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Everything posted by Aya

  1. Ahem. "Wow! You don't live on a farm, you aren't inbred, you go to school AND you wear shoes?!" Anymore need to be said..?
  2. I'm not doing ANYTHING except stay home...I don't think we're having Thanksgiving dinner, even... my entire family is sick, and I can't visit my Grandmother or she'll get sick :(
  3. Aya


    I know who they aaaaare...;_; Just because I NEVER EVER POST..!! ..lmao, all my friends at school are terrified of Kyo now -_-;; it's not my fault, or Sara's...neveeer... ^_^; ..heh heh, someone just called me a "Blatch" online. Wooh! Good times.
  4. I have a 21-year-old brother who is a total kookoonut and Unkie Vegi needs to visit the two of us :bawl:
  5. Perry Whozzit? *head explodes* Punk has a gazillion subgenres, so you really can't say they have to sound like the Ramones. O_o; Anyway... I think people debate this a little too much. Let people do what they love and get over it. >_<
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by white out [/i] [B] OMG! I just downloaded that song and it's SO GOOD! ^_^ I think I really like Janne Da Arc now too ^_^ What other songs do you like by them?? [/B][/QUOTE] Allow me to walk away snickering. *does so*:rolleyes:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I don't like any boy band.... they all lack originallity... they should write their own music.... [/B][/QUOTE] And yet you still think there aren't boybands in Japan. Silly, silly, manslut. :(
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Not true! I like Ska... thats about it though.... not alot of Ska... Punk I don't like... but I don't listen to American Punk either.... I just don't like the genre in a whole... however I think they are very much musically and fansionably talented and artistic :) You can cry with Kyo! Kyo is spiffy clean since that bath we gave him.... isn't that right Kyo? *Kyo has a big grin on his face as he nods* heh ^_^;; [/B][/QUOTE] So, what, you aren't one of the million THAT HATE THE HORNS IN SKA?! ;_; Ska is so much fun! And so is punk, so poo to you. :( I'm crying with Dr. Frank because you insulted punk music, AND THE MR. T EXPERIENCE IS THE COOLEST POPPUNK BAND EVER!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! ..er...I love Doc, but I love Kyo too...since Kyo's nice and clean now ^_~
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]No one even likes J-Punk or J-Ska or J-Whatever..... you all need cultural diversity! [/B][/QUOTE] You don't like punk or ska at all, ya poopyface. :( *cries with Dr. Frank*
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B][size=1][color=royalblue] Well, all I want to know is what's your definition of "punk"? Blink and Sum 41 are just OK. I do like Mudvayne alot.. I also like The Get Up Kids and Saves The Day. And also, Reggie and The Full Effect. The Ataris are pretty good as well. At this moment, I am liking most of the "emo" music. The Get Up Kids falls in this group too and so do some of Saves The Day's songs. Dashboard Confessionals is really good. Well, there you have it.. MG's amazing list of punk and emo "jams"[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with most of the bands you mentioned! :) I get into emo every so often..and nobody knows what emo is! Gah!
  11. J-ska is even cooler than J-punk.. ^_^
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Kyo aint no ninja! :p Ohh, Poo, you can call me whatevr you want.... and You must tell me how Phillip reacts to Kyo :p [/B][/QUOTE] He's already seen one picture... he screamed and looked away... because he sucks. How come you won't kill him? :(
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B] as well as the ninja guy (your av.) [/B][/QUOTE] He isn't weird! He's a manwhore! Show respect! *_*
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] This morning :) [/B][/QUOTE] *sedates you and steals Kyo-chan* YEEHEEHEEHEEEEEE!!!
  15. Vegipoo, do I have to call you Transtic on this board?? ;_; Everyone has to like Kyo! I love my manwhores...so much... *_* People tell me to stop talking about them... but I love them...soo...much... ^_^_^_^ OoOOoh... I printed most of those pictures out to stuff in Phillip's locker.. *evil grin*
  16. I hope someone will like Kyo. ^_^ Kyo needs more customers........*pats his head* ^_^
  17. Whee, looking through old topics is fun! Vegikins is right, punk is just a musical genre. It has it's own fashions and attitudes...the dictionary was right, as punk has always been, generally, a rebellious group of young people. You shouldn't attach anything to the entire genre of punk, though, because of all the sub-genres it has. You can call pop-punk "posing" as much as you want, but it's still punk, ne? As punks are supposed to be such individuals who don't "conform" into anything...nothing should really be expected from any punk. It's a personal desision. I shouldn't be expected to be an atheist because of listening to punk rock, because being Christian is a personal desision that I won't change, even if a million punk rock bands aren't that way. About clothing? It's taste. People grow fond of it. I have friends who listen to punk and love to dress punk, but they like the look. It's fun to dress that way, btw. If they like dressing gothic, skater-punk, whatever, it's their taste, let them be. Whee, tired. Here's the list of words I am VERY SICK of hearing from "punks": sellout, poser, conformist, anarchy (there are anarchy patches sold by MTV, what does that tell you?), facist.
  18. Ick! One year of Latin, and two of Spanish, I don't remember anything! Eh, I can understand Spanish..I...just...dont'...speak.. -_-;
  19. As a response to somethin' Vegipoo said earlier...he has a really really really shiny truck!!! ...it's been a while since I've said that. ^_^
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B][url]www.napster.com[/url] hahahahahhaha I just thought I'd be funny :( [/B][/QUOTE] Clever man whore! *hug* :) ...thank you, board, for posting before I typed anything...*smack*
  21. Awwww, you're so smart...*hands you a lolly*
  22. I love my manwhores to death, but I didn't do it... ^ ^ *makes official manslut fanclub*
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tori [/i] [B][url]http://www.catwho.net/images/wtc01.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.catwho.net/images/wtc02.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.catwho.net/images/wtc03.jpg[/url] it's horrible...no, worse than horrible...I just can't think of a word... [/B][/QUOTE] Watching the towers collapse was horrible... I mean, when the planes crashed into the buildings, already, anyone above the area it crashed into were doomed. So some people jumped...which is sad...I saw a clip of someone jumping...ack... :( and...building..gone... it's weird to think of the wtc as gone...and...ack... group hug. *glomp*
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