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About Taikaru

  • Birthday 04/02/1960

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  1. I've seen that a hundred times...although...I can't wait for the Gamecube version...looks kinda' like a realistic IX...oh well...hehehe...can't wait!
  2. A year of exploration made on Ragol, the citizens of Pioneer 2 built a small colony in the forest. A week after the colony was built, a scientist named Misha was reported lost, then dead. Afraid, several people stayed on Pioneer 2. Several hunters where then called out to investigate Misha's disappearance. Unsure of where she went, hunters where asked to investigate almost every place on Ragol they knew, for most of it was still unknown to them. But, back on Ragol, a hunter brought in the body of an odd monster. Scientists analyzed it, and discovered that it had traces of Misha's DNA on it. Still unsire of what happened, scientists continued their studies, and hunters continued their search. (Plot will twist and unravel when we start, believe me) (This may seem complicated, but just go to the setup above my character, copy that, and pick the races and all that stuff you want.) ___________________ [u][b]Rules:[/b][/u] No Godmodding No changing plot w/o my permission You don't have to know anything about Phantasy Star to join. MAGs will not be included into the game. Max starting weapons are 2 Max starting techniques are 3 Age must be below 50 Age must be above 8 Your character must meet class requirements, so, if you pick to be a HUmar, you must be a male. Weapon can be almost anything, as long as the weapon is classified by something your character's class can use. PM me for questions. ___________________ [b][u]Classes:[/u][/b] [b]Hunter-[/b] HUmar: Hunter/Male Race is variable. Excels in close combat. Has some recovery/attack techniques. HUnewearl: Hunter/Female Race is variable. Has very strong techniques. Good for close range combat. HUcast: Hunter/Android/Male Expert at close range combat. Has very high attack power. Unable to use techniques, but can use traps. HUcaseal: Hunter/Android Sex is variable. Usually takes a ninja like appearance, and excels in close combat. Unable to use techniques, but can use traps. [b]Ranger-[/b] RAmar: Ranger/Male Race is variable. Excels in long range combat. Can use some attack/recovery techniques. RAmarl: Rangeer/Female Race is variable. Have strong techniques. Good for long ranged combat and attack support. RAcast: Ranger/Android/Male Have the greatest attack power of Rangers. Unable to use techniques, but can use traps. RAcaseal: Ranger/Android/Female Have the greatest defense. Unable to use techniques, but can use traps. [b]Force-[/b] FOmar: Force/Human/Male Low defense and HP, but good for support, and have great technique power. FOmarl: Force/Female Race is variable. FOmarls have balanced technique power and weapon power. FOnewm: Force/Newman/Male Have powerful attack techniques. FOnewearl: Force/Female Race is variable. Have balanced support and attack techniques. [b][u]Races:[/u][/b] Human Android Newman (elf) Neko-jin [b][u]Weapon Classes:[/u][/b] Sabers- Used by all classes Handguns- Used by all classes Daggers- Used by Hunters only. Swords- Used by Hunters only. Partisans- Used by Rangers and Hunters only. Rifles- Used by Rangers only. Canes- Used by Forces only. Mechguns- Used by Hunters and Rangers only. (Anything I forgot, just mention it in a PM) [b][u](Starting) Techniques:[/u][/b] Foie: A small fireball projected by the hand. Zonde: A small thunderbolt that strikes enemies. Barta: A small ice wave. Can travel through several enemies. Resta: Restores helath. Shifta: Enhances attack power. Deband: Boosts defense Jellen: Weakens enemies' attacks. Zalure: Weakens enemies' defense. Ryuker: Creates an warp tunnel to desired place. Disappears after returns through it. [u][b]Setup:[/b][/u] Name: Age: Class: Race: (Is class asks for a variable race) Weapon Class: (can or can't be non energy based) Weapon: Appearance: Bio: ___________________ Name: Taikaru Ishunumi Age: 16 Class: HUmar Race: Neko-jin Weapon Class: Saber (energy based) Weapon: Oritsu Longsword- A long beam saber. A green cloth extends from the hilt. The energy blade itself takes a green katana shape. Appearance: Shirt- A violet shirt with sleeves past the elbows. The right sleeve is cut off with a metal arm, but it isn't robotic. Pants- Jean shorts that are tattered at the knees, where it ends. Shoes- Black tennis shoes white a flame on the outside of the foot. Skin- Tan w/ black stripes that run along his skin and tail/ears Eyes- Green Hair- White and messy Other- Cat ears upon head and white tail Bio: Taikaru is a young neko-jin hunter. When he heard about the disappearance of Misha, Taikaru decided to use his hunting abilities, and search for her. Taikaru was allowed, and the boy went down to Ragol to find her. (More will be revealed as story continues)
  3. No...it has to do with sparring...I spar alot...yeah...and Kairi, what do you mean be part of a clan? Like be on a team with other players?
  4. Augh! I thought that was for sparring clans...can someone move this?
  5. Well, I got my PS2 this Christmas, and I have 3 games. Shinobi, FFX, and Kingdom Hearts. Now, my B-day is coming up next month, and I'm not sure what to get. I'm considering the following games. .hack//infection Capcom Vs. Marvel 2 Devil May Cry 2 War of the Monsters Now, what other games would you guys reccomend?
  6. I'm going to get it for my birthday...I haven't played the game before...but playing as Jill, summoning the Tyrant sounds like fun.
  7. Taikaru

    Megaman X7

    Oh please...Capcom can do better than that, and they know it! Lazy bastardos... Looks like the first X to me...what a waste.
  8. Great game! Pathetically short though...I can't wait for 2nd runner!
  9. I honestly dislike wrestling games...I prefer more things with technique...as in martial arts....so...how about...no...I'll just get Capcom Vs. Marvel 2.
  10. Well, as I've heard and seen, the awesome Link is coming to SCII!!! Hehehehe! I can't wait! And for the other versions, the other characters are coming: PS2- That old guy from Tekken Xbox- Spawn
  11. Great game! Used to have a lvl 41 hunter...then it got deleted...now I have a lvl 14...ugh...oh well...still adictive...I have yet to play online...stupid peoples don't have a stupid broadband adapter.
  12. Awesomely awesome game...glad they didn't inlcude the impossible part that they included in the first one...as for MMBN3, it'll come in time..there's going to be new navis and new element changes and all!
  13. It was pretty awesome...I just didn't like Zero's sprites...it was also...kinda' short...
  14. I saw some stuff on it...looked kinda' crappy to me...
  15. Ok, this is m RPG...just post your profile, and after get enough characters, we'll start...oh, and on the bottom of this post, there's a map of Seikian. ________________________________ Story: On a planet called Kian, peace was finally reached. The many races relaxed, until a dark essence swallowed the planet, and everyone awoke to chaos. A new creature called Sei had absorbed the planet and all of the monsters (not humans), creating a deadly race of beasts. Now the people are trying to survive, fighting all the creatures that they could. One day, in the remains of the town Yushi, a man embraced by the Sei entered the town, stopping those who tried to kill him. "Welcome to your new planet, Seikian...I am Keshin, your new ruler." he said, an evil grin on his face. Then, they fired a tank at Keshin. The man stopped it with his mind, and then released devastating power that destroyed the urban city. Now, Keshin plans on terrorizing the planet, and absorb everything and everyone in it. ________________________________ Rules 1) No Godmodding 2) Only 1-2 Weapons (dual weapons count as 1) 3) Non-Magic Classes Can have 3 magic techniques (of any kind) 4) I will decide when the iFF is full 5) You can make up any weapon, as long as it's reasonable ________________________________ Species 1) Human 2) Neko-jin 3) Android 4) Dragonoid 5) Saiyan 6) Elf 7) Zora 8) Golem 9) Deku Scrub 10) Coro 11) Wraith 12) Nazumi 13) Vraal 14) Genetic (Meezetsu) 15) Dwarf 16) Namekian 17) Half-Breed Of Choice 18) Seikian Spawn ________________________________ Classes 1) Fighter (Martial Artist) 2) Ninja 3) Theif 4) Archer/Gunner 5) Black Mage 6) White Mage 7) Summoner 8) Samurai (Soldier/Knight) 9) Medic 10) Demolitionist 11) Lancer _________________________________ Character: Name: Taikaru Ishunumi Age: 16 Species: Neko-jin Faction: Good (Factions are good, evil, and neutral) Class: Martial Artist Weapons: Oritsu Longsword- A blade given to Taikaru by a tribe of elves. It is splattered with a green design, and has a flowing cloth at the end as well. Bio: Taikaru grew up in the town of Jinushi. He has been trained by his grandfather since he was 4. After the Sei incident, Taikaru dedicated it to himself to stop the source of the evil.
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