Shikaku Kitoku
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RPG Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
Shikaku Kitoku replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[color=seagreen]OOC: Whoa! Sorry I've missed so much people...Here I Come To Save The Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! MIGHTY MOUSE!...Er..SAMWISE GAMGEE!!! IC: Sam was walking behind Frodo, thinking of what had surpassed during the meeting. With an Elf, they should have no trouble going to this Mordor place...unless it was as bad as Garin said it was. "Hey Mr. Frodo?" "Yes Sam?" "Do you think we can make it to this Mordor place without this evil Sauron person catching us?" "I don't know Sam. And I don't know why I volunteered myself...but I have to do this." "I'm going with you all the way Mr. Frodo, even if those two trouble-makers Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took come along. I may be a gardener, but someone has to look out for your well being, and the cooking, eh?" "Hahaha, yes Sam, you are quite right there." Sam saw his room approaching and bade Frodo a farewell till morning.[/color] -
Well, I'm going to be scanning up some of my only art that I've ever drawn with my nifty handy-dandy..Scanner/Copy Machine/Printer/Fax Machine form Wal-Mart for 59.99! YAY! But anyways, like I was saying, I've never really tried to draw my own original work before, I've always traced something from a coloring book or a comic and added my own details and the such to spruce it up to what I like. *giggles at al gore with tommy gun* Herm... But yes, I shall adding my 2 pencil works (might draw something like a full body figure, instead of just heads) today, but for now, I shall let you loook at a lightsaber design I am currently working on with MS Paint. Everything for the lightsaber was customly drawn with MS Paint using the Pencil tool. I am going to try to shade it better, and add more detail. I might even use PSP to color it, or fix it up...but that will happen as soon as I figure out the blasted program...which will probably be when hell freexes over an lucifer wears a grass dress and does the hula. But yes, HERE IT IS! GOOOOOOOO LIGHTSABERRRRRRRRRR! *taps pokeball* Oh, right....it's a drawing..heh...
Sign Up The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.
Shikaku Kitoku replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[color=royal blue]OOC: I'm going to try out for Sam anyways. Frodo would be 31 at the beginning of the fellowship, since he and Bilbo share a birthday. He came of age at that birthday when he was named heir of the Baggins' estate. Name: Samwise Gamgee Age: Around 45 years Shire Reckoning, his correct age would be 46 since he was a gardener for Mr. Bilbo for 15 years, and Hobbits come of age at the age of 31. Gender: Male Character you are filling in for: Samwise Gamgee Weapons: Sam does not have any weapons at the start of the Fellowship. Armor: Samwise has no armor in the beginning of the Fellowship. Appearance: [img]http://www.a-arca.com/d10/artigos/images/rings_gamgee.jpg[/img] [img]http://pageant.sinfree.net/sam2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.visimag.com/starburst/images/281_feat_sub.jpg[/img] Race: Hobbit Personality: Samwise is quiet and thoughtful. He is very loyal to his friends, and would risk his life for them. Especially ?Mr. Frodo.? He loves music and poetry, mainly the ones Mr. Bilbo wrote of his adventures. He also seems to have an infatuation with rope. Sam will almost always stay quiet until riled up, or sad. He will almost always do what his heart tells him to, without any second thoughts. He is a cousin once removed of Frodo?s so that may account for the strong bond they develop. Biography: Samwise is the youngest son of Hamfest ?The Gaffer? Gamgee. So far, he has led a fairly uneventful life, not really doing anything of importance except tending to the gardens of Mr. Frodo. Sam is extremely curious about Elves, partly because of Mr. Bilbo?s stories, and partly because he?s an eavesdropper. His father was the gardener for the Baggins? estate, and when he got old, it was passed down to Sam. Frodo is a cousin once removed of his, therefore he knows Frodo as a friend and a family member. He also knows the local troublemakers Meriadoc Brandybuck a.k.a Merry, and Peregrin Took a.k.a Pippin. Although he doesn?t hang around with many people around the Shire, he always goes to the Green Dragon, the local Inn, and joins in the drinking and festivities. Sam also considers himself an excellent cook, and loves adding potatoes, one of the hardiest vegetables, to almost everything he cooks. Some people may call Sam a simpleton, in fact, his name means half-wise. But do not let this ?simple? country Hobbit fool you. Beneath all that soft, gardener exterior is a very stout trustworthy companion. Although he may not do things that other young hobbits would, he is satisfied with planting, seeding, pruning, digging, and caring, for the vast garden on the Baggins? ground. He has a deep infatuation with a Miss Rosie Cotton, a beautiful young female Hobbit that Sam has had his eye on for a long time. While eavesdropping on a conversation between Gandalf and Frodo, he was caught by Gandalf. As a result, Gandalf noticed what Sam?s potential could lead to, and he was the first chosen to join Frodo on the Fellowship. Because of Sam?s great loyalty and trustworthiness, anyone is able to trust him, and, at times, confide in him. Sam is always willing to listen to a persons story, he loves knowledge, and anything about gardening and Elves.[/color] -
[color=sienna]The advent of faster-than-light travel in 2108 allowed makind to quickly colonize hundreds of new solar systems. This populated region would eventually span more than a thousand light-years in diameter and would become known as the Inner Sphere. In 2271, the Treaty of Marik was signed, signaling the formation of the Free Worlds League: the first of the Great Houses that would each ultimately control hundreds of worlds. Within a century four other powerful planetary alliances declared independence from Terra and the Terran Hegemony government; these states would become the star empires known as the Draconis Combine, Federated Suns, Capellan Confederation, and Lyran Commonwealth. As the human race spread, however, they carried with them their desire for conflict. Petty brushfire wars raged throughout the Inner Sphere for centuries. In 2571, humanity earned a respite from this tide of conflict. The Star League was formed and ushered in a golden age. For 200 years, the Star League gave its citizens peace and prosperity. Although it could not completely quell the seemingly essential human need for violence, it kept the disputes between member-states under firm control. In 2766, Stefan Amaris of the Rim Worlds Republic launched a coup and declared himself First Lord of the Star League. General Aleksandr Kerensky, commander of the Star League Defense Forces (SLDF), launched a 13-year war to unseat the usurper. Although he succeeded, the rulers of the Great Houses could not agree on a new leader and dissolved the Star League High Council in 2781. Rather than see his beloved Star League crumble, Kerensky departed known space in 2784, taking with him 80 percent of the SLDF in an even later known as the Exodus, an apparent attempt to salvage the spirits of the Star League. By 2787, each House Lord declared himself the "rightful" First Lord, as the Great Houses savagely attacked one another in the first of the Succession Wars. These conflicts would last for 200 years. During three successive Succession Wars that ground humanity down and resulted in the net loss of many technologies, no significant territory was won or lost by any single House, leaving the borders relatively unchanged through two centuries of conflict. In 3028, however, the marriage of First Prince Hanse Davion of the Federated Suns to Archon-Designate Mellissa Steiner of the Lyran Commonwealth unified the two largest states in the Inner Sphere. The newborn Federated Commonwealth immediately launched the Fourth Succession War, conquering more worlds in two years than in all the wars of the previous two centuries. It is now 3050. You are one of the descendants of Kerensky's SLDF troops. You have advanced technology, stronger 'Mechs, and you have been raised for battle. You must take out the Federated commonwealth, Free Rasalhague Republic, and the Draconis Combine. When you do you will be able to get a firm grip on the Inner sphere, so that you may restore the Star League and return the honor to your ancestors name.[/color] -------------------------------------------------------- You can choose from these options: [color=crimson][B]Draconis Combine:[/B] This faction is on that is based on greed. They thrive on the pain of others, and will do anything to fulfill their ambition. They specialize in heavy Assault 'Mechs. The faction is currently said to be headed by Robert Clementrisk, although their is a rumor that a female is really the head of the Draconis Combine.[/color] [color=indigo][B]Free Rasalhague Republic:[/B] Devious and sneaky don't even begin to describe the Free rasalhague Republic. Nothing is too low for them to do to meet their goals. They specialize in 'Mechs able to use the Heavy Autocannon. The faction is headed by Erik Rasalhague IV.[/color] [color=teal][B]Federated Commonwealth:[/B] Founded by Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner, this faction is a major powerhouse. With innumerable 'Mechs and tons of resources, thanks to the combination of house Steiner and House Davion, they seem to be invincible. The Commonwealth is head by Prince Victor Davion-Steiner and Katrina Melissa Steiner. The two are brother and sister, and they hate eah toher with a passion. Use that to your advantage.[/color] [color=sea green][B]Destinys March:[/B] This mercenary group hires itself to the highest bidder. Whether it be convoy-guarding or assassination, Destinys March are the people you contact if you want it done proficiently. With almost as much power as the Federated Commonwealth, they aren't to be taken lightly. They are currently being led by a Lieutenant Denise Cassandra Diaz.[/color] [color=orange][B]Clan:[/B] The descendants of Kerensky's SLDF, they are born fighters. Living, and being raised, in a warrior society has made them among the best pilots ever known. With advanced technology and elite pilots, they are going to be a hard force to reckon with. The Clan is led by General Westan Kerensky.[/color] -------------------------------------------------------- Here's what the sign-up sheet looks like. [B]Name:[/B] (self explanitory) [B]Age:[/B] (duh) [B]Rank:[/B] ([color=green]Green[/color], [color= burly wood]Regular[/color], [color=red]Veteran[/color], [color=royal blue]Elite[/color], or [B]Ace[/B]) [B]Affiliation:[/B] ([color=teal]Federated Commonwealth[/color], [color=crimson]Draconis Combine[/color], [color=indigo]Free Rasalhague Republic[/color], [color=sea green]Destinys March[/color], or the color=orange]Clan[/color] only) [B]Mech:[/B] (Are you a mech pilot? Yes or no? If not, you have to be a tactial officer) [B]Physical Description:[/B] (hmm..that's self explanitory) [B]Bio:[/B] (3 paragraph minimum please. That isn't all that much) [color=gray][B]MECH STATISTICS- Mech Name: Weight: Class: Armor: Speed: Jump: Weapons:[/B][/color] [color=purple]I will be posting my sign-up sheet, and the list of 'Mechs and weapons as soon as I see that a couple of people are interested in this. I also have any other info that you may need for this RPG, so if you have any questions PM me or contact me on AIM, my screen name is [B][I]rizzo4lyfe[/B][/I].[/color]
[color=royal blue]Thrukh had no idea how he had found Ossus...je just punched in co-ordinates on his ships navi computer, and poof! He was here now though, that is all that mattered to him. With a deep sigh, and a long intake of air, he started walking again. Hearing the wildlife that seemed to thrive on the planet gave him a sense of ease, almost a reassurance. He stopped once to look at a grouping of pink and gold flowers. With a slight smile and a nod of his head, Thrukh continued his trek through the wilderness. After about an hour more of walking, Thrukh stopped abrutly. Sniffing the air, he smelt carbon burning...like that of a used blaster, or scoring on a ship from crashing entry into an atmosphere. He crouched down low to the ground, and sniffed deeply, waiting for his brain to process out the native smells. Yes, a ship, or someone with a happy trigger finger, was here recently. For some reason, he felt compelled to not follow the scent. On any other occasion, he would have followed it, not caring if it was some street punk, or a burnt out old frigate. But this time, on a place he didn't know...there was no way he was going to fight whatever had passed through here. For all he knew, it could be the mating scent of some huge carnivore. With a low growl, Thrukh started to jog in a northernly direction, stopping every few minutes to scent things out, and get his bearings. He continued to travel for another 2 hours, deciding to try to find some shelter, or a piece of ruin, or something he could use to make a roof to stop any rain that might come. Not seeing anything close by, he set down his pack, and moved to a copse of trees nearby. He started searching for young trees, saplings, to cut down to splay across upper branches. He was in the middle of the copse of trees, when he smelt someone close by...very close in fact. He whirled around quickly, and saw a flash of movement. He thought he saw an Imperial uniform, that of a pilot if he wasn't mistaken, but he couldn't be sure. He strapped his vibro-axe to his person, and jumped up and grabbed a branch, climbing into a tree to wait to see what the person would do. [B]OOC:[/B] I didn't want to have my character, and someone else's meet. I don't know what people have in their mind about what they want their character to do, or how some of them would act in a "slightly hostile" situation.[/color]
[color=royal blue]Thrukh landed his ship in a small swampy clearing towards the north of Ossus' equator line. He opened the cockpit up to stand an stretch. After he was done stretching, Thrukh opened a long compartment under one of the consoles. After putting in the access code for the compartments security, he removed his vibro-axe, 3 days worth of rations, a canteen of water, and a datapad with various edible plants, and animals, written in it from most of the known habitable planets in the galaxy. He put the rations in a pack, threw it over his shoulder, gave the handle of his vibro-axe a slight squeeze, and started walking. His sensors had detected other ships coming in when he was entering the atmosphere. He looked up in the sky to see if he could spot the tell-tale signs of an entering ship, but instead he saw turbo laser fire. He gripped his axe more tightly, and started a slow jog towards where the laser fire was in the sky. If a ship was blown up, or crash landed, he wanted to be their to get parts, or help the survivors. He would prefer a crashed ship over a non-crashed one though. He hated dealing with stupid merchants, or amatuer smugglers. After about 10 minutes of jogging, Thrukh quickened his pace, not knowing why. He was feeling a prickling in the back of his mind, like something wanted to be remembered, but was blocked somehow. He growled in frustration, and started sprinting, knowing that the running would help calm him down. Afteraround 2 minutes of that, Thrukh went and sat down under a tree, deciding to rest. He took a small sip from his canteen, gurgled it through-out his mouth, and spit it out. He then took a larger sip and swallowed it slowly. Putting the cap back on his canteen, Thrukh started sniffing around some bushes. He smelt a slight fear, almost like a child. Parting the bushes with his vibro-axe, he found what looked like a small baby animal of a species not known to him. Shrugging, he started to jog on his way again.[/color]
[COLOR=royal blue]OOC: GAH!!!!!!!!!! SPELL CHECK PEOPLE! SPELL CHECK! Gah! *SMH* Please, I'm begging some of you, correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Please! Some of the posts just...well..they suck to be blunt. Way too short, and non-descriptive, or just..completely twisted. FIX THEM! Thank you for your time. IC: Thrukh woke up in the pilots' seat of his V-19 torrent Starfighter...not that their was much else to wake up in. With a small stretch that included his customary waking growl, he looked out of his viewport and noticed Ossus in the distance. "Almost there....I can't understand why I'm going to Ossus...It's this feeling...that I can't explain," Thrukh spoke to himself outloud. He started to look down at his control console when he saw a shimmering in the air. He closed his eyes and reopened them, but when he did he saw a Noghri's head in front of him.[/color] [color=dark-blue] "Thrukh...it is good to see you. Do not try to interupt me! I can only do this for so long. You are going to Ossus because you are gifted in the Force. It is what Darth Vader, and Darth Revenant have...it is like a special power. There will be someone on the planets surface waiting for you..and probably others like you...but your scanners will not pick this person up. Land where you feel...for that will be a test..."[/color] [color=royal blue] Thrukh watched as the head disappeared. He swiped his hand through the air, thinking something might remain, but knowing it would not. With a sigh of frustration, Thrukh got ready to enter the atmosphere. He started to check his systems, making sure everything was green. After he checked his sytems a couple more times he strapped himself in, and prepared himself for something he didn't know if he would be ready for.[/color]
OOC: *cough politely* Heh...uhm..Ohkami and G/S/B Master..if you could improve the quality of your posts it would be great. Also, your trying to advance the plotline without knowing what Zidargh wants for it...which is ok I guess...but you 2 are making your characaters look like Supermans' parents. I know I would appreciate it greatly if, before you post, you run a spell checker, like on microsoft word, because it also checks grammar and punctuation. Thanks. NOTE: I shall be editing this post with a post for the RPG, I was just re-reading all the posts to know where characters are at etc.
[COLOR=crimson] It was around 8:45 am when Westan was in front of Leo's door. Not knowing if Leo would be awake or not, Westan took out one of his mining hammers, sat in front of Leos steps and waited. After about 3 minutes, Westan grew reckless, and decided to knock on Leos door. Re-sheathing his hammer, Westan tapped on the door with his foot. [B]TAP! TAP! TAP![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Leo walked to his door and put his ear up against it to try to hear if more than one person was out there. After listening a couple of more seconds, he opened the door a crack to see Westan standing out there looking around for anyone who might be hiding. [B]"Westan! Come in, come in. Please, I just finished breakfast, so I need to clean up a little bit but..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Westan looked at Leo, and tried making a smile wiht his lips. Instead of a smile it turned out to be a type of grimace. Leo just chuckled softly, knowing Westan was just trying to smile like that for his benefit. Westan walked past Leo and bent over to scratch Max's ears. Westan then went at sat on Leos couch to wait for everyone else to show up. Looking around the room he spotted Leo cleaning up his remnants of breakfast, and heard Max's little claws hit the floor close by. Westan looked over at Max and patted the cushing next to him. Max jumped up with a wag of his tail and looked up at Westan. Westan was petting Max when there was another knock at the door. Westan unsheathed one of his hammers and walked towards the door...[/COLOR] OOC: lol@Baron. Strength is Westans strongest forte man. I think they would be a good match, but since we're on the same side, we should team up to make a..Melee team, if you will. Kinda like body guards lol. Also, I didn't want to put anyone's character at the door since I didn't want to do anything someone wasn't planning.
I don't know if this would go in the Banner/Avatar section or here..but if it does go in that section I will delete this thread and move it. I am assuming it goes in here because..well..it's kind of asking for art tutoring..sort of. Anyways, I was wondering if there would be anyone willing to teach me how to make banners using Paintshop Pro 7 or any other programs they have for I have most of the programs for art that there is...in example, I have PSP, Correl Draw 11, etc. I would greatly appreciate anyone who would be willing to do this. Thank you for your time. Shikaku
[COLOR=crimson]Westan knocked on Leo's door a little more loudly, hoping that he wasn't disturbing the man. In the next few moments, many thoughts were racing through Westan's head. His bottom lip began to twitch as of its own accord, due to the deep scar tissue that amde up most of it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]"Who-Who is it?" Leo called to the door, leaning against it heavily, in case it was a thief trying to case his house. Maximillion was looking at the door curiously, with a slight wag in his little puppy tail. Leo thought, [I]If Maximillion doesn't sense anything, maybe I should just peek out to see who it is and what they want.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]With that thought finished, Leo slowly, and quietly, moved the piece of wood from the door and opened it slightly.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]"May I help you?"[/B] Leo inquired.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Westan took a deep breath and started to speak slowly. [B]"You...made...a...speech...bar..."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=indigo][B]"Yes...I see you've heard it...Would you like to come in?"[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=crimson]Westan nodded and moved closer to the door, and held his hands up in a sign of peace. Leo gradually opened the door for Westan, and once Westan was in, slammed it back in place and returned the piece of locking wood. Westan smiled at Leo...but due to his scar tissue, only his eyes twinkled with his true good intentions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]"Please, please, sit down somewhere, I was just feeding Maximillion, I'll be with you in a moment."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=crimson]Westan sat down on the couch and stared at the television, feeling extremely ackward since he didn't know how he was going to communicate witht his stranger...this Leo..this man who wanted freedom just as much as he.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]"So you heard my little speech huh? Well, I'm glad someone was listening, it shows not everyone down here in the slums is completely criminal."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=crimson]Westan grunted in reply, as if to say, I know what you mean. Suddenly, Westan got an idea, he could write to Leo. Hopefully, Leo would know how to read, since Westan knew nothing about, he would just have to find out on his own. Reaching into his pocket, Westan pulled out a small well-worn piece of chalk, about as thin as his middle finger, and a small piece of paper, once a wrapper for some alcoholic beverage.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Westan wrote [I]My name is Westan Gruffield. I want to help you stop Shinra..they are wrong![/I] Little did Westan know that Leo was right behind him. When Westan looked around he didn't see Leo and became confused for a moment.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]"Yes, Shinra is wrong Westan...everyone deserves freedom."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=crimson]With a slight jump, Westan turned around to look at Leo a surprised look on his face. Leo could move very silently...otherwise, Westan would have known when he moved. Deciding to wait on Leo to take action with the conversation, Westan removed the two miner's hammers from his back sheaths, placed them on the floor by his feet, and settle deeper into the couch.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Leo walked around the couch and sat down next to Westan, where there was an awkward silence. Westan just looked at Leo patiently, knowing that when the man was ready, he would figure something out. Because for some strange reason, Westan felt a sense of loyalty and trust in Leo that he had never felt in anyone before. Almost as if no matter what, you could depend on Leo.[/COLOR] OOC: The indigo text is Leo, and everything else is just going to be crimson, since I decided that will be my charas color in this RP.
Name and Title: Scattershot; Warrior Code-Number: Bt-02 Motto: "Decepticons are like rust spots-they're ugly and they can pop up anywhere!" Gender: Male Function: Former Technobot Leader/Warrior Transformation: Spaceship Personality: Scattershot is one feisty bot. He goes into a group of Decepticons with guns blazing, and expects anyone else to do the same. He will stay in the battle until he runs out of ammo, which he'll then fight with his hands, or until the enemies are gone. He doesn't consider it being brave, or courageous, he considers it fun. Apperance: [url]http://pages.emerson.edu/students/seth_seidler/Computron.html[/url] History/Biography: Scattershot is the former leader of the group known as The Technobots. He decided to get "re-born" to help the cause..and because he loves destroying Decepticons. He can reach incredible speeds in the air..although on land he is kind of slow due to the fact that his vehicle mode is a space-ship. He doesn't let that bother him though, since he can be found in Robot-mode more than anything. Weapon(s): Acid-pellet rifle and hand mounted blasters. OOC: Joko, just tell me if you'd like me to use a different character, or if Scattershot is fine. I will be editing the personality and History later but I'm eating dinner at the moment, so I have to feed my belly! :P
Good stuff man. Hopefully those people who still need to sign-up will do so soon because I can't wait for this to start.
Bucket Face smiled with glee at what was unfolding before him. "Oi! It's aboot time ye chicken-livers thought teh fight!" Bucket Face parried his opponents blow, kicked him roughly in the mid-section and buried his cutlass in the things skull. "Now that's whut Oi call a splittin' 'eadache!" Bucket Face then guffawed loudly and ran towards another Skeleton Pirate. Drawing his pistol he shot it in the head and blocked the blow of an incoming cutlass. "Ye will have teh do better 'en 'at matey!" Bucket Face twirled about, flipped his blade over, as if to give the Skeleton Pirate his sword. The Pirate look around a moment, confused as to why this man was going to give up his sword to him. That was all the time Bucket Face needed. With a yell and a whoop, Bucket Face charged at his opponent, picking him up and lifting him high above his head, and threw him out of the window. "Hit teh road Jack!" Bucket Face unsheathed his cutlass once more, and went after some of the last remaining pirates, noting that the strangers who approached him, and that weird man from the corner, along with that waitress who was an excellent fighter for a woman, were still alive. "I'll have at all of ye, ye old mop-bucket drinkin seamtress'!"
[B]Name:[/B] Westan Gruffield [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Job:[/B] Miner [B]Height:[/B] 6 feet 7 inches [B]Birthdate:[/B] 14th, November [B]Birthplace:[/B] Sector 3 [B]Specialities:[/B] Two-handed skill (Westan can use both hands simultaniously) and Excellent Agility (he is able to do the same action continueously, for a long period of time without having to stop too often.) [B]Appearance:[/B] Westan stands at a height of 6 feet 7 inches, weighing in at 234 pounds of solid, working, miners muscle. He has coal-black hair, with stunning green eyes that seem to glow with a life of their own. Westan wears a dirty, grungy looking gray A-shirt, with brown baggy pants. He holds his pants up with a dark-brown, very worn belt, that is clasped with an emerald colored piece of metal. He has a pair of mid-calf, black boots, which are stained with mud, and help together with leather thongs. He has 2 "sheaths" if you will, that he puts his hammers in. They are strapped across his back diagonally. He has a slightly crooked nose, and a scar running through his lips. His skin is taunt, and you can see his muscles ripple if he were to flex them a certain way. He has his hair cut short, except for his bangs, which he keeps a foot long, one on either side of his face, pointed to a ti with a tip of grease-gel, and dyed crimson. [B]Personality:[/B] Westan is a gruff silent young man. He doesn't speak much, but that is not because he doesn't want to. He just isn't able to. Because his lips are almost all scar tissue, he cannot form some sounds right, therefor, he will not speak very often. But when he does, he will speak his mind, talking slowly to try to help whomever he is talking to understand what he is saying. Westan rarely ever smiles, but when he does, you can see it in his eyes. He does not smile with his mouth for he believes that that denotes the true essence of the emotion a smile brings. He laughs when he finds something amusing, or funny, yet he will not laugh at anothers situation, knowing what hardship is like, having to live it every day. [B]History:[/B] Westan was born to Frederick Gruffield and Destiny Hermaphetus, a prostitute and thief. His father was considered among one of the wealthier people of the slums in Sector 3, having a 2 story shack, with actual glass that was intact. His mother cared for him more than his father ever did, since Frederick wouldn't admit that Westan was his son for the first 3 years of his life. At the age of 14, Westan came home to find his mother strangled to death with Frederick staring vacantly at her body. When Westan asked his father what had happened, Frederick just looked at his son and said "I killed her...I killed your mother." Going into a rage, Westan picked up the nearest object, an old miners hammer which he had found on a dead man, and struck at his father, who, surprisingly, stopped the blow before it could connect. His father looked at Westan, shook his head sadly and said "I don't keep my windows intact just because I can buy them...I am an ex-SOLDIER Westan...I know how to fight better than you, and if I have to, I will kill you." Shaking his head in disbelief, Westan grabbed his mothers Gil, the hammer, and the "sheaths" that he had made, and ran out of the door, ignoring his fathers calls. Ever since that fateful day, Westan has been working in the mines, living in a small one-room shack in Sector 3 close to the mines so he doesn't have a long commune to work. Westan just happened to be in Sector 7 the day Leo was talking...And Westan just happens to believe what Leo says, he also believes, that Leo is one of the greatest men to ever emerge from the slums.
Well, I got bored right now, and I just drew this custom avatar. Everything on it is from scratch, so yeah. The shading could be a whole deal better, as well as miniscule details like shading the body and head, adding eyes, nose, mouth, etc. I just chose not to at the moment...although I might in the future. Anyways, please, feel free to give me any type of criticism. I love them all...also, this is a Hip-Hop inspired avy...It says FREE YAYO in bright orange on the bottom of it...Yayo as in Tony Yayo of Guerrilla Unit a.k.a G-Unit. I know it was Banks that was put in jail, fo all of you hip-hop heads on the boards, but I just felt that it should say Free Yayo..it sounds good, and Yayo was in jail overnight a couple of times, LOL. Anyways, yeah, Here it is. EDIT:[B]*coughs politely* GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rules won't let me upload da .png or .bmp version i have..so that's whyt he avatar itself looks crappy..but the attachment is .png..so enjoi...DAMN PANDA POOP RULES![/B]
Bucket Face walked up to the Scumm Bar with his usual "I'm a sailor and if you don't like it, bug off you waddle-dee freeloader" gait. He walked into the bar, sat down at a table in a far corner and waited for the waitress to come to him. Upon the waitress coming to him, he ordered a drink, giving her a coin enough for 5-6 drinks. She knew he would be drinking them as well. When she returned with his drink, he took a long swallow and sighed. Things were so boring on the merchant ships. He wished a pirate ship would roll in, asking anyone willing to join the crew, for loot, plunder, jokes, and a lot of sea-rolling fun. "Eh, Oi jus cen't seem teh get any break these deys," sighed Bucket Face to himself. He leaned back in his chair, deciding to drink his ale the night through, and see what was to happen.
[B]Name:[/B] Thrukh [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Noghri [B]Homeworld:[/B] New Nystao on Wayland. [B]Weapons:[/B] Vibro-axe, roughed up quite a bit, since Thrukh got it from a junkyard. [B]Ship:[/B] V-19 Torrent StarFighter, named [I]Remembrance.[/I] It has customized engines, twin blaster cannons, and a concussion missile pack. [B]Description:[/B] Barely over a meter tall, Thrukh is the normal height for his race. He has the normal gray-hued skin of his species, with wiry muscles, incredible refelxes, and surprising strength. Thrukh has 2 scars on his chest. One is a slash across his stomache, and the other is a deep hole, over the right part of his chest. [B]History:[/B] Thrukh was born on Honoghr, and lived there for 12 years of his life. Afterwards, when Luke SKywalker became Darth Revenant, his tribe moved to New Nystao on Wayland. There, his tribe became more advanced, learning about technology and how to use it. Thrukh became one of the best Starfighter pilots on his tribe. His father, being proud of him, gave Thrukh a V-19 Torrent. It has been Thrukhs pride and joy since the day he first received it. Being greatly skilled at mechanics, Thrukh put modifications on his ship, and named it [I]Remembrance.[/I] He chose the name for him to remember all that his race has gone through, and to be proud of what he is. At the age of 16, Thrukhs father, Futkh, was killed guarding an important person during an assassination attempt. Being run over with grief, Thrukh left New Nystao, and flew around the galaxy, hiring himself out for whatever job possible, not caring about anything anymore. On one such occasion, Thrukh got a very strong feeling that something was going to happen, so instead of going to his usual place at night, he stayed near the door to his "home" for the moment and waited. While waiting, Thrukh smelled his employer, and, surprisingly, another Noghri. About to jump out, he got another feeling to stay put, so he waited. His employer-at-the-moment, and the other Noghri, drew a thermal detonator, opened his door, and threw them inside and walked away in a hurry. Furious that his employer would try something like that, but even more furious that someone of his own species would try to assassinate him, brought him anger beyond no end. He chased after the two, catching up to them, and killed his employer. Before he could turn around to fight the other Noghri, he was hit from behind, and all he remembered was waking up, with needles in him, and cuts all over. A couple of days later, he awoke to find Darth Revenant staring down at him. Not knowing what to do, he strained against his bonds futilessly. Closing his eyes, Thrukh screamed out for help in his mind, and Darth Revenant, being surprised at a force-ability in a Noghri, let him go and left him to die on Tattooine. Darth Revenant also left him his ship, thinking that Thrukh would do nothing, being set as an example as he was. INstead, Thrukh has vowed to kill Darth Revenant, and whoever the other Noghri was. Since then, he has been feeling a strong urge to go to Ossus. He has amde a course for Ossus, not knowing why, but knowing that he is needed in a desperate way. [B]Personality:[/B] Thrukh is extremely loyal, and will not tolerate insults to himself, his family, or whomever he cares for. He does not easily express his emotions, and chooses to stay silent, only speaking when he finds it necessaryt hat someone hear his input.
YAY! I don't have to cook! LOL! I just hope he doesn't try to start a mutiny with spandex noodles =\...*ahem* Anyways, I call gunner..he he he...FIRE! CANNON BALLS! BOOM! HEHEHE! heh...*ahem*..Yes, I shall be the diabolical..I mean, I shall be the gunner...just don't expect me to hit sutff all the time....
Name: Frederick "Bucket Face" Fedrek Age: 37 Gender: Male Home Island: Melee Previous Job: Helmsman Position: Common Sailor Weapon: Rapier Personal Belongings: cup Description: Frederick, or Bucket Face, as all but few people call him, is 6'1" tall. He weighs a measly 172 pounds with long black hair and hazel eyes. Bucket Face keeps his hair in knots and curls and twists, with the most grungy appearance by using a mixture of bees-wax and grog as a "shampoo". He has a slightly purple scar on his face from when he was hit in the face with a bucket. History: Bucket Face grew up on Melee Island, smelling the sea, hearing the sailors, and learning new insults just like any young lad on Melee should. Never knowing whom his father was, Bucket Face decided to become a Pirate for he thought his father to be a land lubber. At the age of 16, Bucket Face hired himself off as a Cabin Boy to a small merchant ship. 4 years later, and quite a few snide remarks, he was still a Cabin Boy. When he turned 20, he embarked on a Pirate ship, to loot, plunder, and insult with the best of them. One stormy night, the ship he was on started to lose its course (For the helmsman fell asleep) and Bucket Face ran to the helm...and found his "only, deeply, truely, most super love" as he likes to call it. When the Captain awoke...he received a hit in the face from a slop bucket, which left its imprints on his face for life...Hence the name "Bucket Face." Ever since that fateful day, and his best, as he sometimes says, he became a helmsman, hiring himself out to any ship needing a helmsman, studying maps, learning compasses, and a little bit of sword-fighting. Now, 17 years later, and quite a few voyages mind you, he decided to embark on a quest of fortune fame, and a great chance of dire insults. Personality: Bucket Face is a loud, obnoxious, smile while insulting you type of scally-wag. The only people he will not insult are those whom can best him in an insult, or sword-fighting competition. He always has a comment to put it, and loves to sneak behind people to give them all sorts of surprises.
It is far into the future, and the Earth is in a state of cold war with an alien race known only as the Thanatosians. Humanity, having solved its own problems of disease and prejudice, has found a new enemy on which to vent its hatred. Soon all of Earth's resources are directed towards preparations for an impending war that could occur on a galatic scale. The Earth's military inductrial complex begins to work feverishly on powerful new weapons of doom, and tension mounts as armies of ships are deployed. Somewhere, in a highly classified sector of space, a powerful ship carrying a dooms-day weapon is participating in war game maneuvers. This ship is a Cerebrus Class Destroyer named [I]SS Jeremiah Obrian[/I], and it contains a payload so secret that even the crew is ignorant as to its exact nature. The ship is carrying a new weapon considered to be the H-bomb of its era, armed and ready to use against the Thanatosians. The war game is terrifyingly realistic, perhaps too realistic for the ship's compters. The computer takes control of the [I]Obrian[/I] and intiates an attack plan for Calliope, a small, Earth-like Thanatosian planet. The ship's cre and Captain attempt to over-ride the computer, but the computer fails to recognize the Captin's DNA access code and ignores all attempts to stop the ship. Unbeknownst to the crew, the weapon they are carrying contains a deadly virus which quickly attacks the cells of an organism, mutating DNA and rendering the body unable to carry out vital metabolic functions. Within hours, an infected organism dies, deproved of its ability to manufacture vital metabolic proteins. Unable to resist the virus or interface with the computers, the crew dies off one by one. The ship heads towards Calliope carrying a weapon that will start a war that could end all life in the universe. Meanwhile, only a few high-ranking officials are aware of the ship's cargo and programmed target. Precious time elapses before word reaches military HQ, but by then the Cerebrus [I]Obrian[/I] is all but unstoppable, programmed to deliver its virulent payload swiftly and with deadly precision. A high-priority emergency beacon is broadcast in the slim hope that someone, somewhere, might intercept the ship. Someone [I]does[/I] receive that beacon, and that someone is [B]you.[/B] You are on board the Cerebrus Class Destroyer [I]SS Revenge[/I]. It is manned, and armed with the normal amount of weaponry for a deep-space mission. Your ship was just in a fight with some Thanatosians, but you still have to try to stop the [I]Obrian[/I], no matter how bad your resources have been depleted. You are still able to plot an intercept course and proceed to the correct cooridinates. With a potentially deadly virus on board, your only option is to send in an armed team, and hope the defenses of the ship aren't extremely hostile. With just 6 hours before the [I]Obrian[/I] reaches Thanatosian space, you have little time to spare. The team you are sending is able to engage and defend itself against the ship's defenses. You also have a skilled expert on computers, so that you may try to communicate with the ships computers. That just might be enough for you to sabotage the mission and prevent a holocaust. __________________ [B]!EMERGENCY BEACON! !EMERGENCY BEACON! TO ANY EARTH VESSEL...THIS IS A PRIORITY 1 ALERT INTERCEPT ACTION DISTRESS BEACON - CODE RED... ANY VESSEL IN OR NEAR SECTOR 12, QUADRANT BETA 38 MUST COMPLY WITH THIS BEACON PURSUANT TO THE EMERGENCY SPACE RESCUE ACT A RUNAWAY SHIP IS APPROACHING THE NO-FLY ZONE...CEREBRUS SS JERIMIAH OOBRIAN WILL INTERSECT THE NFZ AT COORDINATES 57.9.004-02.13.007...SHIP'S CREW DOWN...COMMUNICATIONS DOWN...SHIP PROGRAMMED AND ARMED FOR CLASSIFIED TARGET BEYOND THE NO-FLY ZONE...STOP THIS SHIP AT ALL COSTS...REPEAT...STOP HIS SHIP AT ALL COSTS... TARGET AND ARMAMENT INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE...CAUSE AND NATURE OF MISHAP UNKNOWN...CREW STATUS UNKNOWN...SHIP'S COMPUTERS CONTROL NAVIGATION AND WEAPONS SYSTEMS...OVERRIDE CODES CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE...INTERCEPT AND BOARD SHIP...OVERRIDE WEAPONS OR HELM...DESTROY SHIP IF NECESSARY...REPEAT...DESTROY SHIP IF NECESSARY... IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS BEACON YOU ARE THE LAST HOPE...THIS IS A CODE RED EMERGENCY INTERCEPT ORDER...YOU MUST COMPLY...YOU MUST STOP THIS SHIP...[/B] __________________ Here are your choices...YES, choices, of the crew you can be. You CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT, make a custom character. Whoever has the best Post quality for a certain character will get that character. I am requiring you to make a short description and very brief bio on your chosen character. [B]Parrish, William/Captain[/B] William "Buck" Parrish: Fleet Commander 5'10, 180 lbs Hair: Gray, Eyes: Grn Age:44 [B]Ingram, Catherine/First Officer[/B] Cate Ingram: Fleet Lieutenant Commander, Special Forces Officer and Covert Operations Specialist. 5' 6", 135 lbs Hair: Blonde, Eyes: Blue Age:32 [B]Blatman, Jacob/Medical Officer[/B] Jake Blatman, MD, PhD/Surgeon: Physician and Psychiatrist 5' 9", 158 lbs Hair: Black, Eyes: Blue Age:37 [B]Semenovsky,Tatyana/Security Officer[/B] Tatyana Semonovsky: Fleet Officer 5' 7", 134lbs Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown Age:32 [B]Geist, Joseph/Chief Engineer[/B] Joe Geist: Fleet Engineer 1st Class 5'10, 185lbs Hair: Black, Eyes: Gray Age:35 [B]Zyzinski, Carla/Engineer[/B] Carla Zyzinski: Fleet Engineer 1st Class 5'5", 128 lbs Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown Age: 30 [B]Ichikawa, John/Navigator[/B] Jack Ichikawa: Fleet Navigation Specialist 5' 8", 146 lbs Hair: Black, Eyes: Brown [B]Benedetti, Robert/Weapons Specialist[/B] Bobby Benedetti: Fleet Ordnance and Special Weapons Officer 5' 9", 145 lbs Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown Age: 32 [B]Hendryx, Wayne/Communications[/B] Wayne "Wayne-O" Hendryx: Fleet Communications Officer 1st Class 5'10", 175 lbs Hair: Brown, Eyes: Green Age: 28 [B]Garrett, James/Ensign[/B] Jim Garrett: Ensign 1st Class 6' 0", 180 lbs Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown Age: 24 [B]Stafford, Francis/Ensign[/B] Frank Stafford: Ensign 2nd Class 5'11", 165 lbs Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown Age: 27 [B]Franc, Christopher/Science Officer[/B] Chris Franc: Fleet Science Officer 1st Class, PhD Astrobiology 5' 7", 185 lbs Hair: Brown, Eyes: Green ___________________ I shall be making my choice of character after people sign-up. If I feel that someone has a better post-quality than me, they will get that character. I am also going to have another member go over post-quality with me, so that those who do not make it cannot say "Your just picking someone you like." [IMG]http://www.ggmate.com/auctions/ironheli.jpg[/IMG] That's all folks. Have fun..well..try to anyways, and post your best, for if not, someone could take the spot you want.
[COLOR=indigo]Didi walked down the trail leading to Redwall Abbey, and sighed in contentment. It was a fine morning, the blossoms were blooming, the birds were singing, and the bees collecting there honey. As he continued his walk, he saw the gae looming in the distance and quickened his pace. After a few short minutes he reached the gate and knocked on it while saying "Ho, Gatekeeper! Shall you open the door for a traveler on this fine day?" "Aye zurr. Oim comin, koind zurr." "Well if it aint Tipkun! You old rascal! How are you doing friend?" inquiered Didi. "Oim doin good hurr aye, Didi. You'm can make yurr stay in the Cavern Hole at the furr reach of the Abbey, hurr aye." Tipkun the smiled and did a common mole-bow to his old friend. With a smile Didi continued through the Gate of Redwall Abbey and started to settle in.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Matrix: Rebooted (Adult: Contains language, sexuallity, and violence)
Shikaku Kitoku replied to Burori's topic in Theater
Name: William O'Connor User Name: Priest (sorry out..i have to lol) Rank: Priest/Engineer Name of Ship: The Nokia Desciption: Like the pic, except he wears raggy clothing. Matrix Description: see pic Weapon of choice: 10-Gauge Shotgun. Specs for Shotgun: 20" barrel, custom narrow choke fitting, allowing a 89% hit spread on a 30" circle at 100 yards, its also a good ole hinge-action. Gotta love those. ~~~ Edited -
[COLOR=crimson]Name: Uthefergat'el Des'jukilop Age: 342 Species: Half-Grey Dwarf, Half Drow (hmm...something went wrong with that relationship) Calling: Mercenary/Hired Scout Physical Characteristics: 5'1, 174 lbs (damn dwarves), for the rest see attachment Appearance: See Attachment Biography: Uthefergat'el is the son of a Grey Dwarf and a Drow. Not many people know how, or why, a Grey Dwarf and a Drow were embraced to make a child. No one wants to find out either, especially Uthefergat'el. He grew up in the darkness under the soil, where most Dwarves and Drow live. Infra-vision, the common sight for the denizens of the darkness, is an ability that Uthefergat'el, or Uthgat for those not smart enough to remember his full stature, like humans, and dwarves for instance. His mother, a Drow priestess to Lloth, killed his father while she was still pregant with him. Apparently, she grew tired of him. After his birth, Uthgat grew into adolestsence quickly, like most Drow do. He started training in the ways of melee combat, not wanting to learn to use a bow, for he believed it took all the fun out of fighting. Instead of training in the use of a sword, Uthgat trained himself in the usage of dirks. He has mastered them, and has mastered the way of throwing them, for those rare occasions where he DOES want to use range. Although it looks as if he has only 2 weapons, Uthgat also has 2 small daggers, a long pin-like weapon, and his fists and feet for weapons. He does all of this because he is coniving, evil, and loves chaos. After listening to his mother ramble for 20-30 years, he decided to shut her up and killed her in her sleep. After that, he roamed the tunnels of Dwarves, Goblins, and the like, killing, hiring, or just terrorizing for 18 years. When he grew bored he came upon the surface world, where chaos REALLY reigned supreme. Deciding to stay on the surface, Uthgat learned many languages, and the ways of many beings. He now hires himself out as a Mercenary, or a Scout for those who pay enough. In all jobs, he usually kills, whether the contract involves it or not. Random Fact: Uthgat like to cut out a bone from all of his victims to add to his collection. His collection is going to be used to make armor..out of the bones. He will not take the big ones...for the little bones are so much more fun to gather.[/COLOR]