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Everything posted by silentdeath
an official card game though would be very interesting
well i saw it and i enjoyed it thouroghly(spelling?) i loved the music,enjoyed th acting, and loved th plot
don't forget her if she is important to you keep trying and never lose sight of your goal, her. will you be my buddy on my list and put me on yours?
natalie what a name i'm always wallowing in self pity over her
there isn't any thing wrong with a long distance relationship. maybe even more romantic. go for it,but if it dosen't work,it's all for the better.
i can't stand valentines day it is a chance for jocks to show their girls and for love that i have never recieved.i don't like someone enough to buy them anything.and for me to get something would take a miracle. one thing to clear up natalie isn't going out with me i used to wish so but never anymore
whenever i have dreams they aalways are totallly different from each other.i have death dreams.life dreams.magic dreams.i've dremnt (spelling?) about most anything you can think of.none re-occouring.i wonder why?
thats pretty cool di you draw that
ok now iraq has chemical weapons? holy @#%$! i have to tell nat, i'm friekin out now.they may have saw the telecast and are sending over bad news right now.this is serious!
tog choice but you mai the right decision shyguy
Who am I in my own mind? i'm a nobody,i'm the kidin the corne reading magizne thinking about my girl.natalie.she is me and i am her.we've been going out for 4 1/2 years not much since i' only 13,14 in 15 days!).we see each other alot and talk. i'm the kid that thinksthat everything an everyone is against him.i'm funny yet pathetic.i'm happy yet sad.i'm so many things all tied into one packag.i'm me. How do other's see me? it matters who they are.som people just say dork and walk away.some people look up to me as a modean friend.i have no idea what else except a good basketball player. How do I want to be seen? i wan't to be seen as rough and tough but to my friends open and deep.i want to act like myself around everyone and never change.i wan't to be giving. tha's about it!
i'm nice and a newbie so easy to relate to any way..... i agree with Lady Macaiodh in the fact that 5 weeks is not a long relationship.unless you can truelly see yourself with this "lass" then you should let her know and you could get a long range dating thing goin on.otherwise go with Lady Macaiodh's e-mail thing. will you two be on my friends list?
1. Who do you think had the best charcter design? Why? i liked lady aboshi because for a stern ruler she carried herself well.she looked very deceptive and strong it just fit. 2. What do you think was so good about the plot?Why? i liked the way that they flawlessly introduced many a character.i also liked that the gods were mortal,it knd of put a new spin on my perception. 3. What was unique about the weapons? i liked ashitaka's swords designshowing that they were somewhat but not very advanced.the gun scenes were very realistic due to the fact that the lady aboshi said that new guns were "still too heavy".it showed they had not progressed in he development of projectile warfare.i also liked the fact that the gods caled the bullets "poison" showing that they were wise and new that these new,loud,projectile weapons would pollute the earth and its inhabitents.i also liked the varrying styles,it went from the straight edged sword of ashitaka,to the jagged dagger of sawn,to lady aboshi's sleek cannons. a tremendous movie!
baby dragon for me.i love that cute little thing.it's not that strong though.it actually has no place in my deck.i don't like dragons. YUCK!!!!
lol i thought the ending was......different.refreshing.clensing.a new feel.iliked it beacause jean rocks!
1. silentdeath 2.susuka 3. tuffy.....um......all of em? 4. greatmothjp
i pick the hobbit because it was the most fun
when i was 9 my mom died of melanoma a skin cancer. i criedfor nearly two days.she was my best friend.now if i ge hurt i don't cry,if i get cut i don't cry,but whenever i think about her i cry. i guess its healthy.....at least healthier then expressing that sorrow, pain, and anger in another form. crying has made me a better person. *tear*
lol that's funny juu *trows tomato* i never thougr about it but yes they were really old! right so love triumphes?
ways to make your math teacher feel stupid
silentdeath replied to master's topic in General Discussion
you don't like math?!? what in hevens name is wrong with you! math is the greatest! -
juu is right our young little minds think yuck they are like four! but as we age we mature and think of things in another perspective.and while we are maturing they are maturing and suddenly they aren't just little kids.they are cute. the human mind is such a unpredctabl instrument of emotions.but one of the strongest is love. and love is all that matters as you can se in my banner.
*reads alll of e names and calmy runs into the other room softly* "i will be best newbie next year" he says quitly,"i hope." Do i counton next year snce i came here so late?
ok i loved FF9, the ending almost made me cry, when he took of the robe and called for "his dagger"
i made this one tell me if it's good cause then i might take your place dragon warrior.one prob, how do you get them to show up on the post like that, like how do you get a url for them. here it is
i play or have played about every card game known to man including a few of my own and my fave by far is magic.