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Everything posted by silentdeath

  1. Meanwhile, Castle Butler:"Sir Heartbound we have recieved a letter stating that we need to send you to the statue of liberty in neo america on business with the shuffle alliance." Leon:"Very well then,prepare paladin for immediate departure,an don't forget to recharge the sword!" Castle Butler:"Yes sir!" Leon walked toward his mother and father, Leon:"Dear parents i have recieved notice that i must go to america to assist the shuffle alliance." King Heartbound:"Very well my son." Queen Heartbound:"Do be careful son." Leon:"I will mama,i'll make you proud!" Leon walked slowly to the gundam hanger and stepped up to paladin, Leon:"This is are turn to rid the world of evil!"
  2. leon says with his mouth full of a huge burger... Leon:"OH,..come on"he drools a bit"it's great!" with mouth full as well... Zach:"Leon's right"pauses to spit"it's good!" leigh looked at them and in a very smug voice said, Leigh:"I'm ok with the water thanks!"
  3. they sat in the cafe eating,Zach and Leon had a few races and contests(like who could eat the most buffalomon wings,lol)but were as mature as two large dinosaurs in a world of steaks,(double lol). Leon:"Man i'm stuffed!,wormmon tha was sooooo good!" Wormmon:"Why thank you,leigh have you had enough to eat?"
  4. yami and veemon caught up with them and they were now all walking together at a fast pace folowing wormmon. Leon:"Where exactly are we going wormmon?" Wormmon:"You'll see." Leon:"I'm so hungry i could eat a whalemon!"
  5. Name:Spiderman Powers:super-human strength,web shooters,spider sense,can climb or walk up walls,amazing tolerance of heights! Short Bio:come on it's spiderman the slippery red and blue hero,peter parker is his other identity and loves mary jane. Apperance:red and blue scaly costume with a spider emblem on it [b]hero![/b] [img]http://www.samruby.com/Media/SpideyNovaShot.gif[/img] [url]http://www.samruby.com/Media/SpideyNovaShot.gif[/url] is this ok?
  6. the body tat was chameleonmon dissinigrated and a dark spore showed then shattered. Leon:"Well he wasn't too friendly!" Tentomon:"Chameleonmon is uasually quite hospitable i wonder what came over him" Zach:"It may have something to do with that thing that fell out o it's body."
  7. i'm with yu traineri really like it the way it is!
  8. lol,boobs,that's funny,hey at least she is drawn well.
  9. i alaways listen to the princess mononoke song when i'm on line!
  10. Name: Leon Heartbound Age: 18 Appearance: tall black hair, hazel eyes. About 6'1", wieghs about 223 lb. Gundam Name: Paladin Gundam 4d-99 Gundam Appearance: Weapons: excaliber(huge beam sword), Holy fist of the undefeated of the north, scatter shield, knight's shield, dual arm blades(heated) Attachable Weapons: mega particle cannon, manuverable platform, huge mounted shoulder cannons Character Bio: Was born 3 years before the battle with DG. He grew up in nobility and being of noble birth became a paladin like his father, His suit is integrated so that it can draw out his swordsmanship capabilities. Very good with a gundam.
  11. meanwhile they were just finishing up the battle with chameleonmon... Leon:"Hey Tentomon,use your supershocker!" Tentomon:"Supershocker!" tentomon flew up and a jagged beam of electricity emerged and attacked the imprisoned chameleomon... Leon:"Hey that was fun!"
  12. Leon:"Wow this place rocks,hey tentomon what do you say we go exploring?" "Wanna come Zach?" Tentomon:"no Leon strange things have been occouring lately,if i let you go out you may be injured." leon looked at tentomon with that sad look in his face. Leon"Ok,i'll wait"
  13. Name:Leon Heartbound Orbital frames name:Paladin Special Weapon:Holy Sword,Corruption Uplift(ultimate) Weapon:Paladin's Sword,Knight's Shield Alliance:Good Age:18 Appearence:Strong and muscular.Blond hair and blue eyes.6'0 Gender:Male. Bio:He was raised in space and to this day he misses his old life.he is relatively calm and collected but is prone to fits of anger which push him and his orbital frame to their limits.he will fight anything to continue his causeand all evil that stands in his ways will be executed.
  14. yeah that is sooooo cool, and very nice colors, i wish i had it for my background for text boxes on FF7!
  15. leon started wispering back, Leon:"Yeah that would be the day" they both smiled in wide grins undoughtedly trying not to bust out laughing. Leon:"So Elecmon where is this cafe you spek of?"
  16. Leon:"so tentomon where exactly are we" Tentomon:"why,the digtal world of course!" leon looked at the others and sunk slowly to the ground.thouhts were flying through his head but he just couldn't speak.
  17. just then leon came falling from the sky,screaming. Leon:"hey is it too late to drop in?" leon took a good glimpse around then back to Zach,then h suddenly realized that something was flying above him, Leon:"Tentomon?" Tentomon:"Your assumption is correct Leon."
  18. Leon:"What's that" he walked over to his locker which had the same steam coming out.he opened the door to find a green device of the same kind.
  19. ok after all th time i've ben here i've wanted to try a banne so here, my first one ever,*teeth chttering*
  20. lol spirited away all over again!
  21. Most people longed so much to be like them.You might even call them "popular".They hated beng called it though.As they walked down the hallway they had a sort of aur about them.An aura practically spewing with bad news. Leon:"Zach,don't worry about them." Zach:"Ok" Leon:"Here",leon handed Zach a drawing of a digimon,"I drew it in study hall,it's my best one yet!" Zach:"Cool what's his name?" Leon:"Tentomon"
  22. sephiroth, no compare, kefka,was ok but sephiroth is in a league of his own.plus i never thought of kefka as just plain cool,sephiroth though was the greatest,and i can't forget(even though it's not a FF game it is a FF baddy)the battle with sephiroth in kingdom hearts,if you wan't ticked you should have saw me fighting him!
  23. ok who's going to start, Tamer_Zach are you going to do the honors?
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