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Everything posted by M.Ali

  1. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]As Sin guided the kids to the back of the Chapel, JB could hear the footsteps of men coming their way....it was at least 6....no...7 guys. Thinking fast, JB proceeded to baricade the door, "Mentis, Permoveo", almost instantly, four pews uprooted themselves from the Chapel floor and began to stack on top of each other just like JB willed it to do. "There...that should hold 'em for a while." Clutching the Claymore in his hand, JB made his way to the back. Upon arrival to the back of the Chapel, JB saw the kids running around, frantically looking for the exit, but a few feet to left, JB found Sin and a little girl sitting on the floor. She was crying and clutching what seemed to be Sin's stuffed bunny. Sin was panting heavily, his face was beginning to loose its color as he feverishly began to sweat. "L'ansey....are you okay?" "Big kid said that he wasn't feeling good," the teary-eyed girl began, "So he sat down, then he told us to find the exit...I'm scarred..." "Don't worry Rebecca..." Sin said while breathing heavily, "We'll get you lot out of here....right Jerrod?" With a reassuring smile, JB looked at Rebecca and said "Yep, that's right. I promise we'll get you guys outta here, and those bad men will never try to hurt you again." "You promise?" "Scouts honor!" JB said while looking goofy. With a tear strewn face, Rebecca let out a weak giggle and got up to help the other kids look for a way out. Turning back to Sin, who was now beginning to look even paler, JB gave his diagnosis, "The poison...I didn't think that it would spread this fast, and it seems that arrow punctured your lungs too...plus we're in a church of all places...not a great place for someone with demon blood eh?" "No need to worry guv...I'll be alright in no time..." "Actually, you'll be [i]dead[/i] in no time if we don't take care of this wound...but you're right...no worries, since I got this poison laced blade from the last Innocent we fought, I can make an antidote....but first things first, lets get outta here so your demon half can heal that wound, and from the sound of it, they're starting to break through my little barricade." Taking Sin under his left arm, and dragging the Claymore with his right, JB made to help the kids find the exit. "Yo Big Kids!!!" A boy shouted as he ran up to JB and Sin, "We found the exit!!" "That's awesome! Great job you guys!" JB said as he helped Sin towards the make shift exit. "The door is covered up though with old books and stuff...we tried to move most of it, but a lot of it was really heavy..." "No problem." Concentrating solely on the pile of books, JB muttered the Mind Movement incantation once again, "Mentis, Permoveo" and the books neatly moved to the side of the door. "Okay, let's get outta here." The kids hurriedly filed out, and JB and Sin were the last ones to exit the building. They could see the sun beginning to rise. "I think I can walk now Jerrod..." Sin said, standing upright once more and his breathing began to regulate. " Still kinda dizzy....but I'm good now." It was evident that the poison was still in affect as Sin swayed a little. "Before we go, I gotta throw them off of our trail..." Poking his head inside of the Chapel once more, JB used the Mind Movement incantation to move the books in front on of the door once again, completely blocking it from view before closing the door. "So where do we go from here?" Sin said while shaking his head to stop the dizziness. "We have to get these kids to safety...so I was thinking a local police station...I'm sure that they're filed under a missing children's report." "Great, I remember passing one on the way to the hotel." "Can you warp us all there?" "I can give it a shot...now lets see..." Closing his eyes and concentrating, Sin proceeded to make the shadow that would take them to he Police station. "Huh?" Opening his eyes, Sin looked frantic "It-it's not working!" "What?!" "My powers...! They're not working at all!!" [i]"Just like what happened to me in my dream..."[/i] JB thought to himself as he looked at Sin with a confused look. "Just calm down L'ansey...I'm sure that it's just the poison spreading through your body." Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out one of the vials of yellow liquid that he packed for this trip, "I kinda figured that we'd be needing this." While unscrewing the cap, Sin struggled to see JB as his vision became more and more blurred. The poison was taking it's toll on his body. Meanwhile, JB filled the bottle cap with the yellow liquid, and sat the open bottle on the ground. "What are you doing mate?" "You'll see." JB said as he tilted the Claymore over the small bottle's opening. Once the sword was over the bottle, JB began pouring the yellow liquid form the bottle cap onto the Claymore. As it trickled down the broadswoard, the liquid began to turn a deathly shade of black, and when it finally reached the tip, the drop fell into the bottle making all of the liquid a quick shade of black, before turning back into it's original hue of yellow. "Here. Take a sip of this...it'll help." "You're joking right? I just saw the color that stuff turned....." "Oh stop being a wuss." "If you say so..." Sin said eying the bottle suspiciously, "Cheers..." and with that, he took a sip. "Feel any better?" "Well...I'm not dizzy anymore...let's try to get to the police station again." JB gave a quick nod and began gathering the kids, "Ready? Here we go...." And in less than 3 seconds, they appeared in front of the police station. "Great job L'ansey. I'm gonna go and turn the kids in...I'll be out in about 5 min." While JB and the other kids headed towards the door, Rebecca turned around and ran back towards Sin. "Thanks Bigger Kid!" Rebecca said as she hugged Sin's leg, "Oh, and here's your bunny...I kept him safe jus like you told me to." "Thanks...and you did an awesome job!" [CENTER]>[/CENTER] Emerging from the police station, JB had a smirk of satisfaction written across his face."You ready to find the others?" "Yea, but where exactly do we look?" "I tried the com links, but I got no response, so we may be out of range. For now, lets just go back to the last spot we saw them." "Roger that sir!" Sin said jokingly as his shadow enveloped the two, and they were instantaneously at the spot where they left the others. Bodies littered the scene as a sign of their teammates previous victories. "Where the blooming hell is everyone?" "I dunno bu--" "And how exactly will this poison spread?" JB was cut off by the sound of Duke talking in his ear. "The Com Link is in range again!" Sin joyfully said, signifying that he heard the conversation as well. "Which means that they're nearby...all we have to do is find them now." Looking around, JB saw a manhole cover that was unhinged and pushed to the side. "I think they're underground." JB said as he walked toward the sewer opening. "You're joking right...? Don't tell me we have to go down there..." "Yep...and from the sound of it, they need or help." "But sewers stink!" "Aww suck it up" JB said as he grabbed Sin buy the arm and hopped down into the darkness. "Bloody hell...it wreaks down here..." Sin said as he tried desperately to fan the scent away from his nose. "Now which way do we go?" "I'll tell you in a sec...." Pointing his right index finger in front of him, JB mumbled an incantation. "Quaero Reperio...Vox" And instantaneously a beam of red light shot out of JB's finger tip and lead the way to their comrades. In the distance, the sound of police sirens could be heard. "Blimey...what did you just do?" "It's a locater spell." "How does it know where to go?" "I told it to search for energy. But don't worry, it doesn't leave a trail." "Clever...now let's get goin shall we? We don't want the cops to arrest us for those bodies up there." "Before we go, let me do one more thing." Turning towards Sin, JB muttered another incantation, "Velox, Ieiunium...had to give us a little speed boost." And with that, the two took off at three times their normal speed, following the light and moving in every direction it went. Pretty soon, they found themselves going deeper into the sewers even when it merged into a cavern. "Jerrod, do you think Kai's down here?" "I hope so...." JB said in a hopeful tone. To be honest, he felt kind of bad because he didn't keep much of an eye on her. Listening to the sound of their comrades in battle on the Com Links, they began to go much faster. 10 minutes later they arrived at an open door, only to see Louis single handedly take out 10 cultist with a semi powerful spell. But unbeknown to him, there were three more charging at him from behind. Picking up a crossbow that once belonged to one of the cultist, JB launched the first arrow, piercing one charging Innocent in the neck and sending him crashing to the ground, while Sin used the other two's shadow to snap their necks, instantly killing them. JB reloaded the crossbow, and with a huge grin, said "The calvary has arrived!" [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC: LONGEST POST EVER!!!!!:animestun Lol, that would have been done sooner, but I was moving out of my dorm...I'm finally done for the semester! Hopefully this post got both JB and Sin up to date.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]?See you on the other side? JB said with a smirk as he pushed Sin through his shadow with the kids. Now facing a surrounding group of cultists, JB with a grin on his face said, "Now what am I supposed to do with all of you? I know I don't really know you yet, but it's time to pull your weight Kai and show me what you can really do!" And with that, the surrounding cultists began to come at the two of them with swords, knives, and daggers drawn. The the first one charged JB swinging his blades wildly, but very skillfully, JB dodged each swing with no problem, finally parrying his opponent's last attack and using the cultist's own blade to slice his throat. Meanwhile, Kai and her two demon counterparts made haste at their first kill, and began on their second. Innocent after Innocent charged at the two, until it was at the point where JB was fighting six men at once and it started to become difficult to dodge their attacks, [i]"Shit that was close!"[/i] JB thought as he dodged three attacks from three different blades, one even grazed his shirt cutting a long slash across his shirt, "Okay thats it!! Velox, Ieiunium! " JB yelled as the incantation he muttered came into effect and his body flashed white for a brief second, "Now I'm five times faster!" The increased burst of speed was incredible, and did wonders for JB. In less than five minutes, JB had successfully subdued a little over fifty cultist, and was tired nonetheless. Remembering Kai, he turned around a looked at the spot that she was in, only to realize that she wasn't there any longer, "Where the hell did she go?" JB said as he grew curious of her whereabouts, "She must have ran to the chapel to check on Sin...I better get over there too." And with that being said, JB turned on his heel and headed for the Chapel, still under the influence of the previous haste spell that he cast on himself, JB ran faster than ever to get to the Chapel [i]"I hope Sin, Kai, and the kids are alright..."[/i] Within three minutes, JB had reached the outside of the Cathedral-like building. He stood at least 10 feet in front of the building behind a tree to inspect the area of any oncoming cultists. ?Find the sacrifices!? JB heard as he looked towards the cultists who was talking, ?Split up and search every building or face the wrath of lord Jin? As five guys began to approach the doors of the cathedral, JB sprung into action. "I can't let them go in there, or else they'll be able to get to Sin and the kids...." Carefully formulating a plan in his head, JB knew what needed what to be done. "Evanui, Evanesco" JB whispered as he began to turn invisible. "Now all I have to is take out those guys, and turn their bodies invisible so no other Innocent can find them in there." Charging at the cultists, JB removed two of the pins in his Pin Needle bracelet, and stabbed them all in vital points on their necks. After mumbling the incantation once more, the men's bodies graduately faded away. "Now to get in the Cathedral and warn Sin....Videor, Prodeo." Suddenly, the mumbled incantation made JB visible once again as he entered into the dark Chapel. "Why is it so dark in here?" JB said as he looked for a light switch and began to think, [i]I hope Sin and Kai are alright....[/i] [CENTER]************************[/CENTER] OOC: Jus tryin to reach the point where everyone is...you're turn now Takuya. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DarkRed"][size=2]Thanks for getting me caught up. But right now, I'm about to make a post from the last point my character was seen at, so it would be awesome if anyone doesn't make a post reguarding JB or Sin for an hour or so. Thanks[/size][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="DarkRed"][size=2]Hmm....I want to post but....I'm kinda confused cause there's a lot going on...so could someone please explain it to me?[/size][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]JB smiled as a small cute Husky puppy ran toward him and began to jump around his legs, begging to be played with, the sky was blue and the scenery was that to the effect of a meadow, "Here you go...now fetch!!" JB said as he threw the red ball, the puppy chased after it and seized the ball in it's mouth, but just as it began to run back, the puppy spit the ball out, swayed for a moment, then collapsed...instantly dying on the spot. "What the fuck?!" JB exclaimed as he ran toward the now lifeless puppy. "He's dead....but how?...why?" While examining the puppy, the red ball that it spit out began to move, and the once blue sky grew darker "Huh?" JB said with a confused look on his face. He watched as the ball moved, contorted, and began to get bigger and bigger, eventually taking shape into a figure...the figure of a red cloaked individual. Immediately recognizing the red cloak and the symbol that was embroidered unto the side of the hood, JB viciously said, "So it was you who killed the puppy huh?! Well prepare to die Innocents!!" and with that being said JB charged the red cloaked individual, expecting to tackle him, JB went right through him and instead, found himself falling off the edge of a cliff. Not panicking, he held his hands below him and shouted out an incantation, "No Navi Nare!" and immediately he began to float in mid air.As he turned around to face his hooded opponent, he began to fall once more, "No Navi Nare!" he shouted, but this time it didn't work, "NO NAVI NARE!! Shit it's not working!!" Then out of nowhere he saw it, each one of his teammates unconscious falling besides him into the depths of the unknown, "Jinx! Damo! Nayomi! Duke! L’anseny! Louis!!" It was no use...they were all unconscious, falling to their deaths and there was nothing that JB could do to stop it. Suddenly JB stopped in mid-air while his unconscious counterparts continued to fall, "NOOOO!!" he screamed as he helplessly watched his makeshift family fall into a pit of darkness, then appearing before him was the red cloaked individual, "COWARD!!!" JB screamed as tears began to pour down his face, "SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!" and with that, the cloaked individual began to slowly pull off his hood. [I]-poke-poke-poke-poke-[/I] JB awoke with his heart hurriedly beating, drenched in a cold sticky sweat, and to being poked in the temple by a paper airplane. Grabbing the paper contraption, JB let out a thankful sigh, "It was only a dream....but it felt so...real...and why was that cloaked 'Innocent' guy there too...?" Convincing himself that it was because of the mission, JB began to unravel the paper airplane that he knew Lewis used as form of communication, [I]'JB, sorry to awaken you, but we have company.' [/I] Rolling his eyes, JB whined, "What's this all about?" Walking to the door, he couldn't help but think about that dream, it felt unlike any other dream he'd had before. As he opened his door, he saw broken glass all over the floor, a broken window, a girl that was surrounded by a small dragon, and wolf-like dog, and a watery eyed, furious looking Sin. "Uh.....did I miss something?" JB said while scratching his head. [CENTER]*********************[/CENTER] OOC: Like Drizzt, I'll be gone until Sunday night, Monday morn so feel free to use JB....just don't do anything too drastic like get em hurt or killed or anything. Oh and don't forget to make that post in the underground thread Knuckle's Girl ok? See y'all laterz! :D [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]As JB opened the door to his room, he was pretty astonished to see that it looked a lot like his old room, the only difference was the missing unusual amount of books and tech junk that surrounded his old room. "Finally we're in Rome! One the best places Italy has to offer!" JB exclaimed as he flopped down on his bed, "What should I do first...? Get some Gelato? Or maybe surf the web for some local clubs..." And just like that, it hit him, a sever case of Jet Lag. "Damn," JB said as his eyelids got heavier, "I guess it's only natural that I'm Jet Lagged....we did come here right after our graduation test, and I didn't get any sleep on the plane, so I guess Rome could wait a little until after my nap..." And in less than 1 minute, JB was immersed in a deep blanket of sleep.... [CENTER]***********************[/CENTER] OOC: It's not like me to write these small posts lol, but I didn't want to play "catch up" later soooo.....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes his name is J.B, and yes he is known throughout the schools, but he is still a member of the family just as much as you, you just get to rub it in every one else's face that you get to work with him." Nayomi matter of fact-ly stated. "Well...heh" JB started as he grinned at the wide eyed teenager, he had to admit to himself that being called Mr.Brookstone in such a serious way was kinda funny, "I didn't think that anyone would have any kind of real understanding or appreciation for my ability. So I gotta say...it's pretty refreshing!" "How could anyone NOT appreciate your ability!?" Sin said, with a excitingly confused look on his face. "I wanna learn too, you have to teach me at least 5 or 6 fighting techniques, or how to summon some kind of beast or somethin!" "I wish it were that simple, but in order for me to teach you anything, it would take a lot of time, practice, and space..." JB said with a nervous smile on his face. "And right now we really don't have any of that...so..." "Oh...okay..." Sin said, looking hurt and crushed that his 'idol' couldn't teach him anything. Noticing his reaction, JB thought to himself [i]"Oh shit! I didn't mean to hurt his feelings! What to do?! What to do?! What to do?!"[/i] Then it hit him, "Well, I could teach you one technique...and even though anyone could learn it with enough practice, you're the only one who could use it to it's full potential...." Looking like he had just won a million dollars, Sin replied, "Holy shit are you serious?! This is gonna be so friggin awesome!....But why am I the only one who can use it to it's full potential?" "Because it's a shadow technique. To be specific, a shadow teleportation technique." "Whoa...now I understand..." "Even though I can use it to an extent, and I'm pretty sure that Louis can too, we don't have the ability to naturally manipulate shadows like you do, so we can't possibly benefit from knowing this technique like you can." "Okay, so what's the first step?" "You've already mastered that...it's basically just having some inkling to control a shadow. The second part requires a little bit of an explanation though so you have to listen carefully to understand. Oh and no more of that Mr. Brookstone stuff heh, just call me Jerrod or JB." "Gotcha..." And with that being said, Sin reached in his back pocket and pulled out his notepad and pen, getting prepared to take notes. "I'm all ears." "Well, your abiltity is properly called Umbrakinesis...the ability to psychically control darkness, and you may not know it, but it extends from a psychic origin." "So my ability...is psychic?" "Simply put...yes. But it's not just you...it's a few of us. Jinx's Pyrokinesis is psychically controlling fire, Duke's Hemokinesis is psychically controlling his blood, and the more powerful and psychically in tuned is Damo who psychically uses sheer mental energy to move objects, even though I don't think he knows how powerful he could be." "Damn....I never thought of it like that..." "Most kinetic users don't, because it comes so naturally for you guys, you kinda get stuck at one place, and stop growing....besides, it's hard to find that place in your mind that allows you to grow more into your abilities...some kinetic users find it, but don't know how to control it, and end up killing themselves and/or the people around them..." "Hmm, what about your ablity? Muscle Memory is pretty cool..." "Well it has it's ups and downs like most abilities, but mine's come form a psychic origin too. But unlike you guys, mines is completely passive, meaning theres no way to control it or turn it off. I make up for it though by using my ability to learn ways for me to be active and useful...I may not be able to turn into a wolf hybrid like Nayomi, but I sure as hell could summon a wolf beast heh! And now that you understand how your ability works, it's time for the hard part....actually doing the technique." "I can do it....I know I can." "Heh, that's the spirit!" JB could tell that having Sin on the team was gonna be great. He was already forming a brotherly bond with him and they only met hours ago. "First things first, this technique usually requires an incantation, but since you can control the shadows, you don't need it. Now close your eyes, and visualize the plane's restroom." "I see the restroom." Sin said with his eyes closed. "Okay, now visualize yourself passing through a wall of darkness and emerging in the restroom." "I see it..." Sin said again, but this time JB noticed his shadow began to slowly move from under his feet... "Feel the presence of the restroom, smell the change in the air..." "I fe--" In a blink of an eye, Sin's shadow passed over him and he instantly vanished. "Ha! He got it! I hope...!" JB said as he instantly thought the worse, [i]"Fuck! Am I stupid or something?!"[/i] JB thought while standing to go check the restroom, [i]"We're over 300 ft. in the air, over the ocean, and I teach him a teleportation technique?! How stu--"[/i] "That was fucking AWESOME!!!!" Sin said as he emerged from the restroom with a huge grin on his face. "JB, did you see that!! Hey, Nayomi did you see that!!" He asked her as she was going back to her seat, and rubbing her hand from what seemed to be a burn. "Yea, pretty awesome stuff! But it may be best if you don't do that again while we're in the air." Nayomi said as she took her seat next to Duke. [i]"So he did it!"[/i] JB thought as he smiled with a sense of accomplishment, [i]"He's gonna fit in perfectly after all."[/i] [CENTER]***********************[/CENTER] OOC: I'm sorry for my ridiculously long posts :animeswea, but once my fingers start, they jus don't wanna stop lol. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]After showering and tending to his wounds, JB headed back to his room to pack his necessities. "Hmm, only 20 minutes left till we're all supposed to be in the briefing room." JB said as he looked around his book filled room. "Guess I better pack exactly what I need then." He thought about it, and decided to only take what was necessary for the described job. One week's worth of clothes, toiletries, his Ipod Nano that was filled with songs, and his Ipod touch that was filled with tons of videos of different skills, a few vials that were each filled with a different color liquid; red, green, yellow, blue, and black. He also packed over a dozen small manual sized books that each varied from subjects about, Roman language and culture, to fighting with different weapons, and books that contained different ways to use spells, potions, and other traditional witch culture. When everything was packed, JB let out a sigh and checked his watch, "Done, and with 10 minutes to spare...." , tucked away under JB's pillow, the corner of a small black book with silver trimmings poked out."Huh? Seems I forgot a book...and from the look of the title, it's in Russian....'Жизнь И Смерть', or in English, Life And Death...I don't remember buying this...", JB said as he scratched his head and examined the book. He closed his eyes tried to focus and search his memory to find out where he got this book from...it wasn't like him to forget things...well, more like [i]impossible[/i] to forget things. JB's ability is Muscle Memory...the ability to instantly retain, learn, and memorize anything that corresponds to his body's capabilities. The information that he learns, the conversations that he's had, even the things that he watches on TV never leaves his brain and probably never will, and for that reason, JB has utilized his ability to great potential. He almost knows every language, can almost use any weapon, knows how to use any mode of transportation, and can use any fighting style known to man...but that's only the beginning...as far as his magical knowledge goes, he knows a lot about different entities such as demons, angels, and gods, he even knows quite a bit about witches and their abilities, not to mention his knowledge of different spells, charms, and potions. But just recently has he began to study ancient magic and it's many mysteries, and he hopes to learn more on this trip to the ancient city of Rome. "I couldn't have gotten this book... I don't even remember buying it or even checking it out at the academy library...unless it was at the bottom of that stack of random books I checked out last week, I barely looked at the cover of those heh! Well, since it seems to be no more room left in my suitcase for this, I better just learn it all now." And with that being said, JB flicked all the pages of the book and in lees than 5 seconds had learned everything that was inside. "Whoa....this is some pretty deep shit...the spells in here are pretty destructive...it's a good thing I found this when I did, cause we may need these spells in Rome..." With his suitcase packed, JB headed towards the door, but not before grabbing his cleverly disguised spiked leather bracelet and putting it on, it was actually a Pin Shooter. While headed towards the briefing room, JB could hear the laughter of his teammates, specifically Damo, Jinx, and Nayomi...JB loved, his team....they were the family that he never had. Each one had something different to offer both on, and off the field. "I smell Pizza!!" JB said while walking in the room, "Mmm, Hamburger and Jalepenos!!" And as he reach out his hand to grab a slice, a low growl could be heard, "If you value your life, I suggest that you think twice..." Nayomi said as she deathly looked at JB. "That's two threats in one day! You guys better watch it..." Jinx said, hinting that Damo had been threatened earlier. "But I don't think you understand Nayomi..." JB said while jokingly looking impoverished, "I think that I'm about to die from hunger....I can feel my soul fading away!" by this time, he was hanging upside down on the couch nudged in between Damo and Jinx. "Well it was nice knowin ya! May your hungry soul rest in peace." Nayomi jokingly retorted as a burst of laughter erupted from the four of them. [CENTER]****************** [/CENTER] OOC: Yea, I kno....the last part's a bit chezzy :animeswea[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]Even though I haven't controlled anyone's character, I personally don't think it's god modding if you only control another persons character simply for the purpose of conversation....It would be pretty dull (and long) if we only made our characters talk during a conversation, and it could result in a lot of really short, and meaningless posts....however if anyone actually started to literally control another character's movement and actions, it would probably be best to ask first. But I guess that if anyone feels uncomfortable about it, they should ask before making another person's character talk.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]As the Fire Demon merged with Danya, her physical appearance changed. Her short, red hair and eyebrows were now the color of hot embers, her menacing, brown eyes were now gray, and her once pale complexion darkened to a nice glowing hue. "Don't look so scared..." Danya began with a demented smile on her face, "I promise you'll be dead soon!" With an confused look, JB replied, "Scared?! Yeah I admit that I am scared...OF YO FACE!!! It's just that, you were already UGLY as fuck, so why would you go and get even UGLIER!! But other than that, I'm not afraid of you at all!" Saying that made Danya pissed and her complexion got a shade darker. "DIE!!" She screamed as she hurled, streams of fire at JB. [i]"Damn that was close!"[/i] JB thought while cartwheeling out of the flame's reach. [i]"It seems like my plan is working....and as long as she stays mad, I can probably walk away from this without getting toasted in the process..."[/i] After doing an intricate number of jumps and flips, to dodge the flames, JB continued with his plan. "Is that all you got ASSFACE!? What happened to all that talk about how I'll be dead soon?! I guess that was just hot air coming from you like a BIG ASS BALLOON!!" "Hot air!!? I'll show you hot air!!" And with that being said, the enraged girl raised her flame engulfed arms in the air and began to move them in a big circular motion, while her complexion got even darker. Pretty soon, there was a large ring of fire surrounding the two of them that got closer and closer by the second. "There's no way you can dodge me or my attacks now!!" She was right, and by the look of things, JB had better hurry up with his plan or else he'd be burned to a crisp. [i]"She's making it really hard for me to win this fight...."[/i] JB thought while glancing at Nayomi finish her opponent. [i]"I may have to use one of my techniq--"[/i] "BOOM!!" An explosion sounded off a few feet away from the fight that involved Duke, and a female. Being caught in the sonic boom,JB was heavily pushed backwards towards the wall of the flaming ring, but right before he hit it, the ring dissipated, sending JB crashing to the ground. Apparently so was Danya, therefore breaking her concentration. "Thank you Duke...", JB mumbled as he stood up clenching his now singed right arm."You just helped me more than you'll ever know..." As his plan began to enter it's final stages, he saw Danya getting up off of the ground more furious than ever, and once again, her complexion grew a shade darker.[i]"Almost there..."[/i] "After Im done with you, I'll be sure to smolder him next!!" An angry Danya belowed. "Ha! He'll kick your ass too!!" JB shouted. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bright flash, and knew that Jinx was done with her fight. "To be honest, you're lucky that you're even fighting me instead of one of my teammates, otherwise...you'd be dead by now....but that doesn't mean that you should under estimate me!" Having said that, JB took off running towards Danya, only to have her once again throwing streams of flames at him. While dodging the flames, another flash of light appeared from across the room, [i]"Damo's done with his fight too..."[/i] "Take this!!!!" Danya screamed while shooting reckless flames and getting even madder. Seeing that her flames were now wild and reckless, JB decided that it was time for his plan, as well as this fight to end. Scooping up a handful of dirt while somersaulting under a jet of fire, JB threw it in her eyed and began by saying, "Hey FIRE CROTCH!! Lets end this!" Even more furious than ever, her complexion darkened even more... by now she was the color of a dark colored beet. Hearing Duke shout , "You Go Dude!!", made JB realize that Duke was done with his fight. Good....just like he wanted it to be. Just as he suspected, Danya's body began to act differently. "What th-- what the hell is wrong with me!?" She asked with a look of complete hatred on her face. "It's simple really..." JB began, "since you're not originally a demon user, your body's not used to that kind of temperature. Also, if you are a demon user, it takes a certain amount of emotional energy to use...if you keep a cool head you'll control the demon with ease...but if you let your emotions get the best of you, then the demon will try to take full control of your body. Naturally you're gonna srtuggle and try to fight it...and that's when you both go BOOM!!!" "No!!! This can't be happening!!" Danya said in a harsh scream "I'm afraid that it is. I made you get mad enough to make your skin color change. I even made sure that my teammates were done with their fights first...but don't worry, soon you'll be joining all of your comrades in the great beyond. And with that, JB made his way towards the rest of his comrades, but not before hearing Danya's loud insults. Then finally, a loud boom and flash of orange light brightened the room signaling that she was indeed dead. [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] OOC: Sorry about the extra long post lol, but I had to catch up. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]With the explosions of heat coming from Jinx and the Fire Demon-ed opponent, JB squinted his eyes in an attempt to shield them from the brightness of the flames. "Wow that's intense..." he said while turning slightly to look at Damo fighting his opponent. "I think I'll take you!" A voice ranged from behind JB. "Huh?" "I said, I think I'll take you! You seem to be weak enough to beat!" "Hey...that's quite offen--" JB started while getting a good look at his giant opponent. "Damn your a big girl....a VERY big girl...!" having said this seemed to anger her. "You tryin to say that girls can't fight?! Well I guess I'll have to show you a thing or two!!" And with that being said, she charged at JB full forced, throwing the first few punches. "Wait!" JB said as he dodged the oncoming slew of punches and kicks. "I think it's only fair that we fight on fair terms!" "Quit under minding me and fight!!" she said as she once again started to punch, and kick at a wistfully dodging JB. Getting even angrier that he dodged her every attempt to hit him, she yelled "Why can't I hit you!!" "That's what I've been trying to tell you...." With a serious look on his face he continued. "I know every fighting style known to man, so every punch, every kick, and every move that you're even thinking about doing can, and will be dodged or parried. Basically, what I'm saying is, you can't win." "What's your name?" The towering girl said with a bowed head. "Wha?" "Your name...what is it?" "JB...why?" "I just had to know who I'm dealing with, that's all....so you're the one who 'learns stuff' huh?" "Yeah..." JB said while squinting once again at the brightness of the fire that Jinx was controlling. "That's quite an ability you got there..." She said while raising her head with a sadistic smile on her face. "...too bad it won't be helping you in this fight!" And with that being said, a flaming silhouette appeared besides her. "You see, I prepared for this fight! Right before the fight, I touched my fiery comrade over there and voila! I temporarily gained her ability! Heh, who can't win now?!" Now worried, JB recognized her ability and immediately knew who she was. "You temporarily take peoples abilities...so that means you're--" "That's right, DANYA!!! Be sure to remember that name when you're ghost is at MY graduation ceremony!" After proclaiming JB's 'soon-to-be' demise, Danya began to integrate the Fire Demon into her and make his power her own. [i]"This might be harder than I thought..."[/i] [CENTER]******************[/CENTER] OOC: Knuckles' Girl, is it cool if we have a Backstage thread for this? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. M.Ali


    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]That sounds cool to me. I still have a lot of great ideas for this, so it would be sad to see it die completely. But when you do start it up again, just drop me a pm.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER]Jerrod "JB" Brookstone Age: 21 Ability: Muscle Memory (Can learn and memorize anything, instantly.) "Tomorrow's the big day...", JB mumbled as he prepared for bed. "...graduation. I've been here for a while now...and even though everyone comes and go as they please, it's gonna be hard to say goodbye to these walls permanently.....", and with that, JB made his way into bed, but not before hearing three doors close, and a few door knocks in the common room, "hmm, seems like Jinx, Naomi, and Damo are goin to bed too...and Naomi is gonna murder him tomorrow heh." JB said with a slight chuckle before turning on his side and closing his eyes. Appearance: [URL="http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c356/high_on_shugar/Anime%20Boys/?action=view¤t=cloud.jpg"]Jerrod "JB" Brookstone[/URL] ********* If anything needs to be changed, let me know...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Yo! Tis desperately in need of a new Avi/Banner, so I'm taking advantage of the "Art By Request". Have as much fun with it as you want it, just keep in mind that since he's a cheerful little bugger, the Avi/Banner shouldn't be dreary like. I also have a few pics if it helps. [URL="http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj291/AsianDude11/Shugo%20Chara/IkutosChara.jpg"]Clicketh[/URL] [URL="http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t86/M4ri_2007/Shugo%20Chara%20ep26/28.jpg"]Clicky[/URL] [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/SCblondie2011/Shugo%20Chara/Yoru.jpg"]Clickity-Click[/URL] It would also be great if the Avi had "M.Ali" in small, bold, almost glowing like letters. As for the banner, I would like for it to say "True Love Can Be Hard To Find...You Just Gotta Know Where To Look... " Thanks in advance to who ever decides to fulfill my request. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. M.Ali


    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"][b]OOC: Where's everyone who signed up for this?[/b] [CENTER]+++++++++++++++++[/CENTER] Oliver made his way towards the bunker, the 4 guards who were wrapped up in a comical conversation didn't even notice him as he stood directly in front of them, "Hey shit faces! Let me in on the joke...I wanna laugh too....heh." The now attention ready soldiers, immediately took out their pokeballs and in a threatening tone one of them said, "You're either dumb, or just plain stupid! Look around, you're out numbered!", on that note, the guarding troop threw his pokeball and call forth his Mightyena. "Mightyena, use Crunch!" and as the Pokemon began to make his approach, Oliver began to act, "Make your appearance Jynx dear." and with a flash of white light Jynx appeared on the scene. "Now use Ice Beam on this interference." Instantly obeying her trainer's command, she unleashed a powerful Ice Beam that instantaneously froze the dog Pokemon. "I hope that this isn't what I have to deal with from all of you?" Oliver edged on, enraging the guards even more. As the guard yelled, "Oh yeah, well how about this!" his comrades radioed for assistance, and just like Hario planned, all of the troops from the front half of the bunker began to file out. There stood before Oliver at least 20 federation troops prepared for battle. "This is more my speed!" Oliver said while clutching the Gastly filled pokeballs. "Let's rock it! Come on out everyone!" and with that being said, the Gastly immediately appeared from their pokeballs and the mock battle ensued. "That's our cue!" Hario said as him, Timber, and Whisper made their way into the window. Once they were in the now unoccupied room, Hario pulled out his Pokenav. "Okay, as soon as we exit this room, we split up." "Alright," Timber began, "but first things first." With a nod from Hario, Timber reached into his backpack and pulled out the first set of explosives, set them in the concealed designated spot, and headed towards the hallway with Hario. "Take a look at your Pokenav...each explosive is synced with our Pokenav's clock, we only have 10 minutes, so we have to do this as fast a possible, then we rendezvous back at the window so we can get the hell outta here. " "No problem, I'll be done in 8 minutes!" Timber reassured Hario. "Heh, you sound like Oliver." With a slight chuckle from the both of them, they both went their seperate directions not knowing what kind of peril awaited around each corner.... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Since I've been in College, I've had my laptop and my desktop at home is the one with Photoshop...so I need someone to politely make a banner for me that says.....Balls To The Face! I have a piccy for reference......[URL="http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/4526/superballsx6.gif"]clickith[/URL] If possible, I'd like for it to keep that sketched look, if not have at it and do what you see fit.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Memphis'][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="1"]So Yama-Ji, Unohana, Shunsui and Ukitake were the original captains before Aizen. With Kenpachi and Urahara also being a captain before Aizen. I guess I was pretty close lol. That still makes me wonder where does Isshin comes in at? And then Kenpachi being a captain before Aizen is a shocker. I swear I never would've guessed that one. Sort of makes me wonder can Byakuya actually beat Kenpachi... That remains to be seen.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]I dunno about Zaraki Kenpachi being a captain before Aizen....from the way that they were talking, they made seem as if there were more than one Kenpachi who always competed for the spot as Captain of the 11th division. Seems like another mystery to me...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [quote name='lea']I do that too. When I was younger and transfered to public elementary school in central Pennsylvania [U.S], there were quite a few times where the cafeteria served waffles with chicken and gravy. I don't know if that was a cultural thing or if the school district was pretty poor. Has anyone else ever heard of said concoction?[/QUOTE] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Well, yea. I'm from Atlanta, and down here in the southern states, Chicken and Waffles isn't too much out of the ordinary....heck, we even got a restaurant called Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles. Crazy....maybe. Tasty....Yes. I love waffles, but I despise those of the Belgian variety, and since I'm a college student, I come home every saturday morn for a breakfast with the fam and to my dismay do I find my mother making stacks of Belgian Waffles. They're just too...big, or something...but I'd rather just go to the Waffle House and get a Butterscotch Waffle with a side of bacon, scrambled eggs, and grits. [quote=Allamorph]Amen, sistah, preach it! 'Cause people, we got to go outside and tell the world! We got to bring them in so they may par-take of the waffle that is the Lawd's sal-va-tion; let forgiveness cover their sins like rich, warm maple syrup, let them feel the buttah of the Holy Spirit melt across them, so they may be showered with His grace that rains down like powdered sugah over their lives! 'Cause the world is hungry for the Lawd, people! Hungry like they just woke up on Saturday mo-nin' with their mouths waterin', 'cause they can smell the sweet a-ro-ma of truth comin' outta God's kitchen as he prepares the food for their spirit! (Somebody hit me, noowwww....)[/quote] LMAO! Reminds me of Sunday service....just too funny.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Hmm....I feel quite left out.... [URL=http://img72.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photo012007004fk6.jpg][IMG]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/2592/photo012007004fk6.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img72.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photo033107009mp1.jpg][IMG]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/3231/photo033107009mp1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sexymeut8.jpg][IMG]http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8097/sexymeut8.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Very old...I was 18 then...21 now. [URL=http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mohawkinrz6.jpg][IMG]http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/4202/mohawkinrz6.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] For Vicky and her badass Mohwak....[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. M.Ali


    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Well, according to the recent posts, this is how everything is. Kei's character Morty needs reinforcements from the Federation troops that are looking for him, so he sends for help. Misty sends two guys to help out, PyrusDragon's character Timber, Lawliet's character Oliver and more NPC reinforcements. Not to mention, darknessdestroy's character Damian, who appears to have journeyed on his own to help out Misty, by lending a hand to Morty. Since Morty is my character Hario's leader, he gets the message as well, and also arrives on the scene. Both Hario and Timber meet up with Morty and recieve their orders to help the injured troops, and take out the temporary supply base along with Oliver's help. Meanwhile, Roxas' character Aethon is at the Power Plant near Cerulean, awaiting your Charater, Captain Fox's, arrival. Next comes dragoonreaper's character Dart, who ran away from home and joined the Coalition under Misty's rule against his mother's wishes. He then takes it upon himself to go to Ecruteak, and offer whatever help he can, but apparently, gets side tracked and, he has to pass through Saffron City. Being told that he had to get certain papers to pass through the barrier protected town, Dart goes to the Saffron gym to get them, but changes his mind upon arrival and heads to Silph Co. where he is currently on an elevator with a woman. (His post is a little confusing...first he was going to Ecruteak, but suddenly decides to pass through Saffron to meet Clair in Blackthorn for training....I dunno.) Then there's GuyYouMetOnline's character Aesera, who's still in Azaela town testing her students for graduation, when she gets an assignment about going to Saffron for research on controlling the legendary, and supposedly not real, Palkia and Dialga. After attending her student's graduation, she arrives on the outskirts of Saffron and is currently on the way there. Last but not least is Nefertimon and her characters, Halberd, Warren, Merlin, Lupin, and Yamiko. This group are on their way to Blackthorn to check the city's current state, after being told by Morty that it may not be a good idea to attack the shipping supply ports in the towns of Olivine and/or Vermillion. Hopefully I covered everything and got it right, but if not, please feel free to post whatever corrections that are needed. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. M.Ali


    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"So, Hario, explain to me exactly where we are going to place the explosives." "Sure," Hario replied as he took out his Pokenav. "Haunter was nice enough to give me the schematics of the bunker so we wont get lost. While Oliver starts the commotion, the both of us are gonna go around to the side and sneak into this window, hopefully Oliver's gonna do a good enough job and--" "What do you mean hopefully? I'm gonna show you guys how a mission is supposed to be done." "Of course you are Oliver," Hario calmly retorted with a sarcastic nod and smile, "now back to what I was saying, hopefu--I mean [i]when[/i] Oliver does his job of getting everyone's attention, that part of the area should be cleared." Pointing to certain spots on the screen of his Pokenav, he continued, "That's when we split up. I'll cover the east half of the bunker, while you do the same with the west, and place the bombs here, here, here, and here. If you run into anyone, silence them immediately. We can't have them setting off the alarms, so we have to get in and get out as quickly as possible." "Okay that sounds easy enough...so when do we get this thing goin?" Timber asked eagerly. "As soon as everyone is ready. I'm good to go." With that being said, a brownish-greenish blur sped back besides Timber. "Me too." Confirmed the trainer as he called his pokemon back into their pokeballs. "I've been ready fo--wait....hold on. Come out Swalot," a burst of light erupted from the Pokeball as Swalot made his appearance. "You can spit out that prisoner now before he gives you gas." The stomach pokemon opened it's mouth, and belched the now dead, slime coated man out. "Now I'm ready!" With looks of disgust, and horror, both Hario and Timber turned and began to walk towards their destination. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. M.Ali


    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Okay, I made it seem as if those of us with higher ranks know each other already from previous missions. I think it's only natural that we don't know many of the privates or new recruits, simply because they haven't made a name for themselves yet. But if any other ranking officer has worked with that private or recruit personally, then thats understandable.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. M.Ali


    [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]"So what's the plan?" Hario said to the stress-worn gym leader. "Well, it's just like I said. While the other reinforcements continue to help out the remaining troops, you're gonna get at least one other person to accompany you to the Federation's supply base." "Great, so where exactly is the supply base located?" "About two miles west outside the city." replied Haunter who seemed to appear out of thin air, "The base is a huge storage bunker that runs along route 38." "That sounds a bit too trap-like....don't you think?" Hario asked Morty with a reluctant look on his face. "Well, that's where the Gastly, and the other reinforcements come in. According to the letter I got from Misty, she sent Oliver too so find him and give him his orders. They're pretty much gonna be bait to get the base guards attention, and while they're distracted, you and your partner move in and plant the explosives in the proper places. Once they're planted, you guys signal Oliver, get everyone out, then everything goes boom." "While we're doing that, what will you guys be doing?" Hario asked in a confused tone. While staring out the window, Morty replied."Let's just say that, me and Haunter gots a date with Bugsy." With an affirming chuckle, Hario turned on his heel and headed for the ammunition room to get the bombs and detonators. As he made his way to the Gym's entrance, he called his massive Arcanine back to it's pokeball and began to think, [i]"Now who am I gonna find at a time like this to help me out?"[/i] and with that thought, Hario looked up to only see a Tyranitar marching through the debris as if it was looking for something, but not far behind was Timber, who seemed to be the Tyranitar's trainer. [i]"Seems like I found my partner."[/i] Hario thought as he approached him. "Yo Timber!" [center][/center] "Of course I'll come with you." Timber said as Hario finished explaining the assignment that Morty had given them. "Thanks" Hario replied back, "I really aprreciate this. Oh, and I know that you're from Cerulean, so did Oliver just so happen to come with you?" "Yeah, that asshole is around here somewhere ....why?" "Because, we need him in order for the plan to work; he's our bait." "Of course you need me," Oliver said as he emerged from the other side of a crumbled building. "After all, only someone as strong as me can pull this off" "Whatever Oliver," Hario said while taking six pokeballs from his backpack and giving them to Oliver "These are the gastly that are gonna help you distract the guards. "Ugh...why would I use those weaklings when I have my own brilliant pokemon?" "You won't be using them. Morty already gave them their instructions, so when you get there just let them out of their out of the pokeballs. But you have to remember Oliver that you're gonna be the distraction, so don't wipe every single guard out okay? Just do what you do best and make all of them mad by being an ass. [center][/center] OOC: Sorry it got kind of fuzzy around the end, but I'm gonna be late for class if I don't hurry. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. M.Ali


    [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]Okay Kei, I have a quick question about your latest post. Since my character's a captain, does he stay behind with Morty, or go along with Timber? Oh and dragoonreaper if u need the names to the cities they're on this page...u had me a little confused for a sec bruh lol. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. M.Ali


    [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="2"]"Come on out Arcanine", Hario said as he gathered the last remaining supplies before his departure to Ecruteak. Arcanine was truly a sight to behold, being twice the size of a normal Arcanine, he stood at 7 feet tall and was the perfect vison of nobility and grace. "Okay Arcanine, when we get to Ecruteak, be on guard. Now Arcanine, teleport us to Ecruteak", with an affirming bark, they instantly arrived in the crumbling city, right beside the Ecruteak Gym. "What the hell......" Hario exclaimed with a look of disbelief on his face, "The city...it's just about destroyed...". The damage done to the city was immeasurable. Buildings were on fire, skyscrapers were half blown up, and war raged on as the cries of injured soldiers and Pokemon reigned throughout the area, and not too far from the gym's entrance, a Spiritomb was firing a Shadowball at the opposing troops, "Dammit...this place is like a second home to me...I gotta find Morty.", and with that being said, Hario and Arcanine quickly headed towards the entrance to the gym, and just when they approached the doors, a voice rang out, "Morty?" Hario, with his stun gun out calmly said, "Hands up where I can see them, now turn around slowly and state your business." "Dont shoot!" the guy said with a slight hint of surprise in his voice, "I'm here to help Morty!" , and as the guy turned around, Hario saw the Coalition insignia on the sleeve of his left shoulder and immediately recognized him. "Timber, glad you could make it...even though you were two seconds from having 10,000 volts pulsing through you." "Yeah yeah" Timber replied in a knowingly way, "so where's you're leader?" "I'm pretty sure he's upstairs waiting on us, follow me. Arcanine, stay down here and help these Gastly and Haunter secure the area!" "Bwoof!" Arcanine agreeingly barked back. "I swear he gets bigger every time I see him" Timber said as they ran towards the door that lead to the stairs. A loud explosion could be heard from outside. "It's worse than I expected...we gotta hurry!" They finally reached the top and saw the troops guarding the door to Morty's quarters, and with a affirming nod, both Hario and Timber entered the room, "Need back up?" [center][/center] OOC: Sorry about it being so short, I'll do better next post. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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