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About CaptainInvictus

  • Birthday 07/02/1985

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  1. Welp, I think I'll bring over my review from the Allspark and Bob and George forums. [quote]This is just my opinion, mind you. I would appreciate it if none of you decided to nitpick my review, and ?explain? to me why I?m wrong and you?re right. This is how I feel about it, and I?m totally entitled to it. Revolutions, I thought as a whole, was awful. The acting. The ending. [spoiler]The Trinity death scene.[/spoiler] The horribly-akin-to-DBZ Smith/Neo fight. The most comedic point in the movie was when Neo was in the building, Smith walks towards him, and Neo does this really, really goddamn stupid arm-flailing and then waves to Smith, signaling for him to attack. I really did "lol" at that point. Couple other people did, too. It was pretty ludicrous. That said... I have never seen such a chaotic battle in a movie such as Revolutions's Battle for Zion. There had to be THOUSANDS of things going on at any given time. The APU's were absolutely amazing. I must admit, I was skeptical about the CGI prowess when I saw the rally arm-raisings of the APUs in the theatrical trailer(on my computer, natch), but on the big screen...they just...wow. Apparently, they also built life-size APU models for the pilots to climb into and stuff. I want one. :p I was literally gripping the edge of my seat when [spoiler]the Borer broke through.[/spoiler] Then the rumbling, and the [spoiler]swarm of Sentinels. They were mostly taken out by the APU's, and I was like "Oh, they're not doing so bad." right before the MASSIVE ?arm? of Sentinels reached through the hole and basically swatted all the APU's away. That leader dude got a nice ?Death or Glory? (in this case, both :p ) scene, pretty ridiculous that he held off the entire tide of Sentinels for that long. Still, it was an AMAZING fight. And then the Hammer came in and EMP?d their *****. You just KNEW there would be thousands, even MILLIONS more on the way, though.[/spoiler] This Zion battle made it ALL worth sitting through. And the look on that snobby general guy(Sue me, I don?t like to remember names) when the sentinels were tearing everything up was akin to the face you?d make if you were Lyndon B. Johnson, working at your desk, and suddenly someone walks into your office and says ?The president has been assassinated.? Comedy gold. Alright, details on why I didn?t like it. 1.) This thing was Gouda. It stunk of Limburger. It was a wheel. In other words, CHEESY. 2.) [spoiler]Trinity death scene. Jesus. Just frickin? DIE already and get on with the story. If I was impaled in the abdomen, chest, and side by three rather large metal rods, you?d bet your britches I?d be dead pretty damn fast. Considering, y?know, the vital organs punctured and all. But this scene lasted, what, five minutes? More? It seemed to drag on forever. This was your typical ?I must reveal to you the entire life story of your father before I die, which will take a good ten minutes, even though I?ve lost all my appendages and half my face, I won?t bleed to death until I?m finished.? Not exactly, but you get my meaning. Nearly EVERY movie where the girlfriend/boyfriend/mentor/brother/etc. die in the vicinity of the hero has that person coughing and choking up blood and stuff, and have devastating injuries, but they somehow hold out until they?re finished with their little speech.[/spoiler] 3.) They can do CGI, but they sure as hell can?t do makeup as good. The huge gashes on the leader dude?s face were alright at best. [spoiler]The scabbed-over eyes on Neo were odd-looking, they didn?t look like his eyes had fried. Then again, they?d probably have to poke out both his eyes to really give you that ?exploded eyeball? feeling?[/spoiler] 4.) It has been said a thousand times by a thousand different people. This is live action DBZ minus the energy blasts and loud, constipated grunting. 5.) Ending. [spoiler]I was expecting some incredibly complex ending for this amazing series(Reloaded wasn?t all that good, but it was tolerable besides the 10-minute orgy scene), and instead I got the ?Oh look, a rainbow. Everyone feels better now.? ending.[/spoiler] If it had some ?deeper meaning?, then I didn?t get it. If it?s that convoluted, then I don?t really care. But I DID like the ?What do you think I am? Human?? comment by the Architect. :)[/quote] [color=darkblue]This post has now been given spoiler tags, for the seen-the-movie impared --Manic[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IQ2 [/i] [B]Okay, so Smith was a recent development, but what is Neo? Neo was only Agent Smith's equal in the first film until he became "The One." Then Smith began to multiply and become powerful. As Neo took domination over the real world, Smith took domination over the cyber world. Neo was just as much a "malfunction" as Smith was, since it was not expected for him to do the things he did. You'll find throughout the films that there is rarely an instance where Neo proves to be ultimately stronger than Agent Smith, and vice versa. Each in their many combats appear as equals. I don't like how a lot of people compare Neo to Jesus Christ. I'm not Christian, but there is a vast difference between the two. First off, Jesus was a healer, Neo wasn't. Neo was a freedom fighter. If anything he would be more like Barbarous. If the film maker REALLY wanted Neo to be presented as a Christ-figure they would have had that ending scene with him tied up in the machine with him in an upward stance showing his head down and his arms extended outward... but they didn't. This particular film may have some "Christ-like" elements, but it is in no way a reflection of Christ. Smith as an anti-Christ is just stupid as well. An anti-Christ is a person who believes in Christ but does things completely against Christianity. Smith did not believe in "The One" in any way. He thought of it as some stupid myth. He saw "human choice" as irrational, and so he was incapable of being the "bacteria against Jesus." He did hate mankind's nature, but that's not an anti-Christ, that's just hate. In terms of Smith being some kind of biblical figure he would be closest to Harod, who was willing to do what ever it took to get power. Neo may have represented some of Jesus' morals, but not all of them. Neo is more of a Platonist than a Jesus-figure (although similar they are different). Smith was also not like Harod entirely and was more of a Machiavellian than a Hardod-figure. [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you. I'm getting sick of all this "OMFG BIBLICAL SUBTLETY" stuff.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eugi [/i] (hehe who could even think when youre watching Revolutions)[/QUOTE] You're right, you cannot think while watching Revolutions, otherwise you'd probably suffer brain damage. The architect once said "We have become quite good at destroying Zion." My ***. [IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/pepper4099/images/zergrush01.jpg[/IMG]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FF7 Vincent [/i] [B]Alright first thing is first. I have a friend and we will just call him J. He has a sister we will call C and she has a boyfriend who is also J's friend, we will call him R. Okay, so my friend J is friends with R. R and C have been eyeing each other since J and R became friends. Well, R went out with one of C's best friends and that made her mad. Then a while later, C started feeling depressed because she couldn't find anything. R and C didn't want to hook up without J's concent. So they finally got it, R broke up with C's friend and then about 5 minutes later R and C were an official couple. They have been going out for a couple of months now and J is growing speculative. R and C both promised to J that they weren't going to do anything sexual. Well, they lied, and they told me about their exploits. J started speculating them of doing stuff and he didn't like it one bit. Despite the fact that J and R are friends, J still doesn't trust him because R is the kind of guy that is only in relationships for either sex or someone to cling to. Well, last night, I was over and J's house and he was talking about confronting R to pick between him and C. He has good cause to believe that they were doing something so he wanted to know if I knew anything. Of course I did and I wasn't going to tell him. That was until he told me how much R is manipulative and lies on a constant basis. Now, I am friends with C as well, and I see her as a younger sister. I don't want to see her hurt and the stories I heard about R increased this feeling. I had no choice but to tell J about what I knew. I just told him not to mention me at all because C and R talk to my girlfriend and I didn't want her to be dragged into this too. That would be the last thing that my girlfriend would need, because she is slightly unstable. Anyway, Today, J confronted R and C about it. J told them that he knew that they were doing stuff and R pulled this BS out of his rear about how he would just be nothing to either of them. J didn't want C to be hurt like that so he they all "made up" and are cool now. Okay, here is when it gets tricky. C and R knew that someone told J about what they did and their fingers automatically point to me. I try to play dumb and not lead on that I told him. Now C said that she is forgiving and it might take a while but she will forgive the liar, either me or J. R on the other hand blames me right away, said I ruined everything and now hates me more then ever. I tried to convince him that J figured it out on his own but he isn't buying it. Also, R lied to me and told me that J told him that I said something. I talked to J and he said that was total BS and R is manipulating what J is saying again. R is also trying to force feed J ****, like he forgot about the promise and we should really blame K (being me). Well J is my good friend and he doesn't want to see my life go down the toliet and knows that R is the real mastermind behind this plot. Now, all I have to do is wait until C or R tell my girlfriend about this whole scenerio and my life will official go down in a blaze of glory. Well, thanks for sitting through my little rant. Now lets all pay our respects. R.I.P. FF7 Vincent 1985-2003 [/B][/QUOTE] "Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?" "Man, NOBODY understands the words that come out of your mouth!" :raspberry Well, looks like you're up **** creek without a paddle. My condolences. Maybe you could murder R and hide the body?
  5. I've read a bunch of fortune cookie notes, and my two favorites are: "You will soon become more aware of your growing awareness." And "You would make a good lawyer." I've always dreamed of getting the famous "That wasn't chicken" fortune. :P
  6. I don't think you're allowed to link to Newgrounds. The whole "porno banners" deal and all.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B]Well I've seen most of the falsh movies you posted already, on Newgrounds. They have alot of cool movies and parodies. The best ones I've seen so far are the ones made by Legendary Frog. I'm also a big fan on Ninjai, but I never got to see the final episode. I checked the official site, but they'd stop showing the films for some reason. Oh and if you liked Rise of the Mushroom kingdom check out Video Game Director's Cuts. They've made many video game inspired movies, the most notable one being Mario Vs Sonic.:D [/B][/QUOTE] Well, if you check the link for ROTMK, you'll notice that's where I got the link. :P
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]You've got nothing boy's... [url=http://i.madblast.com/funflash/swf/humor_pong.swf]Pong![/url] - Watch and laugh. [/B][/QUOTE] That flash movie has actually made it onto G4TV. I love it.:toothy:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RogueA007 [/i] [B]Rockman Neo...absolutely rocks! And so does The Dr. Wily Show....that guy who makes those Mega Man Flash cartoons is awesome. Let's see...my favorite Flash movies, other than those two you already listed I'll list below.Most of these you can find at Newgrounds.com, but the ones you can't I've listed the web addresses for them. The Return of Ganondorf (Heck, anything by LegendaryFrog.) 8-Bit Theater Series Ninjai: The Little Ninja ([url]http://www.ninjai.com[/url] or on the AtomFilms page. Shame that AtomFilms is making them release one episode every two weeks though, as they originally had up to chapter 11 or so up but now it's only up to chapter 5.) Eskimo Bob([url]http://www.eskimobob.com[/url]) Broken Saints([url]http://www.brokensaints.com.[/url]) Sonic X: Chaotic Battle Brutality Other than that I can't think of anymore at the moment. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't see what people see in 8-Bit Theatre. It's pure and utter crap. I get all the jokes and everything, but it still is badly made. Now, Arfenhouse Teh Movie Too makes a great mockery of 8-Bit Theatre. I laughed hard.:laugh:
  10. Now, I gotta get a flash movie thread going here. So, here it is. And now, may I present, my favorite flash movies as of right now: Alright. Let me show you my new favorite flash movie, the only one to make me actually tear up. I know that may sound silly, considering it's a sprite movie, but by God, that music makes me sad. The absolute best part was when Luigi was covering his eyes, and then moved them to reveal hate-filled eyes(pixels). Combine that with an awesome transition tune, and you've got my favorite flash movie moment of all time. :0 [URL=http://www.videogamedc.com/Pixeled_Parodies/Rise_Of_The_Mushroom_Kingdom/rise_of_the_mushroom_kingdom.html]Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom.[/URL] I want to hear comments on it. And I know, it ends abruptly, but apparently it had been consuming a lot of the creator's time and he wanted to get at least half of it to the people within the next year. :p My current second-favorite flash movie(close to first, and was first before ROTMK): [b][i][u][SIZE=6][URL=http://megaman.retrofaction.com/neo.swf]ROCKMAN NEO[/URL][/SIZE][/u][/i][/b] From Mario YAY! To Wizard Power! these flash movies are some of the most random things you'll see. I present to you the pioneer of the animutation! [URL=http://www.eviltrailmix.com/animutation/index.html]Neil Cicierega's site![/URL] [URL=http://www.dkvine.com/features/files/maemuki.swf]Maemuki Rocketto-Dan![/URL] [URL=http://home.comcast.net/~dwedit/flash/jamezbond.html]Jamezbond![/URL] [URL=http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/icons.html]Icon's Story![/URL] [URL=http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/internetkilled.html]Internet Killed the Video Star![/URL] [URL=http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/demented.html]The Demented Cartoon movie![/URL] [URL=http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/heroes.html]Heroes, a parody of Clerks![/URL] [URL=http://www2.gamesville.lycos.com/html_poke/poke_penguin.htm]Poke the Penguin![/URL] [URL=http://megaman.retrofaction.com/wilyshow.swf]The Dr. Wily Show![/URL] [URL=http://www.brunching.com/morethan.html]More Than Meets the Eye![/URL] [URL=http://www.fahrtipps.de/flash/yes&no.swf]Yes and No.[/URL] [URL=http://www2.warnerbros.com/web/cartoon/meetthecreators.jsp?id=Property3]GO! GO! MOBA BOY![/URL] [URL=http://www.cybermoonstudios.com/8bitDandD.html]8-Bit D&D[/URL] [URL=http://www.mortisland.com/]Mortisland![/URL] And the absolutely craziest damn flash movie you could ever watch: [URL=http://www.disasterlabs.com/index.php?sec=arfen2&mov=2]Arfenhouse! TEH MOVIE!!!11!1111!!!1 TOO!1!!111!11![/URL] As I find them, I'll post more. And post your own favorites, too! :D
  11. Well, I've been told by many people that my MSTs are some of the best. For those of you not informed, an MST is where you take a fanfiction(usually a bad one) and butcher it. Meaning you make fun of it. Many of you have most likely heard of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. That's exactly the same thing, but that's movies, this is fanfiction. Many of the fics I review are not for young audiences(or any, for that matter). We're talking the most disgusting, vile pieces of filth fanfics that could ever be created. Stuff from authors like Alienboy52, AAA Phucknut, Kagato's Testicle, and the infamous Tank Cop. Of course, if you've never seen Tenchi Muyo, you most likely will not understand many of these MSTs...the crew I picked for my MSTs are as follows: JS, Captain of Norad III, the MSTing Battlecruiser Washu, the brains of the outfit Samus Aran, the power perv-basher Captain Invictus, of the Ultramarines First Company, the brawn and tactical genius Meis Triumph, the perv o' the group and powerful summoner Zero, the booblight bishie X, the homocidal pacifist(get it? He kills thousands of robots/reploids, yet believes he's a pacifist?) And, without further hesitation, the MSTs! First we have the normal MSTs. Once I remake all the old MSTs and upload'em to the NEW TMFFA site, I'll post THAT link. [url]http://www.tmffa.com/old/m-norad_iii.html[/url] Then we have the dreaded Triple Horror Theatre, where me and a fellow MSTer, Joe JS Smitty Smith tackle three of the worst Tenchi(or otherwise) fanfics ever made. [url]http://www.tmffa.com/old/m/norad_iii-setht01.txt[/url] Enjoy, and don't be scared away by the disgusting fics. Every single one of my reviews has been good, and I've had over a hundred. I've gotten many a request to MST someone's fic, but I rarely do them anymore. I may get back into it...I still have those few half-finished MSTs... One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and here we GO! *BUMP* :wave:
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