Mage of Kraa
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They all drew their weapons and dropped into fighting stances. The bushes began to rustle. *rustle rustle* *rustle rustle* A squirrel unexpectedly jumped out of the bush. Everyone relaxed. "All hail the great god Rali" Langal said in mockery, kneeling on the ground "Silence, fool, that is not what is coming." Rali said angrily As if on queue, a Ner'Qual came out from behind a nearby tree and bellowed. Everyone dropped into a fighting stance again
"That's about the only thing I agree with that you have said, human." Langal whispered to Percius. "None the less, he is a strong fighter and will prove useful in killing a Ner'Qual." And then aloud he said "If we ever find one." "Hello Sergei, how has it been? Seen any Ner'Qual recently?" Everyone turned to find that Rali was talking to a bush "What are you doing?!?" Percius asked in disbeleif. "And please do not say you were just talking to that bush." "Shhh. Sergei speaks. He says a Ner'Qual passed that way not to long ago" Rali ponted to the east "We shall go that way then." Neo said "I can't beleive that we're trusting a mad man to lead us. But I will follow since we have no other leads," Percius said
They had a great dissapointment almost as soon as they entered the forest. The first was, since there had been storm clouds moving quikly over the feild during the battle and Neo speech, it started to rain. The second was, although its was raining, Rali spotted them, and brought over an elf with him. "No, I refuse to go hunting for a Ner'Qual with him."Langal said, pointing at Rali. "Of all the humans I have met, none have made me hate the race more then this one." "Watch your tounge, mortal. I am a god! And I was going to leave in just a moment, but now i beleive I shall come with you" "I beleive we are forgetting our manners" Neo said looking at the elf who had followed Rali. "What would your name be?" "Elsyan" The elf said "Now we must go, if you wish to come you may. The rain will make it difficult to find a Ner'Qual. We need as much time as we can spare" "What's a Ner'Qual?" Elsyan asked "We will explain on the way, though you may think we have gone insane, come." Percius said over his shoulder, they had already start on their way. Elsyan hurried to catch up with them them
"A human with manners, the world really is in danger." Langal laughed to himself "Stop, now." Neo warned him The soldiers on both sides of the battlefield were still disbelieving "Show us one of these... Ner'Qual...as you call them." One of the human soldeirs shouted. "Very well." Neo replied. To Langal he said "Come, we must find and kill a Ner'Qual, to prove to these insolent fools that the world is in danger." To Percius he said, " You are welcome to join us, Percius, i beleive you said was your name?" "That is correct, and I would be honored to help." "Then let us go, we must find one soon, or it will be to late to prepare." They left the hill and began towards the forest.
"We must join or brethren!" Langal said, and ran towords the battle. Before he evem put his foot down for the first step Neo grabbed him and pulled him back. "So you beleive me about being an elf now, do you? To bad that seems to be the only thing I have said that you understand. We are not going to join this battle, we are going to stop it. Follow me!" Neo ran in the direction Langal had tried to set off in, which gave Langal doubts about his sanity again. But Langal noticed a hill in the middle of the battlefield ,also right in Neo's path. Langal thought he knew what was going to happen. When they reached the hill, Langal no longer had any doubts. Neo climbed up to the top with Langal right behind, and in a loud voice cried out "Ethonath allamril tegnothan gotenath eledtril" The entire battle stopped. Everyone gazed at Neo as though they had just woken up and were not sure if they were still dreaming. "I bring grave news for both races. News that will require both races to forgive the other's past misdeeds. "We can not forgive THEM!" almost everyone said at once "SILENCE!" Neo yelled "You can not even remember how this war started, but I do. It started because of the Ner'Qual. They tricked your leaders, hopeing that the resulting war would do their work for them. But you have taken too long to eleminate yourselves, and they are coming to destroy you. I need to see your leaders so that we may prepare correctly for the coming invasion."
A man stepped out from behind the trees. "They aren't that strong," He said, staring at the dead body of the Ner'Qual. "That was merely a scout, the warriors have scales that are hard to penetrate," Neo told him. "What? It took two arrows from Allamath in the forehead to slay this one, and you're telling me that the ones we are yet to fight are tougher?" Langal asked "The way you preach, elf, it seems the battle is done before it starts," said the man who came from the forest. "They do have weak points, which I will tell on the way, if you stay with us." Neo told him "By the way, what is your name, human?" Langal asked
Langal and Neo traveled through the woods until high noon. "I need to spend some time in the trees." Langal said, and with that, he took off up the nearest trunk. After an hour or so Langal came down, looking much calmer then when they had first met. The time in the trees helped him come to his senses. "If you truly are the one from the Legends, tell me, what is this danger that is coming?" Langal asked "The Ner'Qual, a hideous race born below the soil. They hate the sun, and all things that live under it. They are coming to 'clean', as they put it, the earth. They plan to destroy the sun as well, which means they have powerful magics." Neo said, as if lost in some memory. "Have you seen one?" "Unfortunatly, yes. They have skin black as ashes. They stand slightly taller then a human on two feet, but run swift as a deer on all fours. There are six long claws, sharp as the finest blade, on each of their front paws. There are also two twisted horns jutting out of their foreheads. "I saw one" Langal said quickly. "When?" "When i was up in the trees. I thought my imagination was playing tricks on me and that it was a bear." "Yes, i sense it," Neo said after a few seconds. "Prepare to fight it!" With that they both drew their weapons.
Langal quickly took his bow, drew and arrow, and fired at the man with the spear. Neo reached out and snatched the arrow right out of the air, like a toad catching a fly. Both Langal and the human blinked in astonishment. "Never has anyone stopped an arrow from Allamath. You are special, I will give you that." Langal said. The man with the spear saw his opportunity and lunged from afar with his spear. "I told you I am the one from the Legend" Neo said This caused the human to stop in mid-lunge "Then i assume you must be Neo?" the human said. "That is correct, I am Neo, and this is Langal. I have come to warn all of the comming danger. What would your name be human?"
"No, this is a trick," Langal said. "You're a mage, a filthy human mage!" He screamed. "Quiet or they will hear you." Neo said calmly."And if you dont beleive me now, you will soon." "Neo was a fairy tale, a story to put restless children to sleep." Langal said quietly to himself. He thought he might have caught insanity from being around the humans too long(elves dont go insane)."You're a LIE!!" he screamed at Neo. "Even in the most far-fetched of tales one can find some truth" Neo answered. "But we must go quickly now, one of the humans is already searching to see where the noise you made came from." With that, Neo disappeared into the darkness of the forest. Langal followed, though he didn't know why.
Night time. Every one of the pigs was asleep. Now Langal would slip off and see the forest again. He got out of the bed quietly and crept across the floor like only Elves can. He reached the door and heard a sound. Quickly he turned around ready for a fight, but it was only one of them snorting in their sleep. A thought went through his head. Perhaps he should kill them all in their sleep. No. Too risky, one of them might wake up. He would just slip off like he had planned to. Better to stay alive then die to become a hero. Langal continued out into the hallway. Which way was the exit? When he came in here he was half unconcious, and he hadn't left that room since he arrived. He resolved to guess which direction and hope he didnt run into anyone. He headed off to the right. After a few turns, He found his way out. He slipped off into the darkness...
Langal sat in a bed in a filthy human barracks. He was extremely angry about this. He had sat in this building injured with not a single Elf to talk to for 3 weeks now. He couldnt even talk to the humans(not that he wanted to talk to the pigs), or they would kill him as soon as they recognised his Elven voice. He also had to keep the heavy iron helmet on so they wouldn't see his ears. But that would change tonight. Tonight he would escape. He would get out of this dank building and see trees again. Trees! How he had missed the smell of the forest, stuck instead in this stone building. But if all went well tonight, he would see them by morning. All he had to do was wait until the humans were all asleep...
Ok we have enough people. I'm gonna start the thread now Deedlit, you can post as soon as you give your character
This is my first adventure thread, so bear with me. _____________________________________ The Sylvan elves and the the Humans of Nartal have been at war for years. They have fought for so long, not even the greatest loremasters of the elves or oldest scrolls od the humans remember the reason. All they have is a burning hatred for the other race in their hearts, and the desire to wipe them off the earth. The battles between the races have lowered the number of their troops, but still they fight on... ... But a threat is rising. A threat to both of the weakening empires. Unless something is done quickly, both empires will be wiped from the earth. This is where our story begins... ________________________________________ Here's what you need for your character: Name: Race(either human or elf): Description: Bio: And thats it. Here's mine: Name:Langal Race:Elf Description: Stands roughly at 5 foot 6 with short dirty blonde hair. Left handed with a sword on his right hip. Carries Allamath, a wooden bow with Elf runes and a matching quiver almost everywhere. Bio: A strong beleiver in the Sylvan cause, Langal joined the Sylvan army at the age of 98(a relatively young age for elves). Skilled with a bow and in the arts of stealth(and fairly good with a sword), Langal led many small ambushes against the humans of Nartal. On one of these raids, his unit was completely destroyed. Fortunatly there was only one of member of the human unit left alive, and Langal quikcly dispatched him. Wounded and behind enemy lines, he switched into an enemy uniform and was found by a party of humans searching for survivers of the unit that was dispatched by Langal's raid. He has since posed as a human footsoldier. ______________________________________________ You'll find out what the thread name has to do with the story when we get into the story a little
I'm not sure if this is already there somewhere, but i'm too lasy to read all ten pages: "It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot then to open it and remove all doubt" -Mark Twain (or so says my brother)
o well, that stinks. Maybe I'll save up and get the DVDs
The only anime I have seen that I liked was Robotech, but it's no longer on tv. I never got to see all the episodes and I was wondering if it was going to be on TV again anytime soon.
I am a player of Magic the Gathering, a trading card game. I was just wondering if anyone else plays the game and what your favorite color deck is. Mine is my black and blue one