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Everything posted by M.Ali

  1. M.Ali

    Bobby's World!!

    [quote name='Nomad'] It was one of those shows I loved, that suddenly just stopped airing. Oh well.[/quote] [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]*Sigh* It's a shame that all of the good shows like that stoped airing...what has this world come to!!!! :eek: [/color][/font]
  2. [quote name='Dragon Warrior'] I mean, the most exciting experience on New Years was when my cats puked all over my bed. Fun! [/quote] [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]:rotflmao: Aww man DW, that's rich!! *Phew* Anyway, this year for new years, I might be goin out with my friends, actin a fool, and thanking God that I'm still here. Hopefully, 2005 is better than 2004!! :cool: [/color][/font]
  3. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Lets see.... [b]I'm Doin Just Fine*Boys 2 Men*[/b]-It helps me get over my ex-girlfriend... :( [b]Fallin*Mya*[/b]-Just cause it sounds good! LOL! :D [b]Take Me Home *Terror Squad*[/b]-That's how my groupies will be when I'm famous.. :smirk: [/color][/font]
  4. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I was just browsin around at netflix.com for some dvds to watch, and to my surprise, I see Howie Mandel's old show Bobby's World (now that's retro for ya)! I was just wonderin if there's anybody else out there who remembers this old school show and how great it was... :D[/color][/font]
  5. M.Ali

    Red Dwarf

    [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I am soooo glad that this thread was made!!!! Mad props goes out to you Miryoku ol buddy!! :D Lister is also my fav character because he's just so damn funny!!Oh yea, you left out another character...Captain Ace Rimmer!! Although he doesn't make many apperances, he's still kind of funny when he makes the regular Rimmer seem all wimpy. Unfortunately, that show doesn't come on anymore over here in Atlanta... :( . Maybe I'll go to netflix and rent it... :p [/color][/font]
  6. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]By the way, great thread Hiei's_lil_girl.;) :babble: But me in particular, I love the way that demons are portrayed in Inuyasha. Mainly because they run in tribes, but also because some are blood-thirsty and vicious, and others are just powerful and high maintenance (i.e. Sesshomaru, Naraku, etc.). I also like the way that demons are potrayed in Princess Mononoke, but instead of demons, they're called gods.[/color][/font]
  7. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]:babble: Wow, both of you guy's banners look great, but I'm goin with Docs because it's exactly like I wanted it to be. I'm sorry Arunue, yours were also amazing.:) [/color][/font]
  8. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I remember those days, and I've noticed that over the years, Nickelodeon cans a lot of the shows that don't get as many ratings as other shows that are on the network, that's why shows like The Wild Thornberrys, Ah!! Real Monsters,CatDog, and As Told By Ginger aren't around anymore.[/color][/font]
  9. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue] WOOT! [size=5][b]Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out July 16, 2005![/b][/size] I am so excited I can barely contatin myself... *celebrates*[/color][/QUOTE] [color=green][font=trebuchet]Aww man that's just perfect!!!:excited:I'll tell my mama or my sister and it'll be the perfect birthday gift, considering the fact that my birthday is on July 19!;)[/color][/font]
  10. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]Well, I don't have many, but here it goes: [b]Mama[/b]- A handbag with the initial of her first name on it, and a lot of Perfume. [b]Sister[/b]- Some smell good stuff from Bath And Body Works. [b]Baby Sister[/b]- Some Disney Princess' stuff and a Mickey Mouse DVD. It feels really good to give, especially during this time of the year.[/color][/font] :cool:
  11. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I didn't really ask for much this year so this is what I got: -A brand new photographer's camera. -Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories. -A new Playstation 2. -Some really fye button up shirts. -A new Dell Computer with DSL. I'm so grateful and glad now, that I can type some more...but I won't. :D [/color][/font]
  12. [color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I live in Georgia, so it only snows sometimes. But if it were to snow today or tomorrow, I probably wouldn't touch it because I HATE THE COLD!!!! Snow is fun to look at but strictly not for touching.:nope:[/color][/font]
  13. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]What part of Georgia do you live in? The way way down south part of Georgia? I am originally from Macon, but I live in Athens right now attending UGA. [/color'][/size][/quote] [quote name='Zeta']I live in Georgia. One of the most boring places I have ever lived.[/quote] [quote name='The Nameless']I also live in Georgia in a town called Powder Springs.[/quote] [color=green][font=trebuchet ms] :wigout: Wow, I never knew that so many people from the OB lived in the same state as I did! I live in the heart of Georgia, the one and only A-T-L-A-N-T-A!! I would'nt call it boring but, theres nothin to do once you've done everything.[/color][/font] :o
  14. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] [b]Edit[/b]-On a side note, I'm going to mail Panda a walker and a motorized scooter for Christmas. :laugh: [/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Trebuchet MS][color=darkgreen]LOL!! You guys are killin me here!!! :rotflmao: [/FONT][/color]
  15. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][color=darkgreen]It's time to open up my head, and take a look! I'm thinking about the argument me and my girlfriend had last night, knowing that I'm right, and she's wrong, :rolleyes: wondering if I should just dump her, thinking that I'm being a little harsh, thinking that maybe she's right, and I'm wrong... Okay...I'm really sad now.. [/color]:moron:[/FONT]
  16. [quote name='Juuthena][size=1'] There's plenty of 20+ year-olds who still tYp3 leIk dIz bEcUz dEy tiNk i7 b dA sHiez wOt INNIT AHAHAH' etc. >.>[/quote][/size] [color=darkgreen][FONT=Trebuchet MS] :rotflmao:Aww man Juu, that was hillarious!!! LOL!!! [/color][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][color=darkgreen]Well I have to say that I'm really glad that this thread was started, so I gotta give you your props sword breaker, great job! :) But me, I'm also one of the ones who started off in 2001, I was 14 then so now, I'm 18! And let me tell you, gettin older has certainly made me wiser! ;) [/color][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][color=darkgreen]Okay buddy, someone will eventually help you,but you gotta be patent. In the meantime, hows about you take a good look at the rules because I do'nt want you to get banned, you're breaking a lot of them right now too. :bow: [/color][/FONT]
  19. :cool: [FONT=Trebuchet MS][color=darkgreen]Looks like to me that you got your point across, considering the fact that it's a large telescope. By the way, is this for a class or something?[/color][/FONT]
  20. :babble: [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Green]I was wonderin if there was anyone who could make me a banner, that matches my avatar. I want it to say: "Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends... If it could be done I'll be so grateful.:D [/font][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][color=darkgreen] "SAY CHEESE!!!!!"[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v393/Dark_Serena/MySister.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [quote name='Afire][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]I just don't understand how anyone 15, or under, can make a decision about his or her true sexual nature when they're probably not even sexually mature yet. [/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=darkgreen][font=trebuchet ms] You're right, how could anyone make a decision this early in their life, but you also have to look at the fact that although, these 15 and under kids are young, they also know what they are attracted to. You'd really be surprised at how many 13 to 15 year olds I know, who have already defined thier sexual prefrence. I talk to these kids on an almost daily basis, being as though I am a voluntary counselor at the high school I just graduated from. And the funny thing, is that most of these kids engage in homosexual or bisexual activities, but still consider themselves to be straight, mainly because they don't want to be shunned by their friends or talked about by others. Me Personally, I think that they should keep it that way to avoid the presure and criticism of other people. That's just to much presure for kids thier age to go through. But, I still don't object to coming out of the closet, that's if you're that comfortable with the circumstances. But to help you out Miryoku, just keep tryin to maintain a good relationship with you're parents, after all, they were the ones who brought you into this world, and eventually they'll realize that you're the same person you were before you told them you're chosen sexuallity. [b]Just Keep Ya Head Up Lil Buddy[/b][/color][/font] :cool:
  23. [color=dimgray]I've really been impatient as to when the next Harry Potter novel is available, or what's it even called, so I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about it cause it's killing me!!![/color]
  24. I'm just glad that actors Daniel Clark (Sean), and Jake Epstein (Craig) finally found a show that was worth doin besides Disney Channel Movies, and shows like "Strange Days at Blake Holsey High". It's really a big step up for them.
  25. M.Ali

    Teen Titans!

    [quote name='doukeshi03'] Tim Drake jiving along as Robin (who I think does a better Robin than even Dick Grayson to tell you the truth).[/quote] That's actually quite peculliar because the never use their "Secret Identities", they are always in uniform, that really bugs me...they must really be uncomfortable. :huh:
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