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Drix D'Zanth

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Everything posted by Drix D'Zanth

  1. Holy vacuous thread, Batman! Honestly, the one sentence posts are getting a bit redundant after a while, gents. "You like grunnge" "I guess so" "I like nirvana" "Nirvana is my life" "Yeah they are cool, so is Alice in Chains" "blah blah>.." If you really want to skimp the content, just take it over to an AIM convo... Grunge? I was exposed to grunge along with the rest of the teenaged community in the early-mid 90's. Nirvana was the reigning king of grunge. I thought they had a unique sound, but the message was the angst that seems to have given way to "Emo" nowadays. I despise emo, so I suppose I must arbitrarily despise its progenitor. Creative outlooks on life's dilemmas are one thing, but "whiny" music takes such creativity and swerves it in the entirely wrong direction. I wonder, for the sake of some conversation, how would you define grunge?
  2. [quote name='Semjaza Azazel'] I'd be surprised if they didn't know first aid.[/quote] Fair enough, but my old middle school certified 7th graders in CPR. Honestly, the issue should be put to rest, I think. I was merely trying to correct an error out of formailty, but the possibility of anything constructive coming out of a full fledged off-topic debate is pretty usless. For example, a vet could just as easily go back to school and become a physician and vice versa. *shrugs* So, what were you all saying about an island? EDIT: Thank you for the reiteration, Panda. You are spot on. ("lets stick to our respective species", heh. ) As for justifying my origional response to the thread. I stumbled upon this interesting picture of Annie and myself if stuck on said hypothetical island... enjoy. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22472&stc=1[/img]
  3. [QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1]Seriously, Doctors can't treat animals legally but vets can treat humans (if it was an emergency). My Careers teacher always tells us whenever someone says they want to be a vet. I'm not saying a vet would have humans in their waiting room to be treated for...whichever, but a vet would be able to treat a human if a doctor wasn't around in time, say a car accident or something. *shrugs*[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] It?s not your fault that you are misunderstood. You should tell your career teacher he/she is mistaken. Emergency medicine (first response, first aid, etc) is learned in nursing school, PA, med school and residencies. I?ve also been trained in first response because of my job at the Emergency room. For example, if there is a car accident near me, I am not only trained, but legally obligated to go help the people unless the accident could possibly threaten my own health. When I?m on the scene I need to ***** and stabilize whoever I can until the paramedics arrive. The paramedics can legally ask me to help resuscitate/stabilize even if that means going back to the hospital. Vets are not bound by this obligation. Saying a vet can do the same job as a doctor is like saying an Air Force pilot can drive an Marine?s tank. Sure, they are part of the same military, but they are quite specialized. If a vet were to show up at an accident scene, there may be a chance that he is trained in first aid, a possibility. Now that makes them about as effective as a lifeguard (who are sweet in their own regard) and when the Paramedics get there, the vet better start getting out of the way. I cannot artificially inseminate a horse, but I could probably intubate a human more efficiently than a vet. [QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1] Maybe my teacher just says that to put people off wanting to be a doctor, he could secretly be supporting an underground cult of vets. ^_~[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] XD Yeah, I can see it now. ?Mom, I don?t want to go to the vet!? ?Son, if you?re good there, he?ll give you a bone!? ?Oh hell yes!?
  4. [QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=LightBlue][SIZE=1] [B]\ [B]Panda[/B] Because vets can treat humans, but doctors can't treat animals. .[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] XD. I'm not exactly sure how accurate this statement is. Granted, I'm sure certain biology classes in undergrad might cover basic human physiology. However, after graduation, the line between Vet and Doc is usually drawn. Doctors (PA's, RNs, etc) go to specialized medical schools in order to learn [i]everything[/i] about the human body. Vets attend a similar school that teaches them the treatment of a wide variety of animals. Doctors then spend a year of internship and several years of residency depending on what specialization they might choose. Vets are good at what they do, yes (they're "doctors" just like any other physician or dentist), but they aren't nearly as capable as you might have implied when it comes to treating humans. Hell, a nursing undergrad probably has significantly more med. experience than a Vet. Then again, Panda might be a super-vet. Who knows? ;)
  5. Drix strode around the apartment wearing cyan scrubs; his typical sleepwear. Sweat beaded on his forehead as it furled like a discarded newspaper as he peered downward intently. His pupils dilated like grapefruit, darting back and forth through the magnifying glasses. [b]?Almost,?[/b] he sighed. The reddish light of morning catching his eye briefly as it reflected off of the glass cylinder. A quick tap and another substance dropped into the concoction. A quick hiss and cloud of steam escaped from the mixture.[b] ?Perfect.?[/b] A quick snap of latex, and he tossed his gloves into the trash. He slid the magnifying goggles off of his damp face, relieved. [b]?The perfect omelette.?[/b] He twisted the basil closed, setting it amongst the other seasonings. Carefully he sat at his table, listening to the sounds of morning traffic, the Otaku crowd trickling into the Lounge. The coffeehouses began brewing up their conversations, the whispers of which slowly drifting inside the windows of Drix?s apartment. Slowly he cut himself a moist bite, his fork quivering with anticipation, his mouth drowning in saliva just thinking of tasting the perfection. *Riiiiiiiiiiieee* *Riiiiiiiieee* The computer beeped loudly indicating an incoming PM. [img]http://www.greekboston.com/cuisine/images/omelette.jpg[/img] [b]?Damnit,?[/b] Drix cursed. He set the bite down, and with an apologetic sigh walked towards the computer, flipping on the monitor. [b]?This better be good,? [/b]Drix hissed. [center][i]-=Incoming Message: Arcadia=- [/i][/center] [b]Drix: I accept, and will view in the current window.[/b] Arcadia?s picture flashed onto the flatscreen, a wide grin upon her face. Her eyebrow rose incredulously. [b]?Hey Drix!?[/b] [b]?Well hello Arcadia, long time. To what do I owe the pleasure??[/b] he scanned her face suspiciously. Why would a moderator be calling him so early in the morning? [b]?Would you save some of that omelette for me??[/b] She continued. Drix?s eyes widened, surprised. [b]?Surprised??[/b] she chuckled, [b]?I?m a moderator, I am supposed to know what happens on this net.? [/b] [b]?Fair enough,?[/b] Drix replied with a resigned smirk, [b]?is there something in particular that you need?? [/b] [b]?We?ll talk when I get there, my place is pretty busy. Your apartment is quiet right??[/b] [b]?Yeah, usually the conversations aren?t clogging this part of town so early. The newbies start packing the streets with spam midday.?[/b] He rolled his eyes, picturing the wide eyed otakus chittering away, throwing up trite billboards; [i]?hi im forteen should I have sex?? [/i]or [i]?sometimes I brake up wit uh guy after too weeks cause my friend says hes cheating but I cant stop crying what should I do??.[[/i] Drix tried to avoid such nodes of conversation, often preferring the solitude of his own apartment. [b]?I?ll be over soon, then.? [/b]Arcadia finished. [b]?As long as you bring the coffee,?[/b] Drix winked. Arcadia smiled, noticing her mug was well out of the screen?s capture range. [b]?It?s my job to know these kinds of things, Arcadia?[/b] ;) [b]"But.."[/b] [i][center]~-PM ended.-~[/i][/center]
  6. Alex this is vaguely familiar. I think scanning collegehumor.com linked me to a news article of an australian man who claimed to be some star (perhaps Bruce) and ended up getting himself invited to several large events posing as the star. He was eventually caught with an Australian passport. I'm not sure if this is inspired by that real event... eh... I loved the story. Some of the syntax could use a bit of a cleaning, but I loved the way you worked the dialogue and accent. I would say spot on, considering my limited experience with an australian accent. I couldn't help but chuckle several times reading through this. The story was well put together and the flow was very easy, making the entire story an enjoyable read. I love the detail and care you put into your stories, Alex, it's truly a refined gift. I'm gushing, I'm afraid. This story just seems spot-on. I'm not one to critique it, as it is evident that you are one of the finer writers on Otakuboards. Keep writing. Your lifemate, Jordan
  7. Is this a real question? I mean honestly... did the debate actually come up? What the hell? Pirates. Jesus was a pirate. Pirates have [i]booty[/i].. ever heard of cowboy booty? A rusty cutlass beats the hell out of a six-shooter any day. And I don't care what Robert Hamburger says... Pirates probably whoop Ninjas ;). I think it's only a matter of time before someone points out Jedi. Yeah, they are pretty wicked too, with their lightsabers and force powers... I think the true badass award would probably go to Boba Fett. I say this with a heavy bias because I've grown up a Star Wars fan with a peculiarly fortunate name: Jordan Daniel Fett. That's right... [i]Fett[/i]. Suck it. I suppose I would try to become some warped pirate that wields a lighsaber instead of a cutlass and insists upon wearing Mandalorian Armor... yeah... now were pushing the limits.
  8. [quote name='Charles'] I wouldn't bring Semjaza Azazel just because he posts well in the Play It forum or Drix because he can debate well, for example.[/quote] I'm flattered. I suppose the question raised here isn't so much who I'd think the most useful person to bring, as much it is who I'd most like dying with. I mean think about it... desert islands are old news, and after JFK Jr. died I sincerely doubt anyone's going to spend any significant time looking for me. My outdoor skills are limited, so I suppose it would only be a matter of time before myself and my island-mate expire. So I guess that narrows the question down to what I would want to [i]do[/i] before I were to meat this gruesome and inevitable end? That's easy, I'd bring along someone I could have great sex with. And, thankfully Charles has made it easier for me. His "Sex Orgy" is basically everyone I would conceivably copulate with sans JCBagee (never met ya) and Syk (no offense, I think we'd be better as friends). The rest of you guys would be pure vanilla though, as we'd certainly carry on our orgy until passionate exhaustion ended our lives, quite happily I might add.
  9. Scourge of the Spanish Main Catching the Wind of Fortune[img]http://www.pirates.swagbag.co.uk/ship1.gif[/img] The salty air was dry as the call of the gulls flying over Tortuga, the port filled with the noises of dockworkers and privateers going about their business. A one-legged man hobbled down the gravel near the docks, approaching a ship of modest draft and hardy sail. He eyed the vessel for a moment, chewing on the wheat stalk with the few rotting teeth. Beneath the shadow of his worn cap, he stared each detail down; the worn rigging, the rusted cannons. ?L?Ollais, I don?t know how ye done it this time, but a fine ship have ye birthed to this port. She be one to define a career on,? He looked up wearily at his tanned companion, ?One ye could [i]retire[/i] on.? The younger man stroked his beard, ?I intend to, Biney,? he replied, ?however more pressing issues be remainin?.? With this, the two strode up the walkboard on to the sun dried deck where a mass of dirtied, anxious men milled about. He took a minute to survey the boards upon which the dirtied bags and sacks of non perishables lay. The low rumble of society?s castaways attempting to be polite to one another, as the long bonds formed over years at sea slowly started to weave between crewmembers. Jean couldn?t help feeling the cool rush in his hands tingle down his chest upon the mere implication in setting to the wind and flying the colors a for perhaps a final time. With a nod from the captain, the crippled old deckmate, Biney, heaved on the deck-bell ringing it loudly to silence the crowd. L?Ollais pulled up a crate, propping one leg up that brandished a cruel dirk strapped to his boot. ?I gathered the worst I could find me, the most wreched men I lay me weary eye upon! I dipped my finger to the bottom of the rum keg. Do any of you know why?? His teeth glittered contrasting his bronze skin, lips caked from the salty air. ?I looked for the meanest, crulest men, ?ecause I know why ye came to Tortuga. I know the hand ?at the Mistress of the sea dealt ye was black as the spot of night! I know the luck be runnin drier than the back ?o the turtle from which this island be named. I know the one thing that?ll quench the draught that not a thousand nights ?o tavern could spare! These seas, the main, be pourin? wet with the drink o? life. [b]Gold[/b].? An excited murmur drew up from the crowd like a soft roar, as each man stared intently at the captain, the word straining their necks to hear the promises. Jean let his voice die down, ??An I know the life before ye be the roughest any man could be asked, much less asked to serve on the graces of another, like I?m asking ye. I only ask you to serve with me as me crew, ?an forever will be your thirst quenched.? With the final word he drew up his cutlass and pierced the deck beneath him with a great clap, and the blade vibrated, resounding the continued celebrations of the crew. Biney spoke over them in a shaky pitch, unfurling a long piece of paper, ?The Captain will be listenin? to your credentials now, an you can esplain wut you plan on takin? up in this here ship. If ye be takin the riggin, gunnin, cook, we need ?em all, so tell me your talents and give your mark to the cap?n. Quartermaster will be elected before sail is set.? A snaked line of people drew toward the quarterdeck where Biney sat, staring over his list of crew. [img] http://www.vieux.montreal.qc.ca/tour/etape10/images/10_p02a.jpg[/img] [b]April 17, 1662[/b] [i] As luck would have it, the crew took to my speech better than I expected. I have faith in these men; they look tougher than the iron that fill a broadside. Biney let the crew sign up to their respective posts. I plan to use each man?s talents to our advantage. We can?t spare the chance that the Swift Mary lose her surprise or her bite. We?ll be catching prey bigger than ourselves, so the best we keep to our efficiencies, the closer we get to the catch that will land us a name to be feared. Once I can achieve that, perhaps my aspirations will be fulfilled. Perhaps the promise I made to myself in that forgotten year will be made true. The men all signed up after a short period of time, retiring themselves below deck to find a hammock and declare a chest for possessions. It was around this time a most surprising event occurred. The most unlikely of our crew approached me asking for a hand at gaining the position of quartermaster. He gave me an offer that I dare not write of yet, for it seemed so convincing that were I to betray it in writing, I might betray my own doubt of it and fail to believe him. The day was uneventful except for a brief melee that broke out upon the main shortly before I arrived. I could have sword I smelled the iron stench of blood about. I only hope the two responsible will be brought to me before their feud spreads to the rest of the crew. I suppose I?ll be dealing with that when the new sun rises and a strong April wind picks up. I been too long away from the sea, and her waves call to me.[/i]
  10. Avast! The RPG has officially begun! I hope you all enjoy the introductory post! I couldn?t seem to work the text the way I wanted, so you may feel it is a bit lacking. Forgive that one; I assure you the rest will be back to the quality you can expect from me. Now, as for your posts? please take as long as you need. This introductory chapter will include ALL of the characters. Feel free to give your introductions to each other in standard RP fashion or in journal form. I do want you to try to include both and mix it up however you please. Both quality and a decent amount of content will be expected in order to keep our interactions and plots moving. We?ll have the ship sailing after most people have had a chance to post! The first chapter: [b] Catching the Wind of Fortune[/b] will deal with the crew?s introduction to each other. They are more formal introductions as opposed to the informal meetings in the tavern where you were initially recruited. You?ll be able to express some of the unique qualities of your characters, as well as the talents you may possess. This will also be a time to flex your creative muscle and start developing some character relationships. Have at it, you scurvy dogs! Yer faithful Captain, Drix *EDIT* I've been asked by a few people in the RP concerning the post length that I'm looking for. While quantity is never a substitute for quality, I think this RPG could use a post style that is "meatier" than most. That means I want you all to take as much time as you need to post to give it that extra content, that extra length. Not for the sake of length, but for the sake of story. Baron's quality was excellent, but his post could have been longer, mostly due to his concern over using "real time". You can include as much "real time" action as you want and as many journal entries as you want. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM!
  11. Dr. Cox, thank you for your sign-up! I?ve had a chance to talk to you and have read over your introductory signup. I must say I?m quite pleased, Stephen. I didn?t know you were such a writer! Well, I expect you will be a welcome addition to this crew. Your use of atmospheric detail was quite impressive and you captured the flavor of a pirate?s life. Now all you?ll have to do is find something unique about your character so that you can begin to shape his personality in the game. If you have any questions about how to go about a forum-based RPG please share them with me or another member of the RP. We are a crew after all! Welcome aboard! Signups now remain ?officially? closed, so please PM me if you intend to join this RP despite the fact that it has begun and I?ll see if we can work something out!
  12. [quote name='AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]*nods* God, Drix, this is the same exact thing that happened in the other thread I abandoned, and it's getting pathetic. I'm not even going to bother going through the whole "self-talk" you posted, just enough to reveal the slippery slope. [/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] That last thread, just as this, happens to have an interesting similarity in that they are both topics I?m quite fluent in. The last time we had a little debate was over medicine?. Not a great idea there ;) that?s what [i]I do[/i]. This time it?s on the mod forum from which I will be speaking the voice of experience, yet again. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Your rhetorical question is clinging to an almost nonexistent connection to what you quoted. In fact, you are jumping into ethics, which is too relative for you to work with (since I made a statistical argument). I realize you are trying to poke my opinion on this whole matter, but unfortunately, I'm working with a statistical frame, so opinions are a moot point, haha (READ THE REST OF MY POST BEFORE REPLYING - THERE'S FURTHER ELABORATION!). [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Statistics? I?m logically supporting the relevancy of an award ceremony, not a statistical bias. I think you should reconsider what you are arguing here, as the Nifty Fifty nominations are what you seemed to have a problem against. Those nominations and other various inside jokes/stories in reference to the staff forum are all matters of opinion, and concurrently ethics? if you really want to define it so. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Do I think a director should recieve an academy award? The answer: IT DOESN'T FREAKIN' MATTER. You are arguing with yourself, making your own flawed logic. I'm assuming this hypothetical director produced something, had something to show for whatever he did behind the scenes, and actively announced what he was doing. The public [U]directly[/U] sees the final product of what he's done, and so can deem it worthy. It was put into the public eye, and recieved public recognitiion. I'm not seeing the point of answering this very off-topic question, and how, if at all, it matters to the topic at hand. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Well, let?s elaborate on this ?flawed analogy?. Don?t you get that the ?director? is the staff? And that it is the behind the scenes work of the staff that has made this forum what it is? Why shouldn?t it get recognition? Because there are statistically less members involved in that specific forum? What exactly are you implying? We should change that? I believe that despite the fact that I no longer post in the staff forum, it is just as worthy of anybody's recognition purely on the merit of contributions to the board itself. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Can't you just address what said instead of trying to derive a meaning that is nonexistant? You are trying to say I have an opinion on the matter, and funny enough, manifest my opinion for me. Look at my posts again: I never stated my opinion on how I feel about moderators having their own boards - implicitly or otherwise! (I actually did explicitly, but showing you will only prove my point more painfully, since it's not what you said my opinion was) You are genuinely arguing with yourself, or you just don't realize that you are Red Herring through my entire post. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] You are your own worst enemy: [quote] So, to say that a part of OB (that only lets a fewer number than the total amount of those that makeup the community) is "as much" a part of the rest of OB isn't statistically sound.[/quote] [quote] I'd argue that the parts that are alienated to most of OB are not very much a part of OB.[/quote] [quote] I asked why some mods linked to a private part of OB, and Shy responded by saying that linking to private threads is fine because it's just like every other part of OB. I didn't like that answer. If it's true and that was the reasoning behind the linking, so be it. But I didn't like that, and I feel that if that was the rationale, it was not wholly sound.[/quote] [quote] However, I think they should stay separate, and that things that are private have no justification in recieving public recognition[/quote] All I?ve done is provided you your much needed justification. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Right after this paragraph, you quote me saying the same exact thing you just said and try to play it off like it's not there. What the hell is your point? When did I say otherwise? I think you aren't reading anything correctly at all, or are purposely making very obvious Red Herring evasions. I know using a very objective and sound frame like statistics makes it hard to find faults to work with, but that still doesn't justify manifesting your own holes and then claiming them to be mine. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Right after my paragraph you said that the moderator forums are alienated and, as a result, not very much a part of OB?. Simmer down, you?re talking crazy.(Do you proof read?) [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Like the two paragraphs above, you quote me and ignore me, and then just start bantering on your own. I already said, OB should work how it always has, and there's nothing wrong with it. That does NOT mean I want change, as complicated as that apparently seems. Reiterating everything for you isn't even worth the time. Go back and actually read what I said, instead of finding some key words and attacking them in vain. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I never claimed you disliked the way OB worked. We just disagree on how the staff forum should be received. I merely gave my justifications against yours. I?m not exactly sure where you keep drawing ?Red Herring? from? I?ve taken your sentences, in their full contexts and interpreted them as naturally as possible. Your defensiveness doesn?t show very much assertiveness when it comes to your own arguments. Neither of us implied change, Azure. I was just justifying the various Nifty nominations and opinions concerning the forum. Despite the ?statistical? removal? the impact remains significant. That?s the simple fact. This impact deserves recognition. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Sounds like you are perturbed that you can't argue directly, only being able to use Red Herring techniques to merely sound right. Perhaps a grudge against me drives you to desperately seek an argument against me (grudge for what)? However, it's not working. You aren't worth my time. You've proven that to me. I graciously stepped aside the first time you did this fallacious and flamboyant garbage, but you did not yield. I'm never going to bother with you. Like the first time around, I'm just going to disregard your posts from now on (consider this post the only exception). I recommend you do the same.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Ouchies, Azure I never meant to hurt your feelings. I don?t want you to take this thing personally. I?m just trying to help you understand a new paradigm from which to view the staff forum. Now you should understand why it received the nifty nominations and why it will probably be mentioned in the future . I know you don?t like hearing an opposing viewpoint, but saying my opinion isn?t ?worth your time? isn?t really my problem now is it? You took the time to respond and read my opinion. Just because we disagree, and the manner of which can encounter plenty of vitriol, doesn?t mean you?ve gotta say things like that. Why am I not taking your advice this time Azure? Well, I think it?s an obligation of mine, after reading your response to my original rebuttal that I clean up your mess? Anyway, best of luck in our future thread meetings!
  13. Alex re-kindled this idea I had in my head a while ago... this is a tangent. ------- I have a few different opinions concerning this. I think everyone is naturally drawn to the most badass character in the area (piccolo DBZ, etc). Sure, protagonists may be presented as some sort of epitome. Superman, the epitome of man, etc. Batman isn?t really a high point, a shining example of truth or justice. Batman?s ?justice? is driven by revenge. He wants to eliminate anyone who remotely resembles the people who killed his parents (a superficial criminal figure must be imposed here). He?s just more badass than his enemies, so we find ourselves associating (or desiring to) with him. It?s obvious that his revenge-driven agenda has developed into full sociopath as he?s arranged this responsibility around himself. Where other superheroes could justify their responsibility by gift alone (i.e. Superman and Spiderman), Batman has chosen this path entirely on his own free will and continues to follow it at his own expense. For what? A decrepit city whose social elite have the same dirty hands as the common criminal? No, he?s just fighting for his own sake. He is the ?hero? because he?s the most ?badass?. Let?s face the facts, history is written by the victor. Let?s point out a few more issues I have with the man in black. Firstly, what?s with the bat signal? So the law enforcement is alerted to some sort of crime and the commissioner calls for the bat signal to be lit. This spotlight shining directly in the air can call upon a ?hero? who suddenly knows where a crime is happening? Please, the area of a New-York inspired city such as Gotham is surely too wide for a single man to pinpoint a ubiquitous criminal and arrive there, much less, before the police themselves? My theory: Batman and Gordon are in cahoots to work their way up the ladder. All of these crime scenes are discovered by Batman with sibylline-like prowess. The only instance where the Bat signal doesn?t appear is when a major villain is working on his own personal time. For instance, if there?s some sort of bank robbery; Batman knows. But when Mr. Freeze is going to raid the city; no Bat signal? Batman usually has to figure out or encounter his foe during the villain?s ordeal or after (usually when he first encounters a new villain, he must discover his identity from crime scenes). This makes sense if you consider Batman?s ?villains? for a moment. They are merely his and Gordon?s competition. All of these ?villains? are just as ambitious as Batman, working their way up the criminal ladder. Batman is cleverer still. While certain criminals may have judges or politicians in their pockets, Batman has the commissioner. He also pursues his goal by living off the wealth accumulated by his family, legitimately, and with Al Capone-esqe clean sheets (I?m not sure how he managed to get ahold of paramilitary technology and advanced aircraft parts, but he seems to cover up well). It could be assumed that Batman can capture whoever he pleases as he never provides any justification of his ?arrests? to the authorities or public. This Minority Report mentality places our dark avenger as the judge-jury-executioner in our society. He completely disregards our own justice system of ?innocent until proven guilty? and works completely out of sync with the Police. Don?t you think they would be great working together? Not Batman, he can?t have the police snooping around in his criminal agenda. Why would Batman want to be the head of the criminals? This is due to his father?s death. His father was the head of Gotham, as the executive of the most powerful and influential company of the city, the wheel that turned Gotham, Wayne Enterprises. After Bruce?s father?s death, the city?s power shifted from the glittering 1950-esque conglomerate-driven lifestyle, to the criminal underworld. Politicians, police, banks? everyone fell under some crime-boss? wing. Batman, feeling the regret and shame of unsuccessfully protecting his parents is trying to re-establish himself as the head of Gotham, where he believed his father had wished him to be. This end could easily be achieved if he could be witnessed as the ?head? of the criminal underground. What does this mean? Fear and respect. By ?removing? any of the other bosses and establishing himself in a position of near-omnipotence amongst everyone from the mafia godfather to the typical thug, he could assume himself as the de-facto leader. Not really involved in the micromanagement in things, more of a Head Chairman than a CEO. Let?s face it? he?s capturing mentally disabled people (Arkham Asylum) for the most part. The city has gone insane within its own corruption. It?s only a matter of time before Bruce can re-thread his parent?s pearl necklace, pearl by pearl.
  14. Shy, I hope you don?t mind me talking on this a little bit. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] [? etc, you know what this all reads ?Drix] We can agree that a community is a set of people "communing" together for whatever reason. So, to say that a part of OB (that only lets a fewer number than the total amount of those that makeup the community) is "as much" a part of the rest of OB isn't statistically sound. In fact, you've lost the community and have created another, aristocratic community that just makes up a part of this community (think Venn Diagram, with the mod section having zero and the overlap having the # of mods). [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] So you are implying that because it doesn?t receive community input or recognition, it shouldn?t receive public praise? (Interesting, since the nifty fifty didn?t seem like broad, or majority-driven public praise, but a mixture of focused, valid opinions being selected by a select group of people.) That?s interesting? So do you think a director shouldn?t receive an academy award because the cast and crew didn?t have ?input? in the script of his movie? You have to understand the function of the moderator lounge, coming from a former moderator. It?s just an easy to use resource that facilitates the job. It?s influenced almost exclusively by content that is widely open to other members in the normal OB. The moderator forum merely works as an intermediate between mods and more powerful administrators, and vice versa. As James and Shy already stated, it?s quite underwhelming. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Not that I'm saying things shouldn't be like that, mind you. I'm just saying, I'd argue that the parts that are alienated to most of OB are not very much a part of OB. Of course I realize that there's a connection between OB's community and OB's adminstrative areas, but in the sense of community... (isn't even going to do "The Weakest Link" reference). [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] The moderator forum is as much a valid forum as any other. If anything, it is more important than the idle discussion of the newest video game or the most recent Zelda fanfiction. If anything, it has a huge effect on the community as it helps to stabilize the quality that Otakuboards prizes itself for. QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Also, just because most moderators selected the thread in question doesn't really show bias. Rather, it points back to the statistical differentiation: do you really think it was bias, or that most people couldn't see the thread and therefore the community couldn't choose it as a noteworthy thread? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] So members aren?t let in on the information that is passed around the moderator forum? Honestly, would anyone really want to read the forum? I think the sense of mystery and alienation causes a perfectly human curiosity. However, the forum is already overhyped after reading a couple posts. I think that if the effects of the mod forums were known to the general OB population it would receive a few more nominations from non-mods. There is no point to letting that information (in a specific sense) be known, so we?re left with a trade-off. The mod?s will vote for the forum that helps them do their job, and we?ll vote for whatever threads/forums make us happy. Hey, I haven?t owned a console since the Dreamcast? do you think the Play It forum holds nearly as much bearing for me as it would any of the regular posters there? Why, then should we expect the moderator forum to matter to anyone other than the moderators, except in recognition of it?s contribution to OB as a whole. Sure, I think the Play It forum is a good part of OB and important to a lot of people? that?s how the Mod forum should be received. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue][blah blah?insert some watered-down excuse explaining his previous sentiments?] I asked why some mods linked to a private part of OB, and Shy responded by saying that linking to private threads is fine because it's just like every other part of OB. I didn't like that answer. If it's true and that was the reasoning behind the linking, so be it. But I didn't like that, and I feel that if that was the rationale, it was not wholly sound. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Last I checked, the Nifty Fifty was only about justifying your own opinions, not attempting to justify the opinion of a majority. What did you vote for, Azure? No doubt something that had nothing to do with myself, or some of my friends? I can?t honestly speak for the majority, because I?m not sure of their experiences. I didn?t ask you to justify your opinion, or explain yourself for voting for what you voted for. For example, I?m sure that plenty of people hate Siren. There?s a good chance that he?ll burn every single member on otakuboards at least once. Siren got the majority of my nifty votes? because his contributions had a greater effect on me than other aspects of the OB. Does that mean my nifty fifty nomination is invalid if Siren didn?t have an effect on another member, or you? No cigar, Azure [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] If you are referring to me calling the private parts of OB aristocratic, that's not a bad thing (I love aristocracies, btw). In fact, I consider it a very good thing, and exactly how things should be. However, I think they should stay separate, and that things that are private have no justification in recieving public recognition (unless you consider "because we can" or something a justification). That's all. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] That?s interesting. A few people voted for Version 7. Do you know that no-one but James, closely working with programmers (I think, Jblessing, right?) had anything to do with version 7? We didn?t really have that much input, it was mostly a James creation.. down to the Geisha skin. So, going on your logic we shouldn?t have the right to vote for the version change as we had nothing to do with it? right? Doesn?t really sound like there?s a real problem here. Sounds to me like you?re looking for one. What could you be justifying, or proposing to change? Sounds like you?re perturbed that you can?t see the moderator forum and this is your reaction?
  15. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Real or fake the height of the Cold War was during the 50's and 60's. What better way to feel that we 'beat the Reds' than the space race. And I'm gonna go find that link now. Oh, And Drix, Nascar stole your pirate idea. :eek: [/color][/QUOTE] This is certainly off topic: I did see that pirate commercial and was pleased up until the disgusting nascar logo appeared. I have now changed my current priority after conquering the world from, "Celebrate with family" to "Destroy Nascar". I can't believe they defiled the uberness of pirates with the monotony and pathetic-ness of NASCAR. I'm sure Henry Morgan rolled in his grave... *sighs* Meh, I thought of it first ;)
  16. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I'm pretty sure we went to the moon. We [i]had[/i] to keep up with the soviets some how and they had already sent people to the moon prior to 1969. So your teacher's not only a moron, he's a moron who doesn't know jack. Heck, I even went to Neil Armstrong Elementary school for 2 years...if that isn't proof then I don't know what is.[/color][/QUOTE] I'm not disagreeing with you here CHW...but there are some flaws in your logic. The Soviets did send several successful spacecraft to orbit or flyby the moon. They were the first to successfully land something on its surface. However, no soviet mission actually sent cosmonauts to the lunar surface. I don't know where you are getting the information that Soviets have sent people to the moon... they were unmanned vehicles, if my Google search serves me. Your point isn't really valid at all. Landing for the sake of "beating the Russians" could be evidentially supported by both a real or fake lunar landing. Don't you think it would have been far more practical and cost-effective to produce an incredible propaganda movie of Astronauts landing on the moon that would even fool the Russians? While I believe we did set foot on the moon first I don't believe our motivations support the argument against a "fake" landing at all. Not only that, Neil Armstrong is just famous name. I sincerely doubt that because you went to a school named after the guy, there's any significant increase in the credibility and understanding of the lunar projects at your school than there is at any other. I mean, let's say the whole thing was fake. Why shouldn't they keep the ruse going by celebrating the lunar landing by dedicating important buildings or exhibits after the heroes? On a lighter note, has anyone seen the video of a 70+ year old John Glenn taking down a reporter in a single punch for claiming the entire space program was a hoax? Great stuff... if you can find a link to a vid...*chuckles*
  17. I [U]suppose this is the "official" end of signups, however I want people to understand that they are WELCOME to PM me a signup or get in touch with me if they are interested in this RPG. As the quality remains substantially higher than many RPGs, please only try to sign up if you have some experience. Thanks for these final signups! I was not disappointed! I really enjoyed reading these last couple signups. Because I have a current crew, I actually let them influence my decision greatly. Seeing as this RPG is going to be a very group-driven project. So I gave them near veto power. Alas, the RPG will be starting shortly so: [b]Keep your eyes on the Underground and the Square[/b]. On to the final observations: [u]Adahn[/u]- I have a tendency to be biased and root for you a lot. You are a quality poster, and an excellent writer. This is why the signup confused me so. I didn't think it was so appropriate for a Pirate RPG. It's difficult to expect certain people to meet your expectations when talking about something as esoteric as "make it more... pirate-ish". I was on the fence, but knowing your record thought of letting you join up. So I talked with a few of the current crew to see what signups they liked and didn't. Fearing mutiny on my behalf, I'm going to have to say no to this signup. It wasn't a bad signup, but it really didn't fit the mood that i was trying to convey. The doors aren't closed, though, as I've said before. Keep writing, and if you find your pirate style, keep in touch. [u]Corey[/u]- The crew was fairly split between your signup. I had a few "nays" and a few "yea". I think the deciding factor for me was the humor of your post and your post record. You are certainly a pirate, and your drunkenness is a great attribute to give your character. In fact, incorporating that into your name (i.e. Drunk Pete) would be a wise choice. Exploit your characters weaknesses, but remember to keep away from relying on that single quality. Keep your character unique. Welcome Aboard! [u]Charles[/u] - I thought the post was tacky, lacked flow, and was overall quite unorganiz... *cough* Haha *cough*. I really shouldn't try to ******** the master of bullshitting.. This signup hit the nail on the head with the best of 'em. If anyone rose to the occasion, it was you Charles. You covered it all; quality, content, and incorperating what I asked. Excellent post. You'll be a valuable addition to the crew. The cheers to the matey Charles! [u]Elfpirate[/u]- At long last! I've finally come to a decision. To be honest; based on the signup alone you wouldn't be in this RPG. Sure, you've got the setting down, and decent character use. Your dialogue is great and incorporated my signup "hook". However, you are obviously new to this, so I would have recommended a bit more substance in the description and content. I think that your flow could be improved, and I think you've got some writing style issues to polish. Like I said earlier, I was ready to let you go. Here's why I'm not doing that: I received a PM from this guy asking me how he could get into this RPG. You wanted this badly, and I respect that determination. You were on the fence at that point. The crew was, for the most part, on the edge along with me. A few people decided that you have great potential. I want to see that potential, and I want this to be a quality debut for you into the Adventure Square. Your post in the Underground seemed somewhat trite, but you gave some vivid descriptions. I'm going to keep my eye on you, so show us what you've got. Welcome to the salty sea! That's all folks! I hope you had a fun time reading the signups. Please continue posting in the underground or PM if you have concerns or questions. I'm going to try to start this RPG up solidly, so it might be a little while before I get the opening post up. All of those who have signed up should have received the 4-PM information package (compiled by yours truly). This information isn't your only resource, so please feel free to explore any other possibilities. As for the RPG itself I have a few expectations: Quality: Please keep the post quality as high as I've seen here. Take as much time as you need describing events. If it takes you a few journal entries per post... develop something interesting. I want you to take advantage of this new system. Quantity: Quality comes first always. But I am going to be honest in saying that I'd like to keep the tone set for this RPG as one of vivid content. We're exploring the lives and lifestyles as powerfully as possible. If this means your post is an MSWord document of 10 pages, all the better. There isn't a captain to the story, mateys, so please feel free to take the helm and give us a big plot twist! Surprise us with a new detail! Describe an incredible scene of action! And most importantly: Work off of the other players! In this RPG you might as well be family. The setting implies close, continual contact with the crew... [u]The Style[/u]: My original post highlighted the way this RPG will be run. [b]You will have a traditional RPG[/b] in the sense that there is plenty of lee-way for in character actions and dialogue. Everyone?s post should be a mixture of real time, and the journal system. Take advantage of the possibilities of this! For example, in character you could be discussing ?How you were penalized unfairly for being drunk during roll and sent to the bilge? describing what your character does. Then you could include a following journal entry where your character is in the bilge recording his thoughts, ?I really like the bilge, sure the smell gets to ye. But the peace is guaranteed and I get all the time to be writin? in me journal book.? The plot will be a mixture of our posts, and given some semblance of direction in the Underground, so keep your eye on it. Thanks for your signups everyone! We set sail soon!
  18. I don?t want to be too harsh, but this is terrible stuff. I was expecting a lot more from a person who I used to consider somewhat of a writer. Honestly Annie, I hadn?t stumbled upon this thing until the last chapter you posted, but I am thoroughly offended. What am I to you? Some sort of one-sided character that you can manipulate? What is with your portrayal of me as a doctor? Is that some sort of joke? So I?m not a doctor yet, that doesn?t mean you need to rub it in my face. Oh, by the way, I resent being portrayed as a homosexual. My dog Jake cares for me very much, thank you. By the way? third grade called, they forgot to teach you spelling and grammar. What is this? Did you vomit on your keyboard and forget where all the keys were located? Oh, and incorporating myO and AIM conversations is a real novel idea *rolls eyes*. I can?t believe how ridiculously well-received this story is? I think you should be booed off the boards for this mindless puss. How is James tolerating this? Has Otakuboards lost all semblance of justice? Thanks a lot, I can?t believe you would sink so low.[COLOR=White]^_~[/COLOR]
  19. *Cracks knuckles.* [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Secondly, references are all over the place. In the context of CHW's original post, I thought this was about "performance enhancing" drugs. In my context, though, I was saying that viagra can and is used as a regeneration drug, restoring natural function for those who have lost it (i.e., I knowingly shifted the frame). However, [B][U]within that new frame[/U][/B], birth-control pills can be seen as sterilizing, and "performance enhancing" ones can be considered regenerative. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] First of all, you are correct in saying that a person is temporarily sterilized in taking birth control. Viagara isn?t restoring ?natural? anything. Natural function of a penis that needs viagara is a penis that would ?naturally? be flaccid. Sorry, it?s out of juice. Viagara is unatturally manipulating your body?s chemicals to stimulate a reaction. The pill does the same thing, in effect, an unnatural stimulation of the body. Sure, they seem to have an ?opposite effect?? meh, I?ll get to that later. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Time is [B][U]not[/B][/U] a factor! Duration is as trivial for this as it is for, say, your leg being paralyzed. It doesn't have to be a permanent thing (e.g., "your leg is permanently paralyzed" vs "your leg is temporarily paralyzed" - who cares?). Why did I shift the frame? Because I felt that CHW was looking at the dilemma the wrong way. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Well, the time frame does matter as both procedures (Viagra and the pill) [i]are[/i] temporary. Your analogy actually works against you here, because that would be implying that the temporary sterilization of birth control pills is no different than a permanent one. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] So, in keeping with the shifted frame, I continued and built on the topic, stating that there's not going to be a female sex regeneration pill for quite some time (maybe never). [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Well, female ?regeneration? isn?t necessary because a woman doesn?t have to pump blood to a penis! It takes a specific response, and sizable expenditure of energy to maintain an erection. (edit) I was recently PMed by elfpirate and did a little research on the female orgasm. It has now been brought to my attention after some research that women also need a decent blood flow to their genitals in order to reach orgasm. Hence hypotension (or medicine inducing hypotension) as well as opiates can prevent arousal. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] BUT... Everyone went back to the original frame, and tried to superimpose the original frame onto the one I started from, which is impossible. Again, it's not for enhancement, it's for restoration of lost function. Can you say something [B][U]along the same lines[/U][/B] for birth-control? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Is it as impossible as taking two entirely bodily functions and comparing the merits of treating one as ?unhealthy? (pill) and the other as ?restorative? (Viagara)? Sounds to me like you superimposed two entirely different bodily functions (the menstrual cycle and a male ejaculation) comparing the treatments for both in the same light. In your defense, ?performance enhancing drugs? wasn?t the only topic that CHW was trying to discuss? she didn?t illustrate that clearly, it appears. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Drix, I'm not entirely sure what you mean. In your list, people have lost function or something else, and are regaining it by unnatural means. Viagra falls into this as well if you work within my frame. However, how are you supporting birth-control pills, as you even refer to your list as "procedures that would kill a perfectly normal person." I wasn't really considering people who use birth-control pills and have a condition/disease/ailment - only healthy/normal people who use birth-control pills. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I?m referring to this: [quote] What I'm trying to say bluntly is this: it would be hypocritical for a "health" company to condone "unhealthy" things (anything that makes the body act how it shouldn't can and is considered unhealthy). [/quote] You claim that Birth Control is unhealthy. But in a medical community where the ends justify ANY means, I?ve proven that it is not unhealthy at all. The procedures I outlined aren?t good for perfectly healthy people. We do very unhealthy things to them (cut them open, shock them, etc) to restore them. All of these means are considered ?unhealthy? by your definition. How can I say that? Because you were obviously considering a single attribute associated with birth control, and from that distinction, claiming it was ?unhealthy?. Why does that matter? Well if it isn?t unhealthy, then healthcare certainly can cover it. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Again, CHW asked why "performance enhancing" drugs are supported for men but birth-control pills are not for women. I turned the tables and said that these performance enhancing drugs also have a medical benefit to them that birth-control pills just don't, regardless of how you slice them. I never said anything about the "enhancing" part of anything. "[i]I don't really condone Viagra for sexual purposes, but I understand why it is considered a health-related drug.[/i]" [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] A lot of drugs we use have little to no ?medical benefit? to a person in a reconstructive sense. Look at painkillers, their only redeeming quality is they can prevent or eliminate? well, pain! They don?t help you, they don?t reduce blood pressure, and they aren?t going to save your life (except for Aspririn). There is no medical benefit except that the person is in a few moments of comfort in an otherwise traumatizing situation. Viagara has the medical benefit of getting men hard, and as a result, making them happy! Here?s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Azure. Birth control pills stop the menstrual cycle. A woman will not have her period when she is on a chemical birth control. Do you know that one of the most common patient complaints in the Emergency Room is related to menstrual cramps (I?d say 20% on a bad day)? Menstral-related pain put into a male perspective would probably be like someone kicking you in the balls every couple of seconds (not hard, just enough to give you that ache knees-pull-toghether, feeling). Not only that, if birth control can curb the over 1 million abortions our country has every year? I?m all for it. There?s your medical benefit. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] (btw, doesn't cardiac defibrilation have an equal chance of working or failing on a person, regardless of irregular heart pace or a normal one? And for those whose hearts aren't working, aren't they deemed dead and you are trying to revive them?)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] It depends entirely on the patient. It depends on any number of factors. I?d say that the defibrillator will re-start an infarction-induced arrest about 60-70% of the time. (They don?t defibrillate irregular heart beats) Usually a person is considered ?dead? if his brain ceases all functions which could be anywhere from 3-8 minutes after a heart has stopped beating.
  20. Alright Ladies and Gents, time for a shot of common sense. Courtesy, Dr. Drix. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]I think you are mixing raisins and nuts (just seems more appropriate than apples and oranges). You are comparing regeneration to sterilization. That is, one option restores function, while the other stops natural function. What I'm trying to say bluntly is this: it would be hypocritical for a "health" company to condone "unhealthy" things (anything that makes the body act how it shouldn't can and is considered unhealthy). Also, Viagra restores not only a man's potency, but also acts to trigger a lot of emotional responses, most noticeably happiness (not THAT kind, but the assertive kind). I don't really condone Viagra for sexual purposes, but I understand why it is considered a health-related drug. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Welcome to modern medicine, Azure. Technological advances that keep people who, in natural physiological conditions would have died long ago. Let?s take a few examples of medical procedures that actually ?unhealthy? by your definition: -Any sort of invasive surgical procedure. -Chemotherapy -Blood pressure medication -Tracheotomy -Cardiac defibrillation -Respiratory intubations Just take a walk through the CCU/ICU and you?ll see hundreds of people who would be dead, being recovered by procedures that would kill a perfectly normal person. Birth control isn?t nearly as ?unhealthy? as any of those life-saving procedures. It merely re-routs the hormones so that an egg never develops by fooling the body into thinking it is pregnant. Just as any other therapy, it does have side effects that must be understood before going on a chemical birth control like the pill or Depo-shot. Now, Viagara has side effects as it also has an influence on the chemicals that stimulate penis erection, side-effects that can be as noticeable or infantesimial as being on the pill. So the ?physiological? moral ambiguity of the issue is settled. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Also, it's almost impossible to create a female viagra: women's sex systems are just far more complicated than originally expected. [COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Well, it is widely known that the female orgasm, on average requires far more stimulation, and a significant psychological stimulation to even occur. However, there are drugs that provide a physiological crutch when it comes to the female orgasm when stimulating a woman?s genital region. This is no different then Viagara, which doesn?t guarantee orgasm, just erection. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Ever hear of Levitra? It's a female sexual enhancement drug...at least I think that's the name of it. Why should men, who have no problem reaching orgasm, be provided with more enhancement than women? Don't you know that the average women doesn't even know how to orgasm? Ok, sorry, graphic. And I don't reguard my reproductive system as eww. I made something with my reproductive system, a beautiful baby girl. You try doing that. Maybe you're just jealous?[/color][/QUOTE] Heh, let?s give Lincoln some credit here. He?s halfway responsible for Abby?s conception itself. That?s not the issue though. A few things I wanted to point out; Levitra is for both genders, and is far more potent than Viagra. As for the difficulty of reaching an orgasm? I suppose that?s due to our cultural perception of masturbation? it?s not limited to physiology. [QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo]Whether or not Medicare covers it is one thing, whether health insurance companies carry it are another. I think it is ridiculous that Medicare doesn?t cover the pill simply because supporting birth control (especially for people who are on welfare that obviously fall under the Medicare policy) is just fiscally responsible in the long run. Obviously independent HMO?s (by the way, HMO?s are living proof that Satan does exist) should have the option of picking and choosing what they will and will not cover. Independent HMO?s are out to make money, so they are going to pick and choose medicines that maximize their return. It is a calculated risk. [/color][/QUOTE] I think HC is on the ball here. Not only are HMO?s evidence of an unadulterated evil somewhere in the cosmos, I also believe the pill should fall under health insurance. I am absolutely in favor of the pill/shot/physical-barrier birth control over an unwanted pregnancy resulting in an abortion! Want to know why insurance companies won?t put the pill on their coverage for a while? Because of the national healthcare crisis we are facing today. About half of you will die of some form of cardiovascular disease. Look at the current mortality statistics: the leading cause of death today is cardiac-related disease due to obesity. Closely following that is smoking. [b] People, by going and binging on fast food and sitting at home to watch your reality TV you are basically killing yourselves.[/b] This problem is widespread and often ignored. It?s amazing to hear people lambaste the smoker for harming himself or the environment, when that situation is JUST as applicable to the fat person walking out of Wendy?s. Here?s the catch: It?s the people?s American right to go get fat, and smoke several packs of cigs a day. However, as soon as they have health complications, who should pay for it? Certainly not them! They should have their insurance companies pay for it! They should socialize healthcare so that they can get free coronary unplugging whenever they feel the chest heaviness indicating the onset of Heart Attack. When I?m working, I have no problem treating people for these types of things, I have nothing but sympathy for the sick person. But after a while, I?ve realized that people are just slowly killing themselves off and they expect everyone else to pick up the pieces. I?m not suggesting we reformat healthcare, but if we want to solve the health crisis, we need to solve it with our children and in our homes. Whenever your health insurance covers a procedure (like a triple-bypass) it jacks up the prices, slowly but surely. THAT is why Birth control is so far down on the list of priorities. Don?t Smoke. Exercise. Don?t eat unhealthy foods often.
  21. I liked the poem Charlie... I liked the rhyming. I feel like actual rhyming poetry is a dying breed. I'm glad to see you are keeping it alive and voraciously so. I liked the flow of the poem most of all. I liked how your transitions from idea to idea were something that could have just as easily been recited in a memory of these "shoes" as it was in poetry. I liked how you worked the rhyme to your ideas instead of forcing a scheme. Although there didn't seem to be a specific direction in terms of rhyme scheme, i was rarely thrown off by extra syllables. The poem itself was beautifully nostalgic, and the metaphor you drew between the shoes and old age was quite priceless. I never have been a person to really consider his old shoes, but I suppose memories are shared with my shoes more than any other inanimate object... As for this constructive criticism.. please take it however you please, just some ideas from a fellow writer, Charlie . I thought the fourth line threw off the flow a bit, maybe omitting "just" could improve it. Line eleven's ",yes," seems to throw off the flow a bit; but it's connecting an important idea, so I'm not exactly sure how it could improve. That's really all I could think of, at the moment. That's fun stuff... hopefully you will have this one published like the Macaroni poem?
  22. [QUOTE=James][color=#334366] Nevermind the fact that the moon landing operation not only resulted in samples being returned to Earth, but that the mission itself required numerous technological innovations to be developed to make it possible (and that those innovations have been put to use in a variety of ways since then). [/color][/QUOTE] In mentioning the absolute lack of practical reasoning behind creating (and they did make them) incredibly powerful rockets/spacecraft, you brought up a significant peice of evidence: the samples. The website clearly refutes any evidence that the footage on the moon was "forged". However, it never actually provides irrefutable evidence that we [i]did[/i] land on the moon. James was on to something, here. The rocks we brought back from the surface of the moon are of such a composition (isotope and isomer-wise) that they could never have been formed on earth in standard conditions. I'm talking the surface rock, not the metal/metalloid bodies of meteorites, etc. Therefore, unless we've developed the technology to manufacture rocks in a specific temperature and pressure (which is ridiculous)... we basically brought back our proof. Tell that to your teacher.
  23. What is it? Siren (Member) Why is it nifty? Alex is my big brother to Otakuboards. They say what doesn?t kill you makes you stronger. I remember back when I was a newbie, Alex kicked me on my *** for a few threads. I picked myself up as best I could? now look at me! What is it? Siren (Member) Why is it nifty? Siren is what this board needs MORE of! He?s an incredible member with endless spunk, and not the dirty kind! He really cares about people?s opinions without being afraid to share his own What is it? Siren (Member) Why is it nifty? He?s a man with a vision. A Star Wars vision. His RPG is one of the greatest that I?ve seen based on the classic series since Kane?s old collaboration. He?s really going to change things around here. What is it? Siren (Member) Why is he nifty? Siren was my go-to guy back when I was a moderator. He was my confidant, the guy who I could always talk to me. Alex and I have always been open about sharing our ideas and issues with eachother. I could really see myself growing to love him? in a perfectly legal manner.(If I were a gay man, I'd want to have nakie time with Alex) What is it? Siren (Member) Why is it nifty? Alex really takes the post quality of the board to a new limit. He really shows the novices of the board what they can expect. In particular, I recommend checking his work in the Anthology. He is always full of radical ideas and he pulls them off with incredible detail and care. What is it? The Anthology (sub-forum) Why is it nifty? It took the disorganized mess that was the literature lounge and pulled it together. This sub-forum is the hottest part of Otakuboards. The creative energy going in this is incredible, some of the work here could easily be novel-worthy. What is it? Siren (Member) Why is it nifty? Siren is probably one of the most influential members of Otakuboards merely in the legacy that he has created around himself. He is respected and feared for his opinions, vicious and profoundly wise. He deserves a spot up there with the founders of the board in my personal opinion. What is it? Rebel Scum (RPG) Why is it nifty? Because it combines the greatest series known to man (Star wars) with the best writing on the Adventure Square, bar none. Edit: thought of a new one! What is it?Siren (member) Why is he nifty? Siren is a man of the people, who cares about giving back to his community. Siren does not support terrorism. Siren not only is doubleplusgood, but he is a fan of [i]both[/i] pirates and ninjas... vote siren..
  24. [quote name='Morpheus']I'm not saying the way you treat homosexuals as what you think of the person. I don't see my friend as doing anything that changes my views on his behavior as he discovered his honosexuality. You obviously dislike the fact that someone picks their nose. I don't dislike theat my friend is homosexual. I started this thread to attempt to find a plausible reason for people disliking homosexuality. I don't really care what everyone else thinks, I just want to see a justifiable reason.[/quote] A justifiable reason for an opinion? How about the few that I listed in my origional reply. The point that seemed to escape you is that it could be anything that causes a disassociation to a single individual. Homosexuality could be one of those attributes... nose-picking , another. The reasons that one person uses to justify his opinion may not always apply to another individual. Christianity, though it may justify my reason absolutely, is going to be ignored by the person who has no problem with homosexuality.
  25. Racism? Cry me a river. We?ve got legally enforced anti-discrimination laws. The world would be a perfect place if there were thought-crimes right? I mean, there should be a limit, yes, but let?s take the typical hiring policy of Abercrombie and Fitch: walk into a store, look at the beautiful (thin) employees meandering amongst the floor, their faces glistening with just enough makeup to hide the vomit from their last trip to the bathroom. A careful analysis of my last point could indicate one of two things depending on what category of weight you fit in: -A&F obviously discriminates against fat, ugly people? go get ?em Drix! -Hey, I like A&F why are you calling people at my store bulimic? Why am I implying bulimia? The figurative implication would stem from a direct desire for me to somehow elevate myself above another human being. This is the exact same urge that has driven Bill Gates? Windows empire to crush any operating system before it. Racism makes people feel good just as any sort of social competition would. Hell, I was teased for years. Why? Because until my Freshman year of high school I was under 5? and it took me a year until I wasn?t singing soprano. I figure, that as long as we don?t have established discrimination within our government? I don?t see anything that we can change. I couldn?t change the bullies? opinion of my height any more than I could change a racist person?s opinion of their hated ethnicity. I hate to sound insensitive, but it?s up to the person to change. I love the way we have changed, though, I think for the most part the world has gotten far more neutral when it comes to racism. Unfortunately this has almost developed into a hypersensitivity of race. Affirmative action comes to mind, and so does the current media-influenced ?gangsta? culture. Did I miss the email from the NAACP claiming that it was ok for black people to call each other ?******?? And why is it suddenly an issue if I don?t refer to them as ?African Americans?? (yes, it is an issue to some people? like reporters, and liberals ;) ) Want to know who my favorite African American is? Charlize Theron. And the ultimate Orwellian lead today most often overlooked is the idea of a ?hate crime?. Honestly people, since when wasn?t a murder hate inspired? Since when wasn?t arson, robbery, or rape hateful? As James has said, the actual attempt to enforce a colorblind view of society only increases the rift between races. So what?s the solution? I say, give it a rest, live your life, and raise your kids to be decent human beings.
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