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Everything posted by J.L
I'm gonna be a real twat now... I doubt you love her m8, loves rare, and when your young its mistaken all too much for a crush or large liking for someone, ur thinkin, this coming from a 17 year old is insane, not really, i take advice from an old lady whos 107, and her life experience are something we will never ever experience. Turst me, it aint love, if it was you'd of been doing a lot more, and your relationship with her would be much closer, you've just got a big crush m8. Just go ask her out, if she says no, then move on... :) Infact, i'd wager 90% of sub 19 yr olds who think there in love, aren't, as its proven, emotions are doubled and sometimes trippled when your young. So there ya go :):rolleyes:
lets see, if i was in US i'd get 1 of u lonely lass's somethin as a friendly token but i aint...soooooo i wont get my g/f anything, cos frankly shes a boring tart and paranoid like hell, ill finish with her day after valentines i'll get my ex g/f a card out of politeness for the past few months fun :naughty: ill send a lass who moved away a card, cos i miss her and i'll try to get take someone out for a drink... basicaly nothing special Oh ye since i dont live in the US have a kiss :smooch:
lol muffin, i added SSJ Chic to my msn, simply becauses, i thought she'd be a ace person, and i was right, its just a shame that when i've spoken to her, i've been p*ssed or stoned senseless :drunk: , but ill tell u, she may be stunning, but shes real sweet :smooch: oh yea muffin, i know your only in school, and u may be less popular, but find a guy, and do whatever u call it, kiss, get off, whatever, infront of the guy u like, he'll see u in a different light :) me and my ex do it in bars, then 30 mins later we both get asked for numbers cos they think we're "up for it" gotta love lose ex g/f's eh? :D
Hi, Firstly, bein a guy n everythin, looks do have some effect, but they are defiantely not everything, unfortunately its human nature. Anyway... About 3 years ago (14 yrs old), i had been out with about 6-7 lass's. All of which I asked out. However, durina summber break i decided to totaly change myself, i worked out, started doing the stuff i love, and became myself. Once i did this, i kind of free'd myself....from my old self, and it was such a liberating experience, now i dont even hesitate to ask people for numbers, and the confidence and self belief that people somewhere will like u, really rubs off on those around you, and you get accepted as a totaly new person...as yourself. Perhaps you should just try and be yourself, like a guy? get his number and chat to him, if your old enough just say "Why dont you take me for a drink" ... :) If you like someone, watching from afar wont do anything, get to know the best part of a person....who they are. Ta, J.L
u can add me, ya seem friendly enough
Well, we havn't got off on the right foot, but everyone seems to be opening up so to speak, so heres a little dilema i have... In 2 days a lass i have been with for about 5 weeks elaves to goto a different University in Manchester, now, i dont quite know how to said goodbye, and u'm kinda confused whether i'm sad or not? On the other hand, i have a lass who i could quite happily go out with...see the dilema?...i'm confused lol
well, admiration isn't illegal, and if an artist cant draw inspiration from something which catches his eye then truly the world around us is in an effortless spiral towards that of those people who the modern world try to liberate from dictators, after all, they ban art for a reason...Within 1 picture a thousand words can seen. Ta anyway, i just wanted to know who it was :)
Hi, was on MSN on the other day helping my mates with digital arts, and one said, by the way, look at this...so i did, i have framed the photo of the person below, please if this is you contact me, your stunning, and i'd like to see any art you've done, or have a chat or something. :) [IMG]http://www.invictae.com/Who.jpg[/IMG] If it doesn't show, right click and select "Show Picture" or use the below url. [url]http://www.invictae.com/Who.jpg[/url] God forbid, if the person doesn't show, nevermind i'll just have to wonder how they expressed themselves and what type of a person they were. If you wanna see my most recent digital creation follow the below link... [url]http://www.invictae.com/organic.jpg[/url] I'm currently going through a large Abstract Based organic render stage, i think its due to the fact of me having to choose between 2 lass's as my girlfriend, oo the stress's of college :)