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Everything posted by Jamvis

  1. Who would cry? I asked myself this and I am continuing to search myself for an answer to my own question. I mean other than your parents and other relatives. I have decided not to keep friends anymore because all that I have had have abandoned me and forgotten me, I am not close to popular. I am considered as annoying and overly talkitive. I doubt anyone but my closest mentor (my English teacher, whom I hold in High esteem) and family would cry, I'd suddenly dissapear and the people would soon forget I existed. So I now ask you the same question, the question that is so difficult for me to answer. Who would cry? Upon reading this post, please answer the poll.
  2. Yes, I suppose you have a point there.... OHHH!!! could you AT LEAST bring the V2 banner and stuffs and the old format? Or attempt to do so... i at least LIKED the way the boards looked back then... the boards are too flashy for me now... but I like the liquid version... mundo cool! I never remember to finish my sentences but at least im legable! so do you think you could make a veiw of the boards that look like the old one? (in the future, if i say something like that know that im bored or hyper... and ignore it... dont delete it though... i never get my posts above 400....)
  3. James, you should bring back a little bit of that chaos, and be less strict on posts, let wars begin and do less banning.... then things get interesting! Back in V. 2 we had a lot of members who loved the action! then it got boring.... HMmmm who got married back in V. 3? i dont remember.... anyways I guess we have to be civilezed here once again... (although, civilization is only skin deep) BRING ON THE CHAOS!!! BEGIN THE FLAMING!!!
  4. heh, ill give this a shot Name: James Nickname: J Age: 16 Appearance: Tall and skinny, yet packs a punch. Lightly tanned skin. Menacing,yet calm, deep black eyes set on either side of his slender nose. Perfect complexion. He has a lightning shaped scar on his upper girh shoulder which is scarsley visible. his feet are unusually small for someone of his hight. He is about 6' 2". His hair is somewhat short and jet black. He usually is in a long black or gray shirt and black or blue jeans. Sketch: He, like other teenagers, despises his parents but is sometimes glad they are there. He has attempted suicide a few times and failed. He gave up on it after a bad fall cut his right shoulder leaving a lightning shaped cut. He keeps the cut as a reminder not to attempt again. He is an outcast that has learned to enjoy being a loner. He, however, has a VERY small circle of aquaintences, he never claims them to be friends because friends do nothing but hurt you. He trusts almost no one. He despises the popular kids that "run" the area. He has a second personality of some sort that he periodically turns to. This personality exists merely to keep him from being hurt. It protects him and gives him advice. This personality is called Jimmy. Jim does all the fighting because all James wants is to be left alone and enjoy his privacy. When people overstep these bounds, they have Jim to contend with. James is timid and quiet but can be vicious if provoked.
  5. I found 1+2 at sucoast had them, they had all three but i could only get those two before they were yanked off the shelves and they dont have them anymore.
  6. I have Movies One and Two and I want to get the others, does anyone know what the names of these movies are and how I may aquire them?
  7. santa ran over my family with a sled.... i am the sole survivor.... i filled the fat dude up with buckshot tho..... and i kept my house warm with the large lump of coal he dropped on mah head..... *the box he lives in begins to burn* AHHH!!! *saves computer*
  8. hmmm i promise nt to kill anything i promise not to destroy anything i promise not to be..... anything less than evil....
  9. I am here because i have no life or friends outside of the computer! and i have been here like way over a year (may 2001) i miss v.2 i miss the spam and i miss the flaming, you mods and stuff have taken that all away!!! *sob* oh well at least i still get to hang out here.... >I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!<
  10. Hy, everyone! It's great to be able to talk to you guys once more. So how did Thanksgiving go for you? I ate plenty of food,especially turkey, then I took a long nap!
  11. Marge- "theres a guardian angel out there for us." Homer- "Yeah, and she has a shotgun"
  12. Hmmm, beleive it or not i went through the same thing recently and HAVE thought about taking my life, but in the bigger picture its not worth it. Ginny, I may not KNOW you personally but i know that you have a kind heart and no matter what troubles you it doesnt affect the way you treat people and thats always a good thing. All the advice I can give you would be to just grit your teeth and bare through it. *walks around otaku for a little while longer tring to find his purpose* Maybe we DONT have a purpose, maybe its more like a spur of the moment type of thing ne?
  13. did ya miss meh? thought i was gone? so did I but im back and its mah birthdy! YAY!!!! and looky at what i made on mah birthdy, comic stip... poorly done but it was meant to give me a laugh so now i hope it will do the same for you:
  14. James, until youre an american... keep outta this!
  15. well, ive also taken into consideration that that violates some law about the right to persue happiness and heck, that makes the saved ppl happy so there! the under god is only two words that keeps america from turning into afgahnistan in my point of view. and in the words of Regis" Doesnt America have something better to worry about? i mean jeez... i couldnt think of anything better can you kelly? (sarcastic)"
  16. Dang, if ya dont want her to hear it get up off your annoying butt and BUY SOME EARPLUGS!!!! for one and for two, there are alot of other chirldren so that idiot can just shove it! (( i was really meaning to attract two main ppl with this yet they havent come... you know... ravenstorture and the other guy and i was sure that aries was coming and sure enough... there aries is!))
  17. the way i see it the aethiest ppl have won already, but no matter what THEY CANT SEPERATE THE CHURCH AND THE STATE!!! whenever they look at our currency, there it is as big as day " IN GOD WE TRUST" so their efforts to do so arent going to work and if they did change the currency all it would do is put us in much much more debt that before, after 9/11 we were in over 3 trillion dollars of debt... so to the courts i have one reply,, HA!!!! WHAT NOW? anyways... i think im on a rant... (if any mod interffeers with this im gonna blow a fuse) (all that want a current events section added to OB say aye) aye
  18. Every American here knows what im talking about... isnt that a bunch of bull crock or what? i think like one woman said on TV "Those who want to say under god oughtta be allowed to and those that dont want to say anything ... say nothing" this has been a part of tradition for YEARS why change it now??? if ya ask me i think all the things i liked about this country is going to hell...
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Actually, it costs more money to execute someone than to keep them alive in jail. State and local governments pay for the prosecution as well as for the defense team--which consists of at least two lawyers and a battery of investigators and experts; much of this money is spent even if the defendent eventually gets a lesser sentence. I've heard that California alone, spends $90 million a year on the death penalty. Anyway, it's important to take into consideration the family of the victim's feelings. Does it hurt less just because a person who killed their loved one isn't considered fully aware of their actions? In this way, the death penalty can affirm life, because if action is not taken, we are signaling a lessened regard for the value of the victim's life. The mentally retarded person surely isn't serving any purpose. If the accused can't recognize the wrongfulness of murder, then they can be of no use in our society. So, in these respects I'm in agreement with Harry. [/B][/QUOTE] One, Texas sped way more than that and Two, it would be really better if we stuck with the guitillones... i mean WHACK! instantly dead as opposed to the really expensive drug that takes 3 seconds :rolleyes: I mean, sheesh... its not like we cant surgically put the head back on for burial.... lol
  20. Woah!!!! thats cool... is this turning into a paranormal site or what? lol well thats just weired... and informative... some ppl think they never went to the moon at all! [color=indigo]Sorry, but posting a banner so you can put it in your signature isn't allowed. - Desbreko[/color]
  21. Stupid me... and here i sat for YEARS thinking it was only about U.F.Os....
  22. Wow nanna, yu gots lotsa ppls replying... me i call half my friend to wake them up and talk about usless crap... its fun to mess with nekkyo though... sumtimes i... umm... you dun wanna know
  23. this may be spam but my cousin is gonna take me to a frat party W00T!!!!!!!!!!!! well i think this is interesting and mucho GRANDE fun!
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon [/i] [B]I got 93.1% *looks around* Somehow I'm getting the feeling that I might be the youngest here... [/B][/QUOTE] erhm, im 12 and 10 months :p but im scared of some of your scores and... some of the questions were meant for females... well my test was: 76.5% just imagine how low it will get as i get older...
  25. lol warlock! ummm me wanna see.... definatly!
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