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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Nate jumped out of a tree and landed next to James Nate: Serves you right. James: Well i didn't see you doing anything. Nate: After amen and them shot at him i figured i'd let him kill you all. Why not? Nate then jumped up, grabed a hold of a branch, spun around it once with the grace of a gymnist, and shot off it, knocking three down. He shot one 7 times in the head, and stabbed the other symoltaniously(sp). He then reversed, stabbing the first one and shooting the second one. The third one got up, however, nd at his 5th shot he saw a clwed hand slam into his face, sending him flying through a pane of glass, bouncing over a floor, and gongi throught a door, stoppnig in the kitchen Damen is in. There, he stopped, unconsious(sp)
  2. Yea...well..i'm related to George Bush! I wish..Really..i'm related to one of the first dukes to come over...I think.. And i'm married to Jennifer Love hurit and dating Kim......you know..EM's ex-wife..right?
  3. Freiza was walking through his space ship, when he flt the energy jump from Bardocks' litle fight. He shook his head and got into his hover ship. He shot off towards the bar, weaving between drunk saiyans, and landed, grabbing Bardock by the armor. Frieza: What are you doing? *smirk* Bardock:... Frieza: TELL ME! He held him, waiting for the answer...
  4. -You die your hair yellow and spike it, saynig your SS (Guilty) -You take brown pipe cleaners and tape them into a tail. -You put 6 m&ms on your head and threaten to but your friends in half with a 'destructo disk' (cd) if they don't call you 'The All-Mighty Krillen' -Every time you walk into your kitchen, you kick the 'Freiza' incase it's the Tyrant in disguise. (Guitly, for a while) -You think your inharently evil cause your body's made of Cells. -You jump off of a bridge and yell 'FLYING NIMBUS!' -You do Kamehamehas in the mirror (guilty) -You write a number '10,000' on your door and start doing push-ups to train for fighting Frieza. -You call your dad 'Prince of Saiyans' -You try to put your brain into an Android. -You are writing this (GUILTY!) -You are reading this and saying 'I've done at least a 4th of these once' (Guilty) -Your computer has 2% of it's hard-drive space open because of art files (Mainly DBZ) -Your room is jet black with a yellow Kamehameha going across one wall. -You sit and concentrate real hard, hoping that Gohan's training with Videl will work for you. (GUILTY) -You think you actually found that 'empty spot' (GUILTY. I did, but it excited me and i post it again. Either that or i was hungry :naughty: ) -You are known in your school for benig able to answer any DBZ question (GUILTY, in both my elementary and Middle school) -You find plot holes in DBZ for fun (GUILTY) -You can answer DBZ questionsabout a saga you've never saw (GUILTY, the Cell Saga and Afterlife Tournament Saga...) -You try to stop a fire by doing a Kamehameha (from DB). -You tell your friends that your Namekian, and have them tear an arm out, and you 'try' to grow it back (with try being the key word) -You tell them that you can Instant Teleport, and dare them to climb up a 3 story building and drop an anvil on your head. -you watch an episode of DBZ and then depict the entire episode afterwards, leaving nothing out -You own every single episode on VHS, DVD, AND on your computer Why did mine be the one to pull spam.......
  5. Nate appeared out of no-where on his back. Nate: James, get off. I got this. James: But- Nate: NOW! Nate shoved James off un-warningly and he landed face first. He then slamed his dagger into the deamon's neck and started shotting at it's head with all his might. Some 5 clips later, Nate shot his last bullet. Nate: Damn...He ain't dead... OOC: I have something planed, but i need to check with Tsukasa if it's ok.
  6. I am, and i know The Bouncer is, he's one of my best friends, he lives like 2 miles away from me (now, it was 3 blocks). I'm ready. i got my cd player, and battery powered radio, and LOTS of books. I guess i get to read more.. Everyone is hoping and praying that it's enough to get us out of school. I hope they keep power, thought- my life is computer and ps2. *sigh* i need a life.
  7. Nate jumped out of the tree, and right after she got pinned to the tree. He pulled his glcoks from his pocket and aimed them at her face. He lowered them slightly when he saw it was a girl. He still kept them ready, knowing what could happen. Damen showed up beside him, and seenig it was her blade, he stepped back for her to do what-ever...
  8. Yamcha din't do the spirit bomb, he did another technique of his. Notice how he gripped onwe wrist and held his hands stagiht [b]out[/b] instead of [i]up[/i]? He was making his own move, i can't remember what it's called. He can guide where it goes by movnig the 2 fingers up, down, left, or right, as long as he's holdnig his wrist, which is unlike Goku's who can only throw it.
  9. Nate was up in a tree durnig the funeral. He spied a deamon down the street, so he jumped out of the tree, landing lightly on 2 feet, planting one hand for balence. He walked down the streeet, his guns drawn. He blinked ant the deamon was suddenly right next to him, mouth open to bite him. He ducked it and as the deamon soared over his shoulder, he kicked across the street. He then pull 10 peices of lead in it before it could get up. He looked around. A smirk on his face.The smirk faded quickly, as several pairs of eyes appeared. He took off towards the tree he was in before, climbing quickly. He put a new clip in one of the glocks
  10. Name: Damien Age: 24 (but u can't tell, which is the case with Changlings) Race: Changling Character your Replacing: Ginyu Force Signature Technique: Damio Diablo Blast(dA-mIO dEahblO Blast) History: Born on a planet that was later destroyed, he is the Son of frieza. He has been raised to be just like him, and has 3 'fathers' Colla, Frieza, and King Kold. Little is known about how or when he was actually born, but he was always told he was 24, so that's what he belived. Appearance: I'll post the link to the picture when i find it again.. Personality: Self-centered, Selfish, cokcy, mean, everything a good vilain has. Powerlevel:uhm..i guess..around 40,000
  11. It's odd how all the non-saiyan villains don't wear pants till buu? I think all of them are neigthers...but act liek boys/girls, what ever. I think Freiza's guy who talks likes like a ghirl. Maybe he was raised around girls, hence acts like them???
  12. Nate pulled the dagger out of the wood as he grined at Sen. Nate: You are the *****-ist mutha****er i ever seen. Sen: You ever been stabbed to the hilt? Nate: yea. But i killthe ****er before he could do anthing. Thats' how i got this. *holds up the dagger* Sen: Oh...well... Nate: Let's bounce. Sen: Where? Nate: Your the leader..you know this ****. Sen: What ever..
  13. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: I noticed..when i had Shambotada say a cuss word under his breath...it didn't bleep it.....??? IC: It wasn't until Shambotada was gonig to his third meetnig that he noticed his room. He noticed the plywood put up where the door would have been, done quite ghetto-style. Shambotada: [size=5]WHAT DA ****!?[/size] Shabiona: Calm down, sir. A bomber, you've seen them before. Shambotada: You catch him..? Shabiona: Yes, we did. He is ready for your judgement and punishment. Shabiona: Aight..after this meeting...let's go...*sigh* I'm gonna kill hat mutha****er...
  14. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada watched her out of the corner of his eye. The *****, thinking she's someone that can talk like that. He smiled to himself, and turned the corner. He went into a room and sat down. The meeting was about to begin. ~~~~~ Shabiona1: Well, meeting is in order. How were you yesturday, Shambotada? I understand you were sick. Shambotada: Yes, i was. Shabiona2: Good, well, your here. First thing, the southern Asia border. Shabiona 3: Fine, the dispute was settled. Shabiona1: With? Shabiona3: a Flash bang grenade in the building. Shambotada: Iwould use a laser grenade.. the Shabionas eyed him. He glared back. Shambotada: I can think what i want. [size=1]bitches[/size] There were more stares from the shabionas. He shook his head and the meeting continued...
  15. Newsflash Deathbug: The nnorhteners took the southern economy. The Southerns had their economy fine, then SNorth took it by deleting slavery. Talk about yuorself if you talk about us, too. We retaliated because without up, the norht wouldn't get the coton to make clothes. We did the smark thing. By north gettnig rid of slavery, south could make no cotton, could have no cotton to ship up there, hence they dont' have fancy 100%cotton shirts.
  16. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    He was kissing her when a knock almost tore the door down. The screen appeared in the middle of the room, showing someone with the looks of a Shabiona. He got up and went to the door. Shambotada: Well,..someone found me. Shabiona: Yes, come on. You got meetings. Shambotada: Which? Shabiona: Code 3...5..9..and 1. Shabiona: [i]he lists the the first one last. Nice[/i]*thinking is [i]italicized[/i] Be there in 5 minutes. Shabiona: 4. Shambotada: 10. Shabiona: 5, 5 is good. Shambotada: Good.
  17. Nate jumped up into the air and tossed a dagger out. It landed right next to James's Head, where he aimed it. Nate: Let him go, or your dead. James turned around and walknig into the business end of 2 9mms. Nate:Get out of here. You hasve nothing to do with this. SO LEAVE Sen: Kill this ****er while you can Nate. Nate: Give him a chance, *****. I heard you scream *smirks* Now, you. Leave this area. Now.
  18. Nate

    50 vs. Shady

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Watch it, Shinobi1827. Even if it's technically not profane, we don't allow the name-calling of other members. Do [i]not[/i] call anyone an idiot. [/B][/QUOTE] If u ever knew him, you'd call him one, too. I'm happy i moved out of that neighborhood... Anyway, [quote]Ahem. I personally would rather listen to Eminem then 50 cent if I really had to choose. At least Eminem has songs about things other than girls, sex, money, etc. [wow, I got shot nine times, praise me now] [/quote] True...but..besides the cover of his cd, when did he ever say he got nine shots? I wouldn't really know..for i don't have the album,..but of all the times i borrowed it from freinds i never heard him say that. Of course i only listen to 3 of his songs..so what do i know?
  19. [b]Name: [/b] Frieza [b]Age: [/b] Do changlings have one? [b]Gender: [/b] Male..i think [b]Side: (Lazerous, Frieza elite, Sayjin) [/b] Frieza fight himself? Odd.. [b]Apperence: [/b][img]http://www.saiyanultimate.com/frieza8.jpg[/img] [b]Bio: [/b] Well..not much is known except that he was born by King Col,d with no mother known of, and was raised to kill planets. Took over Planet Vegiita with help from Coola and helped them by gettnig them to conqer planets. Has 4 transermations. [b]Weapon (if any): [/b] None, exept transformations
  20. hmm..i depends For a day or so: Dr. Dre, Tony Steward (yes, i listen to rap and watch nascar...it's possible), Chad Muska For life: EMiN3M, Tony Hawk,...hmm...Orlando Bloom...James I'd love to be able to have EMiN3M's talent or Tony's skill, and orlando's looks..and the abilty to ban anyone instantly. Make it a costum made peoson with EMiN3M's flow, Tony's Skateboard, Orlando's looks, and Jame's OB power.
  21. No, James or Adam picks people sparingly who follow the rules, try to help others, help teach others the rules (without being play-mod), and good post quality, post length, etc. The count has nothing to do with it, as it is quality over quantity.
  22. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: I ment that...Ryden was the 'guard'. But play as u wish IC: He licked the blood off of her fingers, and was starting to kiss her again when she stoped him. Shrai'i: Wait, dont' yuo have meetings? Shambotada: **** 'em. ~~~~~~~~ A guy appeared against a window 3 floos away from them. He was hanging off of the roof with a cable, and was cutting a hole in the glass with a laser scalple. The glass hole was finished, and he punched it out. He went through the hole a seond before it hit the ground and broke, 10 feet down. The cable hit the broke glass left in the pane and cut. He fell the 10 feet, right onto a guard. The guard was out, but he also broke the persons fall. He pulled a laser grenade out and pulled the pin. He put it in the guard's mouth and ran. A few seconds later a laser shot out of each end, cutting the body in 2 halves, then the grenade blew, decentigrating the body and making a 5 inch hole in the ground. He ran down the hall and was at a door. He planted a chip on the door, and seconds later he chip blew, taknig the door with it. He then threw 2 laser grenades into the room, which went off. The room, which was empty, was the Val`Shabiona's room.
  23. Nate

    50 vs. Shady

    uhm..new as in first got the fame Ant. Idiot. And that's why i listen to Marshal Mathers and Slim LP more. It's more funny ****
  24. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: You confused me even more right there...who started the convosation? IC: They had playful sex untill someone finally figured out what room he was in (stupid, he's nowhere, the drugs deactivated..Shrai'i is missing?) The handle twisting and a knock at the door stoped them. The door was locked, so they handle just turned freely. A screen appeared in the middle of the room, showing outside it. a man stood there, with another man on the floor. Shambotada: Who the **** is it? Guy: Guard number 2791161. Shombotada: Who's that on the floor? Guard: A Freedom Fighter. Shambotada: Hold up. Shambotada got up, got his pants on, then answered the door. Shambotada: Take him to the 12 basement. Guard: ??? Shambotada: Idiot, the freedom basement. Guard: Oh..... Shambotada closed the door again, and outside the door, Ryden grinned. And picked up the 'freedom fighter' and started down the hall.
  25. Nate

    50 vs. Shady

    Hmm.. fiddy: He's new, and new ones are usually bad. Well...there are exeptions..but still. He doesn't have the experience. He's basing to much on his appearence. Eminem: Experience/rapping technique/thruth/ding ding ding, we have a winner. For example. For of controversy till i retire my jersey/ Till the fire dies down and i retire at thirty/ Who would think that thirty and jesey coyuld be rhymed? But Eminem did it in 'the music stops' on Eminem show. He doesn't care abbout appearance, he's said that. I like the crazy SLim ****, like my name is, just like me, my fault, etc. Also, i like 97 bonnie and clyde, guilt concence, etc. Some EMNi3m songs are good, but it's mainly slim shady that's the best. but, the best is.... Mrshal Mathers: Hailies Song. No doupt. He has a life, and that shows it. Thanks EM fan out
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