Shikaku Kitoku
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Everything posted by Shikaku Kitoku
Name: Hietzhu Chuang Wi Age: 63 Race: Half-elf Class: Warrior Bio: Hietzhu was raised by the elves. His mother, being an elf, kept him. His father was a great Shaolin monk, and a belovent being. At the age of 37, Hietzhu left to fend for his own. Being already schooled in elf-lore, archery, and some sword training, he headed out of the woods into the desert. He found his fathers late temple, and stayed with them for a decade, learning all he could. Become skilled in Drunken Boxing, and Wing Chun kung fu, he left there also. He now wanders throughout the lands, looking for misdeeds to right. Appearance: Small, lithe, Chinese looking male. He has his head shaved bald, except for a long ponytail in the back. He has dark brown eyes, stands 5'6" in heaight, and weighs approximetly (sp?) 132 pounds. Personality: Heitzhu is always quiet. He only talks when needed. Whenever he sees a misdeed he feels he must correct it to help better the world (think of half monk half paladin). He does not like to kill anything, human or animal alike, but will if he has to. Weapons: Kusari-Gama ( a kama with a weight chain attached), nunchaku, and a butterfly sword. Other: Hietzhu wears goggle-like attachments over his eyes. It is 2 half ovaled spheres with small slits in them, painted black. It allows him to have better periphreal vision whil still keeping his frontal vision. They are attached to his head with cured and tanned deer hide.
Better now? I just wanted to look demonish and Nightcrawler came to mind. I could think of quite a few mutants who people ripped off.
[COLOR=darkred][B]Name: Ryujen Histaki Code Name: Fathom Age: 19 Occupation: Unknown Identity: No one knows of Ryujens mutant ability. Legal status: Unknown Group Affiliation: Mutant Brigade. Operation Group #4: Solidarity Eyes: Black, no pupil, iris, just all black. Hair: Extremely dark red. Strength Level: Intensive daily excercise for someone his age. Mutation Type: Body Mutation Known Superhuman Power: Ryujen has the ability to create fire at will. all he has to do is focus his mind. He can make a flame the size of a rain drop, to a blazing inferno that can blow up a building. His body is like asbestos, making him flame retardant. He cannot make his body on fire, bit he can super heat his lower legs enabling (sp?) him to fly. Special Limitation: Ryujen cannot control anything over the size of a 12 foot fire. If he creates one bigger, it controls itself like normal fire. Personality: Hot tempered, easily angered, and a fighter. He will say things just to start a fight with someone. He only uses his powers to fly and when necessary, he is a blackbelt in Akido martial arts. History: Unknown Other: Has scars from when he couldnt control his innerbody temperature. He also has extremely dark red skin.[/COLOR][/B]
[B]Name:[/B] Shyk Rykenuk [B]Race:[/B] True Human [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Weapons:[/B] slightly curved, japanese style long sword. [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment [B]Short Bio:[/B] Shyk was brought up to hate the Dragonlords. He does not know his parents or relatives. He was adopted by a true human, was taught by him, and become one, in almost every aspect. He was told that Dragonlords are the cause of all the misery, pain, and suffering in the world. He believes it. All he knows and was taught is this: He must kill all dragon kind. He must never trust a Dragonlord. He must be his own man an follow the oath of the True Humans.
Name: Rerune Treerunner aka Rune Species: Squirrel Gender: Male Bio: Rerune a.k.a Rune, grew up on the chestnut tree just south of the Abbey wall. His grandfather was Tom, one of the most famous Redwall squirrels. Tom raised him, making Rune have much of his tendencies. Rune is extremely loyal to all of his friends, though he won't admit that he has a lot of them. He is an expert bowman and is pretty good with the sling. He always carries around a longbow, and a quiver of arrows. Description: slightly taller than the average squirrell, Rune has pale brown eyes. He is a light sienna color, and has a dark chestnut brown patch over his eyes and nose. Hence his first name.
Personaly, I think if you call plucking your eyebrows, waxing body hair, or wearing make up "gay", you need to be smacked with a 2x4 for continueing the stereotype. I pluck my eyebrows, wax parts of my AND wear make up...but I'm not gay. I'm not a goth, but I'm just me. Making myself look half dead and sexy is my thing. So before any of you football jocks want to come in this thread and say "That's gay!", learn NOT to continue stereotypes and learn to accept people for who they are and how they express themselves. Here's a little scenario: I'm wearing eyeliner, white pwoder on my face to blanch it, my eyebrows are plucked and my arms and legs are waxed...I go to a football game and you and all of your friends are there. I start talking to you and your friends. What do you do? Now think on that, because the most common answer is based off of stereotypes and it pisses me off. Say something to me about, it doesn't matter. i'm giving my opinion, and if I've offended anybody I apologize to that fact.
My Char. He is a U.S. Marine by the way... [B]Name:[/B] Rurori Ferendas [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Weapons:[/B] HK Benelli M3 Super 90, HK MP5 Sub-machine Gun, HK P7 Pistol, and standard issue military knife [B]Reason For Joining:[/B] To defend his Country [B]Country:[/B] U.S.A [B]Bio./Desc.:[/B]He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than wash his father's; but he has never collected unemployment either. He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away. He listens to rock and roll or hip hop or rap or jazz or swing and 155mm Howitzers. He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk. He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less-in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must. He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional. He can march until he is told to stop or stop until he is told to march. He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity. He is self-sufficient. He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low. He has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands. He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job. He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay and still find ironic humor in it all. He has seen more suffering and death then he should have in his short lifetime. He has stood atop mountains of dead bodies, and helped to create them. He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed. He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to 'square-away' those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful. Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom. Beardless or not, he is not a boy. He is the American Fighting Man.
Yea, I know XRA...I just got into REAL spriting recently...google can do so much for you. ^_^. lol anyways, i know the basic concepts of spriting etc. but i could use some lessons. lol.
Name: Requiem Setgunsda Age: 16 Appearance: 5'10", shoulder length black hair, ice blue eyes, average build, brooding Bio: (i'll edit this since I can't think at the moment) Battle Chips: Alistined Destiny (his beam saber/sword), Acidic Touch (it explains itself), Venom Spray (it explains itself yet again), and Deminos Calling (his trusty flying doggy hehe) THE NET Name: Knightsbane Appearance: see attachment (i'll post the finished version of him later, here he is just uncolored and unedited but u should get the idea) Style: (optional) Sigma and Shadowman , erm..just look at the attachment Signature Move: Destinys Touch Of Death
[COLOR=orangered]Rurori jumped to the next roof with barely an effort. He looked down at the little cabin in Northern Canada. It seemed so peaceful, he actually wanted to just sit there and admire it. But he had a job to do, and no matter what appealed to him, he had to get it done. That was his code, his honor, and his life. Taking a look down once more, he pulled out a poison tipped dart and threw a smoke bomb at the door. It let out a dark grey, wood smelling smoke upon impact, making his target run out the door. Without a second glance or thought Rurori let the dart fly. Instead of hitting the target in the jugular vein, the target caught it. [B]Rurori-[/B] What? [B]Target-[/B] Try harder next time Shikaku Kitoku. I thought I taught you well. Rurori unsheathed his katana and flipped off his perch. Moving his sword into the defensive position, he slowly inched his way towards his target. [B]Rurori-[/B] Who are you? How do you know that name? [B]Target-[/B] I gave it to you, you disrespectful grout! I thought I taught you to respect your elders! Youth- [B]Rurori-[/B] IPPAI SON!?! IT CAN?T BE! I SAW YOU- [B]Ippai Son-[/B] You saw what I wanted you to see. Now is not the time to talk. Come. Come inside. We will have tea, and talk about what has happened over the years. [B]Rurori-[/B] Yes Master. Rurori sheathed his katana and put his shuriken back in their pouch. Walking behind his ?dead? Master, he went into the little hut and shut the door behind him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orangered]So this is gonna start in a day or so?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orangered][B]Name-[/B] Rurori Requeim [B]Age-[/B] 23 [B]Sex-[/B] Male Description-[/B] Rurori is around 5 feet 10 inches tall. He has shoulder-length black hair with the tips dyed ice blue. His eyes are a dark, murky blue. He is cleanly shaven with no hair whatsoever on his face. Under his right eye he has Shikaku tattooed in Japanese, while under his left eye he has Kitoku in Japanese. Roughly translated, it means Assassin On The Verge Of Death. He wears all dark, smoky grey clothing that consists of a gi, a cloth belt, and a cotton vest. He also has half-face mask made out of silk. He wears traditional Japanese sandals with grey tape wrapped around his feet and ankles. [B]Bio-[/B] Rurori was the son of a rich merchant family. They had moved to Japan for better business when his mother and father were killed on a pleasure cruise. He became an orphan at the age of 4. He spent 2 years in an orphanage, until one day, he decided to run away, and fend for himself. While living on the streets, he tried pick pocketing a suspicious looking man. Unbeknownst to him, the man was a top assassin in a Clan. The man grabbed Ruroris? hand and led him into an alley. The man asked Rurori all sorts of questions. Rurori told him his whole story. The man, named Kokushibyou Ippai, brought him to the Clan and took him in as his own. For years, Ippai son taught him everything he knew until Rurori excelled farther than expected. Rurori, realizing this, talked to his master about it. Ippai son told him only this ?You are now the Shikaku Kitoku, the assassin on the verge of death.? After his master said that, he killed himself. Rurori went insane with grief. Taking his belated masters clothing, and weaponry, he hired himself out, denouncing his adopted clan. When he was 20, he was beaten, by one man, although he still does not know it, it was Tjaden. When the ESPM was put into his brain, he escaped from the laboratory and went back to Japan. Realizing he had nothing there, he travels from country to country, hiring himself out as an assassin. He has had extreme anger ever since his master died, and it does not help him any, for he will unknowingly tap into his ESPM, and do irrational actions. In Great Britain he is known as, The Burner. In the U.S., as the Pyro-technician. In Japan, he is known as 2 things, one, as the Shikaku Kitoku, but only a select few knows him as that. And the other, by the main population, he is known as the Feral Dragon. [B]Abilities-[/B] [I]Pyrokinesis[/I][/COLOR]
Name: Richard Kress a.k.a Shift Age: 17 Description: see attachment (my cahr. is the male, the one on the left...pic drawn by Stacy "Duece" Reeves) Brief Bio: Shift has been searching for something since he was 8. He doesn't know what it is, but he is always at his computer, skating, or at the dojo he learns Tae Kwan Do at. Personality: Normal skater attitude...basically anti-cop, being a jack@$$ and a comedian.
[COLOR=royalblue][B]Name:[/B] Shikaku Kitoku [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Description:[/B] see attachment [B]Country:[/B] Unknown [B]Bio:[/B] Not much is known about Shikaku Kitoku. It is rumored that he was the top assassin for the Japanese government. He came into the Crystal fighting world 2 years ago. [B]Crystal:[/B] [B][I]Feral Death[/I][/B]- Based on hate and anger, poers up his strategy thinking, his speed, and some of his strength [B]Special Attacks:[/B] [IFeral Dragon Punch[/I]- a 4 hit punch combo [I]Feral Dragon Kick[/I]- a 4 kick combo [I]Requims Darkness[/I]- a move that surrounds himself in a dark mass and increases everything up to 8 times [B]Team:[/B] Assassins [B]Appearance in Crystal Form:[/B] see attachment [IMG]http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/c/h/chamberlin/animknight.jpg.html[/IMG][/COLOR]
[COLOR=royalblue]Wraith shot off a barrage of blasts at the ensueing battlers. Taking note of openings, he would fire a blast here, and a blast there, making more death than if he were to shoot at random. He saw Priest help Kotan out an smiled grimly, knowing that Kotan would be angered by it. Wraith launched himself into the air, flipped 3 times, and swan dived to a ledge lower on the cliff face. Catching himself with his hands, he sprung back up and took another look at the battle. Charging up a moderate size burst, he fired the blast into a group of Mechrans that were surrounding a Trellistan. The Trellistan looked up to see who saved him when a small energy beam hit him between the eyes, killing him before he hit the ground. Wraith was looking for more enemies when he saw Priest battling a Mechran and a Trellistan. Priest launched a energy disk at the Mechran. Wraith was about to turn his head when he saw the Mechran deflect it and hit Priest in the chest. Wraith jumped in the air and kicked his feet at the cliff face, launching himself towards Priests fallen form. Not knowing if Priest was going to get up he arrived at his fallen comrade and looked down at him. Wraith saw that Priest was still breathing and was about to get up. He extended a hand to his friend and helped him off the ground. "Thank you Wraith," Priest said as he stood up. Priest put one hand over his gash and then looked at the Mechran. "Now you have made a terrible choice...You could have died, but instead you deflected MY OWN energy disk back at me...You think people would learn!" Priest lauched a flurry of kicked and punches at the Mechran, making him fall. Before the Mechran could even move, Priest side-kicked the Mechran in the neck, breaking it instantly. Wraith smiled vicously, knowing that Priest was letting him have the Trellistan. He would have fun with this. Wraith threw a cyclone of punches and kicks at the Trellistan testing his relfexes. Unfornute for Wraith, one of his blows went unblocked and sent the Trellistan flying backwards. Wraith jumped into the air, flipped, and brought his foot down on the Trellistand head with tremendous force, cracking it open. Wraith made a gutteral grunt and jumped backwards towards Priest. [B]Priest:[/B] You wanted that one huh? Hahahaha! Wraith growled and made his gesture for laughter. Priest then flew off to find more Mechrans and Trellistans to fight, while Wraith, ordered by Priest to cover him, Kotan, and Ageta, flew back up to the cliff face, sending his cover shots here and there. Everyonce in a while he would shoot a Mechran or Trellistan down. [I]Hey, I need to have fun too,[/I] he thought.[/COLOR]
sorry...im jus in a bad mood...i apologize (_)ltryneo and Logan
No see...I was venting..you on the other hand were being an imbicile...
Name: Ippai Kokushibyou Codename: Mokushiroku a.k.a Rock Position: Pilot Age: 22 Height: 5'9 Bio: When Ippai was in The Matrix, he was a 19 year old male in a ninja clan. He was on a mission for his master when Morpheus offered him the truth. Being too curious for his own good, Ippai accepted. When he was awoken, he was in inner turmoil because before his master found him at the age of 6, he was an orphan on the streets. Deciding not to be around Morpheus because he might snap one day, he went to the Whistler where he was been since his awakening. Description: see attachment Time Awake: 3 years, 10 months, 4 days Weapon preferences: 1 MK23 Offensive Handgun Twin all black Kamas 1 katana Blade-like attachment on his wrist (like a wrist gauntlet with a 8 inch blade stick out over his hand)
[COLOR=orange]Note: I'm having my character come in right after he was sent into "Xaviers World" as he likes to call it. Nate walked into the gusting wind, trying to find his way through the snow storm that was ripping through the Alps. Ducking his head, he made his way toward what appeared to be a cave. There were a few rocks in the way. "Well, it's about time I used my powers in this place." With that said he used his telekinesis to move the few rocks and went into the cave. After entering, he saw in the dim light that it was quite spacious, almost the size of the Alpha mutant slave pens. He moved rocks back in the entrance to block out the wind to try an stay warm. [I] I need some sleep, that battle with Holocaust wore me out more than I thought.[/I] Nate layed down and closed his eyes to sleep an unfitful nightmare filled rest.[/COLOR]
Even though I have Newbie, and even though this is kind of spam like...why do some newbies make all of us look bad? I swear sometimes people just do things to piss me off...I need a battle...I'm angry tonight...
[COLOR=silver]Name: Asiiwarrukii a.k.a Rookie Age: 128 Race: Wookie Side: Outcast Lightsabre: pure black beam with an extra long silver handle Style: 7 History: Asiiwarrukii a.k.a Rookie grew up on Kashyyk (sp? dunno of the top of my head an imlazy right now). His father is Chewbacca's wifes brother (does that make sense?). He is a very rare Wookie though, him being all white. The only other color he has is 8 dyed streaks of silver. He was tested by a Jedi at an extremely young age for a Wookie, 20. His medichlorian (sp?) count was 17,723. He was only a Padawan when he was outcasted. Now that he is a Knight, he will do anything to destroy the Sith. Lucas saved his life, so he has a life debt to him. Rookie will do anything Lucas asks of him, including a suicide mission. Appearance: All white with 8 streaks of silver. 2 going for his eyes, 2 from the corners of his mouth, them meeting with each other at the back of his head. The other 4 are on his chest above his heart in the infinite symbol as a sign that for all infinite, even after death, his heart will belong to the right cause. Personality: Very honorable. He is an extremely calm wookie, but is drastic and unpredictable. He will give his life if it means the end of the Sith.[/COLOR]
Name: Mokushi Kokushibyou Age: 24 Gender: Male Element: Fire Direction: South Weapon: Japanese katana an wakusashi (sp?) Description: 5'9 148 lbs. male, long black top knot hair do with red, orange, and yellow streaks in it. always covers his face due to scars froma fire he was in when he was a child.
Name: Uldune Requiem Age: 17 Nationality: Amazonian Powers: Sense, hearing, smell, sight, and some tendencies of the tiger. He also has extremely good reflexs thanks to his bodys' compisition. Side: History: Uldune is a VERY visible mutant. He looks like a walking tiger, yet he is humanish (erm). He is from a native tribe in the Amazon rain forest. Because of his appearance, his people worshipped him as an animal god. He did not want that treatment, since they would commit sacrifices and the such "for him". He does not know his real name, for his people called him Uldune (prounounced UHL-dew-NEIGH). He knows the english language very well thanks to a priest who lived with his tribe. The priest knew what he was, and sent him to America. Unlike his people, the society of America hated him, or were afraid. He lives in the outskirts of Buffalo, New York, near the Canadian border in the wilderness. He has been there by himself for 8 years. He is extremely animalistic, because he has the sight, sense, smell, hearing, and some tendencies of the tiger. Hence why his people worshipped him. Appearance: see attachment Personality: Uldune is a loner. He knows nothing of civilization, and never has. He is very animalistic in nature, where things like territory, even smiles, mean something. He has not talked in a little over 8 years so he decides not to speak. (picture drawn by michael xavier barnes, not me)
[COLOR=orange]Name: Nathan Grey Age: 17 Mutant powers: Telekinesis, Telepathy Mutant name: X-Man Alliance: Neutral Bio: In a world where Professor X died at an early age, things turned out a little differently for a character we knew as Cable. Normally, a man named Nathaniel Essex, aka Sinister, would have created a clone of Jean Grey to entrap Scott Summers into producing an offspring, which Sinister could control for his own use. In the world we knew, this boy would see endless torment between two centuries. However, in the world without Xavier, The Age Of Apocalypse (AoA), things went like this: A clone was never created because Nathaniel Essex had access to both Scott and Jean. Jean was a prisoner in Apocalypse's slave pens and Prelate Summers was the "warden" of the pens as Essex's adopted and favored son. With direct access to the genetic material of these two Alpha Mutants, Sinister did not leave the baby's creation to random nature. He painstakingly combined the proper genetic material to produce the greatest results possible. That product was a boy he named after himself - Nate. Not Cable, but awfully close and even more powerful. Through rapid growth acceleration, Nate achieved his teen ages instantly, and was hidden inside Apocalypse's slave pens for mutants. Essex planned to keep him secretly as the ultimate weapon against his own Master, The Dread Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur. Unknown to Sinister, Cyclops had a soft spot and eventually helped Nate escape, not knowing who or what he was. Nate was then found, trained, raised and protected by Forge until Forge's untimely murder at the hands of Essex. Nate gained his revenge on Essex, becoming the ultimate weapon against the man who sought to control him. Later, Scott and Jean, who were making their escape from Apocalypse, found Nate again. They joined with Magneto to battle Apocalypse, but Nate ended up dueling with Holocaust (one of Apocalypse's Horsemen) over a shard of The M'Kraan Crystal. During the battle, Nate plunged the crystal into Holocaust's chest and the contact blasted both Nate and Holocaust into their present, different reality. The Age of Apocalypse ended in terrible tragedy, but Nate survived that world along with three others (Holocaust, SugarMan, and Dark Beast), to find himself crash landing in Switzerland, in a world where Xavier still lives. Appearance: see attachment[/COLOR]
Sign Up Another FF-RPG from yours truly: Final Fantasy Incarnations
Shikaku Kitoku replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
[U]Ancient Force:[/U] Madeen Power: Holy (I think that's his Element but I don't know his power) Attack: The ground becomes a swirling mass of energy, before erupting into the sky along with the enemy party. The wolf-like Madeen surveys the scene, his claws trailing energy in their wake. With a roar, he creates a spherical mesh of light, which draws the enemy into it. Just as things are beginning to settle, the ball releases its energy in a massive explosion. (dunno what to call it lol) [U]Incarnation:[/U] Rurori Asukion Age: 25 Trade: Paladin Weapon: Double-edged Bastard Sword Appearance: think of zidane, but more muscular with a goatee, wears his armor most of the time, white armor that is, when he isn't he wears a cleric-like robe that is white with a head band