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Everything posted by Nate

  1. I love it...awesome Flora. hmm.....i have a feeling who Elyse is based on..but i'm shuttin up like i should all the time *pulls duck tape out*
  2. Nate


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] Although my black freinds call me a "N" and i'm white. But oh well.[/QUOTE] Same here. I don't liek racists, but it's so open. Like, for example, no body would sign Eminem for a record deal. BECAUSE HE WAS WHITE. Dre was nice enough, and smart enough ,to take him. Look at the money he got. Racists didn't get it, they didn't sign him. That was just one example. I'm another. All the girls in my class don't like me because i'm white but 'act black'. I dont' see how i can act liek a person. I am one. Color does not matter. But it seperates me from alot of people, because of it.
  3. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada stood there for a second. Shambotada: She may go. You *pointing to Shrai'i* get over here Shambotada leaned against the wall as Shrai'i walked slowly over to him. When she got there, he slapped her, not expressly hard, just enough to make it sting. He granbed her chin roughly, making her look at him. Shambotada: You never come into my room, got it. Not without my express permission. NEVER. got that? He then pushed her backwards. Shrai'i stumbled then fell onto the bed.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie [/i] [color=#9933ff][font=Comic Sans MS] Some details are sketchy, but it looks like lighting hit a power plant in Canada (NYC Mayor Bloomberg is saying Quebec, and most radio stations say Ottowa. We'll know by tomorrow.) and then they tried to handle it, and there's something about a plant going down on the U.S. side near Niagra, and since some power grids rely on eachother, a TON went down! [/font][/color][/QUOTE] Forgive me if this ha already been answered, I haven't read it all; I don't feel like reading it all, hence i won't. From what i heard, it was not a lightning strike. Something happened in it, and they had to shut it down. It was not in Canada, it was Con Ed Power Plant in New York. It was not a fire; despite what the pictures they show say. When you cool a 3 thousand degree boiler, you have to depressurize it, too. The black smoke from the tower is steam smoke, from the quick drop. If you believe it was 10 plants dead, YOUR WRONG. There are 70 in New York alone, and another 100 immediate in Canada. Over 100 down. VA?s 50 some plants will drop their power outputs going to VA to pipe energy to Con Ed so it can start. A power plant can only make as much energy as it gets, hence they need alot. All the states then can are chipping in their energy. They cooled Con Ed quick, they had to. High temp to low temp= stress fractures. If one piece breaks, one boiler blows, we are SCREWED. It will take a lot of time and power to get a boiler up to that 300 degree mark where it can incinerate anything instantly, hence creating power. If Con Ed pops one fuse, it's back to square one, including possible fractures. Turn acs off if you have no power. If they have to put out 100% of the energy they make, they can't do it. Fuse blows. Help Con Edd if u live in New York, turn off the ac. If you?re wondering how i know this, my brother-in-law is the number one stress technician in his company, which means he knows all this stuff about it. He works in power plants all the time *blush* *boast mode off*
  5. Hey mods, admins, and members of OB, i have a question. How did you get so many members? I mean, this board has been around for quite a while, but still. 5 thousand freagin' members. The most i've ever pulled on a board after 8 months was 12 people. I've put eerything i could evr want on it, stuff that i don't want but helps, stuff you have, stuff you don't have, etc. I got 12 people, and all of them i asked to join except the 12th one. I advertized on OB (in sig), asked friends, asked friends to ask freinds, then asked my friend's friends to join it. still, 12 people. (self rant mode off) how do i do it? What do you think helped ob do it? -nate (Ps: I wasn't sure if this would go under the Suggestions of OB lounge...*sigh*)
  6. Our colors are blue and green, and our mascot is the laser. The LMB Lasers! We're high tech school, and the first year, 5 years ago, the kids picked it. Every day at the end of the morningt announcers, Tia Lathan and Lilaisia yell 'go lasers!' IT BITES
  7. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada wasn't quite asleep when the first phone rung. He let it ring, ignoring it as much as he could. He second time, he couldn't. He picked up the phone. Shambotada: You now have me permission to come in but only is your **** is the size of texas or your dick is as long as a girrafe's neck. Otherwize, go **** yourself..... He then hung the phone up and took it off the hook and went to sleep again...
  8. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada did what he needed to do up there, then left. He truely couldn't stand it up there. It was to organized. He shook his head as he got into the car. He took his shirt off and started the car. Again, it rose up and the wheels folded in. He took out the EMiN3M cd and put in 50 cent, another very old school cd. He shot off to the castle blastin In Da Club. He pulled into the parking garage and parked it on the very top, in the last parking space. He got out and went to his room, nodding at the guard. He sat down and watched tv for a while, before going to bed at 3.
  9. Nate


    Heh, i am on that. Guess what my name is... [jeopardy music] No..... Try again... Hah..you wish... [/jeopardy music] It's [strike]Shinobi1827[/strike] Nate!!! Come to my site, PLEASEE!!
  10. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: Arika switches from one light color to another ..*right button is broken from to much hilighting* Oh, and Harlequin. Get off my back. Don't just blame me, everyone does it. IC: Shambotada pressed a button, and the car rose up a few yards. Shambotada shot over the jet, and then lowered back down to the average 6 inches. He shot down the street and pulled into a building. A door rose up he drove in. The wheels came out again and the car sits down. The door slides up and Shambotada gets out. the door promptly slides back closed. He walkes up stairs and goes into a door. He is now in he North America security station.
  11. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada got up and got his clothes on. He was just turning on the Tv when a knock was at the door. He hit the button on the night stand and in walked Shabiona Ken Hentopu. Hentopu: Sir, i understand you were out at the stables today? Shambotada: Yes, how the **** is it your business? Hentopu: You ain't suposed to be out there, Shambotada: Who gives a ****? Hentopu: You know of the people who would liek you dead.. Shambotado: **** you...and them, too. ~~15 minutes later~~ Shambotado walked out of his room, wearing street clothes. He nodded to the guard and walked down to the parking deck, 3 floors below the slave dorms. He got into a Red car with a 5 inch spoiler on the back, and a sun roof. He pulled out a key and presses a button. A laser came out and went into the key hole. The door slid foward and out of the way. He got in and pressed the same button on the key and the car started. It slowly rose up into the air, about 5 inches. The wheels turned in, with the rims pointing down. They slid in and a metal sheet slid over and covered them. He then shot off, up the ramp, shooting several feet up when he reached the ground level and it suddenly evened up. He put in a 2000 rap cd, very old school. He shot off down the street, just driving. He didn't give a **** about what they said. He didn't care. [font=gothic][color=indigo]I have some rather stringent "advice" for you. Keep the profanities to a minimum, and DO NOT try to circumvent the filter.[/font][/color]
  12. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada: What will you do? *snickers* huh? Shambotada continued kissing her, then got her onto the bed. He climbed on top of her softly. He kissed her again, then ran down her body. He no longer had a shirt on, and his tattoo on his back seemed to glow in the dim light. He undid his pants and slid out. When they hit the ground, the pager was activated. The receiver started beeping. He ignored it.
  13. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotads glanced into her eyes. He glaced his chin gently on her shoulder. Shambotada: Hello beautifle...welcome to my place..where resign as comissioner....but i'm gentle..and nice...people don't like me but i don't know why...want to have some fun? Shambotada raised his head a little and placed a hand on her cheek. He turned her head and kissed her, softly. Long and soft. He ran the other hand down her stomach, then her side, then her back, down to her butt. He then ran it back up and brought it around to her side and to her stomach again. He raised it up and caught the lingerie with it, slipping it off.
  14. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotado walked the dobermans back to the area they stay in, and then got out the horses. He walked them around then field a few times, then took them back. He had to go back in, or he'd get caught. Shambotado walked towards the building, avoiding the cameras. He knew where everyone was, but nobody else did. He could avoid them at will. Most consisted of then ones at the main doors and around the yard. Easy to dodge, if you moved fast enough. Shambotado walked in, and closed the door softly. He turned the corner, and went up the stairs. He was now clear, he was in the building. He casually walked up to the second floor, and went into the room. He activated the pager for Goven. ~~~~~ Goven: *feeling the pager vibrate* damn..the Val`Shabiona wants me..i'll escort you back if you want. Shrai'i: No thanks, i'll be fine. Better hurry. Goven: Ok. Goven walked up the 2 flights and to the door. He came in, and Shambotado diactivated the pager. He put it back in his pocket. Shambotado: Go get the new one, Shrai'i. Goven: Yes Sir. Goven had to go back to where he came from.....
  15. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotado finished quickly, hoping to sneak out. Security was too tight. The Shabionas were afraid of what could happen in he got loose. He shook his head and slipped out. Shambotado went down to the animal stables. he walked up to a Mustang horse, one of the last of it's kind. Too much cross breeding...a pure bred horse was valuable. It was beautifle, too. Cross Breds are usually ugly. He hads a passion for animals, all of them. More possibly than he loved some of the slaves he had. He smiled, rubbing the horse's nostrils. He then walked over to a Flacon. He put a glove on and picked him up, stroking his back and head. He taped the beak to get his attention, then tossed his hand up. The falcon flew around the stable, scaring the horses. Shambotado grined. Animals were the only ones who understood him. Nobody else did, nobody else could. He smiled and the falcon came back. It landed on Shambotado's shoulder. Shambotado: Here you go. Shambotado walked out into the field and the Flacon flew off. Shambotado: Animals....*leans against the door* so graceful......come here Falco. Shambotado grined. Falco flew over and landed on his gloved hand. He was walking into the stable again and walked into Goven. Falco screeched, and flew off. Goven instinctivly covered his head, remembering another time Falco flew up. This time, Falco flew back down and landed on his overly large cage. Shambotado grinned. Goven uncovered his head and gave a quick salute. Goven: Sir, i have been ordered to protect you, sir. Shambotado: Use sir once per sentance. Got that? Goven: Sir, yes sir- sorry sir. Shambotado: Careful. First time, warning, second time, slap, third time, beating, forth time, rations, fith time, beating and rations, sixth time, death. Remember that. Goven: Yes sir. I will escort you to where ever you want to go sir. Shambotado: It's ok Gaurd, your releived for the time being. Where this, though.. Shambotado reached into his pocket and pulled out a pad. He pressed a button and it beeped. It then glowed for a second, then stopped. He placed it into Goven's hand. Shambotado: When i need you, if i do, i'll page you. It will glow then beep and vibrate till i stop it or you come to me. Ok? Goven: Yes sir! Shambotado: Dissmissed. After Goven left, Shambotado put Falco back into his cage, which was big enough to hold about 20 birds. Falcons are territorial, o he needed a big cage. And it gave him space to fly. Shambotado put a mouse into the cage, and it ran along the edge of the cage. IT was no use. Falco dived and grabbed it. It landed on one of many perches, and start to eat the still alive mouse.
  16. what are you talking about? And..as Piro said...it doesn't matter who is right. It's what we THINK is who it is. But..what r u talknig about!?
  17. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Hey Arika, not trying to be mean, but can you please changer the text color? Very hard to read...*hilighting everything just to read it gets annoying after a while* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=red]Shambotado finished what he 'had' to do with Shrai'i, when another ring was at the door. He dismissed Shrai'i as another servant came in. He brought a girl with nothing but a see-through blouse on. He didn't remmeber purchacing her. Odd...... but who cared? He was looking through the papers when an expolsion shot out. He raised his head. A jet. Damn rookie pilots. they need have someone else with them when they land...
  18. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    Shambotada got his clothes on, and sat down. He had a free day, and he wanted a way to spend it. You can only have fun sex so many hours a day...and abuse is only semi-fun. A knock sounded on the door. Shambotada pushed a button on the night stand and the door slid open. A steward walked in, along with a naked slave. He instantly could tell she was genetically inhanced. It stands out. He then noticed that she ha eye replacements. No emotion through them. He was told of another failure..but he didn't notice it off hand. He'd find out. It hit him a second later. She couldn't cry. He dismissed the slave he slapped and the steward after gettnig the papers from her. He looked at them. He was right, she couldn't cry. He was gonna make sure she couldn't. And it was procedure anyway. He had to know how far he could bend them without breaking them. He put the papers in the drawer with the others, grinning all the time.
  19. And...that comes from the Pro Boards. Not cool, as Probaords are not. Sorry to say.
  20. I got one that was true. It said 'you will not have to rush for you will always be in the front of the line' I was for 2 weeks, till we reversed the line in places, and i've landed in the back fo the line ever since... EDIT: I will nto have to rush, for i will be in the front of the line in bed. Awesome, sex where the otehr does the work! Yippeee!j/k
  21. Nate

    Cybonia: 2099

    The Val`Shabiona got up. He looked at the clock, it was 10:00. He sighed and got up. Being the Val`Shabiona was nothing like it looked when he first found out about it. Of course, he could always make it so that the Shabionas did everything...but...if so, then he'd loose the power he loved, he craved. And they'd make him give back the [strike]hoes [/strike]women he loved. He got dressed and called a servant. Servant: Yes Mister Masierbo? Masierbo: DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!? Servant: Sorry sir....You clled me sir? Masierbo: Yes, you are to cancle all of my metings today. I'm 'sick'. Servant: But you don't look sick sir... Masierbo: IT IS NOT IN YOUR JURISTDICTION TO TELL ME HOW I FEEL! get over here. The servant wimpered, and slowly came to him. He knew what was in store. The older, more iwser servants had told him. [u]beware Masierbo's temper[/u], they told him. [u]You must be sure not to correct him or call him by his name....[/u] they told him. But he didn't know how true the servants were. He finally got to the Val`Shabiona. He wimpered again, knowing what was coming. The Val`Shabiona smacked him. Right across the cheek, and hard, too. This had been the second time the servant had been corrected. If a servant was corrected 6 times, he was killed. It was law. The servant rubbed his cheek again, and a hand was brought across the other cheek, for taking so long to get there. He only needed to be corrected 3 more times. The Val`Shabiona loved the 6th correction, because then the servant really feared him. It was fun.
  22. Nate

    Cybonia 2099

    Ok, the two days are up, i'll start it tonight. Everybody's in.
  23. Sorry...the fact it was on opinion thread left me......sorry. I beleive it's Brolli. Plain and simple.
  24. *sigh* as i have said COUNTLESS TIMES, it was Brolli. Brolli was born in super saiyan ode. He came out of paragus's wife in SS. DOES THAT TELL ANY OF YOU SOMETHING!!!!!??????????????
  25. No, it was not. It was rule that every 1000 years a person was born with the power level high enough to go super saiyan WHEN HE WAS BORN. If you train for it, you will not be the legendary ss. I can be a legend, but that does not mean that i did i first. I mean, i may score 100 points in one game, but i may not (and am not) be the first. But they may remember me more than the other guys. Easy.
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