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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi- [u]WHAT DA ****!?!?!?!?[/u] Shinobi jumped off of Lugia and disappeared. He reappeared on the dock again, and pulled Seion otu fo the water. Shinobi- What did you do. Seion- Nothing, it just exploded. Shinobi- How? Sion- I DON'T KNOW. I was catching a pokemon. See. Seion dropped a pokeball and out came the dolphin-like Criaton. Shinobi- Aight. Damn it, down by one sub.
  2. Shinobi- Well, then let's get going. Now, where the hell would we find Rayquaza? Shinobi sighed. He was worried about the new land, whch he decided to name cusco. Knowing his luck recently, it would fall when they were in it. He shook his head and got on Lugia. He was worried that they wouldn't finish it in time. It would take upwards to 4 months to fully comb the place, and his estimates couldn't be that far off. A day or two, but not 3 months. He sighed again. Hope- [b]Shinobi, stop worrying[/b] Shinobi- *startled* [i]me? Worried? No, i'm calm, cool and colected.[/i] Hope- [b]sure. Look, you don't have to worry. Everything will work out just fine. I think i know where Rayquaza is, but we need to hurry.[/b]Now let's go. Hope climbed on nrhind Shinobi, and wrapped her arms aroubd his waist, in a hugging manner. Shinboi looked over his shoulder and her. Then, he ame closer to her and kissed her softly on the lips. Seion- Ah Ah, kids. Shinobi-:nono: Lugia took off, and Shinobi started to pull away, but stoped. He remembered Lugia could guide himself, and could probably find Rayquaza on his on. Shinobi continued kissing Hope.
  3. I have read some stuff about it before, and i cannot wait until it comes out. But, with me being basically poor, I may not be able to get it for some time.*sighs* money is everything... I think it will be awesome how the PSX will be able to burn cds and dvds, but the hard drive thing isn't exactly that 'yippe!!!' to me. I mean, it's not the first one to have it. Playstaion 2 has the capabilities to have one. You know the expansion bay? That's what that's for. It makes it a computer, basically. And XBox has it, also, seeing how as it's from Microsoft. The design is nice, but they could put more flare into it. I mean, the gamecube is in like 4 different colors. Playstation 2 is making a pink one, a blue one, and a gray design, coming with the ps2, and the analog controller and stand to match. (It's coming out in Japan now, but i don't know when it's coming out in the US) The gold design is nice, but it's just...just...just dull. Over all, i think the PSX will be nice, very nice. but, by the way it's talking, it will be upwards of 800 bucks to get. So,..you gotta be rich to get it, or not get it at all. ~`_Nate_`~
  4. Shinobi jumped off of Lugia and appeared on the dock. Shinobi- Dude, you watchin the subs? Dude- Yea Shinobi- Ok, what's the password i'm supposed to tell you? Dude- If i tell you then you know it. Tell me Shinobi- But if i tell you you know it. Dude- I dont' care tell me. Shinobi- I said tell me, now. Dude- no. Shinobi- TELL ME *a sword appears in his hand, from out fo the case on his back. He points it at the dude's neck* tell me. Dude- uhm...Ch.ch.chari, lugi, Hound Shinobi- Correct. Now get outa here, i got if from now on. Shinobi puts the sword up, as the dude scrams. Shinobi- that handled, we need to catch yo Rayquaza and Registeel. Let's go, then come back. Just then, the Elite 4 Will appeared next to Seion. Shinobi- just in time, you still have your legendary, right? Will- Dont' need it, Shinobi. Long time no see, how's everyone been?
  5. Shinobi- Aight, Rayquaza Can do. Ok, Jason, who do you want? Shinobi sighed. He looked down at the dock. Something didn't seem right. There should be someone there, maknig sure just nobody took it. He walked onto the dock. And looked down into the water. Not seeing the sub, he pulled his shirt and shoes off and dived in. Everybody looked at the water, wondering why he was rushing then takes time to swim, except Hope. She had read his mind to find out. Shinobi dived down about 10 feet, and looked around. There was no sub to be seen. They had came to the wong dock. He kicked furiously and came back to the surfious(sp...)...then into the air. He floated back onto the dock, and picked his shirt up. He put it on, then went back to the group. Shinobi- Wrong dock...I ain't ever listenin to you Seion. *chuckling* Seion- Well i didn't know. Shinobi- Yea yea, i know, i know. Let's go. Follow me. Shinobi climbed back on the Charizard, alnong with Hope. The others got on their pokemon, and Charizard took off, Zapdos right beside him. Shinobi- *Eyeing Zapdos's look on his face* Seion, yo Zapdos ain't gettin no ideas, is he? Seion- I don't know... Shinobi- Lugia, come out. Lugia appeared between the two pokemon. He pulled as close to Charizard as posible, and Shinobi and Hope switched. Shinobi- Ain't got to worry about that, Charizard, you can fly next to us. Charizard- Charizard, Char ^.^ Lugia- [b]Why, hello Shinobi. A beautifle day.[/b]
  6. Shinobi- Ok, now i neeeed to know what legendary you two are getting. If you don't pick now, you don't get one. So pick. Shinobi landed, and jumped off of Charizard. He returned him, and pulled out his pc from one of his pockets. He withdrew Lugia, putting in Feraligatr. He put him at the top of the box, so if he needed, he could call Feraligatr out and have him guide the subs. He sighed. Shinobi- Today people..we have a month and counting. Hope- Well, a chnage from the procrastinator of last time. Seion- I know, what's the rush. Shinobi- John's already on my *** because of Johiko. If i let the new dome fall without having every type, ill have my ***, and my head, served to me on a silver plater. Also, if it falls while we're in it, we ARE SCREWED. So does that answer your question? Shinobi closed his lap-top up and stood their waiting for Jason and Wolf's answer.
  7. Shinobi- Aight, let's go. Shinobi dropped Charizard's pokeball, and Charizard formed out of the red light from the pokeball. Shinobi got on him, and Hope got on as well. Seion called out Zapdos, and Seion and Timeka got on. The others called out their flying pokemon and got on. Charizard let out a roar, and growled at Zapdos. Zapdos squalked and took off. Charizard took off roght behind him, intent on not being beat by a yellow bird. Charizard got up to about a hundred feet, then evened out. Seion- Zapdos, follow Charizard Zapdos reluctantly scretched and droped in single file. The others did the same, and they shot off north-westward, gonig towards the sub dock they had visited what felt like forever ago, when they spiraled down to Johiko.
  8. Shinobi- I do know that that we need to do it in a month... Hope- Yea, but how much estimated Shinobi- As much time as needed to catch 4 or each type of pokemon...Oh...how did you...get my car...without settin of the gps? Well, who cares... Shinobi sighed and looked at the Scyther. How did Hope always...find the odd ones, that look coller than regular ones...He sighed. Shinobi- Does everyone still have their legendaries? Everyone nodded except the wo new ones. Shinobi- *sigh* great. We don't have a year to do this ****, pick one, we get it, then go. Pick one.
  9. Shinobi- final fight..who shall win? Seion- Me.. Shinobi- Dream on boi. GET OUT THERE Seion- Go Zapdos. Seion's pokeball flew into the sky and let out a red light, it slowly formed into a bright yellow bird with a black bottom and a long, sharp beak...It let out a call before landing on the ground, pops of electricity flowing around them. shinobi's pokeball let out a red light, also, this one forming... a lizard with a fire over it's tail and wings. Charizard let out a roar and a flame shot out of it's mouth. The flame on it's tail jumped, and he took off. Shinobi- Let's do this. BODY SLAM Seion- Thunderbolt Shinobi- No, dodge with a flamethrower. Charizard flew up into the air, really high. Zappdos screetched and took off. It's body glowed and a huge bolt of lightning shot out. Charizard did a flamethrower and they collided, making an explaosion and throwing Zapdos off...Charizard's bulk held him steady. charizard then dived down on the steadily falling Zapdos, tucking in it's wings for speed. About 20 feet from the ground he pulled his wongs up and slamed his feet into Zapdos, planting him into the ground, where he was vulnerable. Seion- LIGHTNING Shinobi- FLAME WHEEL Charizard opened his mouth, and flame poured out. It flowed around him, almost liek it was controled, until it went all the way around him. He then could either launch it or use it like a bumper car, ramming into Zapdos. He launched it out. Zapdos tried to make a cloud, but it hit the ground and shorted out. The flame wheel rolled right into Zapdos. Zapdos lingered, screetching wildly. Then it took off. It got into a dog fight, Zapdos shooting sizzling hot lightning bolts out of it's mouth to Chairzard, and Charizard doing Flamethrowers. Very few connected, as they were moving all around. It looked like none of them were listening ot commands, this was like a rivalry that is finally out, a virus finally freed from it's jar and hungry for cells. Finally, Charizard nad Zpados dropped their temptation for fried pokemon and listened. Seion- Go up high! Shinobi- Counter! Down low! Seion- Now! MEGA THUNDER BOLT!!! Shinobi- FIRE BLAST! The two blasts shot out simultaniously, and they shot out at eatch other... Slamming into each other. Charizard growled and Shinobi sighed. Zapdso screetched, and shot another blast out. Charizard rose up to meat Zapdos' leval, slaming right into the lighning bolt, but both had energy to spare and alot more to spare after that ran out. Shinobi- *Charizard's idea clicks* Charizard! Grab him and seismic toss, but do a few fire blasts into his chest on the fall!!! Seion- THUNDER! Charizard grabbed Zapdos and gripped his body roughly. A cloud hung around obth of them, zapping both Charizard and Zapdos. Charizard growled everytime he got poped with a thunderstrike. He dropped, folding in his wings for a free fall. He started fire blasting into Zapdos's face. About 10 feet from the ground the pulled up but pitched Zapdos into the ground. Zapdos screetched, the growled as he feinted. Charizard shto a huge flame out in pride and victory celebration, and Shinobi returned him. Zapdos disapeered into a flash of light, as well.
  10. Shinobi- Man i don't think she can handle me... Seion- OK, you don't wanna take her, battle me. Shinobi- ok, let's go. Seion- Go...Magmar! Shinobi- Get out there! Hope- HOLD IT Not in here. Go outside or something. Shinobi- Ok, let's go. Seion walked out of the room before Shinobi, and almost turned the wrong way. Shinobi- Let me handle this, you'll get lost buddy. Shinobi went out through the front door, and Seion followed. Shinobi- Ok, let's go. GET OUT THERE Seion- GO!! MAGMAR!!! The two pokeballs shot out into the middle of the field, and out of one came a purple cat-looking pokemon with a jewel on it's head. Out of the other came a human-like pokemon, that was red with an orange flame. It shot a flame out of it's mouth. Espeon- [b]Why hello Magmar. Nice ot meet you again.[/b] Magmar- Mag, Mar mar mar magmar ar ma ag. Espeon- [b]Well, you can't be nice before a battle, now can you. Just trying to lighten the mood.[/b] Shinobi- *sigh* come on Espeon. BATTLE! Seion- Yea, Magmar. FLAMETHROWER Shinobi- [i]Psychic[/i] Espeon- [b]Ok Shinobi[/b] espeon's eyes glow a bright neon blue, and Magmar shoots a flame out of his mouth. The psychic energy flowing between the pokemon throw the flame back in Magmar's face. He growls and shakes it off, as it did little damage. Shinobi- [i]Nite-Shade[/i] Seion- Slash! Espeon read Shinob'a mind and his eyes glowed once again, and Magmar's hp begain to slowly started falling, and it got drowzy. He still was able to hit in a few solid blows into Espeon's face, but then fell down from loss of energy. Seion- Come on...FLAMETHROWER Magmar was just able to get in a Flame thrower right into Espeon's face. It shook him enough to stop the Nite-Shade, leaving Magmar with little energy to spare. Shinobi- [i]Confusion[/i] Espeon read his mind a final time, and nodded. His eyes glowed and Magmar fell, koed. Shinobi- Boo ya
  11. Shinobi thougth this as loud as posible, hoping that Hope would notice it and answer him. Shinobi- [i]who the fu- whoops, who is popcorn???[/i] Shinobi then got up and walked over ot Seion. He had his hands behind his back till he got close to the Cheeto's. He then snatched them quickly and sat down. He then sat back down and started eating some himself. Jason- So, why exactly did you want me here? Shinobi- I remember how bad i creamed you a month ago in New Violet City. Jason- That was actually a close battle. Shinobi- I know, just making sure you remember me. Well,...remember the stuff in the news about Johiko? Jason- Yea. Shinobi- Well, it was abandoned. The pokemno had to be moved because the doem cracked. We located the place they at and we got to go to it. The dome won't be there in a month because of a trench that's widening. It'll fall and break at the bottom. We gotta catch 3 or 4 of each species of Pokemon and bring 'em up here. Timeka- Can i come. Shinobi- I don't know....we only have 1 big sub and one little one this time....i'll see, depends on how many invites were accepted.
  12. your in man. Go ahead and post, showing up at the mansion
  13. Shinobi was just about to say yes when she said that. Shinobi- *sigh* Seion you want somethin? Seion- No. Shinobi- Aight... I shall be back. Shinobi walked down the hall and turned to the left a few doors down. He started looking through cabinets until he found the glasses. He then went to the refridgerator and pulled out a Coke. He poured some in the glass, then put it back. He walked back to the living rom, drink in hand. He sat bakc down next Hope and drinked some. Hope- You better not spill any..this stuff is new. Shinobi- I won't, whoops *drops glass, but grabs it again befroe it can fall**smiles, Seion shakes his head* Oh Seion give me my cd player back boi. Seon reluctantly tosses it to him, and he puts it on and turns it to number 8.
  14. Shinobi- Oh,...she just dissed yo *** out like bread with butter. Damn. Shinobi Pulled his cd player out as Hope walked over. Shinobi- Yo Seion listen to my new album. Aint out yet. Seion- Yo album Shinobi- Yea, Da Southside Villains dawgg. Here. Shinobi tossed him the cd player. He caught it and put it on, then pressed play. Shinobi hugged Hope, then kissed her. Shinobi- How you been. Seen you got your hair cut.
  15. Seion and Timeka teleport Raven to Jesse's house, then teleport to Shinobi Seion- We here. Shinobi-*jaw drops* wow...YA THINK Seion- Why i auta Shinobi- But you aint, now is you? Seion- Why you little- ??- Stop it boys. Shinobi blinks, matching the voice up with peopel he knows. It takes him no time at all, it matched with the first one. He turned around to make sure. It was Hope.
  16. [i]thinking[/i] [b]telepathy[/b] [u]VERY LOUD[/u] Pokemon: Cusco League Shinobi walked out of the tunnel known as Victory Road and started towards Pokemon HQ. Nomally he flew, but this particular meeting he needed time to think. His boss, John Witter, wouldn't like Johiko being messed up. A new league was supposed to start there, with Shinobi being the champ. Guard- I need to see-oh, it's you, Shinobi Shinobi- Hey,..uhm...what's your name? Guard- John Shinobi- Hi John [i]Bye John[/i] Shinobi then made his way to pokemon HQ. He went past the front door like it wasn't there, and made his way around the building. He came to a side door. He scaned a card, and it opened automatically. He then went up a flight of stair, and came to a door, with frosted glass. IT had, written on a gold plaque:[FONT=courier new]John Witter[/FONT] He knocked on it, and a guy about 5'4" opened the door. He beckened him in, and Shinobi sat down in a chair. Shinobi- Hey john John- Hey, my man, Shinobi. What's up? Hows's them ission? I bet you just got back...heh...so responcible. Shinobi- Heh... Johiko is underwater, someone formed in a bubble, and explored it. However, that ran into a guardian that in no way, shape, or form liked Humans (they saw him at the end) A stupendious battle ensued, whith the dome above them eventually getting a hole in it and Johiko was nothing more than a borken dome. However, before this happened, the other guardian, one who kinda liked humans, transported all of the pokemon out of the dome, saved the people, and let himself be captured. The evil Guardian was subdued, but not before they ahd to abandon the mission. Shinobi- heh...uhm..it was abandoned 2 monthes ago. John- [u]WHAT!?!?!?[/u] Shinobi- Uhm... a battle with a guardian put a hole in the dome. John- And..the pokemon? Shinobi- Hee's the good parts. Another guardian moved them to a dome 3 times as big as Johiko. John's eyes turn to dollar symbols for a second, then he smiled a huge grin. John- 3 times....as big? *shinobi nods* where? Shinobi- That's the problem... John- What could be the problem? Now, where is it. Shinobi- It's 3 miles from Johiko..but it's near a widening trench. A month tops, then i's going down... John- And the pokemon? Shinobi- Down with it..the guardian that moved them can't be found. John- So... Shinobi- we need to move them. John- How? Shinobi- If we can catch 3 or 4 of them- John- Youcan breed them and release them! You want to go alone? Shinobi: ******* DAT. I'm taknig a group. John- Alright, make your own invites. [i]number one on the list..Hope Atkins...[/i] When your down give me the list. Shinobi- Ok, Hope agreed to go. Can the elite 4 Will come? John- Sure. Shinobi- Did they ever get their pokemon back?? John- Yea. Shinobi- Ok, i'm out. Shinobi called out Lugia and flew to him home that he's lived in for a month, that's on a beach near Fushia. ~~~~~~~~~2 Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~ Shinobi- Maybe we can finish this one in time..or maybe finish it at all. He landed and returned Lugia, then checked his mail. He then went in, pulled his lap-top out and started on the invite. A few minutes later, he finishes them and flys off alone, except for Houndoom's pokeball on his necklace. He dropped off the invites, then landed at Hope's Home, a mansion.
  17. When one or 2 more joins, or oe more day. i got a first post ready. And, i got a new screen name Ant and Flora. nateshinobi1976
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] [B]*COUGH* I hate that rule i hate that rule i hate that rule!!![/b][/quote] Never said what was specific. If you dont want to say level or attacks, you don't. ONly on pokemon does that count, though. [quote][i]Origionally posted by Blanko[/i] [B] than to get hurt to get attention.[/b][/quote] Are you saying Shinobi got Scythe hit him him with a sledgehammer on perpoise? Fell on perpoise? Cracked his shouder blade on perpoise? maybe... Oh, and yes, i did get my rpg name from the ever-popular FLORA!!!*give her a round of apllause everyone*
  19. Do you have the pokemon from Johiko? Yes, you do. They are the same people,....if your is the real Seion.
  20. I noticed a mistake on my sign-up sheet, i forgot attacks under the pokemon info. My bad, you too. A pokepower is a skill that is...how do i explain,...i'll get back to you on it. Or, hopefully a friend will explain it when she joins....if she does,..if not, i'll get to you tomorow with it. Here's my start-up sheet: [b]Name:[/b]Shinobi [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Appearance:[/b] Shinobi has long, flowing hair down to his mid back, that is white. He has blue eyes, and is a boy, dispite the hair. He is about 5'5", but 5'6" with his shoes on. Clothes:A big, oversized black shirt that reads on the frint and back,is gold letters: Da Southside Villain. Down the long sleeves are the words (in gold, also) Goldenrod pride. He wears jet black Fubu pants with Da Southside Villain written down one side in gold, and Shinobi with pride down the others. The pants also have several pockets, one big enough to hold his lap-top. He normally wears dark brown Timberlands, but sometimes wear White and Orange DC Avatars, when they are more comfortable. Personality: Quiet to most, but open to a select few, little is known about him. He is a quite leader who only talks when it's needed, unless he's with his fiancé, Hope Aktins (damn i hope blanko joins), or his friend, Seion (i hope Bouncer joins, too) When he does talk ,it's in a smooth voice, unless he changes it. He'd prefer to lead the fight rather that stop it, and is a good ganster. [b]Good at:[/b][i](not needed by you all, i added it)[/i] He's good at fighting, computers, pokemon, swordmanship, skateboarding [b]Other:[/b]Shinobi can fly, and it later turns up he's psychic and flies using that ability, but no one knows yet. He finds out in another rpg, that takes place after this one. [b]pokemon name:[/b]Houndoom [b]Item attached:[/b] Charcoal [b]Attacks:[/b]Fire Blast, Crunch, Flamethrower, Headbutt [b]pokemon name:[/b]Espeon [b]Item attached:[/b] [b]Attacks:[/b]Confusion, Psybeam, Nite-Shade, Teleport [b]pokemon name:[/b]Umbreon [b]Item attached:[/b] [b]Attacks:[/b]Bite, Persuit, Tackle, Sand-Attack [b]pokemon name:[/b]Charizard [b]Item attached:[/b] Charcoal [b]Attacks:[/b] Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fly, Body Slam [b]pokemon name:[/b] Lugia [b]Item attached:[/b] Sharp Beak [b]Attacks:[/b] Aeroblast, Fly, Tri-Attack, Hyper Beam Anthony, i was just about to call you, but my phone needed charging. I was gonna tell you about this Everyone, i said AT LEAST You can have more than 3.
  21. Ok,...uhm..who's Esporeon? I think you mean Espeon by the attacks,...edit that... Otherr than that,...your in.
  22. Hello Pokemon enthusiastes, mods, and people curious about the name... This will be easier if you were in or read Pokemon: Johiko league- Johiko league was found by a guy from Goldenrod named Shinobi. He got a group and went to it, which is underwater, someone formed in a bubble, and explored it. However, that ran into a guardian that in no way, shape, or form liked Humans (they saw him at the end) A stupendious battle ensued, whith the dome above them eventually getting a hole in it and Johiko was nothing more than a borken dome. However, before this happened, the other guardian, one who kinda liked humans, transported all of the pokemon out of the dome, saved the people, and let himself be captured. The evil Guardian was subdued, but not before they ahd to abandon the mission. Now the questions role: Where did they go? What about the pokemon? Was Johiko ever fixed? A few weeks, Shinobi and his fiancé, Hope, found the dome the animals and animal-likemon in a dome about a mile east of the origional Johiko, in a dome 3 times as big, and three times as high. The only thing about it is,....it on the edge of a trench. With water slowly moving the sand bottom into the trench, the trench is getting bigger avery week. Aslo, the dome is coming close to falling every week. By the way the sand is moving, the dome will be gone within a year. So, Shinobi and a new group must go on a mission to capture and record as many of all the breeds they can. This means: Lotsa pokeballs, lotsa speed. ARE YOU UP TO IT Sign up here with your: Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: pokemon name, nickname Level: Item attached: (if any) Attacks: Other: (pokepowers go here) you need at least 3 pokemon at the start. I wil post my stats if two people join. Nate
  23. Actually, when you are blown to bits, you die intact. You have to die before you can fall apart like that. ANYWAY I think Frieza is a boy, though the voice shows other wize. Now...is he...wierd? 'show me what you got big boy' 'i want you!' honestly...
  24. Hey, what about the white ranger? If i can have him, will. Let me know.
  25. Yea, easy. I got 900 posts here....i was positive htat was imposible when i was only at 400 after a few months.. But other than that, the day i ollied for the first time. I had almost dropped out of skateboarding, and my friend said to try it one more day. I hadn't rode in 3 months, and !pop! an ollie. I'm still trying to figure that one out...
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