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About Danath

  • Birthday 10/29/1984

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  • Biography
    6'--Dirty-Blonde Hair--Muscular (Not Buldging)--Blue/Green/Yellow Eyes
  • Occupation
    Whatever The Time Calls For

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  1. if you find Odin's Card...that refines inta either 10 or 100 holy wars. Trouble is...i cant remember where it is...*goes off ta think for awhile* .....
  2. Heres alll ya gota do ta take out the Emerald Weapon b4 it can do that damn Storm. 1-Equip 1 char w/ KOTR and M Turbo (max both.) Also, equip Mime. 2-Equip chars 2 and 3 with Mime. + Have 1 of these 2 chars equip enemy skill materia that has Big Guard on it. And thats all you basically need. After that... 1- Cast Big Guard. 2- Cast KOTR. 3- Use Mime from here til emerald dies. You should be doing 9999 with each knight fr all 3 chars. If you need to break the chain ta heal (which you shouldnt unless you feel the need to) Just start from step 2. Pretty full proof plan. Least it worked for me :) O yeah. Lvl 99 chars. 9999hp 9999mp
  3. LolOLoL0L....*falls off his chair*. Ugh. Dude, nice pic and all, but Leno? WTF is a Leno? *LOL, sry, i just gotta bust on ya 4 that 1. It reminds me of a FUNi blunder of DBZ, cept if bein a FF and all* But like i said, nice pic :wigout:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] [COLOR=coral]LoL.....well... I make fun of her when she watches "Emeril Live" sooo.....I guess she has a right to nag....:rolleyes: She also thinks It's strange that I'm 16 and I still watch cartoons,...personally......I don't think 16 is too old for that...[/COLOR] :rolleyes: :) [/B][/QUOTE] There will never come a time when cartoons are just "2 immature" 4 our age. They are meant for enjoyment, and i have never heard ne1 say that u r 2 old 2 have fun. So if they start bashing our cartoons, screw'em :devil:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B] [b]Funny. I don't remember actually fighting it...Although I do remember it going flying backwards at oh,..adunno,..say 3500MPH?[/b] Oh no! Wait! I did fight it! In Midgar! **** I'm stupid! But what happened in Junon? I don't remember that part.. [/B][/QUOTE] K...heres the skinny: 1- The Weapons awake and fly outa Northern Crater. Also, that field around the crater is created. 2- The Saphirre Weapon attacks Junon, which allows the party to rescue Tifa (who was locked up in some gas chamber. U had 2 move her body in the correct positions to get the key 2 the lock 2 free her) 3- The Party escapes form Junon. 4- Saphirre gets the hell blown outa it by the Bad *** Cannon. After that, the Cannon is moved to Midgar to try and break the field around Northern Crater. Thats when Diamond appears, cept hes starts basically at the crater and has 2 walk all the way down to Midgar. The party eventually dances w/ Diamond, and then Diamond gets speared by the Cannon's shot, but not b4 launching his own Barrage of energy blasts at the city.
  6. Hahahahahahahahahaha...r u guys SERIOUS?!?! U fight Diamond at Midgar, right b4 the assault on the Sister Ray (that gun from Junon that got moved 2 Midgar). The funny thing is that if u dont stop Diamond b4 it reaches Midgar, it just stops and doesnt move when it reaches the city. BUt like i said, u do fight that big white *****
  7. Thanx man...i cant find like ANY pics of Blank in this **** foresaken world wide web. And when i finally find a site evoted 2'im, its under construction. :flaming: o well...thanx again
  8. Know what, i remember something. There is more than 1 keyword. Depending on what ya need ta know, thats the keyword u gotta put in. For example, if u wanted 2 know about Armor, u type in ARMR2 as the keyword, where as if u wanted 2 know about Head Gear, u would type in HEDGER8. BUt these r the only 2 i know of...sorry
  9. Zidane - Ultima Weapon Dagger - Whale Whisker/Tiger Racket (depends if u use long range or not) Eiko - Tiger Racket/Angel Flute Steiner - Excalibur 2 Vivi - Mace of Zeus Freya - Dragon's Hair Quina - Gastro Fork Amarant - Rune Claws Im almost certain these r all thier Legendary Weapons. If u need ta know where to find 1, then ask.
  10. Hmm...give me a sec 2 think... ....... .......... .. I think its CSTONE1...(last thing is a one)
  11. Remember the Card game from FF8? Well, they actually made REAL cards just like'em. I saw boxes of'em at Electronics Boutique 1 time. But, i dont think the game caught on, and they stopped producing 'em...
  12. Danath

    Master Materia

    The best place to Master all of ur materia is at the pond lookin place inside North Crater (Disc 4). Its towards the bottom of the crater. Once there...make sure u have lots of elixers. U should end up fighting (mostly) Magic Pots and Movers. If u gotta fight a Pot, u need 2 give it an elixer first, or else the bastard wont die. In the end, ull get like 8000 exp and 1000 AP PER POT! The Movers (little red balls that look like Mexican Jumping Beans) dont give out a bad # of AP either. When u kill the little bastard, u get about 800AP. But also, if u Morph them, u can get a Protect Ring (auto Barrier and MBarrier when u get in2 a battle). Also, if u can morph a Tonberry, u get a Ribbon (negates all harmful status efects). And if u morph Cactur (litte cactus guy on a little desert island on the south tip of the western most continent. Just keep flying around there, ull find it) u get a Tetra-Elemental (all elemental damage is reduced to 0). Well...therre ya go...
  13. Hey Voodo..i got the website. [url]www.playonline.com[/url] If it doesnt work...then post again and tell me. But im almost certain thats the site. *Steps Out*
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]This is the second worthless topic i hav seen today. We already made a topic about this! A mod or anmin should delete this topic. [/B][/QUOTE] O MY GOD NO! SOME1 MADE A TOPIC JUST LIKE ANOTHER 1! WE R ALL GOING 2 DIE!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHH! RUN, RUN,RUN! THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR BECAUSE OF THIS SINGLE TOPIC THAT HAS BEEN REPEATED! THIS IS THE END OF US ALL!!!!!! Gohan, Dude, lighten up. its only a topic. This is not going to hurt a single person in these boards. And so what if it is the same as another topic. Mayb he didnt c it and wanted to know how we all felt about the premiere. Actually, i think some1 is a little cranky. Does some1 need a nap? Mayb his baba? I think so.
  15. What about Android 19, eh? Every1 is 4getting about KOOLEST Android OF ALL! I mean, who else could pull off the voice that sounds like he was kicked in the balls by a bus. And, you have to give the man credit 4 wearing his duds in public. Android 19...who else comes even close. ======================NO-ONE=====================
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