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Everything posted by Jamvis
*laughs until he turns blue* watch alot of ppl come in and get disappointed! anyway any of you ever heard of baby girl by nelly furtado? i fell in love with that song when i first heard it what about you??
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]awww thats so cute... I want pictures! [/B][/QUOTE](you would....) um hehe thats quite interesting... odd... and sickening... just as sickening as that guy on riples last night that had that cancer to wheree they had to cut off his genitiles and replace it with his middle finger... wizzing thru a finger must be painful... :X oh god... its contagous! *runs away from thread* [QUOTE]Lol i still want pictures...[/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkblue]"The world is corrupt and loving it. I can do no more.... *sigh*"- me[/COLOR]
cool go buy some games... id buy games...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] Oh...I'm sorry to hear that sweet. Of all days... Well she is in a better place now. Lots-A-Luv [/B][/QUOTE]*doubts it* i guess she may... ~no matter what ill always rave Jamvis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B] what the heck is a rave????:confused: [/B][/QUOTE]its a majestic wavy movement to the hands that takes alot to master and its also a dance style that you do to techno music ~learn the rave, just like me Jamvis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]There is really, no such thing as prefection. As long as man kind walks this earth, there will always be homelessness, crime, greed and hate. It's human nature to do these things. sorry to burst your child-like dreams, (which are beautiful things, the dreams of children) but it's the truth. (whoever said that the truth is always better than lies was a complete idot.) [/B][/QUOTE]Hey we can dream cant we? ~ill always be dreamin with my head in the clouds, but meanwhile ill rave Jamvis
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Dude you are the best thank you so much I have been looking for a stupid Rave station for a while now!! Thanks! [/B][/QUOTE]um... was that sarcastic but if it wasnt then youre welcome :confused:. ~ pump up the volume... up up the tempo... now gimme room im gonna rave. ____________________ |||||||||||. : .|||||||||||||||| | ||||||||. : : : : : .|||||||||||| | |||||. : : : : : : : : .|||||||||| | ---------------------------------- Jamvis
In a perfect World we would be able to do anything we wanted without riticule... everything in bounds that is... no killing! ~Hey, it could happen... till then ill just keep on Raving
what a bad day for this to happen on... i was happy when i got home but then i find out my grandmother died.... CRAP! man... this is bad juju and bad charma.. ~bad things will come but ill keep raving on James... no i have no relation to admin James
who can Rave? i like to rave... infact im doing it right now... this is some good raving music [url]http://www.shoutcast.com/waradio.phtml?genre=Techno[/url] its great... try the first station!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] Ouch....:cross: That dosen't sound too fun to me....:( I'm glad I don't have to worry about my wisdom teeth until later... I'm only 12...But thinking about it just creeps me out...:nervous: :worried: Cuz ya know, most people have to get their wisdom teeth pulled, and I'm not looking foward to that....Anyway, I just thought about this DBZ episode during the Freiza Saga after Goku got all beaten up by Captain Ginyu, and Vegeta was going to put him into that little healing tank, and Goku thought that Vegeta wa going to give him a shot after he saw all those needles. Goku freaked out and acted like he was about to cry! And Vegeta was like, OK....Whatever Goku, You've got serious issues.... every time I go to the doctor or dentist, I think about that, and for some reason, it makes me feel better! Don't ask... :toothy: :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE]tis a shame... but oh well... i didnt know you were twelve... just like me... hehehe WOOT WOOT! im now a jr member! uh huh! uh huh!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantasy Freak [/i] [B]V-day?blech,I dunn like it.*looks at her tv and watches it b/c Its Ozzy "Dreamer" on MTV* :( *cries* that song makes me wanna cry..Back to crappy V-day..I got two close friends something,but I dunno when Manda wil be backin school.She got suspended and has to get a court date..and I told Brooke I got her something for V-day.She was like :O b/c if i get her something she has to get me something.But I got something for my parents,Chocolate(i don'y need any) and a phone card(60minutes) can call my best friend now(b/c she lives in Maryland).But idon't have anyone really..so its sad. [/B][/QUOTE]eh... dreamer... my friend wants to kill himself to that song... and it seems Renee has her priorities straight... :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] Noodlez is like 12???? He asked me if I was a lesbian and he is twelve??? That is unbelievable...how do you know wat that word means young man!!! (this was from another thread for all of those who are really confused)...YOu go staight to your room thisinstant and no video games for a week...And I am going to call Jonny's mom because I know that he has been a bad influence on you... Nw that my rant is over, nice pic Noodlez, I am shocked at how young you look/are though...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]Lezbo is not bad for a thing in 7th grader such as I to know... we know alot more than ppl like you give us credit for... and that is a nice pic.... (pointy ears.....) ignoer that
I dont have any although i might need some later but i think theyre kinda cute if ya get them in the right color.
In a perfect world there would be no hatred and you could tune into whatever you wanted to and never worry about dying or anything and we could find love whereever we were and we wouldnt be in depresion ever... and there would be any typos... :rolleyes: Whats your perfect world?
wise as a snake and slippery as one too! :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]I'd say it depends on the type of bug... If it's harmful to plants, animals, etc. (such as a grasshopper) I'd say no. If it's a ladybug or something like that, that's beneficial, I'd say yes. Or, if it's venomous/poisonous and it's in your house, I'd say no. I actually let let the spider webs collect in my room, as long as there are no venomous spiders in them. It helps get rid of flies and other annoying insects.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]I burned the wittle aphid... jerks... they wouldnt leave my trash can... wonder why... and all spiders bite... especially the kind that jump... *sees one jumping around the window* *pulls out lighter* scuse me folks.... ~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]there is always a person that ;loves you renee, .......:blush: [/B][/QUOTE]you know IT! but for that you must pay... j/k! hahahaha!!! i will only use the tazer when i get mad.... muwahahahaha *shoves Smokey Joe off and hugs Renee* my job! :p
thats a shame... question... um is burning bugs for fun a bad thing?:confused:
Blu and J. Lo do rule! madonna... not sure... i like that song music makes the people or what ever... and i love only time but i cant find it for real player :bawl: ~
My Godparents have a cat... its 18 years old... in human years! in cat years its.... *pulls up his calculator on the comp* 162! thats perdy kewl huh? maybe if i go to renees house i should leave the cat at home... thats a micheveous cat man... it still gets in fights too... it wins all the time... it came home one day with a big ol' patch of fur missing by its ear... i felt sorry for it but i know she must have hooped it... because i saw her fight this big old dog and she waped it really hard in the face and sent it off whimpering... *continues telling stories about his cat* :babble: ~ยค
-.-' i hate dances.... one i cant dance and two who would i go with? bleh... *goes off into a corner to pout* ~
Who is yours? My latest one is Nelly Furtado! She is awesome! ~
erhm..... it was da aliens! NOOO mean aliens!!! dont abduct my *truck blows up* shoot....
um... all things evolve... even my mom says that her own children are smarter than she is... the bible also says that the newers generations will be wiser but weaker