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Everything posted by silentdeath

  1. see i look everywhere for these movies and can never find them! been to bes buy, music stop(has evryother anime almost), and many many others.
  2. aiaka cuase she just kicks wait.... [b][size=4]Sasami![/size][/b]
  3. True,True, i'm so asleep that i thought the action figures looked cool!
  4. Leon:"That was cool." then he slowly fell into sleep,when he awoke it was about 2:00am... Leon:"While everyone's asleep i'll just head out and catch some dark pokemn."
  5. Veemon:"Veemon digivolve to........................................... Flamedramon:"FLAMEDRAMON!" Leon:"Do it tentomon!" TEntomon:"Tentomon digivolve to............kabutarimon....kabutarimon digivolve to MEGA-KABUTARIMON!" Zach:"Elecmon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Elecmon:"Elecmon digivolve to..........LEOMON!!!!!!!!!" Leigh:"Wormmon?" Wormmon:"Wormmon digivolve to.........BUCCIEMON!!!!!!! Leon:"LEt's go!!!!!!!!!!"
  6. as honorable and cool as ur last one do you take spanish?
  7. yeah they are used to buy gold weapons in two places once you beet the game once.
  8. leon & co. show up... Leon:"What do we do yami?" Yami:"Sneek atack,they have to potential ultimates so w are out matched and skilled,we need someoneelse to digivolve to ultimate." Leon:"We're going o have to make do wth wat we got!" they watched in silence,leon was holding onto his crest and it started to glow brighlty...
  9. Leon:"I guess we should go to sleep then." leon went over and sat down in the corner... Leon:"Long day tommorrow!"
  10. OOC:proud man to be in the presence of a true great*bows* ------------------------ Leon:"Wormmon leigh's in trouble!" the newly emerged wormmon says... Wormmon:"What!?" Leon:"Yami ran off,i think he knows where leigh is!" Wormmon:"Let's go!" Zach:"HEy jut got here!" Leon:"LEigh's in trouble come on!"
  11. good good good, what [i]is[/i] up with the horizontal thing? anyway fantastic another triumph!
  12. well well well another person to draw better than me, i'll nevr win, other wise awsome!
  13. Leon:"An elctric pokemon!?" leon stared long and hard at the pokemon... Leon:"I wan't one!" Seoin:"To bad kid,i got it!" Leon:"Ok but i call dibs on the next one!" leon looked around for pokemon... Leon:"Shinobi's missing this,can we put him on a pokemon and carry him?"
  14. Leon:"Leigh's in trouble i can tell." Yami:"Right." Leon:"Run a scan for wormmon." Yami:"He's just entering the world,maybe he senses something wrong too!" Leon:"Let's go!" leon and yami ran as fast as they could in the direction of wormmon...
  15. agreed i like it but it's not as good as yourcurrnet masterpiece.
  16. Leon:"Yami?" Yami:"Leon i need to show you something!" Leon:"What is it?" Yami:"The crest of knowladge!" yami help out his hand and the crest began to glow,and a red light glowed in leon's backpack,the purple crst flew ovr to leon's neck while te red light flew into yami's de-tector... Yami:"Wow!" leon looked in his backpack... Leon:"The egg isgone!" Yami:"That mean's...!"
  17. hey can anybody resize this 500 by 100? thanks!
  18. kk whatever you say!lol ryme ^_^
  19. a few years after the incident at camp was after Kari had gatomon, it may have seemed like years butremember time goes faster in digiworld so it is post-s1 pre-s2
  20. OOC:leigh said or blanko quote"Leigh ignored this little trouble. She knew wormmon was weak and needed nourishment and rest" --------------------- leon and zach ran o the computer... Leon:"Coming leigh?" Leigh:"No wormmon needs to rest a few more minutes." Leon:"We'll be waiting for you!" Leigh:"Ok." Zach:"Digital world here we come!" (ahhhh-ohhhh,ahhhh-ohhhh oh ah oh ohhhhh!)(LOL) Leon:"Let's go!"
  21. OOC:it wasn't you just didn't want kingdom hearts characters in this rpg! ----------------- Izzy looked over at the clock,it read 9:05... Izzy:"Hope tai didn't forget about his practice!" Izzy's Mom:"Izzy do you wan't some spinach pancakes?" Izzy:"That's ok mom." Izzy remembered te incident with willis,when diaboramon was in the internet and the potato juice!izzy had been up all night creating a new program for the digiworld so that he could read fluctuations in energy... Izzy:"Man this my best work yet!"(went a little dexter there!) Izzy looked outthe window as the sun rose in heighten view terrace... Izzy:"I wonder if Mimi's on today?"
  22. Leon:"Hey leigh." Leigh:"What?" Leon:"How did you use that digiegg back there i mean i tried to use the one that i found but it didn't work..." Leigh:"Well i believe that i must be triggered by pure emotions." Leon:"Oh,thanks." Leigh:"No problem!" Leon:"Leigh?" Leigh:"Yes?" Leon:"Would y...never mind." leon walked off,he wanted to go to the digiworld,he looked at leigh,then zach,then stood up... Leon:"Where is yami?" Leigh:"Left for the digiworld." Leon:"Shouldn't we help him?"...
  23. leon let out a little shuckle... Leon:"Well that was fun trip..." leon looked around,it was so wonderful down here,with the water and all... Leon:"Where to?"
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