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Everything posted by silentdeath

  1. i believe that beautifly evolves from the new silicoon and there is another that i cannot remember but it is a moth that evolves from a cocoon as well.
  2. leon though,knowing that being a paladin a nothing could defeat him took out a shield and beam sword... Leon:"Activate Excaliber and Knight's Shield!" the huge beam sword glowed with a holy light blinding to most,but the shield was where it all was,a huge beam [i]shield[/i].the light coming out of it blinded Kyoji long enough to slash of one of the shining gundam's legs. Leon:"No one can match my swordsmanship!"
  3. very very nice nomad, that is a great picture of father and son!
  4. Leon:"Hey Kabutarimon aim toward her injury!" Kabutarimon:"Electro Shocker!" the purple blast hit with deadly accuracy and youkomon flew way back...
  5. Leon"Ok then let's go!" leon and shinobi both reach toward their belts... Leon:"GO,MAGNETON!"
  6. As leon in paladin gundam touched down he noticed that there were other gundams around... Leon:"Which gundams are here paladin?" Computer:"They appear to be the Deathscthe Hell,the Archangel,the Shining Gundam and the Wing Hell Custom. Leon:"Ok then." the paladin gundam's hatch opened and leon walked out... Leon:"America has such dusty air!"
  7. Leon:"Kabutarimon attack the growlmon!" Kabutarimon:"Electr Shocker!" the purple shot was deflected by blackgrowlmon's firy shot... Leon:"Give it all you got kabutarimon!"
  8. Leon was standing there silently with his sword on his back waiting for Shinobi to arrive,he looked stern yet happy... Leon:"Your a few minutes late." Shinobi:"I get here when I feel like it." Leon:"Let's do this."
  9. Leon was flying around the city on his dragonair then finally got to his destination,and abandoned incinerator.elon called out all of his pokemon and told lanturn and octillery to start training by squirtingout the flame... Leon:"Good job guys this won't be easy!" leon turned to see dragonite training with magneton and umbreon with houndoom... Leon:"Keep up the good work guys!" Leon turned to the doorway and walked out...
  10. an exhausted tentomon ran over to leon... Leon:"I think you should digivolve too tentomon!" Tentomon:"If you say so leon!" leon's digivice glew brightly and leon held it out at tentomon... Leon:"Do it tentomon!" Tentomon:"Tentomon digivolve to.................................................................................................Kabutarimon!" Leon:"Cool,get that fox Kabutarimon!" Kabutarimon"Eletro Shocker!"
  11. Leon:"Ok then where should we have it?" leon stood there silently as Shinobi pondered what place to have it... Shinobi:"Ok then i'll meat you in half an hour at the beach,is that alright!?" Leon:"Ok see you there..." Leon ran out the door and outside then jumped on his dragonite and fly away...
  12. leon ran over to Tentomon laying on the ground... Leon:"Tentomon get up!" tentomon stood up slowly,leon picked him up... Leon:"Are you ok?" tentomon jumped down... Tentomon:"Quite fine thank you Leon!" tentomon looked straight at shadowrenamon,now engaged with wormmon... Tentomon:"Super Shocker!" tentomon landed a square hit at shadowrenamon and she fell to the ground...
  13. Leon:"I would like to battle you,if you except then please name a place and time and I'll be there." Leon waited patiently for Shinobi's response... Leon:"Well?"
  14. Leon:"To tell you the trueth he didn't send my I came on my own will,I to do battle with you,I have heard of you and I love a challenge!" Leon walked up to him and looked into his eyes... Leon:"It's ok,I can't hurt you,I do have so honor."
  15. then out of the air cam a yell... Elecmo:"Super Thunder Strike!" elecmon hit blackguilmon with tremendous force wich gave wormmon time... Wormmon:"Sticky Thread" the sticky substance hit blackguilmon and he was stuck...
  16. there is a knock at the door and Seion goes and answers it, there standing is leon... Leon:"Why hello!"he said knocking him out of the way,"I'm looking for a man by the name of Shinobi,i'm here on behalf of Red Tiger22.
  17. watching this was a new trainer,leon heartbound,as they flew of he watched in wonder, Leon:"I should follow them." Leon:"Go Dragonite!" Leon:"Follow them Dragonite!" he lew off towards the latios at great speed.
  18. then until then it wil be: Raiku: thunder, thunder bolt, Thunder shock, hyper beam ok?
  19. as the goths stepped out leon straighened up, Leon:"Told you so zach!" Zach:"Elecmon come here!" Leon:"Tentomon?" Tentomon:"Yes leon" Leon:"Take em' out!" ---------------------------- hey can we swipe cards?
  20. Name: Leon Heatbound Age: 18 Gender: Male Specialty:dark&water&electric Pokemon: Octillery: suf, octazooka, hydro pump, psybeam Lanturn: tunder shock, water gun, surf, spark Umbreon: bite, persuit, headbutt, double team Houndoom: fire blast, flamethrower, crunch, bite Dragonite: thunder, dragon rage, hyer beam, fly Magneton: thunder, thunder shock, sonicboom, tackle legendary pokemon i want to catch: Suicene: hydro pump, hyper beam, surf, strength pc: jigglypuff pikachu ditto pidgeotto shuckle Apperance:black hair,hazel eyes,white cargo pants, black shirt that reads "future master",white bandana,belt with pokeballs,carrys around a big broad sword on his back. Good at:swordsmanship
  21. Leon:"Let's go see if leigh's ok." as they walked ouside and past the rock they noticed something or someone watching them, Leon:"Zach did you see that?" zach looked round, Zach:"Quite pullin my leg leon!"
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