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Everything posted by silentdeath

  1. they started to fly back to the base... Leon:"He'll be back." Chaos:"When?" Ryan:"Who knows,i mean it could be a while." Leon:"Let's just get back." Ryan:"We need to file a report."
  2. leon has his blade drawn... Leon:"I said not too big draonite!" Dragonite:"Dragonite!" Leon:"Get ready to fight!" he had all of his pokemon in strateic locations,they were to fire water guns,thunders,and fireblasts when they came out,they came out... Leon:"Hello boys." leon cut off the ends of their guns... Leon:"Fire guys!"
  3. sniper of course!in every 1st person sooter game ever i master the sniper fist!
  4. true, man all you peple have great points, but no interesting games? lol, that's funny!:)
  5. i totally agree with old ghosty here, i have a PS2 and a X-box, even though i don't like the GC i still wan't one!
  6. leon quikly jumped back and held out his sword... Leon:"Paladin sword,together let us vanquish these enemies!" the paladin sword errupted with life and leon charged chopping along the way...
  7. leon looked at the sub from the bushes,then saw the building,he noticed blood on the ground and thought to himself that they must have been captured... Leon:"They must be in that building." leon went over to the building with remarkable stealthness(word?).sinobi must have rubbed of on him... he knocked on the wall,brick,darn,he needed to find shinobi's laptop... leon ran over to the camp as swiftly as possible,looked around and finally came to the computer... Computer:"Accessing the pokemon bow of leon heatbound."(knda corny) leon quikly got out the ghost pokemon chipan that he had caught earlier... Leon:"Ok this should make it through the wall to see where they're keeping shinobi and the others,then we just blast the wall out!" leon started running to the building,he thought of a plan,cool!...
  8. they just kept dodging and dodging... Chaos:"What do you want?" ???:"You know what i wan't!" Leon:"Care to enlighten us again?"
  9. lol i tried to do some research but couldn't find anything
  10. leon opened up the communicaions line... ???:"Help me,i am but a weary traveler in this vast expanse." Leon:"What?" Ryan:"He says that he's lost." Leon:"Oh." Chaos:"Where do you come from?"
  11. angelus is so right there is nothing that beats blizzard, blizzard is life! wait,NEVERSOFT! forgot about the tony hawk games!
  12. now that is gohan, you should use that last grey banner and avi. by the way 8.5/10
  13. as they were flying they started a scan... Leon:"Hmmmm..." over the communication... Chaos:"Identify yourself and your orbital frame asap." the orbital frame just stood there... Leon:"We won't ask you again!" leon got out his sword and shield...
  14. leon herd gun shots... Leon:"Shinobi!" leon recalled dragonite frm his battle and calls out raiku... Leon:"Raiku,go where the gun shots came from."
  15. just then paladin approached the two others... Leon:"What have i missed?" Ryan:"Nothing,absolutely nothing!" Chaos:"We have some unknown of in this sector." Leon:"Well were is it?" Ryan:"Don't know!" leon looked around and didn't see a thing...
  16. meanwhile leon was swimming in the water,just floating now,thinking about life and everything that had led up to him being here,his thoughts drifted through his mind like he calmly drifted in the water,then he thought about the others and wanted to kow why shinobi andthen haven't come looking for him.maybe the left him behind?No shinobi is too good to him to do that. Leon:"Well might as well train some more."
  17. well i dont' know with sony, probabally go with squaresoft or rockstar/dma, mostly cause the two best sony console games ever are FF8 and GTA:Vice City, but best one ever, hands down, [color=light blue][size=5]Blizzard![/size][/color]
  18. one thing though, is the controller harder to use? i mean in terms of comfort it looks too.....bulky!
  19. leon was in the loune.....ahhh.....lounging! Paladin:"Excuse me sir but chaos needs assistance in the eastern quadrent." Leon:"Jeeze,and i was just enjoying myself,.....suit up fr battle." Paladin:"Yes sir." leon jumped into paladin with his favorite sword and fly off to rendevous with the others."
  20. thanks for agreeing and i know i'm right sept i love zelda and animal crossing to bits!
  21. well it is very cool,and ummmmm.... yeah, nice and simple is always nice to look at!
  22. ok this is just my opinion but... if i was forced to rate them there would be a tie for best, PS2: ps2 has the most games and most(i use this term loosely)games for this system seem to be quite good.they have some of the best games available and some of the best games ever.some of those [i]great[/i] games are -GTA:Vice City -Final Fantasies(many) -Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1-4 -SOCOM*drool* -Kingdom Hearts -and so,so many more Xbox: xbox mostly because of the beautiful graphics and a few games... -Halo -Phantom Crash(idk just love it) -and arguably the best game ever(for men)beach volleyball*drools uncontrolably* Gamecube is ok but dosen't stack up in the end!
  23. what ur on it! second row down,forth from the right!
  24. oh i don't take it as a bad thing ssj3, in fact i think blanco is one of my idols...^_^, and when i say what's up wit ur avatar i didn't mean it looks bad, in fact i quite like it psyco, any way back to the point i guess ur right ssj3, that is incredidally confusing!
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