Eminem is one of the most talented lyricist out there. He takes it to the limit, that's what he wants to do. The guy knows what he's doing. Very little hip hop artists can actually make Eminem a run for his money. He doesn't always rap about "whips"(cars and such) , "bling bling"(jewelry) and shoes(look at Nelly). Hip hop ususally today, rap about materialistic things. Seldom do you see artists nowadays bring in stories that we can relate to. I for one, can relate to Em.
I write songs myself, and I make music. I have a Digital Studio at my home, hopefully I can run with it.:D I take it to heart to write personal stuff, in ways that I can't express through actions. Music is pretty much my outlet. Eminem is the same. I'm not saying I'm idolzing the man, but I respect his talent, and what he brings.
His acting in the 8-Mile movie was good, although I really didn't like the movie that much. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. But, Marshall did a good job on his part.
I'm filipino btw, just in case anyone is wondering.