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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Nate

    Cybonia 2099

    hmmm..if..1 more person joins..within 2 days.....i'll start. In 2 days i'll start, no matter what. Ok?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSJ3 [/i] I think it's goku simply because he is the most powerfully saiyan. Even though Brolli was the first super saiyan or whatever, that doesn't really matter.[/QUOTE] Wrong. It does. I mean, how abotu this? Does this make someone the ss? ONe guy was born with a power level of 100. Another guy is born with, like, 5. The first guy goes super sayian when he's around 5. The other guy trains all of his life, and doesn't go super saiyan until the day he dies. Yet, the second guy is the main character of the series, but the first dude CAN'T BE HURT. HE'S ALMOST FREAKIN INVINCIBLE. So,..the weakling is the l.s.s? Note, that i am not talking about Goku and Brolli's case. That is just a ss case.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] The original Ghost Ship was good. The only thing the second has going for it is the opening scene, which is probably one of the coolest mass deaths I can think of in recent years. [/QUOTE] Yes, that scene was sweet. But i found ti t obe quite scary (though scary don't phaze me)
  4. White Hair=albino albino= rare in humans albino=common in anime anime= opposite of real life And..the yellow hair..it's the mark of the race. So you know I don't mind the white hair/red eyes/red lips albino stereotype. *wishes he was an albino*
  5. My most scariest movie/favorite is 'Ghost Ship'. It was sweet. Totally awesome. I slept right after it, too. It's either that one ,or Friday The 13th. I saw it when i was like 8. it was sweet
  6. Nate


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjBrolli [/i] REALLY ARE YOU SURE Shinobi1827! Please tell me which episode it was. because ive seen about every single episode and movie of dbz and dbgt[/QUOTE] I may be wrong..but it was either when he was fighting Cell and Frieza or Hell Android 17. REMEMBER i may be wrong. I don't know the episode for 2 reasions. 1)I don't hjave it, but i get my info from a friend who has all of the Japanese DB, DBZ, and DBGT episodes on VCD (Japan's =to DVD) 2)If i did, i couldn't tell you because i don't know Japanese good enough yet (only about 20 words)
  7. Nate


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KingGogeta63090 [/i] I think that Brolli is ok, but the only bad part is that he is shown only in the movies! Not even once in the show. Not even in a flashback! I would have liked him more if he were in the show but he had such a minor influence on the major plot that he was of almost no importance what so ever![/QUOTE] He was. He was in DBGT when Goku was fighting Frieza and Cell in HFIL (aka hell)
  8. Technically...*ahem* To be super saiyan, the day does not matter. Somewhere around 1,00 years. The l.s.s will be born with a power level in well over 100. bost saiyans are born in about...5. (going on how Goku was at 10 before Roshi raining, so Grampa gohan's training raised it to the 10) Hinc,e it was Brolli. It staes tha Brolli is the l.s.s, in the Bardock Special, in the Brolli movies, dbz.com, etc.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Randleman [/i] [B][color=crimson] Because my parents were raising seven kids, I was forced to share a bed with my sister, let's call her Dana. Dana was the troublemaker of the family, having been caught drinking beer at a football game by the principal one night and getting suspended from school for several days for stupid **** like singing "beans beans the musical fruit / the more you eat the more you toot" in the hallways or writing "***" in her notebook. Anyways, one night Dana told me about what mom and dad did when they went to bed, and proceeded to demonstrate by sucking my neck, fondling my groin, and dry-humping me. I guess she felt guilty about that after about five minutes because she just stopped and turned over and went to sleep. The worst part is that I told my mom the next day while we were in the car on our way to get new school clothes, and when I told her she made a U-turn in traffic and floored that fucker all the way home, not even putting the car in park when we reached the driveway. While mom was bolting inside to beat the hell out of my sister, the car idled through the carport and ran into the garage/dad's workshop behind the house. The best part? Mom was dragging Dana out by the hair and without missing a beat, threw the car back into reverse and proceeded to take her to a troubled teen's institute. The worst part is that on the way there, my mom swore to God up and down that I was holding back more details and that she was going to put me in there, too, "TO GET RAPED BY NINETEEN YEAR OLD (minorities) WITH TOOTHBRUSHES! DO YOU WANT KLEENEXES TO GET BUTTFUCKED BY A TOOTHBRUSH, DANA?!? HUH?!?" To think it was all my fault for my sister being put away for about nine months. That night, my dad belted my *** black-and-blue because my mom told him that I had put the car in drive, thus wrecking the garage. ---------------------------------- and now for the moment you all have been waiting for, my most embarassing moment. oh wait, it's too innapropriate for here. too bad. :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The first one is sad. *shakes head* what am i saying? It's funny. PM me your mosty imbarressing moment. I don't care how inapropriate it is.
  10. Nate

    Cybonia 2099

    Ye,a same here. *sigh* i naturaally don't want to get people in trouble. In the news: I'll sdtart the rpg if...hmm.....3 more people join.
  11. it depends on what they are like. Are they your traditional family who....how to say..suns gayness? Or is one thjat woulsn't care? My advice: (suns gayness) Sit them down, and tell them easily. Like, 'what would you do if you found out that a close friend of your was gay?' and just..work up to it 9doesn't mind) blunt tell them. Sit them down and say it. May not work..but that's what i'd do
  12. *trying to view Pressure in a thong with pants at her ankles while bolwing* *smiles* *gets slapped* Hmmm..my most embarassing moment.... Me, The Bouncer (a freidn of mine) and another friend named Dezeray was in my room, playing video games (NBA Street vol. 2 to be exact). I have a computer in my room, which is what used to be the family computer (we got a Windows xp so they left me with the 98) Well, i was playing The bouncer and gettnig my *** beat, as usual..because Anthony is the only person i know that can stop my Shaq defence...and Kobe/Alen Offence..and Dezeray is on the computer. Well, she, being her usual nosey self(in a comical way, that is) goes through 'My Documents'. We have alot fo old pictures on there, *sigh* and she pulls up one of my as a baby. In diapers and everything. She sets it up as the wall paper. I never see her do none of this, because i'm making a come back on NBA Vol. 2. Suddenly Bouncer and Dez start laughing, at about the same time i tell a joke. I think it's the joke, until a few minutes later, i turn and i'm staring at a baby picture. And a bad one, at that *blush*
  13. CLoud jumped up and slamed the sword into Cerberus's face. Then, a darkness orb appeared. Sora fell out of it. Cloud: Sora! Are you ok? Cloud jumped over and landed next to Sora. Sora: What...what hapoened.....Wha'*rubs his head* KAIRI! Cloud: Kairi again..didn't you find her? Sora: Yea..but the storm again and...Cerberus. *seeing Cerberus*
  14. Funny...but it does need action. Of course an uppercutnito the sky is actrion..and the action i take the 'some' for is ok...but..*shrugs*
  15. Actually, i read this one then read Dragon Warrior's one....both were great
  16. Oh was it.....[spoiker] in the opening scene it shows the ship..with peopel on it..it was a cruise. They were dancing, and a rope snaped, the metal ropes? It went through everybody except the little girl. Nobody moved for a second, then one moved and he fell down in 2 peices where he got cut. Then everybody falls down in peices, and the caption's head is cut in half at the mouth. She's theo nly one who isn't kileld, but she dies on the boat eventually[/spoiler] very scary movie...and i slept very well last night..thank you
  17. Nate

    Cybonia 2099

    Uhm..double posts are illigal.....delete the second post and put it in the 1st one, please. Just so you know..i don't want you to get in trouble....And your welcome
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i] But I know for a fact at least ten people that like DBZ but have never seen before the Cell Saga.[/QUOTE] Yep....and i'm one of them. I haven't seen the Trunks, Android, Imperfect Cell, Cell, Cell Games, or Otherworld Tournament. missed half of the Garlic Jr. Saga, too. But.. enough with my crying *wipes tear away* *j/k* i think they auta skip straight to the Garlic Jr. Saga. Then, air al the was straight ot the last ep. of Kid Buu, then cut it. enough is enough.
  19. Nate

    Cybonia 2099

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [COLOR=royalblue]NO NO!! NO ONE WORD POSTS! Bad! No sugar for you! [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Raiha.....what have you been smoking.......and can i have some? Ok...after thinking about it....*and not seeing Tsuka_Hack's post* it bites donig a long one..it gives someone else a time to post above you... Goven man Person: Goven Tatami Decision: accepted T Man Person: Enix Speeder Decision: Not sure..still thinking about it Tsuka_hack Person: Ryden K. Silverfire Decision:Hmm...i didn't see it last night..but....your in Raiha Person:Shrai'i Kell Megelani Decision: Hmm..........no it isn't a trick question....and i am adding on to the max.........but....thinking Arika Person: Lina Yuri Lee Decision: Accepted aYokano Person: Shabiona Ken Hentopu Decision: hmmm......thinking Also..i'm adding onto the 'How long they have been with said side' part. Also..i'm ading on to my character..yesturday i was rushed *glares at parents*
  20. Nate

    Cybonia 2099

    *flexes hand* This..my friend...is a requitment.....you don't HAVE to match this..but it would be nice..and good for your recamentdation... And this ain't what i can really do [b]Name:[/b] Va`Shabiona Shambotado Cle Masierbo [b]Rank in Nation:[/b] Val`Shabiona [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]How long you've had your rank:[/b] 2 yr. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] Icy Blue eyes, with blond hair. Most of the time it is spiked, but the bangs always come down to about his eyes. The bangs gain a black tint near the bottom, but never completely change from blond. The spikes on the left side are bigger, but fewer spikes, and the ones on the left are smaller, but more. He normally wears a black sleeveless shirt with the words 'Ghetto Boi' on the back in silver letters. He normally wears jet black cargo shorts that come to his mid knee, with a silver chain hanging from the front belt loop to the back one. When he's on Val`Shabiona business he wears a business suit, without the tie. Normally wears black Nike's. On Val`Shabiona business, he wears black formal shoes, but doesn't like them. Has a HUGE tattoo on his back of a naken lady and one of his neck of a thorn. It covers the entire back of his neck. The back tattoo is in full color, the neck tattoo is black and white. [b]Bio:[/b] He was born 2079 in L.A, US. He loved the us, but was 7 when the US's democracy fell and they became a tyranny. The Val`Shabiona rules for a 4 year period, so he gained dreams of being one. He started off in the Cybonia politics when he was 12, he became a Shabiona. In that role, he ruled what was at once China and Japan, so he got used to Anime, and he loves it. His passion for being a Val`Shabiona really rose when he was granted a day with the Val`Shabiona during a Shabiona/Val`Shabiona meeting. He saw how much power he had, and his mind shot off with what he could do. He hid that way in his mind, until the day could come where he could use it. Now, he is the Val`Shabiona, and can use the power of his tyranny for all of his desires. He can change the rules, and nobody can stop him. And he knows it. *evil grin* [b]Birthplace:[/b] US [b]Freedom Warrior or patriot:[/b] Patriot..he's the ruler,..duh [b]How long they have been with said side:[/b] Since the rise of Cybonia Yes, you can have Robotic parts. I'll think about it tonight..and i will let you know after talkngi with a judge/friend of mine (not saying who) EDIT: added the tattoo info
  21. It is the year 2099. By now, the U.S has become a tyranny, and has taken over the world. The world is now one nation, called Cybonia. The leader is now called a Val`Shabiona. There are also lower-class rulers called Shabionas. They rule over specific areas or the world, but they still answered to the Val`Shabiona. At first, the Val`Shbionas were nice, they didn't want to over use the power. But, when the new Val`Shabiona steped, up, it was reveiled thjat he was greedy. He made it so he had absolute power, the Shabionas could do nothing without his concent. He was turning female subjects into slaves for nothing other than his sexual enjoyment. Others was just for his abuse, etc. Finally, a group of people has stepped up to him. They call themselves the Freedom Warriors. They have been slowly taking over small parts of land, but nothing over about half an acre. the Val`Shabiona has ignored them until now. But he can't ingnore them any more. He must stop them, or they will over throw him. Post here with your: Name: (First and last) Rank in Nation: (ie.: Pauper, Val`Shabiona SLlve, Shabiona slave, knight, jet pilot, castle guard healer, etc.) Age: (15-30) How long you've had your rank: Gender: Description: Bio: Birthplace: (must be a current nation) Freedom Warrior or patriot: (one or the other) How long they have been with said side: (max 20 years) This will be a screened sign-up. I wll judge people bassed on their: Grammer Spelling Creativity Length Descriptive Note that this RPG will be rated R because of: Rape Assault War Sex Adult Language Abuse Slavery Torture Death Suggestive Scenes Have fun! EDITS: 7/25/03: edited 'How long they have been with said side' info...accepted: Arika Tsuka_Hack Goven Man
  22. I thoguth that's what it was doing..that IS AWESOME Both yours and KnightoftheRose is great. But..i know i can sleep tonight..i've watched Ghost Ship then went straight to sleep......don't phaze me no mo'
  23. Awesome..i love the way you typed it. Even brought out the stereotypical cigerette. Awesome....10/10
  24. Wow. I don't know what to say...i'm choked up. (as others are) Odd.. how a child can be so strong in the womb, feels like he's grown already. Yet..he can't live in the real world. *shakes head* At least he's with you spiritually.(did i spell that right?) Sorry Deb.
  25. It happens to all the OB people i've ever talked to.....'hey Bouncver, you said u was postin' 'i am, you idiot' 'then why are you viewing an attachment in Banner/Avi request?' 'again, i ain't. Duh' Happens all the time (flasse AIM conversation brought to you by NATE!)
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