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Everything posted by M.Ali

  1. [color="#8B0000"][size="2"][font="Trebuchet MS"]I think the concept of this RP is great. I agree with OMNOMNOMALY though when it comes to the number of Pokemon, but only because if this world is Medieval, then most of the world hasn't been explored yet, hence the lack of Pokemon from other Regions/Continents. I also like the idea about the Legendaries and how they came to be "Legendary"...it'd be interesting if Moltres (Articuno, Zapdos) was actually a common Pokemon in Medieval times, and an unforeseen crisis actually cause the species to become extinct...therefore prompting the remaining few to overcome the crisis, and gain their Legenday status. I don't know lol....jus throwing some ideas out there. If the plot was solid and this RP was up and running, I'd definitely participate. [/font][/size][/color]
  2. It's firday and Im @ home BORED....U there...entertain me!

  3. Today has been rather.....eventful....

  4. Im so effin hungry! #FEEDME....!

    1. ExcelExcel


      *Gives you pork chops*

    2. M.Ali


      Much obliged! ^_^

  5. [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4169E1"][size="2"]Thanks for actually responding to this! I really like the Avatar you made Jeje....as far as the banner goes, I had a different concept in mind, so a distant friend of mine made one instead. But thanks Jeje and Felix, Im just glad I wasn't overlooked this time lol![/size][/color][/font]
  6. [size="2"][font="trebuchet ms"][color="#8B0000"]I would be more than grateful if someone where to make a Squirtle Avi/Banner set for me. As far as the design goes, it shouldn't be overly cute lol....I know it might be difficult considering how adorable Squirtle is but I have no doubt that it could be done. Also, somewhere in the Banner, it should say: "Lucky No.7....." In the past I've submitted Avi/Banner requests, and no one responded, but if someone can do this, I would be eternally grateful....^_^[/color] [/font][/size]
  7. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]Wow.....great chapter this week for sure...two masterminds goin at it...[spoiler]Urahara using obviously forbidden Hadou's...[/spoiler] can't wait till next week [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]Im assuming this RP is dead lol....[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [quote name='Gavin']Yes, Aizen is in fact the dead version of Batman, Soul Society never had any hope of winning.[/quote] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]It all makes sense now....[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]I gotta say, I really enjoy reading you guys' "commentary" on these manga. Sometimes it really makes for a good lol, so by all means Magus, don't give up on the series just yet. But this chapter didn't disappoint me at all. That's a little sad to say but it's true...I really didn't expect Kishi to actually improve the standard of his writing, but to stick to the expectations that he's set for me, and he definitely came through once again. :nope: Will he ever prove me wrong? I doubt it but we'll have to wait till next chapter and see lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]Ok...Im starting to get just a tad bit confused...how many organizations are there, and what kinda police are you guys?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]Yo KG, is the plot gonna thicken soon? Cause Im sure no one is posting because nothing's really going on.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]?Er, wow? I better go help Nayomi, seems Duke's taking a bathroom break.? JB said as he made his way towards his drunken comrade, his cheeks flushed a little, when he thought about the serious way Sin had grabbed his hand and looked at him. [i]"I've always joked and playfully flirted with L'ansey....didn't think that he would take me seriously one of these days...heh guess I didn't hide my feelings so good after all..."[/i] With a gesture of his hand, Nayomi's drunken body began to levitate off the floor, and positioned her stand up, "Nay, can you stand on your own?" "Grrafddgsfnun...." A wasted Nayomi managed to mumble, while scratching the big black dot on her forehead....courtesy of Damo of course. "I'll take that as a no..." JB said as he grabbed one of her arms and began to help her walk to her room. But before they began to walk down the hallway, JB glanced at Sin once more.....he was grabbing a few bottles of alcohol before angrily disappearing into his shadow. [i]"I hope he didn't get the wrong impression--"[/i] "Thanks bro, I'll take over from here" Duke said, interrupting JB's thought process. He proceeded to pick Nayomi up and throw her over his shoulders. "No prob" JB chuckled as the two headed for their bedroom. JB let out a deep sigh, before going back to his own room to put on a shirt. When he returned, he went to the spot where Sin had faded into his shadow. [i]"Check the roof"[/i] Damo telepathically said to JB with a smile. Thanks to the evolution of his ability a few years back, JB 's Memory Mimic ability made his spells easier to perform, without the need of incantations for most of them, he can also somewhat mimic the ability of others to a certain extent. So with a corresponding nod and smile, JB closed his eyes, and fell into his own shadow as well, ending up on the roof with a very drunk half Vampire Demon, who was looking out over Paris skyline in a sad looking, drunken stupor. "C?ur qui soupire n'a pas ce qu'il désire." JB said as he walked up and looked at the city, standing next to Sin. "Beautiful isn't it?" Sin looked at JB in a surprised way, as if he wasn't expecting him to be there, his already Red cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of Red, matching his Crimson hair, "What does that mean?" Sin said as he nodded, trying not to sound too drunk. "The heart that sighs does not have what it desires." JB said as he smiled and looked Sin in his now watery eyes. [CENTER] *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*[/CENTER] OOC: Lol, it felt kinda good coming up with that one lol...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]I doubt there'll be a fight, more than likely Madara will reappear and whisk Sauce away again before anyone can interrupt him. Likely as well Sasuke is finally ready to take his brother's eyes to achieve EMS. Of course I could be wrong and Naruto beats six shades out of Sauce for his troubles in the name of friendship (stopping you from going too far) and rises to act as the Hokage he wants to be. Like I said, next week will be curious.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]LMAO @ Sauce.... But I dunno...maybe its wishful thinking on my part, but I think that Madara is actually gonna let Sasuke get captured...just for the sake of taking him to Konoha, where Madara will probably transplant his eyes, and unleash him upon the oldies of Konoha in an attempt to wipe out the village. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see next chapter.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]You beat me to the punch Magus lol. But Im in the same boat as you...I definitely have mixed feelings about this chapter. It would have been really nice to see Kakashi get a little bit more fight time, but Im just as satisfied to see that logic was put into play with Sasuke, all Kakashi has to do now is finish the job, cause God knows, no one else there is gonna do it. I'm definitely not surprised that Naruto showed up and ruined the day as always tho, while both Karin and Sakura still lives, and continues to be the useless disappointments that they are. I mean, she couldn't even follow through with an attack on a blind person, let alone parry his simple attack.....I wonder if Kishi even regrets creating their characters...probably not. Nonetheless, Im slightly interested to see what Kishi does next chapter...just slightly lol, but I learned a long time ago not to get my hopes up for this series anymore. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [COLOR="Gray"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Sleep was a friend that JB knew too well....and to be honest, he loved it. It's the only true release for JB's abilities, and it gives his mind the freedom to be whimsical, free, and non-analytical. But with the continuous splurge of noise down the hallway, JB's slumber came to an abrupt end, "What the hell is going on out there?!" JB groaned as he squinted his eyes and scratched his head in a drowsy manner, "I hope L'ansey and Damo didn't break anything this time..." And with that, JB got out of his bed and stretched before looking in the mirror, and running his fingers through his naturally spikey, white hair. His room was filled with ancient books, scrolls, and tomes, all neatly arranged on the book shelves that lined the west end of his bedroom wall, while on the east end, tons of computer junk cluttered half of the large desk that held all three of JB's computers. Only dressed in comfortable, red sweatpants, JB left his room, and started his way down the hall to the Common Room, to see where all the commotion was coming from. "Holy shit!" Nayomi yelled, startling a fully naked girl. "What?" The girl asked with a puzzled look on her face. "You're naked!" Nayomi said, as she drunkenly pointed a finger at the girl, who was now rolling on the floor with laughter. JB didn't know what was going on, or what to think. "NAY?!" JB yelled with a confused yet startled look on his face. "I thought I was the only gay one here!? Besides, YOU'RE MARRIED!!" JB then began to look around the room and he saw even more people who he hadn't met. It wasn't until his eyes fell on another wolf girl that JB realized who these people were. "You think I'm gay?!" Nayomi said as she rolled on the floor laughing at the accusation that JB had thrown at her. Now completely embarrassed, JB scratched his head and grinned, "Oops! Heh heh! I didn't know what to think....I mean she IS naked. My Apologies Malinda....heh, you too Nay." "No pro--wait...how did you know my name?" Malinda said as a serious look became apparent on her face. "I know all of your names......ever since I found out that Red was training a set of new students, I've been keeping a close eye on you guys...but I didn't know that Nay, and the gang had rescued you guys already...." "Jerrod!" L'ansey yelled from across the room while twirling a bottle of Ciroc, "it's about time that you woke up! So...what'll ya have to drink?" "Caramel Bailey's and Coffee please and thank you." JB said as he yawned and rubbed his bare chest, " [CENTER]*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*[/CENTER] OOC: I kno, I kno....weak first post, but I'll do better when we get to the good stuff. [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]I just read everything and it seems that I came back at the right moment. [CENTER]Name: Jerrod "JB" Brookstone Age: 25 Ability: Muscle Memory (Can learn and memorize anything, instantly.) & Memory Mimic (Can recall and use almost any ability that he has seen being used. But only to a certain extent.) April 21, 3007 We did it! We passed our graduation exam with flying colors! Now we're qualified to go on missions....which brings me even closer to seeing more of what the world has to offer. We're all packing for our first mission right now which is in Rome! Italy's most ancient city...I really can't wait! April 22, 3007 We've only been here in Rome for a day and we've already been attacked by the Innocents...luckily for us we're strong, otherwise a few of us could have died tonight. We also have a new addition to our team and his name is L'Ansey....he's a really cute kid who is really fascinated with my abilities, he's pretty cool so I'm sure he'll fit in just fine...speaking of abilities, after the leader of the Innocents was defeated, I've been feeling strange... April 21, 3009 It's been 2 years now...2 years since I left my family and decided to travel the world to learn as much as I could....and 2 years since my abilities made that drastic change....I still keep in contact with most of them though and everyone seems fine....I miss them... January 10, 3011 So I finally returned and my family greeted me with open arms asking about my travels, and wondering if I learned any new spells or abilities...but the truth is, I've been concerned about them....The Organization is training a new batch of kids and I have no doubts that Red is gonna send them after us....but what if we get to them first and rescue them before Red has a chance to sink his teeth into them... Appearance: [URL="http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c356/high_on_shugar/Anime%20Boys/cloud.jpg"]4 years ago[/URL], [URL="http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x108/i-like-manga/manga/Sexy_Kakashi.jpg"]Current[/URL] *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* If anything needs to be changed just let me know. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR="gray"][SIZE="1"]KG....remember me from the first one? Takuuya told me to get my butt over here and sign up lol...is it too late? I can always find a way to add my character to the story...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]Well, itz me and my guy's 1st V-Day but unfortunately, he's in the Army and is stationed in Korea >.
  20. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Sienna"][FONT="Arial Black"]Wow...I haven't actually posted anything in ages....but anyways... This last chapter was pretty great but I gotta say that [spoiler]Whitebeard's sudden act of martyrdom[/spoiler] was kinda expected to me, it wasn't much of a surprise. Itz just like Ace said, [spoiler]someone had to die and it had to be an important character[/spoiler], otherwise it wouldn't make a good plot twist. But the chapter was still awesome nonetheless, especially since Ace got his balls back lol. As far as the future of One Piece, I can't predict whats gonna happen at all and I love it! Oda is pretty awesome with these storylines, so I trust whatever he does with this Manga. But I admit that I do miss the other characters....especially Sanji, he's my fav lol. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [COLOR="Gray"][SIZE="1"]Wow....I was told that I would be notified when this RPG became active again since I participated in the previous one.......but I digress....so is it really and truly too late for me to reclaim my spot? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Name: Jerrod "JB" Brookstone Age: 31 Ability: Muscle Memory (Can learn and memorize anything, instantly.) & Memory Mimic (Can recall and use almost any ability that he has seen being used. But only to a certain extent.) [I]April 21, 3007 We did it! We passed our graduation exam with flying colors! Now we're qualified to go on missions....which brings me even closer to seeing more of what the world has to offer. We're all packing for our first mission right now which is in Rome! Italy's most ancient city...I really can't wait! April 22, 3007 We've only been here in Rome for a day and we've already been attacked by the Innocents...luckily for us we're strong, otherwise a few of us could have died tonight. We also have a new addition to our team and his name is L'Ansey....he's a really cute kid who is really fascinated with my abilities, he's pretty cool so I'm sure he'll fit in just fine...speaking of abilities, after the leader of the Innocents was defeated, I've been feeling strange... April 21, 3017 It's been 10 years now....10 years since I left my family and decided to travel the world to learn about as much as I could....and 10 years since my abilities made that drastic change....[/I] Appearance: [U][URL="http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c356/high_on_shugar/Anime%20Boys/?action=view¤t=cloud.jpg"]10 years ago[/URL][/U] [u][URL="http://photobucket.com/image/sexy%20anime%20guy/i-like-manga/manga/Sexy_Kakashi.jpg?o=49"]Current[/URL][/u] ****************************** Sorry I'm late!! But JB is surely back!! If anything needs to be changed let me kno![/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Actually, I have a potion that will do just that." JB said as he reached in his left pocket where the other six potions were. He sorted through them, and handed Damo the small bottle that held a deep blue liquid. "This one should work, but it's not for drinking...just put a little on your wounds and it should help you heal faster. Oh, and here are the twelve Silver pins." "Thanks!" Damo said as he ran off to use the potion. "We need a plan..." JB said as he put the other small bottles away. "So what's the move Duke?" [center]-----------------------------------[/center] OOC: Hella short....I know. But what happened to the players who were controlling the other characters...did they quit?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Everything seemed to happen in a blur. One minute JB was asleep and thought that everyone was recovering from the mission, the next Damo came bursting in is room talking about Werewolves and Silver. JB had taken his Com-Link earring off, so he didn't hear the order to protect Sin. "Damo! Calm down, tell me whats going on!" JB said as a bloody Damo rambled on about needing Silver. "Some werewolves are here in the buildiing looking for Sin..." Damo said as his breathing regulated. "L'Ansey?" "Yeah...I don't know what they want with him, but Nayomi and the others are protecting him as we speak." "Alright then, lets do our part and get that silver." JB said while hurriedly putting on some clothes. "Do you have any?" "Luckily, I prepared for the worst before we left the institute...." Grabbing his leather spiked Pin shooting braclet, JB took one out and continued, "The Pins that shoot out of my bracelet are made of silver. I dunno how many of these things we may have to kill, but I only have about 500 of these loaded....it may not be enough to kill all of them, but I can make someth--" JB was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Sin teleporting into the room. "Sorry to interrupt you chap's conversation, but Nayomi ordered me to get you lot out of here....now!" Grabbing his IPod touch and all the small bottles of different colored liquids, JB joined both Damo and Sin as his shadow enveloped them. They instantly arrived in the same room where Duke, Reiver, and Nayomi were fighting. With a shove and grin from Nayomi, they fell into Sin's shadow once more and arrived at what appeared to be a large cavernous bunker that had modern amenities. It was pretty advanced to be a normal underground facility. "Take me back Sin!" Duke yelled. "I can't, she must've known that I would be to short on energy...I'm sorry Duke." Sin said while staring at the ground. While Duke began cursing and punching the wall, JB glanced at Sin and saw him looking scared. [i]"He lied..."[/i] JB thought to himself, [i]"He should have more than enough energy...Nayomi must have told him not to come back until she gave the order."[/i] Glancing at the afraid Sin, the angry Duke, and the worried Reiver, JB mumbled to himself, "She's gonna learn one day that she can't do everything on her own....we're a team for a reason, besides...it's worrying the hell outta everyone wondering if shes gonna come back alive or not...." The sound of Nayomi fighting over the Com-Link had everyone on edge, meanwhile JB took off his Pin shooting bracelet, and took out three of the nine bottles of liquid, and began working on a solution to their Werewolf problem. [CENTER][b]>[/b][/CENTER] "Sin, I t-think you should have enough to come get me..." Nayomi said through the Com-Link, and in less than three seconds, Nayomi was back, covered in scratches, deep cuts, bruises, blood and gashes. Her appearance was enough to make anyone gasp in worry...she suddenly collapsed . As Reiver picked her up and took her to a room, JB put the finishing touches on his new formula. He walked in the room, just as everyone else was walking out and the only person in the room with her was Duke. "Duke....she's gonna be alright...you know that right?" JB asked trying to console his teammate. "Of course I know..." Duke said as he turned and walked out of the room. JB knew it was hard for him to see her hooked up to the machines like that. To be honest, it was hard for JB to see Nayomi like that too. She was the very first person to acknowledge him and his ability when he first got to the institution. A lot of the other kids teased and got mad at him for memorizing the text books and knowing the answers to every test, Nayomi always beat up who ever talked about him. Even when they became teenagers and people called his ability useless, and weak, Nayomi would defend JB. Now that they are both adults, they both can hold their own against anyone who challenges them, but they still know that they have each other's back. "See Nayomi..." JB said as he looked down at her unconscious body. "You can't do everything by yourself...thats why we're here...that's why we're family. Next time , we're gonna fight together...." and with that, JB took out the first bottle of liquid. It was a cloudy gray color, he unscrewed it, then grabbed one of the needles on the tray next to her bed and completely filled it, leaving only half in the bottle. JB tapped the side of the needle then stuck it in Nayomi's IV tube, and almost instantaneously the liquid turned from clear, to the cloudy gray color. "Hopefully, that will work...." JB said as he screwed the cap on the bottle and left the room. Meanwhile, JB overheard Sin crying to Jinx and Damo, ?It?s all my fault, where ever I go, darkness follows.? "L'Ansey," JB interrupted, "Darkness doesn't have to be a bad thing y'know." "Jerrod....I wish that were true." Sin said as tears streamed down his face. "But it [i]is[/i] true," JB said with a smile on his face, "Without darkness, how could we see the beauty of stars and the moon?" "Or even get to sleep!" Damo chimed in. "You guys are so cheezy...." Jinx said while rolling her eyes. "You're right..." Sin said with a chuckle, while wiping his eyes. "But what about Nayomi...will she be alright?" "She'll be fine." JB said as he pulled out the second bottle of liquid, this one was clear. "I made something that will counteract that bite that she took...I just hope that it works..." "So whats that stuff in your hands?" Damo asked curiously. "Oh, this is something that I made for us who haven't been bitten. After you take a sip of it, you won't have to worry about getting infected even if you do get bit." "But Nayomi's already a wolf hybrid," Jinx added, "so what will it do to her?" "I made a separate antidote, just in case someone got bit before they took the clear one...I used some of it on her, but I don't know what effect it will have since she's already a wolf hybrid....so we'll just have to wait and see." "Well, since that's been done, fork over the clear potion." Jinx demanded. "Me first." JB said as he took a sip and tossed it to Jinx. All of them took a Sip except for Sin, who didn't really need it because of his demon blood. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Turning the faucet, semi-hot water shot out of the shower head as steam filled the large communal shower. JB let out a heavy sigh as the water touched his skin. [i]"This water fills great....so relaxing to be in the showers alone..."[/i] JB thought to himself as he began to wash the blood off of his knuckles. [i]"This mission wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But I'm definitely glad that it's over....maybe now, we can actually do a little sight seeing. After all...Rome screams ancient magic and I'm so ready to learn more."[/i] After about 15 more minutes, JB turned off the water and headed for his room, feeling the exhaustion from the mission. As he approached his door, he could hear the sounds of Nayomi and the guy she was talking to. JB didn't really trust him, seeing as though he just popped out of nowhere....the same went for both Reiku and Kai as well. It wasn't anything personal, just his way of being defensive and protective of the only people that he considered family. JB felt this way about Sin too, until he got to know him and realized that Sin seemed like a little brother to him. After going in his room, throwing on some sweatpants, and searching his pockets, JB pulled out the small bottle that once contained the yellow antidote potion. It was completely empty now because he gave the rest to every teammate that had been poisoned. JB put the bottle on his desk and dove into bed, only thinking about what the future held for him and his teammates. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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