that, as a Christian, I [i]desire[/i] to be ?like-Christ? (the meaning of ?Christian?). It?s an easy decision for any Christian (and I mean [i]real[/i] Christian) to say he or she would die for his religion. Blessed are the martyrs right? This also means, I accept the social repercussions of being opposed to ideas that I believe are immoral- homosexuality, abortion, capital punishment, totalitarianism, etc. So when I?m called by my peers or my government to give my opinion, I will do so as a moral individual? I will do so as a conscious Christian. What about when my government calls upon me to endorse or oppose War? Think about the message of Jesus. When asked whether or not ?eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth? was correct- Jesus replied by saying ?When a man strikes one cheek, turn the other?. Peter, an apostle of Christ and the founder of the formal ?church? was killed by inverted crucifixion. Matthew, another follower, was killed by the sword. The Apostles never fought back. Martyrs throughout the world, and while they may stand in opposition? they never fight their enemies to live. Jesus, the Son of God, hangs dying from the cross. He extends his forgiveness to everyone by dying for them. He forgives anyone who accepts it, including the Roman guard who looks upon him and admits that he is Lord (Mt 29). ?50 Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. 51With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear. 52"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. 53Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?" ?The book of Matthew, Ch 26 The Son of God does not fight back. The war we as Christians fight is waging and won. I know we are called by our country to fight for values we find important? but what does God have to say about it? How exactly am I, as his follower, supposed to approach war? Can we honestly reconcile our virtues of faith and forgiveness by killing our enemies- even if it is in the defense of ourselves or another? Or should we, as Christians, love our enemies? These are questions heavy on my heart. I cannot remove myself from my faith? even if the Government asks me to. Even if the Government asks me to kill for my country, I cannot disobey my God. So I pray that it does not ask me to do so.
  11. [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Sienna] Iraq was stable... backwards, stagnant, and horrifying, but stable (i.e not about to collapse in on itself). All that the Bush War did was make things considerably worse.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Iraq's stability was a facade. I, as a Christian, cannot endorse the war in Iraq. I'll reply more on this when I get back from Neurochem... but I've had a significant spiritual revelation over the weekend that I'd like to share with you all concerning Pacifism and Christianity that I'll post in this thread and the pacifism thread.
  12. [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] Well, just for the record, China and Korea are relativly harmless to the direct North American landmass... China has over a million soldiers but they have no way of moving them (especially across the Atlantic Ocean) and many of them are armed with weapons that predate the M1 Garand. They'd be completely outclassed but any army in the West. Yes, even France :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] You are quite correct Ziggy. The best predictions for a conventional war see China losing air superiority and naval superiority. Its own nuclear arsenal (thanks to a generous donation by the Clinton administration, yes? Clinton?s boys gave China missile designs capable of hitting the U.S. west coast now!) would probably be demolished and rendered ineffectual using Patriot missiles (they were made before the patriot act). The weapons and training of the U.S. military is really the finest. I would think a conventional war would be preferred. Oh, and I think China would need to concern itself in crossing the Pacific? before thinking about the Atlantic. ^_^ [QUOTE=Ziggy Stardust][COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman] As for Korea they really can't do much with their nukes... yes they have them but they're also relativily primative, and are most likely a big bluff... they know if they use them it's full-scale invasion and obliteration. Even then the nukes would be picked off in the high atmosphere by sophisticated missile defenses. I'm not a nuclear expert or anything, but I think that the Nukes wont explode unless they're detonated by the detonators, but I could be wrong, so detonating them in mid-air would make them relativly harmless. Er, that was a bit off topic...[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] North Korea wouldn?t attack the U.S. first. North Korea wants South Korea. North Korea can?t invade South Korea, because [i]China[/i] knows that if NK does, there will be a full blown conflict with the U.S. that may draw China and the U.S into conflict. China, and its booming economy, can?t afford that. I think the U.S. should withdraw a some portion of its involvement in the United Nations. The UN is often treated like a senatorial body, whereas I believe it should be more equivalent to a house of representatives. Not only has the UN been ineffectual in keeping peace, and halting world genocides (they have, I?m just assuming no one is going to be foolish enough to argue this- so I?ll hold of on examples for now); but when it is somewhat effective, who?s soldiers go into combat? U.S, UK, and to a lesser degree French and Australian soldiers. I can?t help but feel like the UN [i]uses[/i] our nation with little gain on the part of the American people. When it comes down to baseline arguments, our government doesn?t have any real obligation to the UN; it has an obligation to its citizens and the maintaining of their constitutional rights. So when the US makes unilateral decisions for the sake of its people; I think her sovereignty can speak for itself. I ask anybody to name another country that is expected as much to put her own sovereign issues aside for the sake of other nations. In reality, aren?t those nations acting in the best interests of their [i]own[/i] people as well?
  13. [quote name='IceRose']... he's made life for virtually everyone that is not rich and pretty impossible...[/quote] [img]http://img477.imageshack.us/img477/9638/bushlife6nj.jpg[/img] [b]Despite the risk of gaining the ire of Bill Gates and The Alien, here; Bush still continues to "make life" for virtually everyone else.It's only a matter of time until the "rich" and "pretty impossible" demand their cut[/b] All jokes aside, I'm pretty mixed on Bush. I suppose he's the lesser of the two evils. He and I agree on some key moral issues, and I think that he is a genuinely good person. I don't really subscribe to either side's political rhetoric until I can look at the history and statistics myself. So don't be so quickly to demonize him for problems out of his control (like hurricanes, or the economy). Sure, he's not perfect. But history will show that he did a good job, despite the media's intepretation of his presidency. I'll reply with more specific examples and rebuttals, I have to go to class first ^_^.
  14. Here's one that I made prior to "subaqueous bansai" when I discovered how to make the liquid-metal effect. I also wanted to mess with the color efect so that there would be multiple bright colors on the same layer of metal... perhaps refecting some sort of brilliant explosion. [b]Liquid flutter[/b]
  15. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I immensely enjoy the textures of these -- particularly the last one. I'm guessing you're relatively new at Photoshop (no offense if you're not), and these are very good for a 'novice.' How did you achieve the effect in the second image? I'm pretty sure I know how you get the color (Color Balance, ctrl + b), so I mean the general shapes and patterns. Keep it up![/size][/QUOTE] I am relatively new. I?ll talk to you about the second one in detail over AIM sometime, because it was somewhat complicated. A lot of the color has to do with the several layers I?ve used. I also had a kind of ?blooming? effect when I mixed the right combination of layers? I?ll try to dig up the exact steps and edit my post so you can give it a try (to most likely the more brilliant effect ^_^). [quote name='fazz33']Damn those look great, i dont know why but i really like the second one (it might be cuz green is my fav color) :) i think ur stuff is really good. Is is ok if i save the second one? i wanna use it as a background for my desktop ^_^[/quote] I?m flattered. I didn?t expect to receive compliments on my first pieces of art! I guess we?re our own worst critics? To answer your question, you are welcome to use the image however you like. As long as it?s not to gain a profit? ?cause I got to have a cut of that ~_^.
  16. We all know Alex can fight his own battles, but I?ll try to step in here to at least prevent the **** from hitting the fan: [quote name='Mitch']Honestly, since when can you just post a bunch of images and call that a post? When I was a mod around here I would've never allowed something like that. I mean, it's fine to include some images or whatnot...but at least have some essence to your post, rather than just belittling the maker of this thread and everyone else that's at least taking it somewhat seriously. [/quote] Alex justified why he posted his images: because he doesn?t take threads like these seriously. I posted images because I think these threads are simply ridiculous. This kid isn?t going to get some sort of instant resolution to his family problems from his first couple posts here on OB. I mean, look at the way he?s been responding: he continued to make excuses about his situation, disregarded any sympathetic advice, and continued to whine about how terrible life is for him. [quote name='Mitch']And how is posting that Psych Ward thing from your My O defending anything? Like was said before, you should've just not said anything at all, nor should you have come into this thread if you don't like it. It's what I've done for quite a long time. [/quote] His post was just meant to find humor in the situation. It?s like when you see teens on MTV?s show ?made? crying and breaking down because they don?t like the effort required to be ?made? into their ?dream-[insert athletic type, talent type,attribute]?. At least most of the kids recognize that they need to control their [i]own[/i] decisions, and their [i]own[/i] reactions to the world they sit in. Life is really 90% of what you make of it. As for Alex?s Psych post; well, he can at least empathize with greater experience than most would give him the benefit of the doubt for. [quote name='Mitch']Alex, I can understand your frustration with threads like these, but unfortunately I don't see teens suddenly changing into non-angst-ridden people. We all go through that kind of phase at some point, and even after that phase, we get angsty from time-to-time. It's common sense. It happens. Instead of cutting this person down, you could at least tell them that you stayed at a Psych Ward and also that life isn't pointless and so on (which you have done to an extent, but yet again are too crass about it, which just will never work). It's called kindness, which you don't seem to really have half the time. . . [/quote] Alex and I are doing exactly what we think is good for any angst-ridden teen when we post pictures that sarcastically mock the thread- we are prescribing a good dose of ?tough ****?. Marcus Aurelius had it right when he said that some measure of stoicism is necessary to grow up. Kaise has a lot of growing up to do and there?s two ways of getting that message through to him. The first method has been tried, and unsuccessful: holding his hand through the issue until he hopefully comes to the realization that he must not only face his problems, but face his own emotions. The second, which Alex isn?t afraid to use is really a sort of tough-love. The philosophy (and I grew up on tough love) is teaching a child who is dealing with a situation inappropriately to think about his situation and learn some common sense. Tough love ?forces? you to re-assess your situation. And frankly, Kaise has gotten a lot of advice? but this thread treads on? [QUOTE=Mitch] A lot of people are really sick of this type of thing from you, Alex. I think they give you too much leeway around here, just because you're brilliant. Your brilliance can be quite annoying, you know. If you were someone else you would've been banned long ago. At least show some decency. At least.[/QUOTE] Mitch, I know you and Alex don?t get along. But please tell me how this paragraph is going to help your case at all? Essentially implying he should be banned? A man of lesser decency wouldn?t bother justifying his position. I respect the fact that he has. His pictures add an element of humor that is appropriate for these threads because they are trite and infantile. If we can joke about issues political and serious on other threads, why is it a crime to do so on this? Which reminds me: [Img]http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2382/diecopy7ob.jpg[/img]
  17. I don't really do this much.. but I've been dabbling in Photoshop. I would love to hear what you think of my work... but please understand that if you want to critisize- please offer suggestions that I can work from! That is, if you can offer photoshop advice, I'd value your opinions very much! This one is dedicated to Annie (Athena). Funny thing is, I'm posting it here before I have had a chance to show her ^_^. [b]Subaqueous Bonsai[/b] [color=teal]1[/color] This next image wasn't so much about the strokes in the back, but the depth I was trying to achieve with the color. I wanted to try and get a cool coppery effect [b]Bloom[/b] [color=teal]2[/color] This image was made for my best friend Steve (he's not on OB). The only quirk I have with the image is that I could've tweaked the chrome on the bottom right to show a lot more of the color... Instead it looked way too bright. But I'm happy with the tarnished-metal look i got. Oh, and it has nothing to do with postmodern art.. i just like the word "postmodern". As for the text.. it was more of a gimmick than anything to be taken seriously. [b]Postmodern punk[/b] [color=teal]3 Sorry to kind of mess with this thing you've got going here, but I wanted to make find an alternative to inflating the screen size. >.o -Syk3[/color]
  18. *Applauds* I can't belive this thread is still alive... Sara, Dave, your replies made my day :). And as for Annie's reply. Well, I've been waiting to use this: [IMG]http://www.netsoc.tcd.ie/~cojofl/pictures/pwned.jpg[/IMG]
  19. The dinner bells chimed, rather, the entire tableware shook as Otakubot leapt into kitchen, unleashing a myriad of punches and kicks. He had to [i]prepare[/i] for the challenge to come. He had to burn his calories. He needed to build his strength for later. His training under the penguin master was not yet complete. He needed to master his technique! A few awkward kicks later, and he knocked the pint of milk from the table. [color=red]?Pheonix grasp!?[/color] his cry echoed through the hollow room as he lunged for the milk, salvaging as much of the ivory tastiness as possible. The banshee followed the awkward man through a set of swinging doors, gripping the edges of her polyester suit, scratching at the itchy material. She pursed her lips for a moment, looking at the wall. No, the [i]distance[/i]. A whistle blew from somewhere within the room and her bright orange hair took flight from an unknown breeze. Her eyes shone brightly as an unknown ray of light descended to meet her face. The suspense built, and the lights grew brighter?nay, [b]brighter[/b]- the wind now a gale whipping her hair into a fiery vortex! She paused, Otakubots?s bottom lip dribbled in hunger. [color=red]?Dinner time,?[/color] she said, quickly taking her seat next to the geek without an iota of pomp. [color=red] ?Are we all ready for the dinner melody?? [/color] Tiger Girl 3 purred, inciting the ever terrible tradition meant to inspire ?unity? and ?cohesion? to the group; and, at the request of Captain Death, ?unmitigated fear? in the meal they were about to eat. By this time, the assorted motley of ?super?-heroes had entered their Kitchen of Doom (also a Captain Death original). [color=red] ?Who is going to start the song?? [/color] Tiger Girl 3 scanned for volunteers, [color=red] ?comon? team. You know the rule: without the voice of power??[/color] she paused to let the group finish. A grumbled, half enthusiastic reply came, [color=red] ??no food for an hour.? [/color] [color=red] ?..HOUR!? [/color] Bee?s voice rang several octaves louder than the rest of the group, dripping with enthusiasm. Somehow, the beam of light had reappeared. [color=red] ?How does she do that?? [/color] Raccoon Glory whispered to Super Absorbent. [color=red] ?I have..no..idea,? [/color] he murmured back, his words soft as fluffy sea cucumber. [color=red] ?You start,? [/color] Tiger Girl 3 bluntly ordered, pointing at Otakubot, who was attempting to find his ?chi?. Disgruntled at the interruption, Otakubot stepped forward, and looked at his compatriots. *Thud thud thud* He stomped his feet on the ground. [color=red] ?Boo chee booo chee booo chee? [/color], he began his beat box. Raccoon glory chimed in [color=red] ?Dun dun dun duuuunnn dunnnn? [/color]- bass guitar. The rest of the members began their chorus: [color=red] ?Forever we staaaand! *shouted* Hero patrol! */shouted* Never to fear, our cooking?s not blaaaaaand! We?ll roast up our pork, and fry up our eggs. Sautee our mushrooms and crack our crab legs! *drum solo* (a la Otakubot punching the counter) More fighting, less fear, more eating of toast! (Blue Nomad): Yeah! Toast! Until our tummies are filled, we just cannot boast! As the sun rises, so will our bread, We?ll butter your buns ?fore you slip from your bed! (Tiger Girl 3): Buns! Don?t think you can escape potatoes and cheese, Our plastic spoons will bring you to your knees! So bring on the feast! Bring on the Grub! Our power we?ll fill! Our tummies we?ll rub! Hero Patrol! Huzzah!? [/color] With the song, the group sat down for dinner, waiting anxiously for Baby Punk to return with her latest culinary masterpiece. Tiger Girl 3 quietly prayed for whatever powers that be, the food be at least [i]edible[/i]. [color=red] ?Well? almost perfect,? [/color] Baby Punk resigned, before setting a large dish on the table. The entire group recoiled from the steam/fumes as they rose. [color=red] ?It?s still [i]wet[/i],? [/color] Otakubot whined as Baby Punk slopped a serving onto his plate. [color=red] ?So?? [/color] Baby crossed her arms defensively. [color=red] ?It?s been baking for three hours,? [/color] he replied dryly, [color=red] ?at two hundred and fifty degrees? Celsius. What the hell did you make?? [/color] [color=red] ?I think it looks wonderful, Baby Punk,? [/color] Super Absorbent consoled her, [color=red] ?It takes a real master chef to be able to whip something like this? uhh?oh no.? [/color] He stared in horror as his hand slipped a bit too low; being the expressive hero he is, to ever-so-slightly dip into the fiery broth. Immediately his super-name held true and the entire contents soaked deep into his arm, the sweltering broth lighting him on fire. Everyone began to scream in horror. [color=red] ?Code Red! Code Red! CUSO!,? [/color]Otakubot cried as the diminutive sponge waved his arm frantically. Using his super-otaku powers, he peeled the sippy-top from his milk, reached forward, and dunked Super Absorbent into his milk- turning it a dark black. [color=red] ?My god woman,? [/color] the exasperated Absorbent panted, [color=red] ??[i]nothing[/i], not even phosphorous grenades, can catch me on fire. What [b]did[/b] you make?? [/color] Raccoon glory interjected, [color=red] ?Hey Otoconbot?or whatever; was that a [i]sippy[/i] top?? [/color] Otakubot quickly hid the top muttering, [color=red] ?Th..the drink stains? new suit?. ?[/color]His words drifted into silence as he stood there, staring intently at the furry fiend. His face grew a bright pink. [color=red] ?Is that healthy?? [/color] Baby Punk whispered to Tiger Girl 3. [color=red] ?I?m not sure. You think he?ll make a move?? [/color] Tiger Girl pondered the moment. But nothing happened. Otakubot merely sat. Staring. Reddening. Puffing. The Heroes set their utensils down to view the spectacle. Ten minutes passed. Adam, rather? Otakubot?s face had turned the color of a brick. Slowly but surely, an incredibly large bead of fluid (sweat?) began to coalesce on his forehead. The single bead grew to the size of a fist, dwarfing all other features of his face. And slowly, as his face began to regain it?s original color, the Hero?s lips curled into a broad [i]smile.[/i] With that, the bead disappeared as suddenly as it had come. And Otakubot celebrated silently within the anime-land of his imagination. The group slowly began to choke down the mush in front of them. And for a moment, they ate silently- afraid to break the dramatic moment. At least until Raccoon Glory stood up on his chair, clenching his spoon, [color=red] ?I have an announcement to make.? [/color] ?
  20. My honest critique? This poem really isn?t salvage-able. The macabre is really clichéd when it becomes so ?up front?. It feels like all you are trying to do is write a shock and awe poem. Leaving the reader to fill in metaphorical hints or spaces works as a far more effective horror than leaving nothing to the imagination (Think [i]Alien[/i] as opposed to the later [i]Jason[/i] movies). Your rhymes are forced (take the first.. ?expression? and ?definition? don?t have any valid cohesion), and there isn?t much pace to the poem which makes it very difficult to read. I would suggest developing a metronomic stress [i]first[/i] before you think of rhyming patterns. Sure, the first rule to lines is that there are no rules, but there are some general guidelines to poetry that most would follow to share his art/perspective with the [i]reader[/i]. You obviously didn?t seem to take that into consideration before posting this?. It?s harsh, but ask yourself if this is a poem you wanted to share [i]for[/i] the people around you, or [i]to[/i] the people around you (and for [i]yourself[/i], in effect). Let?s look at the lines, after my harsh review, I do owe you that. [QUOTE=Noir_vagabond]Her hair falls about her face, just a placcid expression Oh how he loves her taste, an orgasmic definition[/QUOTE] The last portions of each of these lines don?t really add anything to the poem. It appears as though they were contrived for the purposes of rhyming, and only rhyming. What is ?orgasmic definition? supposed to mean? Modifiers should be used to spice the poetry, not substantiate it. [QUOTE=Noir_vagabond] She fights against her restraints, how he loves her screams His face is her morbid fantasy, he rapes her in his dreams He wants to see her beauty as he slices her sweet veins steals her flesh Maschistic tendicies justified homicide how he loves taking in her breath[/QUOTE] The first two lines I?ve quoted are the best structurally, and an example of rhythm and rhyme working together. But the second line doesn?t make any sense at all. ?His face is her morbid fantasy? and the fourth line reads ?Masochistic (corrected spelling) tendencies (corrected spelling) Justified homicide??. So does this show (awkwardly) that the victim fantasized over her rape/murder? [QUOTE=Noir_vagabond] Her smell of fear her delicious fluid both blood and cry alone[/QUOTE] ?Sometimes can poets write sentences without understand grammar proper and people to expect them.? Sometimes poets write sentences without proper grammar and expect people to understand them. [QUOTE=Noir_vagabond] This is what he lives for to snare at marrow and bone[/QUOTE] It should be ?to [i]snare[/i] marrow and bone.? I lied? I just can?t keep reading this. Edit: Note, I am not criticising you as a person or even as a poet. My crit. here is towards this particular work. I know every poet has written a bad poem or two (I have!). As far as general poetry tips go, Mitch's crit. suffices in this case.
  21. Yeah, this is pretty entertaining, I suppose. I?ll start with the good. You two seem to have very similar, fucked-up, personalities. And the quirky humor/mutual deprecation is always fun to read. However, I don?t know why I was expecting some sort of [i]substance[/i] (maybe because I read OB:EtN and Dusty DW regularly?) and some of the humor really? isn?t anything new (?I replaced your syrup with piss??... piss humor? [i]come on[/i]). So I tried picturing you two on stage running this as a comedy routine? and it loses the novelty fast. Which reminds me of some constructive crit. by DW; he suggested to another post?ee on OB to ?expand? the humor to be more accessible. Until then, keep mixing the crazy until you stumble on genius.
  22. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']I give you a 6/10. I like the banner, while it may just be words and no pictures, the fire looks really cool as well as the font. I don't like your avatar, though, as all attention is drawn to that big white line.[/quote] ....You callin' me ugly? The fire isn't a font, i made the fire using that font, photoshop, and mad skills. ;) As far as the white line... you mean that little house wall/roof blurry thing in the background? Is it really that distracting?
  23. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Was Allied retaliation justified in WWII, or should Europe have pleaded with Hitler, asking for diplomacy, while millions of jews were slaughtered? Yes, the spark to war usually is greed, vanity, or hate, but the response to it isn't necessarily.[/size][/QUOTE] Just to clear up a possible historical misconception. WWII wasn't started, nor fought to save the Jews. In reality, Hitler would have achieved his "final solution" in Germany had he not invaded Poland. The vast majority of the world was unaware of the concentration camps (though, not anti-semetism). WWII was primarily a war declared in retaliation to Germany's invasion of foreign soil. Let's talk about WWII for a moment. Germany broke the treaty of versalles well before the invasion of Poland. They had re-armed far beyond the agreed limits. Should we have declared war then? Germany invaded Poland, acquired nearby lands, Austria, Luxemborg, etc. Should we have declared war then? Germany invaded France [i]through[/i] the neutral country of belgium. Should we have declared war then? Germany begins bombing britian; we start sending them supplies. Should we have declared war then? When was it "just" for us to declare war on Hitler? What exactly does it mean to exhaust all "possible avenues for peace"?
  24. Raya, I'll give you a 9.5/10 if that really is a custom work. Did you photoshop that together? It really does look nice with the color scheme and complexity. I like how it doesn't "fit" into a box, like many banners would.
  25. Well, have I even voted for the nifty fifty before? *shrug* I can?t really remember. I don?t have much to nominate because, whether we like it or not, Alex is spot on with his nomination, which happens to be my first nomination: [b]The mediocrity of the memberbase[/b]- Alex put it well enough. It?s true, it?s sad, but it?s amendable. [b]Shy[/b]- No one else would be able to run such an incredible collaboration, act as the spark to an ever-intricate plot, and maintain the entire ordeal simultaneously. While this might be worthy of a nomination in itself, Josh has been a fun guy to talk to outside the boards on AIM. Despite my absence, he?s always been a guy that I can always sit back and enjoy a relaxed conversation with. You?ll find he?s really a great guy if you get a chance to talk with him. [b]Brasil[/b] We?ve been hetero lifemates for almost a year now. I think we started that thing as a parody to all of the ?marriages? on OB. It?s fun to be on his good side and just as fun to be on his bad side >: - ) . He really is one of the most eloquent and intelligent members this board will ever see. Not much I can say that he doesn?t already know. Give him the credit that he?s due here, folks. [b]Guild Wars/ QKT[/b] I remember meeting James in Ascalon, excited at his prospect of starting an OB guild. I remember how disappointed I was that we chose a squiggly hand as our cape icon? But I?ve warmed up to the fact that we have the most unique cape around. If only guildwars supported customizable masks?. that would be glorious. The novelty of watching Annie, Alex, Des, and any other associated OB member (and myself) perish to a furious mob of 6 hydras is pretty priceless. Make sure you check out the guildwars thread in the PC forum (started by yours truly ;)): [url] http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47552[/url] [b]Retribution[/b]- I don?t know retribution off the boards. I don?t really know him like I know Mitch, Annie, or Alex. But this kid is sharp. We probably don?t agree on all the hot-button political issues, but I think we acknowledge a mutual respect because well- he really knows what the hell he?s talking about before he starts writing a post on the board. Keep your eyes on this one. [b]Goddess[/b]- I consider this person an absolute joy to know. We?ve had our ups? and we?ve had our higher ups. I love talking with her on and off the OB. Her threads are packed with honest effort and unmistakable humor. She?s the only OBer who?s OB-Parodies rival the much heralded ?Enter the Net? in quality. Kudos, my lovely Annie. [b]Dragon Warrior[/b]- Okay, I'll admit- I'm a former DW hater and envier. I'll admit that... But, coming to that realization has changed my opinion of him profoundly. This guy has amazing comedic talent. Reading his post on Hero Patrol had me laughing... gut laughing. I can't remember the last time I was laughing so honestly from a post on OB. He started the whole Pirate thing before I even joined OB. He taught me how to use some Photoshop (shamelessplug]you can see some of my artwork in the art forum /shamlessplug]) He has been always polite to me when speaking on AIM. This guy really is nifty. I think that?ll do.
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