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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Hmm...my brother in law had headaches like that....*looks at profile for age* your my age! *is happy he ain't the only person here born in 91* go to the doctor, he had headahces like that, the pills wouldn't help either..had something on his brain they had to operate for or something like that..can't remember the details...
  2. Nate came back up her body, kissing her again. He caught the look on her face. Nate: Don't like your job no more? *kisses her* Trance: Huh? *kisses him back* Nate: Notin... They then went back to doing what they do best :D
  3. Nate: God damn Magic..next time..he needs to close the door... Nate closed the door, then they got into the back seat of the car. Nate gets on top of her and kisses down her body, getting to her...*ahem* g area *for politeness's sake* He started licking it, eating her out....
  4. Nate pushed her up against the wall and undid her pants. He slid them to the floor and she pulled him closer. He pushed her hai back and softly bit her neck as the door opened. There stood Magic. Magic: Hello..be right back..getting pop-corn...
  5. [b]Name:[b/] Wakka [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 188 cm [b]Weapon:[/b] Blitzball [b]Bio:[/b]Coach and captain of the local blitzball team, the Besaid Aurochs. Wakka plans to retire from the sport after this year's tournament, so that he can devote himself fully to serving as Yuna's guardian. his deadly blitzball attack is especially useful in knocking down aerial enemies. Pic:[img]http://www.planetps2.com/mmcafe/pics01/sq-dis6.jpg[/img]
  6. Nate: What da fúck? Nate turned in time to see Earl runnin and Magic right behind him. Nate: Magic can handle him...your mine... nate leans over and kisses her softly, then starts kissing her on her neck.
  7. Nate: Oh this in the way my fúckin tires go,..tires go..tires go..oh this is the way my fúckin tires go..nobdy can undestand that shìt..*singing it..figure out the beat yourself *winks** Trance: O.O Nate: *chuckles* oh this is the way i wash my hands..wash my hands..wach my hands..oh this is the way i wash my hands since Trance says the're oily...
  8. Nate: One fúckin hand and i'm oily...damn.. Nate put the driver side tires on correctly, then started on the passenger side... ~~ Earl: gonna make me give up a fúckin car cause of that bìtch from that team mirage or some shìt.... Earl was right outside Nate's garage. He pulled out a glock....
  9. Nate: I recongnize the name.but from where. As Nate took a tire off and went to the front, he recognized it. IT was the first girl he ever fúcked, and a well known dyke.
  10. Nate: *shrugs* i need to see what these guys did to my car..... Nate got up under it and looked it over. Nothing changed. Putt super softs on the bsck and hards on the front. Go figure. He thought it was riding even wierder.. Nate: So..where u livin now? *said as he undid a bolt attaching a tire*
  11. Nate: Bull. I put new tires on it last week. Super softs on the front, hards on the back. I know what i'm donig what that car. But you can work your 'magic'. *shakes head and growls at the same time* He gets in and puts the gun in the dashboard thing up against the glass which covers the speedometer, etc. Nobody could see it if he stood it up against it. Nate stood it up anddrove it in.
  12. Nate: I owe you it....i wish i never made that rule....here Nate pulled out a stack of bills. Nate: All thousand dollar bills....good enough. Nate was clutching a gun in his pocket so hard his fingers was right. He glanced aronud unnoticibly to look for cameras. None
  13. OOC: Don't take him down yet. Later, but not now. Bonafide: I got a feelin bout that guy.. Nate: I do, too. Let's drop the car off as quick as possible. Don't trust that dude.... Bonafide: Think he's with Zach? Nate: Nah. But..might be a cop......the car's to good to be something that didn't come out of a cop Impala. But who knows. Bonafide: a 6 4? Nate: Yea. *shrugs* I'll do a check....let's get this car over there... Nate proceeds to hook the car up to his, knowing that his car will now be even more bìtchy than regualar...he needs to find out what's wrong.. OOC: 800 POST!
  14. Nate: Earl... Earl: I'm sorry- Nate: Shut up when i'm talking to you! Earl: I'm out. Nate: Good. Walk yo åss outa here then. Nate: God damn..can't trust nobody to race and not blow YOUR god damned money...
  15. Nate: God damn it. Nate gets in the car and shoot off. The tires loose traction and through him into a slide, he fights it to come back. He then gives up and lets it spin. About 3/4 of he way through the spin he countersteers, and he stops spining facing the right way. He then shoots off to catch him.... Nate turns on Eazy-E.
  16. I'll judge for it..but i won't draw one.
  17. Nate: Helllooo......................yea.....and u ain't seen fast cars till you've raced this baby... the guy that raced Garret pulled up. Nate: Earl..give him his car. Earl: WHAT? No..i put to much fúckin money into this car to blow it..it's bull shït..i ain't givin shït up. Nate: give him the fúckin car!
  18. Nate: Holy fúck! Nate climbed back on top of the car as the Jag came back around. Nate: damn...you can join... Then a car pulled in. It was silver, red, and black.
  19. Nate: i don't know......hmmm..i'm pretty free lance........*sighs* why not? Nate pulled out a pen and signed his signature on a peice of paper. Nate: Done..is that good enough? TH: Haha...here Nate then signed the real contract. Nate: I'll strt in a few..*sighs* there goes the money making busines...
  20. Yea, i guess. Make an intro post, both of you,..i'll work you 2 into the gang, i guess....
  21. Nate: I..........WANT............MY.......BLUE.........MOTERCYCLE! I can rap. Good enoguh? Here...i'll pay you for it now *pulls out a 5 dollor bill* here *sticks it in front of you* now for the 5th time MY BLUE MOTORCYCLE
  22. Nate: Yea...me....i can Flow. But that's it...were's my Blue Motercycle!? Nate is in a bad mood.
  23. Nate walks in and comes to the bar. Nate: Blue Motercycle and a Long Islnad...whatever it is. TH: O.o Nate: Blue. Moter. Cylce. Long. Island. What ever it is. NOW Ty: Ok....
  24. You in..you wanna join Nates gnag? Oh...from now on, anybody who joins as a racer is in Naet's gang I'm giving you the choice.
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