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Everything posted by M.Ali

  1. M.Ali


    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkRed"][CENTER][b]Name:[/b] Hario Benton [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] [URL="http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k256/Sesshomaru735/Anime%20Guys/machodude.jpg"]http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k256/Sesshomaru735/Anime%20Guys/machodude.jpg[/URL] [b]Faction:[/b] Coalition [b]Commander:[/b] Morty [b]Rank:[/b]Captain [b]Biography:[/b] Born and raised on Navel Island in the Orange Islands, Hario was always an athletic and adventurous boy who always loved to set and accomplish goals. Always valuing friendship and family, he's not one to be shy or afraid of anything either. By the age of 15, Hario had already entererd the Orange League and wiped the floor with his competitors, therefore becoming an Orange League Champion and Hall Of Famer. In the spur of his adventurous attitude, Hario set off to began his Pokemon Journey a year later when he was 16. He traveled to Kanto and entered the Kanto League. While there he beat every gym leader, but when he got to the elite four, Hario only got as far as Bruno before he was beaten. Hario took the defeat hard, and Bruno noticed this, so Bruno oversaw his training for a year. During his training Hario and Bruno became great friends, and even though Hario wanted to get his Pokemon stronger, Bruno taught him how to train his body and mind as well so that Hario and his Pokemon could work together as one. Hario never did grasp the concept, but before he knew it, a year had passed and he was 18 years old, and this time he took on the Elite Four and the Champion Lance with better tactics and won, becoming a Kanto/Johto League Hall Of Famer. With two league victories under his belt, Hario's adventurous spirit began to stir, so he gave his thank yous to Bruno and temporarily bid him farewell, but before Hario set off, Bruno told him this, " Hario, even though you're leaving, don't forget what you've learned, and remember that you must become one with your Pokemon or else you'll never know whats really important." Hario, thought about these word and still didn't quite understand what Bruno meant, but he took heed to Bruno's advice. After a brief detour into the Shinnoh region for some rare Pokemon, Hario made his way to Johto. Upon his arival in Olivine City and a trip to the Olivine Light house, Hario spotted a Squirtle swimming towards the beach as if it were trying to escape something, and to Hario's dismay 2 Chinchou and a Lanturn arose from the water trailing quickly behind the Squirtle firing thunderbolts at his shell. Seeing this Hario Darted toward the beach reaching for his Pokeballs, " Help me out Politoed!" the trainer commanded as Politoed made his apperance from his pokeball, " Use Psychic on those Chinchou and Lanturn!" and with that being said Politoed began his attack, but not before a final Thunderbolt from Lanturn rendering Squirtle unconscious. After Politoed sent the Chinchou and Lanturn flying, Hario ran towards the Squirtle and got it to the Olivine Pokemon Center. The Squirtle was diagnosed as having severe third degree burns and had to stay until it fully recovered. Hario for some odd reason decided to stay and nurture the Pokemon back to health. During the month that Hario spent there, he and Squirtle became great friends, and when Nurse Joy diagnosed that it was okay for Squirtle to leave, Hario asked Squirtle to come with him, and at that moment he finally understood what Bruno meant, the two have been inseparable since. After leaving Olivine City, Hario's next destination was Eckruteak City to see the three towers, but upon arrival in the city's Pokemon Center, a message was being broadcast on the monitors about Red's sudden disappearance and the leader's sudden takeover. While the announcement was being made, Photos of the country's leaders were being displayed, along with a list of all the major changes that were being made to country and how everything would be be under their control, along with news of a coalition forming. 2 Years Later After arriving in Eckruteak 2 years ago, Hario decided that he didn't quite agree with the Federation's laws, since the decisions being made were also affecting his home in the Orange Islands, so he decided to find this coalition and contribute in any way he could. Thats when he ran into Morty and volunteered his services, and since then Hario's been a valuable asset to both Morty and the Coalition, so much that he has acquired the rank of Captain. Right now Hario's in route back to Eckruteak from Hawthorne, from discussing strategies with Claire. he just got word of Morty needing back-up.... [b]Service Pokemon: [/b] Squirtle (Male/ Signature Pokemon) Politoed (Male) Eevee (Male) Chimchar (Male) Togekiss (Female) Arcanine (Male) OOC: Sorry its soooo late! [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. M.Ali

    Gifts and Curses

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1] OOC: Why does everyone think that Cairo is a kid? He's only 20.......lol [center]++++++++++++[/center] [B]" Um....excuse me?"[/b] Cairo said as he tried to understand what Vonateate was. [b]" Just give me some Vodka on the rocks?"[/B] the man said tiredly as he placed his head on the counter. While Cairo turned around and began to make the drink, he noticed that two began to make conversation and couldn't help overhearing. [b]" You are one of those people who posses? powers aren?t you? I saw you there, at the jail cell with all of them."[/b] As the man made a slight cough, Cairo couldn't believe what he was hearing. [i][b]" These people have abilities like me....!?"[/b][/i] he thought to himself, [b][i]" 'But this guy also said that they were recently in jail......which means that these have to be some of the people who were fighting yesterday. I better play it cool, at least until I know more about them....after all I did promise Officer Christianson that I'd be safe.'[/i] " Here you are sir, one Vodka on the Rocks, enjoy!"[/b] Even though the man asked her a question, the woman just continued to quietly sip on her drink. At that moment two guys walked into Destiny's Paradice, one seemed to be a latino and the other, an intense looking black man with shades on. It was then that Cairo felt it......it was as if there were a connection between him and one of the men that had just walked in, getting curious and awestruck at the same time, Cairo decided that now was the time to actually do his job. As he walked towards their table, he didn't know how to react to all these strange occurances that were appearing, so he decided that he'd continue to act normal. [b]?What would you gentlemen like this morning?? ?I?ll have an AMF and some hot tea. I don?t care which kind."[/b] Scribbling down the orders with a slightly confused look on his face, Cairo began to think, [b][i]" Well, I don't feel the vibe form this guy.....so it must be the shaded one."[/b][/i] and with that, he headed towards the bar to prepare the drinks. But as he headed back, Cairo couldn't believe his eyes, a pointed piece of ice came out of the latino's hand when the shaded guy touched him. [b]" I knew it..."[/b] Cairo mumbled as he got closer to the table. As he approached them, the latino quickly tucked his hand under the table. [b]?Here you go Gentlemen.?[/b] When Cairo began to leave the table, the only thing he could think was, [b][i]" One down....three more to go."[/b][/i] [/SIZE][/font]
  3. M.Ali

    Gifts and Curses

    [size=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Confused and slightly shaken, Cairo began down the hallway with the undelivered coffee, until he heard a voice call his name. [b]"Cairo! Boy am I glad that you finally got here!"[/b] [b]"Oh, Officer Christianson! Heh, you kinda startled me a little-- oh, and here's the coffee you ordered.......by the way, how come it's so quiet around here today?"[/b] Cairo said with a sigh of relief. [b]"Well, probably because we got all of the 'trouble' in the holding cells in the back. I don't know if you heard, but there was a huge fight that got out of control."[/b] [b]"Yea, I heard about it....did anyone get hurt?"[/b] [b]"Yeah, a few by-standers, but it's nothing major....."[/b] [b]"Wow, that's pretty fucked up....well, let me get back to work before Tony pops a vein."[/b] [b]"Wait, before you go, I want you to know that since we don't know who started the fight, we're letting all 9 of these deliquents out tomorrow.....so be safe."[/b] [b]"Heh, I'm always safe Officer Christianson, see ya later."[/b] When Cairo got back to work, he examined the nearby crime scene. Even though people in the area carried on as if nothing happened, it was evident that something big had occured just hours ago. [b]"Damn.....9 people did this? It looks like at least 50 people came through here....hmmm.....back to work."[/b] [center]***************[/center] As Cairo got back to his dorm room and prepared for bed, he sifted through his jean pockets a took out the peice of paper in his back pocket, before discarding them into the dirty laundry pile, [b]"Hmm....this is from that old guy I saw earlier today...."[/b] [CENTER][i]Zodiac: The Gifts and the Curses! Come and see the wonder of the 21st century, a once in a life time chance to witness the power of the stars! For centuries, mankind has fabricated legends around these birth signs and many people believed them. The stars were the key to our curiosity, they always have been. But many people believe the myths around birth signs and the zodiac to simply be fantasy, a lucky guess at our personalities. The stars had granted us sacred nights in which we are at our best, qualities for our personalities beyond our imagination and now they offer us one more thing: power! Many, of course, will not believe this. We invite you to witness evidence that the stars themselves have granted several chosen ones unlimited power! Come to the Harlem Academy to learn more about these secret, gifted humans! From burning objects to the touch, breathing deadly gases and enforces dark images into ones mind?[/i][/CENTER] [b]"Heh, maybe that old guy [i]was[/i] crazy."[/b] Cairo said jokingly as he tossed the paper on his desk, [b]"But it'd be amazing if my abilities were connected through the Zodiac...."[/b] and with that, he turned off the light and went to sleep. The next morning was just as groggy as the previous, there were rain clouds scattered throughout the skies and a light drizzle began to fall. Cairo pulled his hood over his head and headed for his car. [center]+++++++++++[/center] Later that morning after class, Cairo headed straight for work. As he approached the door to the restaurant, he curiously looked around for the old man, secretly wanting to bump into him again so that the questions buzzing about in his head could be answered. When Cairo didn't see him, he walked into the restaurant prepared to work. [b]"So, where do you want me today Tony?"[/b] [b]"Well since the bartender called in sick today, you're gonna fill in for 'em, so don't be so butterfingery today."[/b] [b]"Yeah, yeah I know"[/b] Cairo said sarcastically. While he put on his apron, he headed straight behind the bar and awaited customers. [b][i]"Who the hell drinks this early in the morning anyway?"[/i][/b] Cairo thought to himself. Just as he thought that, a beautiful asian girl came into the restaurant, she was smiling too, so she look even better as she got closer to the bar, [b]" [i]'Heh, looks like I spoke too soon.'[/i] Good Morning ma'am, what will you be drinking today?" [/b] [/size][/font]
  4. M.Ali

    Gifts and Curses

    [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=1]For Cairo Wilson, the day had began as usual. He went to his 8:00 class, then headed for work at the cafe. But as he arrived, he saw his boss pushing a rather wrinkled old man out of the door, [b]"I'm sorry pal, but if you don't have no money, then you don't get no service!!" "My apologies sir, but I only wanted to post some of my fliers around your cafe....."[/b] The older man said. [b]"What?! I don't want garbage like that in or around my cafe, now beat it before I call the cops back here!"[/b] And with that, the door was slamed shut in the old man's face, causing a slight gust of wind to blow and sending the fliers floating to the ground. [b] "Let me help you with that."[/b] Cairo said as he climbed out of his car, [b]"I'm sorry, but my boss can be an ass at times...heh."[/b] [b]"No problem young man....when you get old like me, you get used to being treated like dirt.....times sure have changed though, cause back in my day peo--oh I'm sorry for rambling like that, it's an old habit of mine, and as a token of my gratitude, take one of these fliers......it might just come in handy......"[/b] [b]"Oh okay.....if you say so"[/b], Cairo said with a puzzled look on his face. It was only after that, did he realized that he was now officially late for work, [b]"Sorry sir, but I'm about to be late for work, but--um, thanks for the flier."[/b] While walking towards the back to put on his apron, he folded the sheet of paper and put it in his back pocket, not even stoping to glance at it. [B]"Yo Cairo, it's about time you got here!"[/B] Cairo's boss said as he began to wash his hands. [b]"Sorry about that Tony, but I was helping that old guy outside." [/b] [b]"You were late because you helped [I]that[/I] bum?! Just for that, take off your apron you're doin deliveries today!"[/b] [b]"Woopie.....the excitement is pouring out of me."[/b] Cairo said, making sure that his lackluster reponse sounded dull, and dry. As he took off the apron, and looked at the delivery charts, his boss interupted saying, [b]"Yo, be careful out there too. About 20 min. ago I had to call the cops, there was a huge street brawl out there and I don't know if all the maniacs got arrested or not." [/b] [b]"I'm flattered by your concern Tony but I've got nothing to worry about, after all this delivery [I]is[/I] at the Police station."[/b] [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] When Cairo arrived at the station, and didn't hear or see anyone, he noticed something wasn't right, [b][i]"What the hell is going on here......"[/i][/b] he thought to himself, [b][i]"this place is usually bustling with busy people....."[/b][/i] so with the undelivered coffee in his hands, he started down the hall, not knowing what to expect...... [b]OOC: I know that this post bites, but I managed to squeeze in there somehow....[/b][/FONT][/size]
  5. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=1]Man I feel horrible.....I've been wanting to post but, school + work= not enough time in the day......but no worries, I'll find a way to squeeze in somehow....^_^[/FONT][/size]
  6. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=1]Hmm...it threw me off a little too, so I guess that I have no choice but to wait until the next day to make my appearance....[/size][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]Yo wassup Ms. Vicky, is it cool if I take the Saggitarius spot? I've already did the sign up and everything....so let me know if it's up to par or not.[/SIZE] [/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=1]I hope that it's not too late! [b]Name:[/b]Cairo Wilson [b]Age:[/b]20 [b]Star Sign:[/b] Sagittarius- Fire [b]Power/Night:[/b]December 8th During the night of Cairo's 12th grade prom, he experinced something that would change him for the rest of his life. While looking for the restroom at the hotel where the prom was being held, Cairo mistakenly saw three guys that attended his school pull a girl down the hallway and into an empty conference room. Even though he isn't the type to get into anyone's buisness, Cairo just didn't feel right about the guys taking the girl into the room. As he quickly followed them, he peeked into the slightly opened door, only to see the girl laying on the floor half naked as if she were unconsious, and the boys laughing triumphantly, while undressing and beginning to have their way with her. It then occured to him that one of them must have slipped a date rape drug into her drink during the dance. This infuriated Cairo. The boys then began to take turns on her, doing what they pleased until they were satisfied, unbeknowest to the fact that Cairo watched maliciously with his anger growing and growing.....until finally it happened. Without even thinking about it, Cairo drained almost every drop of liquid from their bodies leaving them almost shriveled up beyond repair. It wasn't until he heard the sounds of their terrifying screams, that he snapped out of his anger driven trance. Later, he realized that he was Aquakinetic, being able to control water from anything, even humans with only a thought. [b]Appearance:[/b][URL=http://img5.allocine.fr/acmedia/images/actus/18422299.jpg]CLICKNESS...[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b]Cairo isn't a very complex person. He's very laid back and likes to keep everything simple. Naturally, due to his simplicity, he gets along well with just about everyone that he meets, so he rarely gets angry. But, Cairo choose to be this way for a reason...1. Because he knows what his anger can do. 2. Because it's just easier this way... [b]Bio/Sample:[/b]Cairo grew up in a very normal way. Normal parents, normal school, normal chidhood...it was a very dull life, even for Cairo, considering how simple he likes to be. But dispite the normancy of Cairo's life, there was something about him that wasn't normal (aside from his abilities), his brain. Being so laid back all the time has made Cairo into an observer, and very logical thinker. When things seem hard for most people, he thinks logically for a more simple solution. Even though he doesn't know how yet, Cairo refuses to go back to the normal life he once had. Now growing into adulthood, he presently attends the local college, and is working at the coffee shop a few blocks away. I hope that this is good enough, it's really late here and I got really sleepy towards the end. [/size][/FONT] :animeswea
  9. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=1]The plane ride from Georgia to Australia was very long and tiring, so within the passing hours, J.B. dozed off to sleep while passing over Scotland and thinking about the last conversation he had with his brother... [U]*Flashback*[/U] [i]"Now where was it you said that you're going?" "To scotland for vacation....thought that I might have some Irish in me heh." "Ha ha, very funny Chaz, you're 100% African-American....now cut to the chase and tell me what's got you goin to Scotland?" "For vacation like I said!!" Chaz said jokingly. "So just stop worrying okay?" "Alright, alright, just be safe and have some fun for me too okay?" "Heh, you know I will!"[/i] "Sir could please buckle your safety belt?" a woman said as she reached down and touched J.B.'s shoulder, "excuse me, sir?" "Yes?" J.B. said as he opened his eyes. "The plane is about to land, so could you please buckle your safety belt?" "Oh, of course." He said with an aplogetic smile on his face. As he filed into the airport along with all the other passengers, he looked up to see a guy wearing a black suit that was holding a sign that had his name printed on it, "Wow, these guys sure don't waste any time..." and with that he approached the black suited man, made introductions, and was escorted to the limo once again. The plane ride took more out of him than he knew; it figured since he hadn't had any real sleep in three days, so he stretched out his jet-laged body in the back of the limo, and began to sleep hoping that he would meet his brother once more in his dreams. [CENTER][/CENTER] "Heads up Mr. Billings, this road ahead leads to the Mansion, but since it's a dirt road, it'll be quite rocky, so just hold on tight until we reach the pavement." The driver said cautiously, but unbeknowest to him, J.B. was already snoozing peacefully, so the driver kept driving as if J.B. were awake, and began down the dirt road along the bumps. "Ouch!!" J.B. said as he awoke to find himself on the floor of the limo, " What the hell is going on!?", and as he peered out the window, he saw the towering hill on which the mansion stood. "Damn......I'll be living there? *sniff* I smell sea water...so the beach is nearby too? Maybe I did make the right choice by coming here." With the excitement pouring over him like water, he took his I-pod out of his pocket, pulled his hood over his head and began to listen to some tunes. Then it hit him, [i]"I wish my family was here to see this.......looks like I have to have fun for them too."[/i] As they pulled up to the estate, J.B. could see about 7 limo's already parked and 7 matching bodies waiting around the door. "Driver, I didn't know that there where more people invited..." "Second thoughts Mr. Billings?" "No....the more the merrier right?" J.B. said jokingly, "Besides, 7 is a lucky number, so this should be interesting...." When the driver opened the door, J.B. climbed out and was a little breathless when he saw the true beauty of the estate up close. It was very beautiful. Not to mention how much bigger the mansion was up close, [i]"....It almost looks like a castle...."[/i] he thought to himself.[i]"Hmm...might as well introduce myself."[/i]And with that he headed toward everyone else trying to look as friendly as possible. [b]OOC:[/b] Sorry it took so long heh! [/size][/FONT] :animeswea
  10. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=1]"God....why did you stop me from pulling the trigger?" J.B. said as he laid on his bed looking at the ceilling. There's no reason for me to be alive any longer....I would be dead now if that e-mail didn't come... [i]"Is that e-mail even real? Even though I said yes, people don't just give away money these days....either way it doesn't matter right now, I've gotta play some music to calm myself down."[/i] He thought as he got up and went across the room to get his saxaphone. "Hmmm, my reed (the wooden mouthpiece) is broken.....and I don't have anymore.....may as well go to the music store and get some more." And with that being said he grabed his I-Pod and headed for the door, but as he walked down the stairs of his apartment building, the only thing he could think about was that strange e-mail[i] "It would be great if it was real though, just the possibilty of anything I could want sounds amazing..."[/i] and as he approached the building doors, he saw a black limo pull up with dark tinted windows[i] "I wonder what rich bastard is in there"[/i] he thought as started down the street toward the music store. "Excuse me sir, but do you know a Joshua Billings that lives here?" said a voice behind him. When J.B. turned around he saw a man in black suit looking quite confused, "Yea, you're lookin at him...who wants to know?" "You're limo awaits sir, courtesy of Master Dante Lui'ci." "Huh, so I guess the e-mail was real." "Do you have any luggage that you would like for me to get sir?" "I lost track of time and didn't realize that two days had passed already so I don't really have time to pack....hmmm...... if this guy can give me anything, then I'm sure clothes wouldn't be a problem right?" "Yes sir, shall we leave then?" "As J.B. climbed into the car and shut the door, he thought to himself [i]" Why not, I've got nothing else to lose."[/i] [b]OOC:[/b] I hope that was good enough![/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=1]I hope that more people sign up cause this seems like a pretty good RP. And besides, Im ready to start.[/size][/FONT]
  12. [quote name='F.O.Y.][COLOR=DarkOrange']I hold this show in extremely high regards and wish I didn't miss it so often.[/COLOR][/quote][size=1] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Don't you just love it? I chuckle just thinking about Jelly Jiggler and Don Patch getting smacked by Bo Bo-Bo. I gotta admit though, when it first came out I hated it because I didn't get it, but now I'm wonderin why I couldn't understand it. Overall, its a lol type of show, not serious at all, just funny. [/FONT][/size] [color=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]Did you need to quote the whole post? I shortened it for you. Especially since it's (a) the most recent post before yours, and (b) longer than your post, it's really unnecessary to quote the entire thing. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/color]
  13. [FONT=trebuchet ms][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Joshua "J.B." Billings [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Location:[/b] Atlanta, Georgia (U.S.) [b]Appearance:[/b] Black male, brown eyes, black hair, very low-faded haircut, 5'10" 180 pounds, athletic build [b]Personality:[/b] A person who is very easy to get along with, hates conflict, but has a quick temper that seems to get him into trouble sometimes. [b]Bio:[/b] The word that should be used to describe J.B.'s life is tragic. Growing up, J.B. always loved music, and that was partially due to fact that his parents owned a record shop; music surrounded him everyday and he couldn't have been happier. But as fate would have it, that happiness would soon come to an end. One day on his way home from school he turned the corner to see his home and the music that he loved in flames. Later he found out that his Parents died in that fire, and since he didn't have anymore famliy, he would become a foster child. J.B. was passed from home to home until he and another boy at the orphanarium was adopted by a middle-aged woman. This woman was very cruel to them, beating them to the point where they'd lose conciousness, she even went as far as molesting them. Even though J.B. never had any siblings when he was with his real parents, he loved his adopted brother just as much as he loved music, so in order to save both of their lives from this woman, he took his brother and they ran away back to the orphanarium where they came from. As time passed J.B. got older and his brother got adopted into a great famly, and was doing pretty great for himself. The last time he heard from him, he was on his way to scotland for a vacation or something. By the time all this had happened, J.B. was 19, and old enough to leave, so he got a great job as a back-up singer for a local music artist and lived the life that he wanted. A few months later he found out that his brother never came back form scotland and that he died in a fire while he was there...it killed J.B. inside that another person that he loved died in a fire. Months passed, just as J.B. was staring down the barrel of the 9mm that he was holding to his face he hears "You've Got Mail"....... OOC: Sorry, got a little carried away heh. [b]Greatest Desire:[/b]Family [b]Greatest Fear:[/b]Getting old[/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms]Pity........ In my opinion, pity is the one of the emotions that make me sick....especially [b]self-pity[/b]. I mean, it's bad enough that someone else is feeling sorry for you, why feel sorry for yourself? That really annoys the crackers out of me! Instead of people feeling so sorry for themselves, how about doing something about it.[/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, since I'm a fan of their music, I can truly say that I'm pretty bummed out about the whole thing. Sure they've had members come and go, but I don't expect them to be perfect, after all...they're only human. They're music has helped me out plenty of times as far as relationship issues goes. If me and my girl get into an argument, all I gotta do is listen to some "Emotions" and I'll calm down. In my opinion, Beyonce is so misunderstood. In a band or group, there will always be a lead singer, and the lead singer is mainly what "the people" want. If anyone actually [b]listened[/b] to any of the CD's, they'd see that she didn't sing every song. Just like, N'sync had Justin Timberlake and J.C. Chaze, they both dropped solo LP's, but Justin's album sold the most because he was the lead singer. It's all about what "the people" want. Also, with the publicity from Destiny's Child's last album, I'm pretty sure they'll all do great on they're own.[/font]
  16. M.Ali

    Symphonic Metal?

    [font=trebuchet ms]Now I have to admit that I've never heard of Symphonic Metal. A few years ago, when I was in my "rebellious" stage, I did try to get into metal, but I realized that all the screaming just gave me a headache. :animeswea But since this genre is called Symphonic Metal, I suppose it has a classical or a orchestral kind of sound? But either way, I'd love to hear it.[/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms]Hmm, there are a lot of good annoyances here. But I'd have to say that Tien, from the DBZ Buddokai series gets to me sometimes. Everytime he gets sent flying, he screams: "You Creep!!" and that really irks my nerves when he does it in continuation.[/font] [quote name='kabapu']personally, i find that tails, from sonic the hedgehog 2 (mega drive) is the most annoying character. whenever he gets stuck behind an object or something, he jumps continually. making that annoying "breeeeeeaow" noise, putting me off, and making me jump into a pool of "mega mack".[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Ugh, in that game, I hate Tails with a [b]passion[/b]!!! I mostly hate it when you start the game without disabling the cpu, and he's following you around [i][b]trying[/i][/b] to keep up. Sometimes it's funny seeing him die, but it gets irritating when you need rings to fight Robotnik, and he gets them, then loses them, then you die. [b]So[/b] not cool...[/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms]OOC: I should really post more... :shifty: ================================================== IC: It was the bottom of the third, and J.B.'s team was in the lead. The game was going great, but the turnout to [i]see[/i] the game wasn't. This didn't surprise J.B. at all, the baseball team never got much support, due to the fact that they never lost a game. But that wasn't the reason he was so interested in the crowd today, the truth is, he was really looking for his parents. He left his parents a note the night before telling them to be there, but to his disappointment, they weren't there yet. "I hope they come soon, this [i]is[/i] the last game of the season..." As he looked out at the crowd, he saw Maya and the others he invited to the game yesterday, he didn't recognize a few of the others, but he was sure he would meet them. "At least [i]they[/i] came..." J.B. said with a sigh. Then out of nowhere, a little girl ran across the field, "Hey kid! Get out of the way!!" J.B. screamed while all of his teammates looked at him like he was going crazy. Suddenly, she vanished. "Ummm, you okay J.B.?" his teammate asked. "Didn't you guys just see that little girl?!" "Umm...no. Look, we know you're ready to get at the bat, just wait, you're up next." "But...I...yeah, you're right, I'm just hyped...that's all." J.B. knew that he didn't just imagine that, but he thought that if he kept quiet, everyone wouldn't think he was crazy. "Billings!! You're up!!" the coach barked. "Right coach!" Right when he grabbed his bat, the symbol on his arm began to throb. "Ouch! Not now..." The pitcher threw the ball, and as it sped toward J.B., he felt a power in his right arm that was incredible. He swung the bat so hard that it dented the bat, and sent the ball flying for what seemed liked miles. "Woah! What the hell was that?!" J.B. said as he took off toward the bases. "Way to go Billings!! That's what I'm talking about!!" the coached screamed while J.B. and two other players hit home plate. "I knew that you would go out in a bang, ha!!" "Thanks....coach." A gasping J.B replied. [i]"I don't know what the hell is wrong with me today. First I'm seeing pale little girls, now I'm hitting balls to Australlia!! Well, whatever it is has got to stop, I'm getting weirded out..."[/i] ================================================== OOC: :animesigh How's that?[/font]
  19. M.Ali

    Rival Schools

    [QUOTE=Sol-Blade][SIZE=-3] My favorite character was Shoma, that bat wielding baseball player who took crap from no one. He really had the temper to back it up too. But by far, coolest thing was beating the story mode with him and unlocking his Home Run!!! game. That...kept me occupied for months to come. :D[/SIZE][/QUOTE][font=trebuchet ms]Me and you both buddy, Shoma was my favorite character too, mainly because he reminds me of myself, always carrying that bat around and what not (for me it's a camera). But Rival Schools was a pretty decent game for it's era, I always had a blast releaving stress by kicking some virtual-***. :cool: [/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]I just saw Hide and Seek on Monday, and take this advice from me, a wannabe actor. [b]Don't see it.[/b] Especially if you're looking for a good horror movie, because it's a thriller, not scary at all. And it's also very, very, predictable. In my opinion, I think two great actors (Robert Deniro & Dakota Fanining) were wasted for this film. But if you like those type of movies, then see it, but if not, then I wouldn't recommend that anyone waste their money on it.[/font] :nope:
  21. [font=trebuchet ms]OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting in awhile Ober, writers block is a pain. But that's all over now so....here we go! ================================================== IC: The past day was pretty simple for Cairo, all he did was train and come up with a few new attacks. He knew that the upcoming battle was going to be the biggest one of his life, so he only prepared for what was to come. Through the mist of his training, Cairo couldn't help thinking about the plan to cecede the resistance, [i]"I'm sure that Tanken's plan is for the best... after all, we're still fighting for the safety of Sanatos. It's getting late, I better go back to camp and get some rest."[/i] On the way back to camp, Cairo heard footsteps rapidly approaching, so he jumped unto a nearby tree branch to observe. "Halthan! Was Tanken alone with the creature?!" Namia said with her spear in hand. "Well, I'm not sure 'ow many were there, but when ah left 'im, Vaxla was fightin too." So! I assume you guys need some help then." Cairo chimed in, causing Halthan to stop and pull out a few of his highly impressive guns. "Damnit Cairo!! He could have blown your head off!!" an enraged Terra bellowed. "Well he didn't so let's keep going!" Cairo said with a smirk. [i]'Well...so much for rest...' "[/i] ================================================== OOC: Sorry Ober my man, I know this is pretty short, but I'm pretty sleepy. :p I promise that my next post will be better.[/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms]OOC: Gaaa! I'm back, and my writer's block is gone!! BTW, sorry for the mix-up, but my character's name is J.B. not Cairo... ^-^;; ================================================== IC: Baseball practice went great for J.B.. Every ball that came at him, he hit it out of the field each time. Curious as to why this stange phenomenon was happening, he thought to himself, [i]"Ever since my arm started hurting from this damn symbol, I've been playing better than I've ever played before..."[/i], suddenly his thoughts were interupted. "Billings!!! Get over here!" The coach bellowed from across the field. "Yes sir?" "Great job today, you must be pretty hype about tommorow's game." "Yeah...something like that." "Well don't get too hype. We'll need some of that energy for tommorrow's game, now hit the showers." As J.B. stood in the showers, he let the water wash away all his worries, "Ahh...it's been a while since I indulged in the water like this..." Ever since his incident in the ocean a few years ago, J.B. hasn't surfed, swimmed, or done any water activites. "Just a bit warmer...ahh, that's it." The showers suddenly got very foggy, and J.B. open his eyes, only to see a pair staring back at him, "WHA?!" he said as he rubbed his eyes and looked again, "Must be this steam playing tricks on me. It's time for me to get out anyway, gotta meet Maya in the library." When he was dressed, he headed for the library, expecting to meet Maya, so they could joke around for a while before going home. Even though J.B. and Maya were the best of friends, some people made it to be more than that, J.B. didn't care because him and Maya both knew the truth. When J.B. turned the corner to get to the library, he saw the guy that bumped into him earlier, he was heading out the door with a look of concentration on his face. J.B. really wanted to see if he was okay, so he ran down the hall to the door to stop him, but when he got there, it was too late, the guy was getting on the bus. "Oh well, guess I'll see him on Monday then...", and with that, J.B. headed toward the library once again. When he arrived, he saw Maya along with another girl and a guy. "J.B.! It's about fucking time!! What took you so long?" "Had to shower up you know. You don't want to smell my funkyness do ya?"' "Eh...I'd rather not! By the way, these are two new friends of mine, Joei and Nyx. Joei and Nyx, this is Joshua Billings--" "--But you can call me J.B." J.B. interupted as he shook his fist at Maya. "Hi!" Nyx replied first, "it's great to meetcha!" "Wassup" Joei replied, "hey, I know you. You play baseball right?" "Yes, I do. And our last game of the season is tommorrow, it'd be great if you guys could come." "I'll be there" Nyx replied. "I dunno, I gotta check with my parents first" Joei said. "So what were you guys talking about?" "This" Maya said as she held up the book "Ghost History, pretty cool huh?" "I guess...if you believe in that sort of thing." All of a sudden, Joei collapsed to his knees on the ground. When everyone came running to see what was wrong with him, they looked at him then drew back when they saw the blood across his bottom lip. Joei then waved his hand casually as if this was normal, then he stood up, a little shakey at first, then he left. "Umm....did that just happen?" Maya said with a puzzled look on her face. "........" Nyx just stood there with a look of pure disgust on her face. "Well, we gotta see if he's okay." J.B. said as he grabed his gym bag and headed out the library doors. ================================================== OOC: I know, I know. Pretty long right? Oh and I hope this is okay. I tried to include Daermon_Nashabe's part too since it seemed to be overlooked. ^-^[/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms]The bell had rang 10 minutes ago, and even though baseball practice started 30 minutes after school, J.B. wanted to get to practice early so he could run a few warm-up laps. As he shut his locker and began to walk toward the door, he thought to himself, [i]'I wonder if mom or dad will come to the game on Saturday, after all, it is my last game.'[/i] He was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't hear the footsteps approaching rapidly from around the upcoming corner. All of a sudden there was a sharp pain in his right foot, and books were flying everywhere. "Oops, I'm so sorry!!" a tall bare-chested boy said as he was picking up his books, "I was trying to hurry and get to the pool...are you okay?" "Yeah...I'm fine." J.B. said as he rubbed his now aching foot. [i]'Oh well...there goes my warm-up laps...'[/i] He thought to himself. "Umm...I really got to get to the pool, sooo... once again I'm sorry okay? Oh and I would get something for that foot if I were you!" the boy said as he grabed the rest of his books and ran off. "Since I can't run right now, I guess I guess I'll get some batting in." When the boy finally turned the corner, the symbol on J.B.'s arm began to throb. "Ouch, my arm..." ====================================================== OOC: Sorry for the short post ^-^; but I'm suffering from serious writers block. Hope that's good enough for right now! EDIT:Sorry for the whole name mixup thing. My character's name is J.B. not Cairo. ^-^;;[/font]
  24. [font=trebuchet ms]Since it hasn't started yet.... :shifty: [center][b]Name:[/b]Joshua "J.B." Billings [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearence:[/b] See Attachment [b]First Encounter:[/b] J.B.'s first encounter with a spirit occured while he was on vacation with his family in the Bahamas. While surfing, he hit a wave that was so big, it knocked him further into the water, causing him to go under deeper, and deeper. While trying to gather his bearings underwater, he realized that he couldn't hold his breath any longer. He began to accept his fate and just drown, but when he stoped holding his breath, he realized he could breathe. He also noticed two eyes staring at him, and a force pulling him to the surface. When he got to the shore he felt a sharp pain on his arm, and when he looked at it a wierd symbol was there, later, he was told that the strange symbol was a sign of water.... [b]Personality:[/b] A very fun and loving guy, Josh has always been the life of the party. At school, he's one of the most popular guys around, considering the fact that he's a heart-throb, a great student, and a excellent athlete. Even though his life seems perfect it's not, his parents are both Doctors, and are never around, they've never even seem him play at one of his baseball games. For that, J.B. tries to be the best person he can be.[/center] Please don't count me out... :( [/font]
  25. [quote name='QuincyArcher']And finally my third addiction would have to be anime/manga i spend wayyy too much money on that stuff and not to mention a 120gig hard drive completely filled with nothing but anime that i've downloaded over the past couple years. my dvd collection has easily gone over $1500 (those out-of-print collector's boxes can be pretty spendy to get my hands on) and i've easily spent over $250 on various manga (both english and japanese). but i haven't regretted buying any of it, every dvd i own i've watched several times through and every manga i own i've read several times through, so i feel that i've definately gotten my money's worth.[/quote][font=trebuchet ms]You are so rich.... I would have to say that I'm addicted to the Looney Toons character Taz. Since I was 13, I always thought that he was so cool. It's gotten to the point that everyone who knows me, knows that I'm a Taz freak, so on special ocassions (birthday,valentine's day,etc.) I always get Taz stuffed animals, boxers, candy, or whatever. And now since Baby Looney Toons come on everyday, I just luuuv :love: Baby Taz! Ahem...heh, but anyways, as far as food is concerned, I am so addicted to Haagen Dazs': Dulce De Leche ice cream. It is so damn good!! It's like Yum x 10. I could eat a pint of it everyday, I'd end up fat but...blaa.[/font] [quote name='Zombie_Nosh][font=trebuchet ms']I have a friend who's addicted to touching himself.[/font][/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Ha! That was a good laugh! :laugh: [/font]
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