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Everything posted by Aya

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Yeah but I don't sit here and make 3000 topics about Kami's death.... in fact I just put it in my sig and never say anything unless people ask.... it's my way of dealing with it... I don't yap about it.... Sure I dedicated my sig to him, but like I said I'm not going "WHAAAA Kami's DEAD... whatever shall we do!?!" or whatever... if Malice Mizer can get over his death and go on with their lives I think we all can.... [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sure they can... but we can't get over Joey. *glomps Joey Ramone clone*
  2. lol, that's mean, veg. I mean, they're getting that 'get over it' speech from a guy with a dedication in his sig for a dead dude..
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] awwww you should have just made Poo-chan :) [/B][/QUOTE] I asked Jamie, and Jamie said "Aya" so I is Aya. :) ..again. -_-
  4. Waaaaay too much info, Vegipants.
  5. I don't know. All I know is that I wanted a short name for a board I didn't plan to stay at for more than a day. I was so, so wrong. *cries* And now I have it here, too. -_-;
  6. Aya

    Crazy Coot

    I kill hides all the time. *smacks hide-clone with lamp* Stop doing that to doors, hide. -_-;
  7. Aya

    Crazy Coot

    Hey! Vegi is using my floor! No teaparty without me! And I won't go to the party without... um........... *scratches head*...come to think of it... I'm not freakishly obsessed with ANYONE! Wow, I feel so cool and unique!!!:p
  8. Aya

    Crazy Coot

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B] ..or is it the fact that I only have two brain cells ,which rub against each other to produce a warming sensation?[/B][/QUOTE] ...lol!
  9. Aya

    Crazy Coot

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] How am I supposed to get any business with that name!? And yes, Kyo is still a manwhore... a very good one at it... now if we could only get hide to stop humping the doors..... [/B][/QUOTE] You'll work very well with that name, you sexy manwhore... ;) Kyo needs to start giving me some money, then.... I think the hide-clones are a lost cause...those poor doors...*shudder*
  10. Aya

    Crazy Coot

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I wanna cat! Then I wanna name it Fred! and then I'm gonan put fred on the floor... on Poo-chan's floor, cause her floor's name is fred too... and someone lives in her gay fridge too... and her brothers just as insane as she is hehe.... We can dress fred, the cat, up like Kyo-chan! YEAH! Whee this will be fun ::goes off to have a tea party with fred and fred:: [/B][/QUOTE] The floor isn't mine, sadly... I was babysitting for my online friend, and when she found out I forced young men to sit on Fred, she said she'd never let me do it again.. :( I do have Brad living in my fridge, but he should only be taken out in the likely event of a jalapeno attack... We can dress the cat like Kyo! Kyo's our manwhore, still, right? He needs to work, grr...he's doing less work than Jamie, even..^_~ And your name is Mrs. Nesbit, Vegi. :)
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tori [/i] [B] So are mine... ::sobbs:: [/B][/QUOTE] We could clone them..! I mean, it worked on hide...er..*looks around* ...it worked too well... if we cloned our pathetic little critters... they'd be...um....abusing the doors...O_o; *pulls hide-clone away from door* STOP THAT! ;_;
  12. You're the one who made him into a pancake, silly whore. :)
  13. Yes. :( Jamie is such a doodyhead.
  14. I think my cute little monsters are dead now. :(
  15. Kristen's a ho. I'm a ghetto pirate. ...once again, ignore this post if you don't know me and the way I act towards the people I love, meaning my friends... I abuse some (O_O; I'M SORRY!!!) and call some, like Kristen, a ho. Because I want to. :)
  16. Jamie killed my last bob... *cries* Bob lived in my head for so many years...I loved Bob...Bob was my only true friend..he was my mentor... all he wanted was to live in Jamie's pants... he only wanted to be happy... BOB WAS KILLED BECAUSE HE WANTED TO BE HAPPY!!!! *points at Jamie and cries* KILLER! KILLER! :( I sorta miss Bob. He was a part of me... wait...if I'm immortal, can the voice in my head really die? :( ...well, that was a random post. It's your fault for talking about Bob like that. If you don't know me, pretend you never read this post. ^_^;
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tori [/i] [B]SMAP is EVIL!!! [/B][/QUOTE] How sweet, you remembered my screenname. :)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Yeah I know Japan has trends but they aren't nearly as bad as American trends.... Japanese music i listen to is not trendy.... well the J-Music i like isn't.... it's all the stuff before groups went mainstream and were sucked in by all the teens.... with the exception of gackt.... but you look at groups I like... just to name a few: Malice Mizer... none other like them... unique! Dir en grey, sure there are some others like them, but not 8,000 like boy bands.... move... very few other groups like them... globe and FB maybe are similar but move has it's own sound.... As for the groups that have gone mainstream and tha have become a "trned", PENICILLIN (well not really) but i like their earlier stuff before they were a trend.... same with Luna Sea, L'Arc~en~Ciel, and many other groups... Boy band: A group that consists of 3 or more "boys" that sing and dance.... however Boy Band is the wrong term... Boy Group is what it should be called... a real boy band is like... Blink 182..... I don't dislike boy bands I just don't see a need for 30 thousand of them in America.... and that many just ruin it.... why listen to them all when you can hear one song by NSYNC and basically the others just sound alike.... sing dance sing dance sing dance... 30 thousand times! ::puke::.... if it were just like 2 bands.... BSB and NSYNC i wouldn't mind... but there's way to many..... and none of them can have the originality to write their own songs and make their own dance steps.... something that, if I'm not mistaken, SMAP does... thats what makes SMAP so great, they have originality.... and that sweet disco sound heh. It's ok Poo-chan.... you know I still love ya :) [/B][/QUOTE] Eugh. Smap is the root of all evil, we all know that. But I love you too, Vegi. :) As a totally random side note, I'd like to say that the Spanish Inquisition was mentioned in law & justice class...and I thought of Monty Python...and I lauuuughed and lauuuughed... ^_^;
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Trendy: The moto of America that what Americans base their selves off of... Trendy this or that... trendy fasion, trendy music, trendy cars, trendy whatever.... it's all a buncha BS! I don't do fasion very well... I wear what I look good in... if that happenes to be something "trendy" or something that stands out, so be it. I don't listen to trendy music. I hate it... Pretty much all trendy music ends up sucking.... like boy bands....talk about trendy... i see New Kids on the Block all over again.... whats next? Vanilla Ice? Life is all about originality and uniquity. If you follow trends how are you supposed to stand out and accomplish something in life. Whee that was a fun rant thingy majigy.... [/B][/QUOTE] Uh...excuse me? You know that every place has trends. Japan has trends. They have fashion trends; they have teenie-bopper trend magazines, I can even name some. You know they have trendy music. The Japanese music you listen to is popular, it's trendy. If it weren't, you wouldn't be listening to it. You never would have bothered to hear it, right? Do you really think that Americans are the only people who do things purely because it's popular? I've been wondering. You, and others. What's your definition of boy band? The general idea is they were formed by someone else, they don't write their own music, they don't play their own music. They're made purely for making money, not making art, or expressing themselves. Come to think of it, they couldn't express themselves, it's not theirs. The dancing isn't either. They act, basically, right? Actors read their script and move about in an impressive fashion. Boybands sing what they're told to how they're told to. They dress and dance exactly how their told. Nothing is their own. Don't you listen to boy groups like that? Ha, wait. Before I thought of any group as a boyband, I did listen to them. I listened to several songs. The sound honestly isn't for me. I don't care for the music. I don't dislike any boyband because they are a boyband. Vegiman, gomen. -_-; That looks like I'm ranting at you, and I'm not. I just wanna rant, and you gave me something to rant over. ^_^
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zanza [/i] [B]I like listening to "Flower" by L'Arc-en-Ciel, or "As if in a Dream". Actually, I always listen to those, despite mood. :-\ [/B][/QUOTE] You have different moods? Wow.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Yep... i hate heat... must commit mass genocide..... heh watching Dogma is fun.... [/B][/QUOTE] Eeeeyaaaaaaaaai! I love Dogma! *jumps up and down* More than I love the Care Bears, even!! *glomps Care Bear plushie* ...what?
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I dunno Poo.... Roasting him... do we really wanna eat someone who isn't very good?...... i doubt he'll be as good as Jimmy.... [/B][/QUOTE] You have a point, there...besides, I never finished roasting Sledge and Cammy. :)
  23. In no particular order... Clerks Mallrats Chasing Amy Dogma Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, even though I haven't seen it. ^_^ Salute to Kevin Smith. *skips off*
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