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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: jajai..who was speaking on their sleep? I have a feeling it's Shrai'i IC: Shambotada leaned foward and kissed her softly. He then rolled over on top of her. Shrai'i: Get off.. Shambotada: I don't have to.. Shrai'i: Please? Shambotada: Ok..*kisses her again* He pulled his cd player out and placed in a newer rap cd. He turned it on and listened to it for a while.
  2. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC:Also, anotheer humm stopped, that had been almost unnoticed untill now. The room was filled with a powerful drug that floats in the air, so it was only used sometimes. The humm was the drug being put in it. the second humm he turned on was taking ti out. What r u smoking and can i have some?
  3. [b]Name:[/b] Nate Martin [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Description:[/b] Short black hair, with a bandana folded around his head. He wears boots, but plays basketball great. He wears black baggy pants with 'Da Southside Villain' in gold on both sides.(don't all of my characters?)Wears a black shirt with Nate written in gold on the back. A 20" chain hangs from his neck, with NW on it. [b]Tattoos:[/b] a dagger with a vine incircling it on his right shoulder, a naked lady on his back, and 'Slim Jr' on his left arm [b]Bio:[/b] Born in Richmond, VA. He lives in Southside Richmond, in an apartment complex coined 'san suzy', which is one of the ghetto-ist part of Richmond.Raised on Country on the west-end, he left as soon as pocible back to Southside, where his life restarted. His friends moved a few years ago, and they were killed by the deamons. Now he has a grudge, and he is very able to win with his aim. He listens to Rap(i.e: Eminem) and Rap Metal(i.e:Linken Park). [b]Weapon:[/b] Glock x2, dagger EDIT: Sorry, i messed up and nate is a boy. i wasn't thinking straight...
  4. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: The drug was off in my post, he deactivated it. Sigh* jajai... IC: A while later, the drug wore off, and Shambotada woke up, quite surprised that he was still alive. Shambotada: *under his breath* *looking at over his shoulder at Shrai'i*Holy smoke..after what i did to her..she didn't kill me.... He rolled over to look at Shrai'i. He satthere, watching her peacefully, and he actually felt felt something. He just sat there for a while.
  5. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada reached over and pressed a button on a wall. The air activated, pulling the air out and replaceing it, slowly. Also, anotheer humm stopped, that had been almost unnoticed untill now. The room was filled with a powerful drug that floats in the air, so it was only used sometimes. Shambotada leaned over and kissed Shrai'i softly on the lips, gently. Suddenly everything he had done wrong lifted away,as he entered the esctacy of her lips and body.
  6. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: Who is Shrai'i with? Shambotada or other, because nobody's supposed to know about that room..but...i need to KNOW.
  7. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada was walking towards the same oak door as Ryden. Shambotad got there way before Ryden did, thought, and he went in and locked it behind him. He sat down, thinking. Lina was right. He was screwing up the world. And for the first time, he actually noticed it. He sighed and turned the cd player off. He turned on the tv in the room and sat there, watching really nothing at all. This wasn't his normal room, so no-body would find him. He was fine. He sat there, listening to the rain and drowning otu thed tv, jsu twatchnig it, till it became a blue. He then turned it off and layed down to sleep.
  8. Yes, it is. They should have sued KaZaA at most, because if KaZA is getting money, then they aren't paying trhe artist, they should be sued. I hope they get sued back for character harrasment and...what else..some other stuff, too. I would.
  9. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Still holding her by the neck, he picked her clear off of the bed and into the air. He hit her, hard, then dropped her. Shambotada: Maybe if you hadn't have ****ed up today, that one thing would be done. See, every girl i get's family is payed. So i do help. So shut the **** up before you try ****! Mutha****er. He kicked her in the stomach, then left. He turned his cd player back on and walked aimlessly around, pissed. The only song that didn't make him madder was Hallie's Song, the others made him feel like killin someone. A thunderstriek shot out, and a crash was heard. It had been lightly raining all night, but with the cars in the air, the lightning is prone to strike it. Damn cops, they don't make people come closer to the ground....
  10. Name: Shinobi Nickname: Slim Shinobi (relunctantly) What Gym you want to become the leader of(can be from Hoenn and johto regions): Goldenrod Age(Higher than 16): 20 Description:Long, striaght white hair, down to his mid back, with red lips, blue eyes (not quite albino) He wears jet black baggy pants, a long, oversized white shirt, a spike chain holding a pokeball on the bottom spike, holding his pokemon on the top of his list. Bio: Born in Goldenrod, in the south side, which is the ghetto side. He roled with gangs, from 11 till 16, then he stoped because his girl-friend. He was the number 1 white person in Goldenrod, the only one who could call a bvlack person 'nigga' there and not get his *** beat. Pokemon(NO LEGENDARYS): Houndoom (the one on his necklace) Crunch, Fire Blast, Synthesis, Solarbeam Charizard: Fly, Body Slam, Fire Blast, Flamethrower Sneasal: Persuit, Doubler Team, Crunch, Slash Tyranitar: Moonlight, Hyper-beam, Crunch, Rock-slide Umbreon: Moonlight, feint Attack, Bite, Body Slam Feraligatr: Water Gun, Slash, Surf, Water Cannon I hope this is ok.
  11. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    A few minutes later Shambotada stormed out of his room. He noded to the goard, and pulled a cd player out. He listened to EMiN3M as he walked down to the servant rooms. He took the head phones off as he walked in. As soon as he saw Shrai'i and Lina, he slapped Lina again, she fell onto the bed. Goven held Shrai'i back. Shambotada pinned Lina down. Shambotada: Look *****, your are NOTHING to worry about. If hyou don't watch your ****in additude, i will kill you. Me not trying to change the world? By us taking the place over, we did change the world. We stopped wars, for there were no nations to fight. We stopped poverty, as we could afford to give everyone a good house and car. We change the technology as made it so we can live on Mars. Drive cars 1,000 feet up. Dont' talk to me abotu changing the world till you can name how we didn't. I'm cartying the line of Val`Shabiona, and until you lvie my life for a month, u can go **** yourself. OK?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dbzsuperfan [/i] [B]it can't be real because pan is only 1/4 sayain and you have to be 1/2 sayain to go ssj. [/B][/QUOTE] Uhm..no..because...in the last episode of DB GT, the show Goku jr nd Vegeta jr fighting in a world tournament. They were super saiyan at 1/16th saiyan. Sorry. I go with Katana's thinng, thought. It makes sence.
  13. How r u logging out? R u gongi to the post screen and clicking log out? That don't work. Go to the main screen and click log out. That will do it. If that don't work, go to your cookies and delete them for OB. -Nate
  14. There goes FLy-T with his wannabe balelr/gansta self..(sigh) I lvoe playing Streetball. I play all the time at a friends court. The only thing is, he (Brandon) has two brothers (Marcus and CLiff, Marcus being younger) who think their all that. Get this: Marcus: Hey, check this out *goes to three point line* look at my game breaker (from NBA Street 1/2) *misses 3 point shot* me: Dude, that's no game breaker. That's called an air ball *grabs the ball on the rebound, holding it in front of his face* *he steals it* hey him: *traveling like a mutha******whatch this! me: Travel him: your cheating! it's very funny *notices nobody's laughing* ok...i'll leave now.. I can't do any tricks, will, i can do a gone fishin and a trick where you drop the ball, plant your hands and jump up with the ball bouncing on your stomach and the ground, then come back and grab it, a trick we made called the 'fake it make it' where you do a double cross then shoot it, i can take anyone down with it (except a 14 year old girl who me and Brandon hang with) But other than that, i suck.... Oh, [quote]Its like, "Dang man, you got me!" and then the dudes woulkd like shake hands and what not. [/quote] where did u get that? It's all about respect otu there, i may laugh when i get shook, but i laugh when i get bombed on. What can i say? we don't shake hnds, i burn him/break his ankles. *shakes head* where do they figure streetball is fun and games?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan Egret [/i] [B]If he was not [spoiler]dead[/spoiler] than maybe people would have heard of him/listened to his rhymes. Yes, Dre, Ice Cube, Snoop, and Eazy E (and a DJ..DJ Mike?) were all part of the N.W.A. and were (I think still are) planning a reunion CD. [/B][/QUOTE] I know, but still. Will u ever hear somenoe with a christmas charol like he did in Eazy Does it??? And who will come up with 'nobody move, nobody get hurt'??
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spiderham [/i] [B]its true he sounds like crap live but his songs are still good exept for his first one "gimme the light" i didnt like that one [/B][/QUOTE] How can u not like gimme the lgiht? Wait, what am i saying, it does suck. The remix is the good one. I love Sean Paul! he rocks Gimme the light remix,i think it's let's get it on? Can't remember, all of them. Very good, though i can't understand half of the words...
  17. Come on, nobody's ever heard of Eazy E? You know he and Dre and Snoop were boisd, u know that, right?? They say they like Dre but they don't know his boi...
  18. It's pretty good, but it could be better, as Leh said. I like how u had the tail grow back right in time for it to be used, heh. -Nate
  19. Nate

    Funky "S"

    ยง it worked perfect for me, i don't know what happened to yours....but u can see it worked right. No, i didn't copy it.
  20. I truely love Rap, i love all of it, old school, don't matter. My favorites are: Eminem Dr. Dre Ludacris (roll out, act a fool!) DMX Jay-Z Ja Rule 50 Cent Eazy E (you know u love that 'no body move, no body get hurt' on Eazy Does it/5150 Home 4 tha sick!!) Juvinile zibit (he's ok) Diplomatic Immunity (they ok) Project Pat Kid Rock (i got dem sex rhymes!) And, i can flow almost all of them. Those are just the ones i listen to all the time, my mom and dad like country, so i can't listen to Rap. Hence, i only here the cds my brother has. My brother has all of them 'cept Zibit
  21. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: Hey, everyuone..sorry..but i won't be able to post on here for a while. I haven't exactly..been able to come up with post ideas. Writers block. I'll be back in....about 3 or 4 days. 'k?
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie [/i] [color=#9933ff][font=comic sans MS] [color=#9933ff][font=comic sans MS]I apologize for my early assumption, because I was going by what I personally heard on the radio, and the early 9:00 News, when I got my own power back. Currently, I'm going to withdraw finger pointing, because it's a fat lot of help, really. The NYC Mayor, Bloomberg, I guess, was told that it happened where I said it was, and then the Toronto Mayor started publicly yelling at America saying "WHEN HAVE THEY EVER TAKEN THE BLAME FOR WHAT THEY DO?", when I don't think Bloomberg spontaneously started fingerpointing, he was [b]misinformed[/b]. lol. No one really knows where it started, and the US and Canadian governments are going to try and work together to look into what happened. Because so far, I've heard... *counts* five different version. So I'm sorry for my early judgements, but at the time when I just got my power back, the only two versions I'd heard were the ones I mentioned. It's the early, unclear details, you know? And it's alright to boast about where your brother-in-law works. If a family member of mine was the number one in something, you've bet I'd boast about it. Because it's nice to be really super good at something. :)[/font][/color][/QUOTE] Yea, i know. We listened to the new radio the entire town we was driving across time, so we knew faster.
  23. When ever a grand turismo game came out, it became the best simulation racing game there is. GT 4 will do the same. 5,00 acceceries per car, it will be sweet. I was reading a GameImformer magazine, they did a review, they showed a screen shot from a rally, and i swear it looked real. No difference between real life and it. It doen't blue the line, it blows it into so many dead peice they don't even worry about countin them. I can't wait. I've always been one to get a game when it's like 19 or 29 dollars, so i just got GT3. I got GT2 when it was 14 actually, and i've yet to beat either. My GT2 file was deleted by accident, so i haven't restarted it sence i got the GT3. But i can't wait till GT4 comes out.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan Egret [/i] [spoiler] Grand Theft Auto 3 & VC BMXXX [/spoiler][/QUOTE] ah yes, that second game is fuuuuun. [spoiler] especially the strip challenge[/spoiler] Anyways, me and my friends were talknig, and no game that we knew of ever got one. I tryed to design one in my brain, i figured it would be like, [spoiler]you play as a girl and you have sex with guys, and they give you rating. The entire thing is sex, and you press different combos to do diferent things.[/spoiler] But this is from perverted little me *waves*
  25. ok, thanks all of you. I knew it had to do with the site, but not that much *turns head side ways* now if only my parents would let me pay to get the good stuff...
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