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Everything posted by Nate
[font=Croobie][color=red]Yea, it is nice. Even though i have no idea ho halv of the avatars they turned into are, i like it. Just say i'm not a complete anime otaku. [size=1]i want to be in it, too...[/size][/font][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=indigo]...Don't give them ideas. I have to read all that for God's sake.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ah Harlequin. I've been having those ideas ever since i make my Kingdom Hearts rpg, if you remember. But..i might not do it.. [size=1]Yea right...[/size] lol
Yea. It can't be a .swf and it can't have music. Or, it may be to big, the max here is 500X100
Thanks, Alastor. When u want a new one, let me know. Here's others i made... [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479493/elementbanner.JPG[/img] Element banner [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479493/sk84lyf.JPG[/img] SK8 4 LYF [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479493/superherosintraining.JPG[/img] [b]S[/b]uper [b]H[/b]eros [b]I[/b]n [b]T[/b]raining [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479493/Anhonybaner2.JPG[/img] Bahumant11088's banner [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479493/SK84LYF2.JPG[/img] SK8 4 LYF 2 [img]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/479493/liteandday.JPG[/img] Lite and Day Tell me what u think...
Go......that..is...so...tyte..... I love it! But..i don't get where the spike coming through him is from. I wish i could draw that good...but i bet it would look good colored. 9/9.9
Why thank you Eclectic. Here's one i made for a friend, tell me what u think.
Hello Jak and Daxter enthusiests, and rpger alike. This is an idea i just got, so if it's kinda short, forgive me. This takes place between 'Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy' and 'Jak II'. [COLOR=red]Jak has just stoped the evil on his world, and was trying to figure out a way to turn Daxter back. He was wondernig around, when he entered the wrong store at the wrong time, and was accused for working with a robbery that was happening in that store. He ran, and the police have been after him since, but he has met some new freinds, and has decided to strike back....[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]It is not important that Jak is captured in this, or that he beats them. This could very well change the the course of Jak II, but..i don't think Naughty Dog would change it because of an rpg (seeing how as it's already out). I need one person to be Daxter, as i am Jak. The others can be made up. There are only 6 spot open, then the sign-ups are closed and nobody else can join.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue] Post in here with your: Name: Age: (16-30) Gender: Looks: Picture would be better, or really detailed words. Personality: How he acts, thinks, how he would act in an emergency, etc. Attacks: Eco that can be used: Blue, Red, Yelow, Green, White, or Dark, or combo Side: Bad (side framing him) or good (working with Jak)[/COLOR] Thanks, ~`_Nate_`~
[b]First Name:[/b] Nathan, but call me Nate [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Hair Color:[/b] When cut short, it looks black, but when longer, it looks brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Hazel [b]Height:[/b] 5'2" [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Pretty much anything, but i normally wear halfway fitting black pants, and black bandana, a black hat backward over the bandana, and a red or black shirt [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet,..smart...i don't know [b]Hair Style:[/b] Short [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] Everything except old-school rock [b]Favorite musical Band/Artist:[/b] I don't know [b]Hobbies:[/b] RPGs, banners, video games, skateboarding, not doing homework, skateboarding, oh, did i mention skateboarding?
What would it be to you? Would it be an Action, RPG, sports, racing, or what? Single player, or not? A story line, or just arcade? ould it be all origional or would it have parts of this, parts of that, and little sprinkle of these? Mine would be a skateboarding video game. With T.H.U.G out, and that being the best ever (so far), i would take it to the next level. It would be one player up to 8 w/ two multi-tap, and would be a mix of skateboarding, free-style, and in-line. You would start off as a little skater/in-liner/bmxer punk in a run-down town in Texas. You design your character, down to the eye color, and everything. You are skateboarding/bmxing/inlining around, and a pro skateboarder/biker/inline skater (which-ever one you chose in the begining) happens to bump into you. He sees how good you are, and invites you to a demo. You come, then if you are good enough, you get a sponser, and you start to work you way up. In the very last level, you are in Tokyo, Japan, in the world X Games. You would be playing against nearly every pro skater/bmxer/inliner in existance, and if you win, every sponser sponsers you and you win the game. Also, once you beat it in all three modes (Sk8, BMX, and In-line), the three people play against each other in a massave game, and you play as one, against your own characters. The winner of that is crowned the king of Extreme, and you unlock about 5 more characters. Characters- SK8: Toney Hawk, Paul Rodrigez, Bam Margera, Bob Burnquist, Tosh Townsand, Mike Vallely, Eric Koston, Geoff Rowly, Rick McCrank, Danny Way, Ryan Sheckler, Rodrigo Tx, Rodney Mullen, Andrew Reynolds, Chet Childress BMX: Ryan Nyquist, Dave Mirra, Mike Laird, Matt Beringer, Troy McMuray, Rick Moliterno, Tim Mirra, Kenan Harkin, Leigh Ramsdell, Joey Garcia, Toddy Lyons, John "Luc-e" Engleberg, Scott Wirch, Colin Mackay, Zach Shaw Inline: Not determined (i don't know of any) Features: (besides The main storyline) Free Skate/blade/ride, Multiplayer, Create a Trick, Create a deck/blade/bike, Create a player, Videos, Sponsers: SK8:{Deck} Element, Bird House, BlackLabel, ALmost: A skateboarding Company, World Industries, Flip, Zero, Shorty's, Girl, Pig, Popwar, Zoo York, Toy Machine, Darkstar, Alien Workshop, Blind, Anti-Hero, Baker, Habitat, Enjoi, Lucky, Santa Cruz, CCS{trucks}Blind, Destructo, Independant, Tensor, Unit, World Industries, Grind King, Kre-per, Royal, PHantom, Titan, Monster, BLing {wheels} Element, World Industries, Pig, Zero, Toy Machine, Flip, Girl, Popwar, Crime, CCS, Blind, BlackLabel, BonesAlien Workshop, Bird Houce, Accel{Bearings} Pig, Destructo, Lucky, Zero, Shorty's, Flip, Girl, Black Panther, World Industies {Grip Tape} Zero, Indepentdant, Monkey Boards, Pig, Lucky, World Industries, Black Magic, Destructo {Risers} World Industries, Lucky, Pig, dooks, Zero, Destructo, Shorty's, Independant BMX: Coming soon! Inline: Coming soon! In case you lost the meaning fo the thread through all of of that, what would be your ulitmate PS2 Game?
[b]Name:[/b] Jake [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Side(hacker, good guy, or neutral):[/b] Good Guy [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment [b]Brief Bio:[/b] He liked in LA, until 2010 when the dot.inisgnia world was opened. He was one of the first to buy it, and has almost nonstop lived on it since them. He has left long enough to finish a few things and try to get his g/f to come with him in, but she wouldn't so he cut it shor. He's wandered around aimlessly until he was almost killed in a fight with a glitch, and he returned back tothe main sector town. There, he met Sylvia, and the rpg starts here... [b]Reason for picking the side that they did:[/b] He has no real reason to destroy it, but figures if they want to, they can. [b]Weapon:[/b] 2 staffs *see attachemnt*
This is an idea i had abandoned about 6 months ago, but Blanko and i are starting it back up. Both her and i will have a say on who will be in and not. It is the year 2011. There are new types of programs you can put no ther computer. They are costly and take up alot of space, but alot of people have them. One of which is called 'dot.insignia'. You put it in the computer, hook the nessicary tabs to your hands and cheeck and press a few buttons and BAM! Your in another dimension. you can do anything here, with one problem: Anythnig that happens to your body in the dot.insignia world happens to your real world body. Now, should you happen to die in either body, the computer system installed to your computer melts down, causeing severe pain in both bodies, then death to the real world body. You are then trapped in the dot.insignia world. It went great for the first few months,...up to the firs year. But, then, hackers had figured out it's many locks and password combos. A group of hackers has teamed up to enter the dot.insignia world and cause mayhem. Others would hack in and melt down systems by creating the code that causes death. Now, people must stop them. Sign up here to stop them with your: Name: Age: Gender: Side(hacker, good guy, or neutral): Appearance: Brief Bio: Reason for picking the side they did: Weapon: One weapon, for defence purposes only on the glitches in the world
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] That and a little thing called post quality and being a solid contributor to the site >_> [/QUOTE] Ah who needs that, i can show you mods that cant' spell 'a'. Thast's sad. It takes good looks to be a mod. So..i will never,..ever.....ever..be a mod. I CAN'T EVEN DREAM OF BENIG ONE! Well, maybe i can that...
Actually, all the consoles won't alow an AO Game to be made. Sony and Netendo and Sega won't do it, so there can't be any...So i an way, it is illigal.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Yeah, if James thinks you're qualified to be a mod, and there's a need for another mod, he'll PM you and ask if you'd like the job -- simple as that. If you want, you can take a look at the PM he sent me. (Yes, I still have it saved, heh).[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I dont' blame you, if it was me, i'd print it out and put it on a plack. After saying yes. I've wondered what you hd to do to be a mod *imed James*
I like the banner, for a frist try. You should see mine...*blush* But, the smearign is kinda random at parts. Also, you could make it so you could actually see your name. Maybe in another corner, or raise the shading on it just a pinch or two. Check out my banner thread, while your at it, you will see yours is ultimately better than mine.
Thanks. Oh ,here's another one, i made about 5 minutes ago.... I need to make some avatars for these...maybe...
Ok, i'll post the origional up later. First, i want to show you this... (i was gonna do something else, then the 2F2F poped in my head)...
Keiko- I know, i messed up, it was supposed to be a brown, but i messed up. Kyo No Ryu- Thank you, and here's youwr wish- check the attachment.9note- it's Apollo 17 in the picture) ~`_Nate_`~
First Name: Nathan Last Name: Reynolds Nickname: Nate Age: 14 Year finishing at School: 5 Desired Starting pokemon: Houndour, eevee, Charmander Hometown: Vanilla Hill Appearance: Nathan is about 5 foot 3 inches tall, and weights 1oo pounds. He's wather weak for his size, and never has the guts to stop bullies. He normally wears a black bandana folded around his head, with a black visor backwards over top of part of it. He wears a black shirt with a red Dragon on it, and black jeans with a white dragon on the left leg. Has a chain hanging down from clips on both sides, one attached to his wallet, another attached to a pcket on the side. He wears tan boots, that make the already longer-than usualy pants look even bagier, thought they aren't. Personality: A quiet person, he only talked whe nti's needed, and doesn't answer stupid questions. Prefers to stay as far away from authority as posible, so he always sits in the back. He will gladly defend what is his or what he beleives, weither he shouldn't, or not, though he knows he's probably gonna lose. And i'll have the pm for you tomorow. ~`_Nate_`~
This is my first banner. I designed it abotu 5 minutes ago on MS paint, and i may use it in the future. Tell me what you think of it. ~`_Nate_`~
I love that game, i play the Xbox version. And i got 19,000 bucks on the first level, where you can back up and get Bart? It was easy to pull 15,000 on my first try. I have seen Hit and Run, btu have yet to purches(sp) it. (I'm getting Need 4 Speed Underground next) Waht's the game about (hit and run)?
Shinobi- You know, that was some fucked up idea, Seion. I wwas thinking, like, let's battle or something. *sigh*Well, i ain't swiming, i'm gonig to sleep. Shinobi shot into the air, and landed in a hammock. He layed down, and slowly fell asleep... until a pokemon landed on his chest by accident, sending him flying out. He faught himself, and looekd at the hammock. It was covered by a pokemon kinda looking like a...a dinosaur. It was ocvered with tan, scalely skin. On the top, on his head, it a think layer of bone with thin skin coving it perched on it. It made an excelent battering ram, as he slamed into the two trees that the hammock was tied to, miraculously keeping his balence, even though the best trained poomoen known to made currently would have fell off. Shinobi watched him for a minute, wondering why. Then he saw why. 2 pairs of wings fluttered rapidly, just barely visable. He wasn't falling, because the hammock wasn't moving. He was flying. Shinobi blinked rapidly, wondering what the heel this pokemon was. He figured he'd better help by catchnig him. He tossed a great ball, and he went in, but came back out rapidly. Shinobi called out Charizard. The dinosaur pokemon stoped, and looked at Charzard. The wings stoped fluttering, and he disapeered, except for a pair of blood red eyes. He became visible again, as he moved his head back and forth, as in he was saying not to muess with him. But, as soon as he stoped, he became invisible. An attack came out of nowhere. A thunderbolt shto out fo the sky, striking Charizard. He fell towards the ground, and Shinobi returned him. Shinobi- The hell is this? Shinobi then caleld out Lugia. Shinobi- Aeroblast. Lugia- [b]against this pokemon? i don't want ot kill him.[/b] Shinobi- I don't think it will. Lugia blinked, as the pokemon came out of nowhere as his wings fluttered and he shot into the open air. Lugia charged up the blastr, and shot it out, aimed directly at the pokemon's dome head. The pokemon stoped moving, and disapeared once again. The bblast shot into a tree, dongi nothing except making several bird pokemon fly away. This semed to make the dinosaur pokemon even angier, like he was a flying justice of the peace...