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Everything posted by M.Ali

  1. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Hell no! I'm 18, and I have yet to get a job or my driver's liscense. I am a bit overwhelmed by the new responsibilities I have. I still can't believe I'm an adult! I still act like a child and am quite dependant on my mother. In Canada, healthcare is generally free, but dental care and eye care is not free once you're 18. I'm like: "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO PAY FOR MY CHECKUP?!" Lol, and so forth. I really need to learn more skills so I can actually be able to start a family and maintain a household later on. I really need to learn how to cook. Macaroni and cheese or canned soup just isn't gonna cut it. I'm and Arab, I need to learn how to cook all those weird spicy dishes my mom makes. How does she do it? She doesn't even use measuring cups or anything.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I'm 18 and that just about explains me in a nut-shell!:p My mama just recently told me that I would have to file my taxes this year, and me, being the nut that I am, looked at her and started laughing like it was a joke, while in fact, she was actually telling the truth.But as the years go by I now know that the transition from young to old is getting harder, and harder. BTW- To answer the original question, I [b]don't[/b] act my age. I figure, you gotta stay young some kinda way right?[/color][/font]
  2. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms] :confused: I thought that the RPG starts today? If not today when?[/font][/color]
  3. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Like doukeshi, I've been out of high school for at least 7, or 7 1/2 months, and right now, I'm on a well deserved break from school. Even though I'm out of school, I miss it terribly, and I will be going to school starting in the summer. But right now I'm working at a social security office getting paid pretty well for a guy my age (18).:p My original plan was to go to an out-of-state university and double-major in both Theater, and Photography, seeing though my passion at the time, was both acting, and taking pictures. But when I got out of high school and began to work, and travel, I thought that it could wait. But now I am so ready to get back into the "learning environment". The only difference now is that I've came back to my photographical roots, and I'm considerin going to an art school instead... :rolleyes: [/color][/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms][color=green]With the upcoming, comic gone movies coming out, I was wondering what paticular comic would you like to see turned into a movie? [b][u]Upcoming Comic Movies[/b][/u] -Blade Trinity(already released) -Elektra -Fantastic Four -Batman Begins Here are a few of my choices: -The Avengers -The Black Panther -Wonder Woman -Green Lantern[/color][/font]
  5. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Let me start by saying...Congrats Mr. Liam :D !! :babble: Well, I graduated last year and decided to take a year off, but since I'm ready now, I recentlly applied to a few art schools and university's, needless to say, I got accepted into one local art school, one local college, and two out of state schools! The choice is gonna be hard but it'll all work out. ^_^[/color][/font]
  6. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Sorry the first thread got closed :( ...... [b]Name:[/b] Prince Cairo Stroud of Oxenol [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Oxenol Elite [b]Weapon Of Choice:[/b] Double Edged Sword Of Oxenol (family hierloom),a Shield with the royal crest of Oxenol imprinted on it, and a Bow that shoots Regenerating arrows. [b]What side you're on:[/b] The Kingdom of Oxenol were loyal allies to some of the Murhyrr, and Tanni races (Resistance). [b]Why they fight:[/b] The Mantaean Empire were once allies with Oxenol, but Deus soon betrayed the kingdom, by killing the king, kidnapping the queen, and expanding his empire by claiming Oxenol as his own. Now, Cairo wants his mother back, his kingdom back, and to avenge his father's death. [b]A BRIEF(!) History of the character:[/b] Cairo was born into the lap of luxury being the only hier to the throne of Oxenol. Although he was a prince, he had a great passion for the art of combat, he soon learned all of what was required to be a soldier in his father's army, his father was so impressed that he hired people from all over just to teach Cairo many forms of fighting. After seeing his father killied, his mother kidnapped, his kingdom dimolished, and not doing anything about it, he thought now was the time to take stand and make Deus Marich pay!! [b]Hair:[/b] Short and black [b]Skin:[/b] Brown Skinned [b]Eyes:[/b] Dark Brown [b]Build:[/b] 5'10'' 180lbs. Muscular [b]Clothing:[/b] Black short Cape, white knitted undershirt, brown knited overshirt, brown pants, black long boots. [b]All in all:[/b] A royal kick in the ***...[/color][/font]
  7. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I got a skateboard on my 7th birthday, *what a 7 year old does with a skateboard....don't know...*. I tried to ride it, but a black kid riding a skateboard in my neighborhood raised eyebrows, so in the meantime, I'll just stick to T.H.U.G.[/color][/font] :p
  8. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Wait..don't count me out!... [b]Name:[/b] Prince Cairo of Oxenol [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Oxenol Elite [b]Weapon Of Choice:[/b] Double Edged Sword Of Oxenol (family hierloom),a Shield with the royal crest of Oxenol imprinted on it, and a Bow and arrows. [b]What side you're on:[/b] The Kingdom of Oxenol were loyal allies to some of the Murhyrr, and Tanni races (Resistance). [b]Why they fight:[/b] The Mantaean Empire were once allies with Oxenol, but Deus soon betrayed the kingdom, by killing the king, kidnapping the queen, and expanding his empire by claiming Oxenol as his own. Now, Cairo wants his mother back, his kingdom back, and to avenge his father's death. [b]A BRIEF(!) History of the character:[/b] Cairo was born into the lap of luxury being the only hier to the throne of Oxenol. Although he was a prince, he had a great passion for the art of combat, he soon learned all of what was required to be a soldier in his father's army, his father was so impressed that he hired people from all over just to teach Cairo many forms of fighting. After seeing his father killied, his mother kidnapped, his kingdom dimolished, and not doing anything about it, he thought now was the time to take stand and make Deus Marich pay!! [b]Hair:[/b] Short and black [b]Skin:[/b] Brown Skinned [b]Eyes:[/b] Dark Brown [b]Build:[/b] 5'10'' 180lbs. Muscular [b]Clothing:[/b] Black short Cape, white knitted undershirt, brown knited overshirt, brown pants, black long boots. [b]All in all:[/b] A royal kick in the ***...[/color][/font]
  9. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Wow...I wish you two the best of luck in the future! :D But I'm in a relationship that's on and off. It's not that we don't get alone, cause that's not the case, she just feels as though we're to young (I'm 18, she's 19) to have something as serious as what we have...but through all the seperation and mixed emotions, we show how much we really love each other because we can't stay away from each other for too long, we always come back to each other :blush:...we've officialy been together for three years in april...can't wait till then.[/color][/font] :love2:
  10. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I really liked this because of the blur effect ...I saw it on your DA and thought that it was awsome:D. BTW, what are they, strips of the same photo??[/color][/font]
  11. :babble: [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Unfortunately, I got into photography during my last year of school so I did as many school projects as I could. Oh and by the way, Juu, your pictures always amaze me, I visit your DA every week to see if there's somethin new... you actually make me wanna become an even better photographer.*cheesyness* :blush: Don't be surprised if you see me on DA sometime soon ^_^![/color][/font]
  12. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms] :babble: Hmm let's see now...since my granddaddy is from Puerto Rico, and my daddy lived in Puerto Rico a few years, they both know spanish but only my dad knows english,and since he lived here so long, he doesn't have the accent anymore. But I was borned and raised in the U.S. so english is my first language, then comes spanish, it's sad because I can only speak a little bit of it even though I've been at it since I was a kid, the really sad part is that I'm 18 now...>_< but I'll get it soon enough, then comes french, I took french all four years of high school, so I pretty much got most of that down, learning spanish really helped me learn french since most of the words and phrases are the same. I really hate it when people expect me to automatically know english because of my dad's side of the family, they don't get that I was born and raised with my mama in the U.S...it's really irritating, and I'm pretty sure that there are some out there who agree with me too...[/color][/font]
  13. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Well many people on here don't know this, but my name is Joshua >_
  14. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I joined back in 2001 when version 3, or 4, was up...I think. I ran into this place from theotaku, and like everyone else, I was lookin for some great DBZ pics, I eventually joined, but I was under a different screen name back then. I posted every now and then because I didn't have a computer at home, I even introduced my friend Tara to it (Avalon), haven't seen her in a while... But anyway, I left, came back in 2g3 and had to get a new screen name, left again and here I am, in all of my cheeseyness!! :D [/color][/font]
  15. M.Ali

    Power Rangers

    [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Wow! I never would have thought of startin this. Mad props goes out to ya Kanata :D ! Now... [quote name='JCBaggee][color=darkred][font=verdana]I have to agree, in terms of series, Ninja Storm was by far the best.[/color'][/font][/quote] I agree, but I've seen Space Rangers, and I thought that was pretty good too, seeing as though it had a real plot or what not, and the last dramatic episode when Zordon died... [quote name='JCBaggee][color=darkred][font=verdana]Haven't seen or heard much of the new series, which I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing. But I'm sure I'll see a bit or two of it.[/color'][/font][/quote] The new series is actually called Power Rangers S.P.D.[i]*Space Patrol Delta*[/i], so don't be surprised if it has a Lightspeed Rescue, or a Time Force feel to it. I might not like it since they're like cops, it should just be simple. How a 18 year old guy knows about this? :confused: I kno...it's pretty sad...*sniff*...:bawl:[/color][/font]
  16. :rotflmao: [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]That was hillarious! You really should keep it goin...lol..that's rich! :laugh: ...[/color][/font]
  17. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I just ordered the first 25 episodes of Naruto, so right now I'm kinda estatic!!!:excited:[/font][/color]
  18. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Hmm...I would probaly want to meet everyone on my buddy list(Doc,icexfire,Miryoku,Surreal,ThatOneOddDude), Queen Asuka because she lives in Georgia, Juuthena, and....Deathnight. :cool: It'd be nice if I could meet other members who live in Georgia too... :D [/color][/font]
  19. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]The only set of T.V. shows I own are: [b]*Reno 911 Season 1*[/b]--It's hillarious! [b]*Chappelle's Show Season 1*[/b]-- Very funny! Everything else, I can just rent from netflix.com. :) [/font][/color]
  20. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I was waiting on someone to start this thread... :babble:Well, this year, I chose not to have a resolution. I just got tired of lying to myself, lol... but I guess that's the fun of new year resolutions, knowing that your gonna try to do it...[/color][/font]
  21. [quote name='DuoMaxwell1423'] My mother had accidently thrown a case of soda at Uncle henry. Not on purpose but either way. Just wondering if some other families are as disfunctional as mine.[/quote] [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Whoa! :laugh: How did she accidently throw a case of soda at him...strange... :confused: Anyway, my family scares me sometimes too. Like my little cousin, when he was small, he'd always want his way, and when he couldn't get it, he'd fall backwards really hard and hit his head on the floor....to this day, he has a slightly larger head :genius:...[/color][/font]
  22. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I like the Dairy Queen commercial when the guy is in his office eating a Flamethrower Burger, and it's so hot, he started uncontrolably spraying fire from his mouth, burning the office down :laugh:! It was so funny! I also like the one when the baby beats up his dad because his dad won't give him any of his Blizzard!! :rotflmao: I just realized that I have a twisted sense of humor o_O....[/font][/color]
  23. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I saw Alegria, it came here to Atlanta, and it just so happens that my brother was workin there at the time, so I got everything for free...but that's not important. The show was great, acrobats, clowns that didn't scare me, and really good live music...but it wasn't techno, it sounded pretty much like music from Final Fantasy or somethin...but overall pretty good!!! :D [/color][/font]
  24. M.Ali

    HBO shows

    [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Hm...the name sounds pretty tight, so maybe I ought to check it out. When does it come on?[/color][/font]
  25. M.Ali

    HBO shows

    :o [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Well, my favorite show on HBO used to be Arliss. I loved that show because it was soooo funny to me, but then I discovered Smallville and forgot all about it...does it still come on? :confused: [/color][/font]
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