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Everything posted by M.Ali

  1. [QUOTE=Sepiroth]I wanted to know what you thought of interracial. I do intrracialy date on a regular basis. Partely because i grew up in a prominently white neighborhood(1 other black family beside mine).One day I would just be playing with my friends out ion the yard and these teenage girls and yelled thay i was hot and they wanted. To me it was nothing I just went ok and black to playing cause it was no big to me, but my black friend trey said "dont get involved with them white girls man, it aint right. " I asked him what do you meen and he went off on this rampage talking about it goes against the color line. I just went whatever not really listening. Any way is it seamed to be a big problem with him.[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]It's funny that you say that because where I'm from (Atlanta), when a (ghetto) black girl sees a black guy with a white girl, they get all crazy and start sayin stuff like "That's a shame, all the good nig*** get taken by these white ****", it's attitudes like that, that makes other black guys get in interacial relationships, when the crazy thing is that it's about personality, not skin color. Afterall, who wants to deal with nasty attitudes like that? With me, it doesn't matter what color you are, if we click and got something good going, then I'm happy.[/font]
  2. [quote name='Morpheus']Those are all food. They have this thing about them that keeps you alive.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Okay, it's starting to be pretty obvious that you're not reading everything that's being said, in order to support your views you must do so. If you would have read, you would have saw that he was merely comparing how similar junk-food is harmful, to how harmful weed is. Oh and to let you know, you don't need junk-food to survive.[/font] [quote name='Morpheus']Let's tax one thing that hurts you to fight another. That is simply retarded. We have all seen "the best of their ability". Haven't you seen the adds for medications linked to death? They were studied for years and determined comepletely safe. And then people died. Let's make some thing that hurts you legal so that people won't try to make it hurt you more? It still hurts you no matter what. If you buy it and it's laced, it's your own damn fault for buying a harmful drug.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Well if that's the case, the same should be said about alcohol and cigarettes. The point [i]is[/i], is that people know it isn't good for them, but they continue to do it anyway. Why? [b]Because we like it.[/b] The same can be said for junk-food too, for example, you know that eating too much taffy can give you cavities, yet, because you like it, you keep eating anyway. It's just that simple. BTW, calm down, it's just a fun little debate. :p [/font]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms]Hopefully, it will be fixed soon, because the crazy thing is, I'm starting to get used to it. o_O[/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms]I'm using DSL, and it seems that this problem is not only affecting the OB, but it's affecting TheOtaku, and MyO as well. So whatever is going on must be pretty big, I suppose...[/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms]Finally! It took me at least three tries just to get this post up! I dunno, maybe some changes are being made to the site or something, but whatever it is, it's really itching my nerves right now.[/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms]Before I state my opinion, let me say that this is going to be a very interesting thread lol. But honestly, I think that weed should [b]not[/b] be legalized. I say this simply for the fact that weed will become better accessed by younger individuals, and that, I think is not good, don't get me wrong, because weed isn't that hard to get now days, but if it's easier to get to by making it legal, then plenty of 13,14,and 15 year-olds would be walking around geeked-up all the time. Weed has different effects on different people when they're high, I know this from experience. Some people get wild, some people get relaxed, or in most cases, whatever emotion that hits you hard (examples: Anger, excitement, etc.), so driving while being high isn't very smart, and it's against the law (D.U.I.).[/font] [QUOTE=Siren]You say I'm just getting too drawn in to the "anti-drug" classes? Bull****. I've [i]seen[/i] the effects of marijuana, Zeta. My cousins are testament to what it does. It is damaging--far, far moreso than you want to admit. You have gotten lucky in your life, Zeta. Don't try to spin your experiences as the norm, because I have seen what pot does to a person. My cousin, Anthony, still has that glazed look in his eyes and he's been clean for years now. [/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]Erm..okay, didn't you say this:[/font] [quote name='Siren']*thinks back to when some of his cousins started pot, then launched into cocaine, a bit of heroin, finally hitting rock-bottom and coming to a mission for drug abuse out in the NorthWest*[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Trust me when I say, that weed isn't the reason that you cousin is the way he is, you pointed out yourself that your cousin did more than one type of drug, and had to go to rahabilitation. So I totally stick by Syk3 and Zeta when they say that weed is harmless than other drugs. In my opinion, I think that cigaretts should be considered a drug, seeing as though [i]they[/i] kill. But [i]weed[/i]? Naw, I grew up in the hood, and not once did I ever hear anything about someone dying from using weed, and there were some [i]real[/i] "weed-heads" out there (35 year-old men that have been smoking almost everyday since they were 16), but anyways, the fact that there hasn't been any reported deaths that have been caused by weed, is because weed [i][b]can?t[/b][/i] kill, and it [b][i]isn't[/i][/b] addictive. Why? I have no clue whatsoever lol. If I were a scientist, I'd tell ya. I used to smoke when I was younger (14-15, now I'm 18), and I know how good it felt, but I was smoking for all of the wrong reasons, just because I thought my cousins were so cool and tried to be just like them. I eventually stopped because weed has a few side-effects, the main one is called [b]"The Munchies"[/b]. I hated being so damn hungry everytime I got high, and I eventually picked up weight, so I had to stop. Oh, and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that smoking weed is good, I'm just simply pointing out the fact that, it isn't as harmful as other drugs. Afterall, no matter how much you sugar-coat it, drugs are still, drugs... [/font]
  7. [quote name='Omar Harris']Crossgens out of business. It may be possible that Mark Alessi could sell the rights to some of his company's creations for movie deals, but I'm not sure.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]You've got to be kidding me, I really, really didn't know about that... But it would be pretty okay if a Sojourn movie was made, considering that most of the main characters seem pretty realistic enough.[/font]
  8. [font=trebuchet ms]There's also another Comic Book movie that's coming to theaters pretty soon.[b] Constantine[/b], an old DC classic. A friend of mine told me about it, I didn't believe him at first, until I saw the commercial, and I have to say, it looks like it's pretty good. Staring in the movie is everyone's favorite reality bending Matrix man,[b] Mr. Keanu Reeves[/b], and it's also being directed by music video director:[b] Francis Lawrence[/b]. It seems as if DC is giving Marvel a run for their money, and who knows, maybe CrossGen or Image will join in the fun...[/font]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms]You guys really do live in some exciting places... But I live in Atlanta, home to the 1996 Olympics, The Coca-Cola Company, and plenty of celebrities. I'd have to say that Atlanta is pretty okay, if you like the whole city scene, then this place is perfect.I would love to bore you guys with the history, but I'd rather not, so I'll talk about the present instead. [b]-Great Clubs-[/b]I can tell you from experience about the clubs here, even though I'm not a club person, I still tend to have a good time. [b]-Famous People-[/b]Everywhere you look, there's always famous people here, and a lot of them live here too. From Ted Turner, to Lil Jon, you'll see someone, trust me. [b]-The Atlanta Zoo-[/b]Although it's a tourist attraction, I love to take pictures of the animals, they're really good models.Heh. [b]-Music Videos-[/b]A lot of music videos are shot around here too, mainly by Lil Jon, Usher, Ciera, T.I., and all those other Atlanta people out there. All in all, pretty great place to live.[/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms]OOC: Aghhh!! Total confusion! :wigout: Oh, and who's Deo?? ================================================== IC: "....GET THAT MONSTER!" Tanken cried, drawing a Hessler and grinning, "Finally... We meet again, Pinnacle..." As Tanken, Cairo, and Densi began to charge the beast to make room for Namia's attack, a blur moved quickly past them and sliced off it's right wing. "Ha you missed!" the creature said. "Oh did I now?" Raion replied with a evil grin on his face. "WHAT!!! HOW!!! AARRGG!!!" While the monster moaned in agony, Vincent and Halthan had returned to help, and with a surprised look on his face, Halthan said, "Raion that might not 'ave been a good idea..." "What do you me--" Before Raion could even finish his question, the beast fired a small beam of energy directly at his skull, "AHHHHH! MY EYE!!!!!" "RAION!!!!" Everyone screamed. The creature then began to speak, "HA! HA! Your friend really got me good...but not good enough!" and with that being said, the creature's right wing instantly grew back, but if that wasn't enough, a similar creature started to rapidly grow from the wing that had been choped off. Heh, don't you weaklings get it!!!! I'M INDESTRUCTABLE!!!!!! NOW SURRENDER, RESITANCE IS FUTILE!!!!" Two of these monsters now stood before the head fighters of the resistance. "Tanken" Cairo said, "we can't afford anymore severe injuries. Deus knows that we're here, otherwise he wouldn't be dealing with these two, and I'm pretty sure that his troops are on the way." "Yeah, you're right, so what do you think we should do?" "Directly behind that wall, is the courtyard leading to the front gate, if we can somehow push their asses through the wall, we might have enough space to signal our troops. With that spear Namia's got, it should be even easier to get rid of those two. Let's just hope that Vaxla, Sabin and Jake has the gate open by now." "Let's do this everyone!!" Tanken said with his swords drawn. Vincent then used a wind spell to retrieve Raion's unconsious body, while everyone else stood armed and ready. "Just don't know when to give up do ya?" One of the creatures said. "Well how about a taste of THIS!!!!!" Suddenly lightning bolts fell from the sky at tremendous speeds. "Stone Barrier!!!!!!!!" Vincent yelled as he covered Raion, Terra,and himself. The others quickly dodged the oncoming lightning bolts. When they got a little closer, "Halthan, I think Reason wants to come out and play!" Namia screamed. "Ah think so too luv!!" Halthan replied as he swung the huge gun over his shoulder, "I'd love to see you try and heal from THIS ! ==================================================== OOC: Gotta go now, Ill be right back to edit. [/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms]Wow, I'm a Captain Planet fan too, and I gotta hand it to you, this story is turning out pretty great. You should really think about sending this to Turner Studios here in Atlanta, it'd give the whole "Captain Planet" thing a new and better image. Can't wait for the next installment![/font]
  12. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][center][u][b]Odin's Guard Sign-Up[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Joshua Billings [b]Stage Name:[/b] J.B. [b]Code Name:[/b] Shell [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] See Attachment. [b]Personality:[/b] A very fun and loving guy, Josh has always been the life of the party. At school, he's one of the most popular guys around, considering the fact that he's a heart-throb, a great student, an excellent athlete, plays drums in the band that he's in, and he's a secret counter-assassin. He works well with his teammates, and even though his parents are divorced, it doesn't get to him. His dad also works at Odin's Guard HQ. His life may seem pretty great, but that's only on the outside...inside, he's just a kid who wants his father's affection, whereas his codename Shell comes into effect. Even though his dad works at Odin's Guard HQ with him, he's never around for Josh. When these feelings are unleashed, Joshua is a force to be reckoned with... [b]Training:[/b]Joshua was introduced to Odin's Guard at the age of 10, it happened upon the discovery of his fathers personal files. When his father found out, he had Joshua trained in almost every fighting style known to man, and he caught on very quickly, making his body his deadliest weapon. At the age of 13, he began going on counter-assassin missions, his methods of killing were crude, but quite efficient. With long-range weapons, he'd get it over as quickly as possible, shooting his victim through the temple of the head, or straight through the heart. During close-range combat, he'd hit the major pressure points of the body with tremendous force, causing his opponent to die on contact. Josh doesn't like killing, but if it gets the job done, he would just deal with it. His weapons of choice are usually sniper rifles, but prefers a bow with very thin arrows because it isn't as loud. Even though he knows his identity is well protected, throughout his daily school life he always carries a bag that holds his wooden slugger baseball bat.[/center][/FONT]
  13. M.Ali

    Pulp Fiction

    [font=trebuchet ms]Aww man. This is one of my Mr.Tarintino favs. I love the actors in it (especially Ms. Umma Thurman!), and the plot is very interesting and hillarious. Isn't it funny how Mr.Tarintino always uses the same actors for his movies? I personally wouldn't have it any other way. ^-^ [/font]
  14. [quote name='Manic Webb']Actually, is she an American citizen? I always thought she stayed in America on the infamous entertainment visa.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]She was born and raised in Africa, then came to New-York to dance. It's wierd when you think about it, but she's African-American. But anyway, I think that ethnic descrimination is still an occuring problem too, of course it's not as strong as it used to be, but it's still there. Some of us may catch it more than others, and that's mainly because of where we live. I say that because I live in the south-eastern part of the U.S. where racism was in it's prime. I can honestly say that I 've had my fair share of encounters, being though I 'm black/puerto-rican. I've caught it from both ends too, (other people, and puerto-ricans as well), mainly because people look at me and think that I'm the stereotypical "black" male, whos a gangsta and walks around raping all day. But to me, the most important thing isn't the descrimination, it's how you would react to this type of situation. I say this because I have a few friends who are catagorized as the stereotypical "black" male, that have paid the consequences for handleing racial descrimination the wrong way. I'm sure that everyone already knows this, but if this situation did arise, the best thing to do is just try your best to just walk away.[/font]
  15. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while you guys ^-^;... been really busy lately. This starts where Ms.ssjSolarPrincess left off at. =========================================================== IC: Cairo watched curiously as Terra stormed out of the tent. She was furious, Cairo wondered what happened, so he decided to ask, but just as he was about to enter the tent, he paused and decided to ask Terra instead. As he approached the Murhyrr, she growled and mumbled fiercly, "Stupid Halthan! I thought Tanken was his friend? Why wouldn't he want to go and rescue him?!" "Maybe because he knows that Tanken and Namia can take care of themselves..." Cairo said as he surprised her from behind. "Shit! Oh it's just you.... you really shouldn't sneak up on people like that. It could your head knocked off." "So you wanna talk about it?" "What's there to talk about? People around here treat me like...like I'm a kid or something. They never listen to what I have to say..." "Well...I'm listening..." "I wanna go and help Tanken rescue Namia...she's like a sister to me, and if anything were to happen to her, I don't know what I'd do." "I want to save her too. But I know Namia well enough to know that she can take care of herself in these situations...you gotta believe that too. After all, us [i]'Kids'[/i] gotta stick together." "Heh, I guess you're right... by the way, don't you have a thing for Namia?" "Who me? Naw, we're just close because she helped me out a few years ago. While I was in the process of learning the many fighting styles of the world, I needed to learn how to fight like a Muhyrr too. This is how I met Namia...she came with my teacher, Taz Falks, and as he taught me, Namia demonstated the techniques, we sparred a lot too. One day while we were taking a break, there was a terrible rock slide at the mountain where we trained. I could have been killed, but luckily, Namia saved me, ever since then I've been in her debt, and we've been the best of friends." "Wow...you knew Master Taz, you must be a pretty good fighter then...but I'm tired of talking, I'm ready for some action!!" "Hmm...I wondered why we haven't left for Deus' Fortress yet...the note that Tanken left behind said that we should go ahead with the invasion..." "Well, let's go and ask Halthan ourselves. This guard thing isn't working for me anyway." "Good idea..." and with that they headed toward Halthan's tent. When they were inside, they realized that William was thinking the same thing. A heated discussion was already going on, "Halthan, why the hell haven't we left yet! The note said that we should go ahead with the plan, and we should hurry before those Mantaean bitches find out where we're hiding!!" "We've got to wait a bit longa', they could be back any minute now! When they get 'ere, we'll all leave tegetha!!" "Why the fuck are you waiting!! They'll be okay! Besides, the people who can't fight will be here, and the soldiers from the Wu and Shinjiro clans are getting restless!! If we wait any longer, we won't have any soldiers at all!!!!" The presure soon became a little unbearable for Halthan. " *sighs* O'kay then... gather ev'ryone t'gether. Since it just became night, we should get there as fast as we can so those Mantaean blokes can't find us." ==========================20 Min Later==================== As everyone gathered, Halthan began, "Okay e'vryone, you know the plan. If the others are not 'ere by the time we get there, we'll 'ave to impr'vise...LET'S HEAD OUT!!" Everyone began to move out at a high speed that was very unusual for a group of about 150 soldiers. Among the group were Terra and Cairo, "I hope the modifications that were done to my bow is enough." the prince said. Terra then replied, "Let's hope that it is...I'm pretty sure we'll need everything we've got to beat him." "I wonder what Tanken and the others are doing now...." =========================================================== OOC: Hope that's good enough, if not pleeeaaase PM me. If you noticed, I tried to get Halthan's accent right,^-^; and I included how Namia and Cairo knew each other too. I hope that the next posts are great![/FONT]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms]Shattered/Broken Dreams. You're right, it is pretty obvious lol. I really like it, the way you used the } symbol, very unique. The way you made it self explainitory was pretty savvy too.[/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms]Aww man, I could just go on and on about the games I'd love to see this year, but that'd be a really long post, so I'll just list the ones that I'm really estatic about.[/font] [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']And obviously I'm really looking forward to the new Zelda on the GCN. I know I just keep saying this, but I absolutely cannot wait to see how massive the overworld will be, and how much exploring there'll be. Plus, any improvements to the TWW combat system. It was tons of fun to just waste a room full of baddies in TWW, so I have high hopes for this new game.[/color][/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Me, being the huge Zelda fan that I am, will spend countless hours exploring the depths of this game, using the features to the fullest extent possible. Like Desbreko, I too can't wait to see so how much exploring can be done, seeing the limits as to how far Link can travel will be pretty interesting.^_^[/font] [quote name='ThatOneOddDude']I cant wait until fire Emblem for Gamecube comes out.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]I didn't know that Fire Emblem was coming to Gamecube, but I can say that I wasn't surprised though. Now if only Nintendo could do the same for Earthbound... The last game I'm really estatic about is Kingdom Hearts II. The last one kinda left me in suspense, so I'm really expecting great things from this game.[/font]
  18. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue]And then there's the racism...bleh. A lot of Koreans my age (and parents) expect all Korean guys/girls to marry other Korean guys/girls...I think I'm the only one in the group of Koreans I hang out with that would marry another race. And a lot of Koreans (in the Atlanta area, as far as I know) tend to not like Japanese people at [i]all[/i]. Or white people... *shrug* It's understandable for me, though. Eh...anyways, I love being Korean. [/color][/QUOTE] [color=green][font= trebuchet ms]I live in Atlanta Too!! But even though I'm not Asian, I get that a lot. The way people treat you now days is pretty crude, I realized that when I was visiting my daddy and grandaddy in Miami a few years back. My daddy was asking me if I had a girlfriend, when I said yeah, my grandaddy's "best friend" :rolleyes: decided to chime in, she said,[i] " She's Puerto Rican too right?"[/i]...I looked at her with a look of pure, and utter disgust. Knowing my quick temper, my daddy quickly decided that we should go to the beach. But that was in the past, thankfully, I've learned to better control my temper, and I've encountered even more racisim since then, the only thing that can be done is just ignore it.[/color][/font]
  19. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Surprised that I haven't seen this in a while... anyways... I'm Puerto Rican/Black. Due to the fact that my mama is Black, and my daddy is Puerto Rican, I'm a mutt too like Freude, and Billy Shears, >_
  20. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]The song that has the most beautiful lyrics to me is [b][i]Boyz II Men: Water Runs Dry[/b][/i]. I love that song because it's talking about a relationship that needs to be saved before it's completley destroyed, here's the first verse and the chorus: [b][i]We don't even talk anymore. We don't even know what we argue about. We don't even say 'I love you' no more. 'Cause saying how we feel is no longer allowed. Some people will work things out And some just don't know how to change. *Chorus* Let's don't wait 'til the water runs dry. We might watch our whole life pass us by. Let's don't wait 'til the water runs dry. We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives. Don't do it baby.[/b][/i][/color][/font]
  21. [COLOR=GREEN][FONT=TREBUCHET MS]It's a real shame that an American icon such as himself has passed. He was one of the few people who inspired me to want to become an actor. He will be greatly missed.....[/color][/font]
  22. :babble:[color=green][font=trebuchet ms] I thought it was pretty good, given the proper name it could attract a lot of people...[/color][/font]
  23. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]OOC: Okay this is after what amgoddess just wrote, and starting where OliverWhip left off. IC: [i]'Mom!! Dad!!...Wait don't go!!...Come Back!! Come Back!!'[/i] Cairo screamed as he watched his parents go into the throne room of their castle, [i]'It-It's him!! DAD...MOM WATCH OUT!!'[/i] but it was too late, Deus had already stabbed the king, and Mantaean soldiers were already pursuing the queen... Cairo felt weak, with all his training and expertise, all he could do was watch, then Deus pointed the Paragon at him, and with a sick and twisted smirk on his face, he said, [i]'You're next!!'[/i] "Not if I get you first!!" The prince yelled as he awoke in a cold sweat, "Cairo! Cairo!, it's was a dream, it was just a dream," Namia said as she ran in and tried to comfort the unstable prince. "A dream?...but it felt so real..." "It must be the side-effcts from the spell that Sabin used on you." "Sabin...oh shit! The fight, gotta get back!!" "Calm down, it's all taken care of. When you ran to Sabin and got shot, he became furious and fired off three Holy Bolt's...didn't know he had it in him, it was pretty amazing." "Wow...sounds intense." "It was, when the smoke cleared all of the soldiers were dead. William and Tanken came and picked up your body and we all got to HQ as quickly as we could. Good thing this place didn't completely get hit by the fire, cause if it did, we'd probably still be runnin into soldiers. "Look at who's finally awake," William said as he walked into the room, "it's about time princess." "Ha, ha, very funny" Cairo said sarcastically. "Better get dressed, we've got a meeting in a few minutes" =================20 Min.Later=========================== "Since Deus surprised us and made the first move, we've got to come up with a better plan. Any suggestions?" Jadou asked as some of the other members raised their hands. "We could rush at them head on, killing anyone who comes in our path!" Meteo said proudly. "Sorry Meteo, but that would result in killing more resistance members." "Well how's about some of us sneak into the fortress, then once we get inside, we take out the fortress' surveillance and outside defenses, when that's done, someone could signal everyone and attack altogether. That way, they won't know what hit'em." Cairo suggested as the group disscused it among themselves, "It was the same tactic my father used against the Iconians, so I figured we could maybe try it." "Excellent idea Cairo, but the only problem is that we still don't have enough members here who are 'great' fighters." "Then we'll need some help then." Meteo chimed in, "My clan would be more than proud to participate in the fall of Deus, and to bring the Paragon back to it's rightful place." "My clan too!" said a battered Rhian as he stumbled into the room. "Then it's settled, we move out in two days." ========================================= OOC: Hope this is good enough, tried to get DemonicElf's character in too.[/color][/font]
  24. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]As Sabin took off to get the others, Tanken and Namia made their assault on the oncoming enemies that were ferociously rushing toward them, [I]?We?ve gotta hold them off as long as we can?[/i], Tanken thought to himself, [I]?if the others are found, the plan will be ruined!!"[/I] He then began to fight more fiercely, taking out more soldiers with each blow. Tanken knew that the Mantaean soldiers were'nt hard to take down, but they still had strength in numbers, and as he fought harder, he took a slight glimpse toward Namia, "Namia!! Look ou-" before he could warn her, she had already taken care of the soldier rushing at her from behind due to her cat-like reflexes, and at that brief moment, Tanken was caught off guard and hit by a stray arrow laced with a stun-arrowhead, "Ahh!!" he cried out as the poison quickly spread through his body, stiffening every limb, "Aww shit Tanken!!" Namia shouted as she ran toward him, "looks like I gotta hold 'em off by myself until the calvary arrives" she said boastingly with a devilish smirk on her face. They were now surrounded with at least 30 soldiers closing in on them, "If you want us, come and get us!" Namia shouted, and with that, all of the soldiers came charging at once. For as second, Namia held her own, until her spear was broken in half, she then tried to fight weaponless but that did'nt last long seeing as though she was still outnumbered, "Let me go!!" she screamed "Let me go before I rip your fucking head off!!" "Shut up you filthy piece of shit!" the commanding soldier said as he brutally backhanded the Murhyrr. As the soldiers began to tie both her and Tanken up to a nearby tree... " You heard her" a voice rang out of nowhere. "Yea" another voice said "You better let her go, or face the consequences". "Oh yeah?" the commander said as he told his men to scatter toward all directions, then standing next to Namia with the tip of his sword touching her throat "Stop hiding and show yourselves, if you don't, the little 'Kitty' here gets it" and with that being said, a thin beam of light shot out of the surrounding woods facing the commanding soldier, "Arrgghh!!! My Arm!!" the comander screamed as his now lifeless arm lay in the grass. "Last time... let them go" the voice rang out again, "Men!! Find them NOW!!!" the commander barked as the men began to search frantically, "I warned you" the voice said as another shot beamed out of the woods, only this time the commander tried to run, getting his hand instead of his whole arm, "Arrgghh!! RETREAT!!" the commander screamed as he, and the now spooked soldiers, ran for their lives "Damn You All!!!" "Who [I]are[/i] you!?" Namia yelled as she felt her hands being untied from behind. "You went through all that trouble of saving her, and she does'nt even remember you?" the other voice said. "No, she'll remember me when she sees me." the first voice said confidently as he finished untying her from the tree, "There you go, all finished." "Thanks" she replied as she turned around and tried to identify the people who saved her and Tanken's life. As Namia tried to identify these two, she started with the guy to her left who was untying Tanken, he was human, Slightly muscluar, more so in the arms and shoulders, he was tall, very tall, his blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, and from the dark clothing and his quiet looking shoes, she assumed that he was probably a thief, or an assassin. Namia knew she had no clue who he was, so she began to look at the other guy, before she even looked at his face, she could tell that he had loaded, he was also human, he had on a black short cape,a white knitted undershirt with an overlaping brown knited overshirt, brown pants, and black long boots, when she got to his face, she knew he looked very familiar, "You're right...I do know you..." she said, her voice trailing off as she tried to place this figure standing in front of her, his hair was cut very low, and she could tell from the smooth looking texture of his skin, that he was young, "Oh my fucking gosh" she said with a huge grin on her face, "Prince Cairo Stroud of Oxenol!! What the fuck are you doing here!" "Heh, nowadays I just go by Cairo," the prince said with an embarrased look on his face, "I don't know if you've heard, but Oxenol's been taken over by none other than Emperor Deus," "Yeah, I heard about that" she said, Cairo continued, "I heard about a resistance forming out west, so I figured I'd come and offer my services, if it was needed." "Well, they are," she replied "we could use any help that we can get." "Then I'd like you to meet a friend of mine that I met on the way here," he said "Namia, I'd like you to meet William Collins, William this is Na- " "Tanken!!" someone yelled interupting the prince in mid sentence, it was Jadou, the head resistance member, which means that Sabin made it back to HQ safely. He rushed over to Tanken barking orders, "Sabin, quickly use some sort of healing spell on him, Vincent, scan the area for more soldiers, and Halthan, seize those two men!!!"[/color][/font]
  25. [QUOTE=Altron] I'm feeling anger/sadness? But more sadness than anger. [B]9/10[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I agree with Altron, I seems like anger/sadness to me too, and I'm lovin the whole "emo" look you've got goin on. [b]9/10[/b][/font][/color]
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