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Shadow Ghoul

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About Shadow Ghoul

  • Birthday 04/02/1987

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  1. My favourite quote is from Yu-Gi-Oh not Duel Monsters but the very first series. Jounouchi: Well, what do we have here... The first year student president wanting to fufill his duty as a soilder of comfort and who's to become master cleaner, Honda-kun Honda: Im not the master cleaner... Can't you understand that? Jounouchi: Your voice is also annoying!! Honda: So if i remember correctly, in your speech I am the one and only student president and it would be uncivilised to think that I, the shining star in the day, could ever be replaced by another human being... *Honda continues talking while Yuugi and Jounouchi speak* Jounouchi: By the way, whats in the box? Yuugi: Its okay if you look but don't tell anyone. Since it is really cool and valueable. Honda: Thats the kind of speech, I like to hear Jounouchi: What? it's just a boring thing... *Anzu grabs Yuugi's box*
  2. Ah I should Of Known That! Thanks For The Help!
  3. My Favourite Card To Use In Play: Monster: Shadow Ghoul It Helps Me get Around Those Tough Jams With Its Effect. Trap: Reinforcements It Boosts My Monsters Attack by 500 So I Can Cut Down The Monster If It Has Higher Attack Power Magic: Soul Release It Gets Rid Of Cards I Don't Want My Opponents To Use Again!
  4. Sticking To The Fact Of Promo's I Had Found Out Many Moons Ago That In Dark Duel Stories You Would Be Able To Get Acid Trap Hole, Salamandra And Seiyru My Friend Had Bought The Game He Got The Cards But When I Got The Game I Just Go Nothing [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Try not to use so much capitalisation, please. It's hard to read- Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B] For the Zombie aspect, get 3 CODI and 3 Shadow Ghouls. Try to build off of that using staples and support cards, like Jinzo, Cyber Jar, Mystic Tomato, etc. Try to get more Trap and Magic staples. [/B][/QUOTE] CODI??? What Is That Sorry For The Stupidity For Not Knowing What It Is
  6. So... Will Take Out The Theme Of Rock And Dino's And Just Leave The Zombies In Ive Added 3 Cheerful Coffins In
  7. My deck: Deck Name: Wasteland Superme [u]Tributes[/u] Shadow Ghoul [x3] Pumpking The King Of Ghosts [u]Non-Tributes[/u] Dark Assailant [x3] Dragon Zombie [x3] The 13th Grave [x3] Magical Ghost Uraby [x3] Dissolverock Rock Ogre Grotto #1 Mammoth Graveyard [x2] Destroyer Golem [x2] Two-Mouth Darkruler [x2] Castle of Dark Illusions Armored Zombie Giant Soldier of Stone [u]Magics[/u] Oozaki Rush Recklessly Fissure Ring of Magetism Sword of Deep-Seated Tremendous Fire Dark Hole De-Spell Wasteland [x3] Dian Keto The Cure Master Raise Body Heat Monster Reborn [u]Traps[/u] Reinforcements Castle Walls Robbin' Goblin Just Desserts Trap Hole Dragon Capture Jar Reverse Trap Thats My Deck Tell Me If I Need Anything Done To It My Deck Theme Is [i]Zombies, Rock and Dinosaurs[/i]
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