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What people miss is the combinations that are important in an exodia deck drawing cards is NOT the answer it helps I agree but heres the suggestion I will give "start searching"......
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Here is my Dragon deck I've been working on for time only knows. Traps 1 Imperial Order 1 Light of Intervention 1 Magic Cylinder 1 Mirror Force 1 Royal Command 1 Fake Trap 1 Seven Tools of The Bandit 1 Michizure 1 Riryoku Field 1 Shadow of Eyes 2 Spellbinding Circle 1 Magic Jammer Magic 1 Polymerization 1 Swords of Revealing Light 1 Change of Heart 1 Pot of Greed 2 Flute of Summoning Dragon 1 Graceful Charity 1 Offerings To The Doomed 2 Fairy Meteor Crush 1 Axe of Despair 1 Monster Reborn 2 Horn of The Unicorn 1 Mystical Typhoon 1 Raigeki 1 Snatch Steal 1 United We Stand 1 Dian Keto The Cure Master 1 Spring of The Faeries 1 Fusion Gate 1 Lightning Blade 1 Ekibyo Drakmord 1 Heavy Storm High Level Monsters 3 BEWD 1 Tri-Horned Dragon 1 REBD 1 Summoned Skull 1 Fiend Megacyber Low Level Monsters 1 Cyber Jar 2 Magician of Faith 2 Mask of Darkness 1 Penguin Soldier 3 Harpie's Brother 1 Witch Of The Black Forest 2 Lord of D. 1 Kuriboh 2 7-Colored Fish 1 Sangan 1 Humanoid Slime 2 Man-Eater Bug 1 Gemini Elf 2 Spirit of The Harp 1 LaJinn The Mystical Genie of The Lamp 1 Big Eye Fusion Monster 1 Black Skull Dragon. Well. Opinions??? [/B][/QUOTE] My opinions are its a really cool deck but i would lose things like Kuriboh, sagan, penguin soldier etc stuff like that..... creature destruction should be left until u r ready to strike. Black Skull dragon is powerful but you only have 1 poly, REBD and summoned skull so in my opinion it isnt worth it, I would only use fusion gate if you had more than one Fusion summon
Gouf if that question was directed to me then no we dont get tournements where I live the only tournement reecently was a limited space, and i didnt get in. Also I wouldnt use that in tournements it is too unreliable (1 card destruction, Delinquent Duo, etc) and thats it
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B]How would that help Mrophing Jar #2 would help more then that Now sagan limted to one i have to find something to replace it. [/B][/QUOTE] Well because the premiss of an exodia deck is to increase the chances of drawing exodia so you have a 40 card minimum - WOTBF & Sangan, anything that lets you go fish for creature and stalls your opponent See My Exodia deck earlier in the post -page 18. But back to the question as to why it helps. Morphing Jar #2 destroys all creature on the field then draws an equal number of cards special summoning ones with less than 5 stars and special summon them to the field (yes that includes exodia). So if you use chain destruction - destroys all copies of that creature in the deck but not the creature being summoned so if you have 3 that removes at most 6 cards from the deck, also Magical Hats is another good card for that it removes a further 6 cards
A suggestion is Chain destruction (on your own creatures) for your exodia deck Gouf.
ya know i always wondered why they dont let children play card games in school mean, they might learn something. If ur in school or something similar try to set up a club, then try setting up an official channel for card disputes, i.e a teacher or likewise person to handle the theft or suspceted theft of cards.
or it just is sent to the graveyard. If in doubt send it to the owners graveyard
Space Wevill Atk 0 Def 0 Ability : This card may be special summoned from your hand, WHen this card goes to the graveyard you lose 500LP Quote "Whats This", "A Carrot"
I dont have the card on me at present but I dont think there is a timing for tributes and i think the effect comes into effect "when" it goes to the graveyard ?
heres a question about Spear Cretin can u use it for tribute and bring it back and use it for tribute again (effectivly Tributing it twice and returning it to your control)
I have the complete exodia but just put it in my colection because it is pretty useless, used to have some spares but traded the for cards i wanted
nope it just is a way of destroying a creature with less card wording
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Those cards are called staples. Meaning that they should be in every deck, no matter what the theme. (Although in Japan, cards like Cyber jar have a few exceptinos) Dark Hole is not a filler. You actually should have it in your deck with or without Raigeki. List of staples: (English) Raigeki Dark Hole Change of Heart Pot of Greed Monster Reborn Premature Burial Call of the Haunted Graceful Charity (When released) Jinzo Magic Cylidner (When released) Cyber Jar Semi-Staples Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Mystical Space Typhoon Snatch Steal I might be forgetting a few... [/B][/QUOTE] so in other words you have almost made a deck another 25 cards and thats it so almost half the deck would be the same for everyone, I just think that varity is more fun than winning and i specifcally make decks that don't win but are fun to play.
yes but thats the point im trying to make "they are used by everyone" i agree that they are good cards but every deck i play im waiting for the usual COH or DH to appear it takes some of the supprise out of playing
I was always confused when ppl do this i mean its a small peice of card sure it has pretty print on the other side but hey is it worth stealing i mean really .....
I have the question as to why everyone is obligated to use Change of heart, Dark hole, etc .. it does seem to get a bit repetitive
7th its the only one with three (VII) but cant remember me roman numerals very well
well i seen a trailer for a movie of outlaw star (every one knows by now prob but i thought id post anyway)
Opps was thinking of something else at the time (hey im hungry) as for the Labyrinth wall i did actully for get to put them in ooppss doint i feel stoopid
Silly exodia deck Tribute 3 Wall of Shadows 3 Crab Turtles 3 Labyrinth Wall Normal 3 Aqua Madoor 3 Giant Soldier of Stone 3 Mystical Elf 3 Wall of Dark illusion 3 Ameba 3 Petit Dragon 3 Hane Hane 3 Griggle 1 Exodia Set Magic 3 Fissure 3 Magical Labyrinth 3 Chain Destruction 3 Chorus Of Sanctuary 3 Turtle Oath Trap 3 Trap Hole 3 Magical Hats 1 Just Desserts 60 Cards It will never work but it was fun thinking it up [center][B]-Or-[/B][/center] The 40 card version Tribute 3 Labarinth Walls 2 Crab Turtles Normal 3 Aqua Madoor 3 Giant Soldier of Stone 3 Mystical Elf 3 Wall of Dark illusion 3 Griggle 1 Exodia Set Magic 3 Fissure 3 Chain Destruction 3 Chorus Of Sanctuary 2 Turtle Oath Trap 1 Trap Hole 3 Magical Hats
I reread the card and you are correct its a pretty pants card then.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]You CAN play three ground collapse, but you have to lose a space. [/B][/QUOTE] I would have to disagree because the card explicitly states 2 spaces and opponents field, but anyway if they have 1 space for monsters left they have pretty much lost so is there much point.
For a restricted card list it is not too bad, I think the semi list its a precursor to been moved to the restricted list, i.e of the card is still over powered and too annoying it is moved up the list as it were (SORL a good example) Ya know what is really funny being a british player, there is no actual restricted list yet so i can play really stoopid decks hehehehe not that i bother anyway
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i][/QUOTE] Tributes Thunder Dragon x2 BEWD x3 REBD Curse of Dragon Harpie's Pet Dragon Summoned Skull [b]Low Level Monsters[/b] Mask of Darkness x2 Whiptail Crow x3 Cannon Soldier Big Eye Harpie's Brother x3 Sangan x2 Spirit of the Harp x2 Overdrive x2 Magician of Faith Lord of Dragons x3 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom x3 Hayabusa Knight Banisher of Light Spear Cretin x2 Celtic Guardian Man-Eater Bug Mystic Tomato x2 Dragon Piper x2 Hane-Hane Kiseitai Witch of the Black Forest Girochin Kuwagata x3 Ryu-Kishin Powered The Wicked Worm Beast Guardian of The Throne Room Armed Ninja LaJinn The Mystical Genie of the Lamp Weather Report Nimble Momonga x2 [b]Magic and Traps[/b] Solemn Wishes Remove Trap x3 The Flute of Summoning Dragon x3 Mountain x2 Minor Goblin Official Fairy's Hand Mirror Mirror Force Attack and Recieve x3 Just Desserts Fairy Meteor Crush Horn of the Unicorn x3 Fissure x3 Michizure x3 Monster Reborn Gravekeeper's Servant Insect Barrier Pot of Greed Numinous Healer x3 Trap Hole x3 Confiscation Swords of Revealing Light Dian Keto the Cure Master Heavy Storm 7 Comepleted x3 Rush Recklessly Solemn Judgement Stop Defense Giant Turnade Metalmorph Magic Drain x3 Tremendous Fire Exchange Enchanted Javelin Dark Hole False Trap De-Spell x2 Solomon's Lawbook Time Seal Megamorph Soul Release Polymerization Axe of Despair Sword of the Deep seated x2 [b]Fusion Monsters[/b] Black Skull Dragon Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon [b]Weird effect monster[/b] Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon. ---------------------------- I personally thought your deck was cool but had too much fluff (stuff ya want but has no real effect other that "its cool" ), but hey thats what my decks are composed of. If it was me deck it would look like the above deck.......
still get butt whipped by me "Winged Horror" deck