Shikaku Kitoku
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Everything posted by Shikaku Kitoku
Name: Ricardo Ramirez Age: 17 Gender: Male P.O.I.(Place Of Interest): Anywhere on the streets. Appearance: Roca Wear pants (black), Timberland boots (black), black tanktop and a black hoodie, he also wears a black beanie. (if i can make or finda pic i will), he has ice blue eyes, which is unusual, and black hair..(he's puerto rican like me lol, oh junk, im gonna use my pic for him lol..) Bio: Ricardo has lived on the streets all his life. He has taken care of himself since he was 7 years old. The Latin Kings and The Crips both have beef (grievences(sp?) with him. He carries a bo that he found behind a martial arts studio everywhere. He has practiced with it becoming quite good. He stays to himself and hasn't talked in 5 years since he saw his best friend shot and kileld in front of his eyes.
Sign Up Gothic Earth I - The Vampire of New Orleans
Shikaku Kitoku replied to The Unholy Newt's topic in Theater
Name: Dominic Virelli Age: (dunno) Equipment and Weaponry: The Virelli Family Description: Dark and mysterious man who is The Don of the Virelli Family, he is always wearing a metal mask. Short Bio: (the info TUN gave) -
[I]Dameon soared through the night sky. He needed to find a place to stay for a while. He had heard rumors of a "Underworld", where it was vast caverns.[/I][B]I would fit in there. No one to contend with, no one to hide from. No one to belong to, even though it is like that now,[/B][I]Dameon thought. He soared to a near volcanoe and flew down inside.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry for the short post. i have to go to work now so i dont have time i will post more when i get off or have a break.
[I]Draagul awoke feeling refreshed. Taking some water from his waterskin, he splashed some on his face. Testing his wings to make sure he had no cramped muscles, Draagul stretched and yawned. He felt that today was going to be a good day. Running a little ways, Draagul jumped into the air and spread his wings. He caught a thermal and rose hundreds of feet into the air. He didn't fly much but when he did, it was exilerating(sp?). He fly for hours until he was tired and then made his way to the outskirts of the Pack Clan encampment. He decided to try some night hunting...
Name: Dameon Age: 19 Race: Half-Fallen Half-Angel Weapons: Longbow and one-handed Bastard Sword Spells: Ice, Wings Of Omen, and Energy Transfer Apperance: Grey wings, bright blue eyes, black hair, toned body Description: Son to aFallen and an Angel, Dameon believes he has no place with either group. He is young and naive. He also trusts people easily. Although he may be naive at times, when he needs to protect himself or someone he cares about, he is almost oblivious to pain. ------------------------------------------------- Is this ok?
[I]Draagul awoke groggily. It was only about an hour later. He stood up but fell back to his knees. A giant Grizzleetah (cheetah an grizzly bonded) walked through the plains towards him. Draagul went to take out his sword but waited, not sure if the animal was going to attack. The animal caught his scent and snarled. Draagul unsheathed his sword and stood up. Most of his strength was gone but he would not die without a fight.[/I] [I]The animal charged and Draagul let out his battlecry, a deep bassonate Kai. Draagul ran towards the animal and slashed. The animal dodged his attack and swung his front paw at Draagul. It connected with his chest. Draagul and the Grizzleetah fought for a few more minutes, each gaining wounds, until Draagul had had enough and plunged his bastard sword into the animals chest cavity, causing it to die instantly. Draagul wiped off his blade on the slightly grassy ground.[/I] [I]He started to walk towards the camp but fell and did not get up. He finally decided to just sleep until he woke up. With that last thought, Draagul closed his eyes.[/I]
[I]Late after Rion and all the others had fell asleep, Draagul packed some food and left. Even though he regretted leaving without saying goodbye, he had to. He couldn't stay for long. He never could. He always brought trouble. Wanting to make way to the Pack Clans territory, he let the Cheetah blood in him take over. He ran through the night until he was on the outskirts. Exhausted, he got to a tent and passed out in front of it.
OOC: Sorry about that whole misunderstanding raiye ^_^ IC: [I]Draagul picked up his best friends scent. Rion was following his. He laughed in his deep bass voice. Rion was one of the only people of the 5 clans, well 4 if you didn't count Tao. Draagul ran with the pideer meat on his back to meet up with his friend.[/I] [B]Draagul:[/B]RION! How have you been my friend? [B]Rion:][/B]I have been good Draagul. How has your life been going? [B]Draagul:[/B]I've been surviving my friend. I have some pideer meat for the Elders. Oh, and tell me, what news have you heard? [B]Rion:[/B]Ah, the Elders will be grateful. My advisors are in council, I had to get away. That Seborl is annoying, just as he was to my father. [B]Draagul:[/B]That is understandable my friend, but it is now your duty. Let us go back to the your clan and talk over some of this fine pideer meat with the Elders. [B]Rion:[/B]My friend, you know my clan is your clan. You are like a brother to me no matter what anyone else says. But yes, let us walk home. [I]Draagul and Rion walked to the elders lodge. They greeted Draagul like a member. If he wanted, he could be in the clan. He chose not to be in the clan because it would cause conflict, especially with the Pack Clan and the remnant member of the Plains Clan. Finally being at peace and feeling at home, Draagul sat down with the Elders and Rion. He talked and ate, enjoying his time.[/I]
It is 30,000 years after the President of the United States of America nuked the whole world. He chose 50,000 people to live. Those 50,000 breeded and replaced human kind. A peace over all the land lasted for 5,000 years...Then the Ack'Tanar came. They took control of the human race. Now only 25,000 humans are "free". The world is just starting to grow tree's and plants again, making almost all of the world barren desert with rivers, springs and the like sparse. The "free" humans have evolved. The animals that survived also evolved. Now, the "free" humans are bonded from 1-3 animals...but there is 2 exceptions to this. One, a young man named Draagul, has 5 animals bonded with him. There is also a female out there, with 5 animals bonded to her as well. (Sidenote: animals are also bonded with other animals, you can make up the combos but it is only 2 animal bonded with each other, a pideer, is a pig and deer.) ------------------------------------------------ [I]Draagul walked along the desolate Plains, searching for food. When he spotted a pideer, he stopped. Sniffing the air and letting his animal instincts come in to play, he started to stalk his prey. Waiting until the last moment he took the pideer down and snapped its neck in one clean movement.[/I] [B]Draagul:[/B]Swift journey. [I]Draagul started to skin the animal and cut the meat into provisions. Rion would like this. Even though she took over the Bear Clan leadership after her father died, his adoptive father, she was still a good friend and almost like a sister to him. Draagul decided that before he went to the Bear Clan, he would make some toys for the children. Little Auronde would be pleased.[/I]
yes I know but I didnt have a lot of time.
i wont give my last name but my name is Ricardo Raphael Roberto Jouse __________...dunno what it means
lol, the whole honor thing is for my RPG. I dont have a banner yet so that's why it's there. and yes, even though i do debate, i say mad people, which means, a lot of people, like over 1 million. saves me time.
Valentine's day is awesome.....if you have someone to spend it with. If not your left feeling like a lonesome f***up who won't get anything out of life. Welcome to my world people. Welcome to my world....
Ahem....I didn't read all the replies, but what I believe is that Bush is going to nuke any country that disagrees with America, and then nuke America itself but have it so that only 50,000 people live. Watch the movie Waking Life. Gives you a whole new perpective on things. Also, I think Bush is just doing what daddy wants him to. Bush, SR. had a plan to nuke mad people but he didnt get a chance to. Now that his son is in office, daddy can get waht daddy wants.
LOL. Sorry about the changing before your eyes thing. I'm spontaneous like that. Did i spell that right? Eh, who cares. Yes, give me about an hour and I will start it.
Birth Name: Nacosgojsa Ekiembenhium Subject Name: Nacos-17-C Age:24 Appearance Before: 6' tall, 184 lbs, long blonde hair, hazel eyes, average build. Appearance After: 6' tall, 217 lbs, long blonde bangs but the rest is cut short, stell grey eyes, above average build. Biography: Taken by the genetic scientists when he was 18, Nocas was held captive until he turned 20. That is when the scientists decided to test on him. While altering his muscle mass and eye color, they also honed his hearing an smelling. Because he gave up on himself a long time ago, he is very silent and barely does anything. Lately, he has been sick of being held captive. He decided that now is the time to break free and become as normal as he can. EDITED: He also has slight empathy and telepathy powers, His strong point is his telekinetic ability. (moving things with your mind, think Star Wars and the force when Luke moves his X-Wing)
Lol....I know I was Darkmoon. I just needed a cheap laugh. No offense taken. And no, I was going to make a novel based on this before I wanted to make it an RPG. I decided to make it an RPG first to see how it would go and if the members that signed up would have good characters that I could use with their permission. Soooo, in other words, yes, a cheap way of getting ideas. ^_^! Anyways, I will start this soon, I just have a lot going on at the moment but it will probably start tonight if I can, I just need some characters for the other clans. Guess everyone that hasn't signed up doesn't like my idea as much as I do. Oh well. All's well that ends well.
Shhhhh! Shhhhhhhhh! I think there are people that don't get it yet! *laughs* IF anything sexual happens, I don't mind, but there are younger people, so it can't be extremely sexual. Oh, and if it's all right with everyone who signed up, would you all mind if, when the RPG is over, if I took everyones posts for it, and made it a novel? I would give the credit to you all, plus I think this would be an excellent RPG. ^_^! Well, I got to go now, but I'll be back! *laughs evilly* OK! i gotta go! bye!
OK...2 things, 1. Mztik, you need to change the 3 eyes things, the animals your bonded with do not have names, it is just the dna of that animal. 2. Yes Raiha, you have an excellent point, bondage means something to me as well. I don't really care if it's used but if it's used in the wrong way things might get kooky....*laughs evilly* any ways... just a few more days and I'll start the RPG. ^_^!
OK. 2 things I want to clear up, lol. Harlequin, if you were a clansmen you would be half raven, not just friends to a raven. When I say bonded, I mean a part of. Sorry for the confusion. Outlaw: Thank you for fixing your character. I appreciate it. And no you don't seem feminine, but I didnt want to call you a guy and find out you were a masculine female. lol. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I just need a couple more people to sign up for the leaders so we can start. Then, I need 1-3 people for each clan. So as soon as we get just the leaders of the clan, I will start this. Until then, be patient.
No, I didnt miss the point. I was just kinda mad at the moment. Sorry. I'll try to be more correct when i type and stuff. Also, I will try to not sign after I post but I don't have a banner yet lol. Sorry for soundin mean and stuff.
whoa@ a couple things....1. sorry i had some spelling errors i was on my laptop and my battery was dying. i type fast, so sorry. 2. i do put spaces in things, if i miss them sorry, an 3. i signed it because it wasnt extremely relevant to the RPG character info, just a note from me, so i do that. Draagul
Name:Draagul Age:26 Clan:N/A A.B.W:Grizzly Bear, Komodo Dragon, Cheetah, Bald Eagle, and the Wolf W.O.C:A sword much like CLouds from Final Fantasy VII but it has a wider blade and the hilt has the 5 animals he is bonded with carved into it. Description:Think of Goliath from the Gargoyles series but with blonde hair, goldish skin that look human but has sum scalles, the wings have feather like a blad eagle, his shoulder are stronger because he flys, he has some fur like a grizzly bear, and he is extremely well built and muscular. Short Biography: Because he is one of the only two known humans bonded with 5 animals he is not in a clan. He has a bit of each clan in him. His mother and father are unknown but the Clan of the Bears raised him until he became old enoguh to tend for himself. --------------------------------------------------------------------- For all who have signed up, if someone has already signed up for a clan pick a new one, first come first serve, sorry, i forgot to mention that. That means that Outlaw has to change his/her (guessing his but i dont want to be wrong lol) clan and animal(s) he/she is bonded with. Sorry for the inconvienence. Also i might have a surprise coming so dont wait for it just dont be annoying me or sumthin like that about it, it will help develop an intricate web for the RPG. THANKS! ^_^ Draagul
It is 30,000 years after the President of the United States of America nuked the whole world. He chose 50,000 people to live. Those 50,000 breeded and replaced human kind. A peace over all the land lasted for 5,000 years...Then the Ack'Tanar came. They took control of the human race. Now only 25,000 humans are "free". The world is just starting to grow tree's and plants again, making almost all of the world barren desert with riviers, springs and the like sparse. The "free" humans have evolved. The animals that survived also evolved. Now, the "free" humans are bonded from 1-3 animals...but there is 2 exceptions to this. ONe, a young man named Draagul, has 5 animals bonded with him. There is also a female out there, with 5 animals bonded to her as well. Human kind is split into 5 different clans. They are : The Bears, each clan member having at least a bear bonded with him/her. The Birds, each clan member having at least a bird bonded with him/her. The Reptiles, each clan member having at least a reptile bonded with him or her. The Pack, each clan member having at least a pack hunter animal bonded with him or her. The Plains, each clan member having a plains animal bonded with him/her. ------------------------------------------------- Here is what I need for the signup... Name: Age: Clan: Animals bonded with: (3 maximum but I need 1 female to be an unusual case like Draagul, pm if you want to be that female) Weapon Of Choice (optional): Description (or picture whatever you prefer): Short Biography: ------------------------------------------------- When I say bonding I mean that the animal(s) are literally bonded with the human. Thought I should clear that up. Oh, and also, if someone who is expierenced with RP's on otaku and would like to volunteer to help, I'd greatly appreciate it. I will post my character as soon as the fiorst person signs up. Also, if you want to be the "special" female with 5 animals, PM me or drop me an email and tell me why I should choose you for the female (although i don't think many ppl r gonna sign up fer this). Oh, almost forgot, I need at least 6 sign ups to start, 5 being the clan leaders and 1 being the "special" female. Thanks, Draagul