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Everything posted by Nate
[url=www.myspace.com/nateskatesgreat]Yep. I have one.[/url] I love being on it-everybody i know has one. The main problem is talking to random strangers. I solve that by only having people I know from school on my friend list, and of course bands and companies. Myspace introduced me to my second favorite band ever, The Pink Spiders. For that i owe MySpace alot, because they are awesome. I also use it to keep up with my g/f when we are away-even if we miss each other on AIM we can still talk through MySpace messages. My favorite thing about MySpace is the bullitens. I am one of a few that actually read almost every bulliten that gets posted, and i repost most chain ones just for fun, even though i dont' believe them. My most hated thing? I have to actually remember my old HTML skills. boo..>_> Nate
wait, do you mean as in you died and were brought back to life?
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Nate replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Spawn: Whahahahah you will never win. Raphael: Does this make my butt look big? -
"Hey! Where's the cream Filling!"
What do you do when you have nothing to do?
Nate replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
I fill my empty time that stretches from the hellhole called schol to bed time with this: Skating OB/Skateboard-city My own messageboard, Skateboard Kingdom Skating Videogames Skating Skating See? -
I've had three differnet names on OB: [b]The Trainer:[/b] I had just joined, so that I could do a couple of Pokémon rpgs. I didn't know that you couldn't just up and change it like on the dbz forums i had been on at the time, and was stuck with it for a while, until... [b]Nate1976:[/b] My nickname is nate, and one day I had to add something to an name i was getting on something else, and i picked 1976. So, when i hcanged my name on this site, i put the 1976 on the end of it. No, I wasn't born in 1976. I weas born in 1991. [b]Nate:[/b] the 1976 got annoying. I'm just Nate now, my nickname. The 1976 is still on my AIm name and my yahoo account, though.
No prob with me. As long as you don't type bad. Heck, even if you do, I don't care. It's Katan's RPG.
What;s the most funnist thing you have ever seen?
Nate replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
Hey, scions are sweet. My funniest experience happened yesturday. I was out skating with a few of my friends at this guy named's Alan's house, on him round rail. My buddy Joe says that he is now the official king of boardslides in our group. He promptly rides up, gets into it, then flips and and lands on his butt. I, being the clown I am, yelled out "SMOOTH MOVE X-LAX" to the heavens. I think the people in the next city heard. I gues it would only be funny if you was a skater. -
I don't particually like pokemon, but It's some one of the easiest and most moldable rpgs to do. Read any of my old ones, and you will see. Or, just ask Frankie.
I'm not sure about the pm thing with the catching, but hey. I'm game. I'm known as the pokemon rpger...I think. Whatever. I've started....2.3.4..5 or so rpgs on pokemon, so through me in.
Nerds, Goths, Punks, The Popular Kids, etc... What do you fall in?
Nate replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Momiji Love][size=1] Skaters:Mostly guys,except for a few girls.What else can I say?They always wear skate shoes and skate brand shirts etc.The girls are mostly going out with them and wear their shoes.[/size][/QUOTE]As a skater, i will point out a HUGE flaw in this. Skaters skate. The "type" you described are posers(unless they do skate). Skaters don't always wear that, especially the clothes. I would agree on the shoes, though. With a few exceptions(me about 2 years ago). Oh, and must girls wouldn't go out with skaters... ON topic, I'm a skater. a punk, skater, and a rockhead huge combo. At my school, there are a few skaters, a bunch of skater-posers(a BUNCH), jocks, preppy chicks,and goths. A few goths. Oh, and punks, and wiggers/gangstas I'm a punk in the way I dress...and the way I act. I skate, for about 3 years now, and I listen to rock. Rap can go kill itself, in my oppinion. EDIT: oh, and the emos. The goth wannabes with a bad hairdo. -
[quote name='elfpirate][b']Does about a foot or two o' rolling even qualify as movement? Cuz I'd rather say that it's standing still...[/b][/quote] To me, it's a fakie/nollie if your moving backwards when you ollie and when you land. How fast/how much, i dont' care. _-Nate-_
[QUOTE=elfpirate] [b]I basically watched video after video, and slowed down every darkslide I saw and then tried to imitate as best I could. Eventually, I landed it. I still have a hard time landing them, though, and will be workin' on 'em this summer[/b].[/QUOTE] Heh, check out Rodney's part in Round 2/3. He does a few. Also, watch his vids in THUG and THPS3/4 He does a few. Basically heelflip/Kickflip, and catch way early. For the fakie flips part, I dont' think it would be a fakie flip if your standing still, the esance on a fakie/nollie flip is the moving backwards, or it's just a normal/switch ollie. My 2 cents... _-Nate-_
Strangest song you've ever gotten stuck in your head
Nate replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkorchid] Is it normal to hear that song and then think of Carl from Jimmy Nuetron? I hope so, because that's what I thouight of when I heard the song. I will now copy and paste the link and send it to my mom, who I love and wish to annoy! [/color][/QUOTE] If it's whatI think it's about it is... Now we need to find one for the Sheen-ster. I get random songs stuck in my head, from like a comercial. "Everybody was kong-fu fighting... High-YA! Thos cat's were fast as.. light.. ning?" -Gieco Gecko _-Nate-_ -
I landed my first fakie flip today. And, I almost landed a 360 shuv yestruday. Kickflips are my best friend. about a month ago i sucked at them, then I got my new dominion and I just started landin them almost every time. _-Nate-_
[quote name='Charles']I started skating last week. I'm terrible at it right now, but that's to be expected. Regardless, I've made nice progress on the basics. I'm going to continue building my comfort level and ability to maneuver the board naturally before I even bother with the most simplistic of tricks. I'm not skating with the goal of becoming fantastic in mind; it's just a nice bit of exercise that I find enjoyable. Today I'm going to purchase a board suitable to my size (since the rental boards are decidedly terrible). That should help ease my comfort level and help me make further progress.[/quote] Buy an 8 inch deck for starts... They help you balance better. I myself still use 8s, and I just learned how to kickflip. on them, and Fakie Shuvs. Until you know your gonna keep goin, just go to the local board shop, buy their brand board, some black wheels, Independant trucks, and maybe Shorty's Bearings. I would say swisses, but they are expensive. __Nate-_
[quote name='DarkOtakuBoy']When I'm at work or at school, I pretty much act my age, for fear of failing or getting fired most likely.[/quote] How can you be serious at school. Am I right? I act my age sometimes...when I'm asleep. When I'm actually conscious and not skating I'm a freakin 10 year old. Which isn't bad...considering i'm 12 :/ _-Nate-_
I know, right? well..since the general idea is that girls are accepted-at least on this forum, that's the g.i- Let's get some discussion goin. What was the best trick someone has ever done, wether meaning to, or not? Once, I was playing around with Shuv-its, doin them into Disaster stalls on the curb, and I did one into Blunt Stall! It was sweet. Also, once I flatlanded into a Primo, then jumped and 180 spun over the board, landed with my heels on the wheels, then leaned back so the board hit then bounced up. When it did so, I caught it Casper, then flipped it back with a 180 over it. Luck? Damn straight. _-Nate-_
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet][i]You're [/i']right, that is scary. I wonder if I can introduce the guy to my mother-in-law[/color][/quote] Cheebs, do you have a problem with your mother-in-law? Wait...everyone has problems with their mother-in-law. I agree with everyone else., especially Charles and Baron-You guys crack me up. I say ditch her like last month's tuna suprise, and fun a more sane person. Preferably, one of the millions that are in love with me.:wigout: _-Nate-_
The nameless, yours looks sweet. I just switched mine today, actually. The new one is the OB desktop.
[size=1][quote name='Kane][size=1']You could even go for an extreme-sports feel to it, maybe a skateboarding park[/size][/quote] [/size] I love you, man :luv: I think this is a sweet idea, and you've put alot of thought into it. I know I'd join it. I'm actually viewing the arena as a huge dome, over 10 miles wide, with different sections. There's a futuristic section, a desert section, a rainforest, etc. At the top is a Star-Wars type space section. The Adventure Inn is a room that you hve to go through before you get in the dome, where you sign up adnd hope you get accepted. You can only be in 1 rpg at a time, and the people of different rpgs can't see each other. In fact, they can walk through each other! The Arena Underground forum would be represented as an actual cave, under the dome. To get there, you go into the recruitment inn and there's a door to the side. You go through that door, and down a ladder, and your there! This could be used to discuss rpg elements, not to discuss actual rpgs. What do you think? _-Nate-_
[QUOTE=elfpirate]Yeah! Finally, I can relate to a topic... I'm an "older-generation" skater- I took it up as a wee lass back when Hosoi was still really popular (a REALLY wee lass, mind you).[/quote]Hosoi was sweet. But the Gonz was(is?) sweeter. [quote name='elfpirate']It's not easy being a female skater here, either. I actually got hit upside the head with the trucks-side of a local skater's board because he was angry that I'm a chic and could skate as well as he could.[/quote]You gotta be joking. I bet that hurt...i was lookin for fight stuff on the internet nd I saw this one fight where these jocks were messin with these dudes, and one of them picked up his board and decked him like 5 times, truck first. [quote name='elfpirate'] I think it's because guys are uncomfortable with the idea of a girl out-skating them.[/quote]I knew this girl in my old 'hood who could kickflip boardslide a 5 set, but people hated on her cause she was a girl. That is so messed up. But that's the jock metality that ears up this newest generation of skaters.. [quote name='Mike V.']I guess it's human nature...human nature's a drag[/quote] _-Nate-_
Oh yea! Mullen favorite skater is Rodney Mullen. Can't go wrong with Mullen. My favorite team is either the Al Most or the Zero team. Almost have some sick people, including Rodney and Daewon, but Zero's whole team is sick. My favorite shoes are [url=www.fallenfootwear.com]Fallens[/url]. They are the only skate shoes I have ever wore and I love them. _-Nate-_
Well, I've started quite a few threads on this in the past, but I feel it's time for some new faces. Does anyone else here skateboard besides me? If so, how good are you? What's your best trick? Did you have any tricks that took you way long to learn? I'm kinda good, but not great. My best trick would probably be... Fakie 180s. I can do fakie ollies, Pop-Shuv-its, 50-50, 5-0, I've done a few Salads, And so far Kickflips and Fakie Flips are coming along for me. I always seem to learn things in pairs: 180s with Fakie 180s, Kickflips with Fakie Flips, etc. So, let's here from you guys. _-Nate-_
[color=black]hmmm...My main resolution is to get a darkstar board next, and to get better at skating.I want to learn Heelflips, Kickflips, and get Pop Shuv-its and BS 180s better, and work on Fakie tricks. Also, I need to learn weh not shut my mouth and nto get my a__ into so much trouble this year.[/color] [color=black]I also want to get better at the guitar, and get a bass. Once I do that, my friend can play electric and his dad can be drummer, and we can get the band (daunte's Puppetts) doin....[/color] [color=black]That's about it for me. Oh, yea, I ne3ed to learn when not to say my mittle jokes...[/color] [color=black]_-Nate-_ [/color]