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Everything posted by Nate
[color=magenta]Name: Nate Martin[/color] Age: 13 [color=magenta]Gender: Male[/color] Nationality: USA [color=magenta]Appearence: Deep black hair covered with a black hat with the Darkstar Helmet in white on the front, and Darkstar master laminate ritten on the bill. A balck shirt with "Rise With The Fallen" on the front, with a white thermal shirt under it. Black Fallen Standard Issue Jeans, with a tear on the left knee from a bail at a pads required park. Super low socks and the Fallen Strike shoes in Balck/Checkers(for pictures, go to the [url="http://www.fallenfootware.com/"]Fallen Site[/url].[/color] Sponsor/team: Anti-social skate shop(real place), [url="http://www.fallenfootwear.com/"]Fallen[/url] Flow, hoping to get on [url="http://www.darkstarwood.com/"]Darkstar[/url] [color=magenta]Personality: He's quiet, but can get loud, he's usually really humble and down-to-earth, buit can get cocky around people who aren'ty as good as him. Usually it blows back into his face as he messes up on simple things often. He loves to skate in a small group, but feels no energy to skate alone, except when he's learning a new trick, such as switch lazerflips. [/color]Reason for joining: He's been living in VA since he was boarn, and dreams of living in Ny, because ofv the sheer ammount of skate spots. [color=magenta]Signiature Manuvers:[/color] [color=magenta]Primo to Body Varial to rail bounce-flip to casper, body varial out: Quite simple, actually.[/color] [color=magenta]Heelflip flickflip: Does a heel fip, and when it comes all the way around, he watches it on the toe side with the back of his foot and pushed it back. The exact opposite of a kickflip underflip.[/color] [color=magenta]Halfcap Heelflip Flickflip: Same as above, but done with a fakie 180.[/color] [color=magenta]Triple Halfcab Frontside Flip: Ride fakie, do a frontside 180 with a triple kickflip.[/color] [color=black]I based this person on myself, just alot better. I'm working on both kickflips and fakieflips, while he's working on Swithc Lazerflips. Do the math.[/color] [color=#ff00ff]Oh, and just to put it out, a heelflip darkslide isn't really special. I can do them in real life no problem.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][color=black]_[/color]-[color=black]N[/color]a[color=black]t[/color]e[color=black]-[/color]_[/color]
[color=magenta]I got one of thier cds about 5 months ago actually, while I was inactive in the OB-ness, and it has easily shone past Van Halen, in my eyes, andf comes up with LEd Zeppelin and AC/DC.[/color] Has anyone else heard of this awesome, and famous band? I know of a web site that is purely about this band, and nothing else, with over 1,000 members. Not as good as OB, but still. IT's sweet, and I never knew Dream Theatre was this popular. [color=magenta]That said, has anyone heard of them?[/color] _[color=magenta]-[/color]N[color=magenta]a[/color]t[color=magenta]e[/color]-[color=magenta]_[/color]
[color=magenta]Ok, here's what we neeed, I forgot to put it in the first post:[/color] We need three gangs: [color=magenta]Gang 1: Da Southside Villains (DSV)[/color] [color=magenta]Members: [/color] [color=magenta]1. Nate Martin(Leader)[/color] [color=magenta]2. Mike Fesko[/color] [color=magenta]3.[/color] [color=magenta]4.[/color] Gang 2: LA Heat Members: 1. Sonya Triston 2. [color=magenta]Gang 3: Open[/color] [color=magenta]1. (Leader)[/color] [color=magenta]2.[/color] [color=magenta][/color] As soon as we get those, I'll announce who's in, and we'll fill in holes that were kicked out. _[color=magenta]-[/color]N[color=magenta]a[/color]t[color=magenta]e[/color]-[color=magenta]_[/color]
[center][color=magenta]The Fast and the Furious: Street Wars[/color][/center] [color=black]In LA, street racing is very popular, but still underground. Kinda like Skateboarding, but back on the subject. People race every night, but every year there?s a competition in the heart of LA, called the street wars. It got it?s name when, in 1999, a gang war broke out, and got everyone busted that year. Since then, the street wars have been in various places.[/color] [color=magenta]Then, in 2001, a new group came into the street wars, lead by Nate Martin, called Da Southside Villains (DSV). For the next 3 years, DSV has won every heat, every tournament, even all the Street Wars. It might be because Nate drives a Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Rally Car, or it may be because of his skills, but he?s won every street wars. [/color] [color=purple][color=black]But so far, in 2005 The Escudo hasn?t been driving right. He?s gotten into dept that the gang can?t even pay. So, this year, DSV needs to win the street wars. But, they can?t get the car dialed in. All the other gangs have noticed this. And their planning something to shut DSV down permanently. Is yall ready?[/color][/color] [color=magenta]Here?s what ya need:[/color] [color=black]Name: Age: Eye Color: Hair Color: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Gang your in: [/color] [color=magenta]Car Make: Car Model: Car Color: Horse Power: Modifications: Picture of car when stock: [/color] [color=black]Here?s mine:[/color] [color=magenta]Name: Nate Martin[/color] [color=black]Age: 25[/color] [color=magenta]Eye Color: Ice Blue [/color][color=black]Hair Color: Black [/color] [color=magenta]Gender: Male[/color] [color=black]Personality: He?s quiet, but is willing to be as loud as he needs to be. He runs the gang, and thus can?t be soft. He runs the rules, and bends them for nobody. He also Skates. [/color] [color=magenta]Appearance: I?ll start from the top: Black hair hidden by a black hat that is crooked backwards, with this logo on it: [img]http://www.darkstarwood.com/images/logo.gif[/img] He wears a necklace around his neck with spikes on it, and a Fallen Logo ([img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21919[/img]) hanging in the middle. He wears a black Fallen shirt([img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21920[/img]), with white sleeves. He wears a black leather watch, and black Fallen pants. He wears white low ankle socks and Black and White Fallen Strikes ([img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21921[/img])(Has black/white checkered laces, not the black ones)[/color] [color=magenta] [/color][color=black]Gang your in: DSV [/color] [color=magenta]Car Make: Suzuki[/color] [color=black]Car Model: Escudo Pikes Peak Rally Car[/color] [color=magenta]Car Color: Black with black and white interior [/color][color=black]Horse Power: An amazing 1881 horsepower- Best ever. [/color][color=purple][color=magenta]Modifications: Nos? Doesn't need it. Engine mods-stage 4 turbo boosters, racing flywheel, triple plated clutch,special cams shafts.best speakers money can buy sitting under the seats. 6 subroofers lining the head rest of the back seats. custom built cd/mp3 player built in, with a detachable face so it can't be stolen. Slick tires all around,including two wheelie tires built into the back so he doesn't get air- if their extended[/color]. [color=black]Pic:[/color] [/color][color=darkorchid][img]http://www.t3.rim.or.jp/~ray/gt/gtdata/pre/EscudoPPV.jpg[/img][/color] [color=magenta]Sorry for all the big pictures...[/color] [color=#ff00ff][color=black][color=magenta][color=#000000]_[/color]-[/color]N[/color]a[color=black]t[/color]e[color=black]-[/color]_[/color]
[QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=royalblue] We really don't get any snow until around this time of year, more towards New Year's/January.[/color][/size][/QUOTE][color=magenta]I never understood why that happened, because the same people out buying 4 gallons of milk are out driving like maniacs the next day...[/color] Oh well. Normal people last, I suppose. _[color=magenta]-[/color]N[color=magenta]a[/color]t[color=magenta]e[/color]-[color=magenta]_[/color]
[color=magenta]I like to eat the yellow snow.[/color] :D Actually, I don't really go out in it, except to snow-skate. It's quite fun, snowskating, especially when my hill of a driveway gets halfs snow, half ice. Then you don't need a board, just slide on your feet/butt/knees. I bet it would rock to be where you are, Azurewolf. _[color=magenta]-[/color]N[color=magenta]a[/color]t[color=magenta]e[/color]-[color=magenta]_[/color]
[quote name='Helios][font=Palatino Linotype']It also gives the helpful advice: "When signaling to other drivers, use more than one finger."[/font][/quote] Nice advice, Helios. I, being 13, can't drive. However, I do know many examples of me-first mentality, downright dumbness. Onetime, coming back from the Chesapeake bay, we were bumper to bumper traffic, on an interstate that has having 4 of the eight total lanes repaved on one of the busiest days of the summer, and people are throwing their cars into spaces that are, like, half the length of the car. Traffic sucks. Especially when our car broke down, we came to a stop and had to push the car to a point where an entrance ramp comes in ( only abotu 100 feet). Traffic didn't change pace at all behind us. _[color=magenta]-[/color]N[color=magenta]a[/color]t[color=magenta]e[/color]-[color=magenta]_[/color]
Strangest song you've ever gotten stuck in your head
Nate replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Last night at work, I kept singing "I'm Too Sexy" because I couldn't get the damn song out of my head. Fortunatly, it's true, so I didn't seem too weird.[/font][/size'][/color][/quote]That's been happening to me alot, too. But the oddest song ever stuck in my head has gotta be the Barney song. About a month ago, it was feaky *_* And I've also Gotten Teltubies Stuck in my head. That smiling baby in the sun is very annoying. )\(@-|-3 -
Will somebody please make me an avatar that has the following pictures on it, molding rom one to the other in a loop? Here are the pics: [img]http://thpsworld.justgamers.de/thps3/editing/images/darkstar_logo_small.gif[/img] [url="http://thpsworld.justgamers.de/thps3/editing/images/darkstar_logo_small.gif"]http://thpsworld.justgamers.de/thps3/editing/images/darkstar_logo_small.gif[/url] [img]http://www.skater.ru/shops/images/logo_fallen.gif[/img] [url="http://www.skater.ru/shops/images/logo_fallen.gif"]http://www.skater.ru/shops/images/logo_fallen.gif[/url] [url="http://www.actionsport.tv/images/logo%20partners/ELement.jpg"][img]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:3aCyyI4gRqQJ:http://www.actionsport.tv/images/logo%2520partners/ELement.jpg[/img][/url] [img]http://wing.zero.ad.jp/koz/i/cg/logo/dc.gif[/img] [url="http://wing.zero.ad.jp/koz/i/cg/logo/dc.gif"]http://wing.zero.ad.jp/koz/i/cg/logo/dc.gif[/url] [img]http://www.blades.com/graphics/product_images/pFOGXREF2-363831th.gif[/img] [url="http://www.blades.com/graphics/product_images/pFOGXREF2-363831th.gif"]http://www.blades.com/graphics/product_images/pFOGXREF2-363831th.gif[/url] If you could make it morph down the list, then say this: [img]http://img1.imagetown.net/43773913.bmp[/img] [url="http://img1.imagetown.net/43773913.bmp"]http://img1.imagetown.net/43773913.bmp[/url] If you can do this, thanks. If you can't morph it, then just have it switch from one to the other, like. THanks. )\( @ -|- 3
You know how when you edit the Post Styles, you can do personalized editing on the post, but not the heading? See below.[img]http://img1.imagetown.net/43482388.jpg[/img] That's the only way I could describe it. Sorry for the big image.. )\( @ -|- 3
[color=magenta]I played Spiderman 2, But I got a question. How do you unlock Doc Ock? I've heard of a glitch where yuou play as him for 10 minutes, but how do you do it?[/color] Any help is appreciated. [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]I growled. "It's DSV, Trix. DSV. Not THe DSV. DSV. Da Southside Villains. Not the Da Southside VIllians. Get it right." Then it hit me what Trix said. "What do you mean, DSV toasted the lightning?"[/color] [color=black]"Just like I said. DSV Did it."[/color] [color=magenta]I thought for a second. Laura wouldn't do that, I don't think. And I knew Shellz wouldn't."Who? Do I know 'em?"[/color] "I doupt it." [color=magenta]"Where you at? I'll meet ya."[/color] " 5th and Broad. I'll wait for ya." [color=magenta]"Ok."[/color] I got the iPod and reclipped it to the the bike, then started listening to AC-DC As I went to Trix. [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]I took my hands off the controls and sat up, stretching my back. I was only using my balence for a second, then the speed fell low enough for me to use my feet to slow down for the light. I was a block from the house, less than that, really.[/color] When the light turned green, I started gonig forward, then pulled the nose up to a wheelie. I kept gaining speed to help the balence, till the speedometer showed 40. I kept the engine revvs still and rode it to the driveway, about 300 ft. Then I sat it down and did a small nose wheelie to show off, then leaned way forward and stepped off the bike. The bike flipped behind me. Asim looked at me funy, and I chuckled. I started acting drunk. [color=magenta]Me: So..how are ya..whatchamacallya?[/color] I hit his rouchly on his shoulder, shaking me enough to 'knock' me on top of the Posche's hood. I started laughing fakely, and Asim looked confused... [color=magenta]OOC: I's true. I didn't know he was no vacaation, so I gave him a second chance.[/color] [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]Ok, it's done. I dropped Gravira.[/color] So, the rpg will start tomorrow? [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[font=Verdana][size=1][color=magenta]Me: So, you goin out with me again?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]Trix: I guess...But what will Laura and Shellfish say?[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=magenta]Me: First off..it's Shellz. Not Shellfish.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]Trix: Ok.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=magenta]Me: Now, be nice to Shellz and Laura, please?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]Trix: Ok, ok.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=magenta]Me: I gotta go. Laura' probably mad already.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]Trix: Dat Violin again.[/size][/font] [size=1][color=magenta]The look I gave her was more than enough for her to stop. I got up and grabbed my iPod off the desk, and walked out. I got on the Honda after slipping my Helmat on, that matched the bike: Pink and Black. All the metal was black. A black sheet metal-ish aluminum covered the body with pink jagged stripes going across it. I got on, started it, and set the iPod to Brother Cain, an old rock band. I started back to my house, waiting to hear what Laura had to say.[/color][/size] [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]Trix: What do you want?[/color] Me: You know what. A confession. [color=magenta]Trix: What confession?[/color] Me: Don't play games girl. You know I won. [color=magenta]Trix: Ok..I know you like me...and I really like you.[/color] Me: And... [color=magenta]Trix: I wish that the gang thing wasn't an issue. I miss being with you.[/color] Me: Now seal it with a kiss. [color=magenta]Trix: You ask way to kuch[/color]. Me: Your lucky I didn't ask you to screw to me seal it. Now kiss me... [color=magenta]Trix stood up and paused the game again. She walked over to me, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me softly, pulling me onto the couch.[/color] Trix: I missed you. [color=magenta]Me: Me too, baby.[/color] I kissed her back softly... [size=1][font=Century Gothic][/font][/size] [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]I got on a Honda superbike and turned it on, plugging my behind the head earphones into the the iPod station built into the frame. I put them on, starting at the top of my list. I had over 500 songfs on it at the time. It had 4 whole cds, plus a ton of singles. I turned the Super bike on and pulled out into the street. I headed straight for EL Casa Del Gato[/color] I pulled up a few minutes later, and pulled the Bike right up to the front door. I parked it and left it there, walking onto Trix's office, still listening to the iPod (it unclipped from the bike) [color=magenta]Me: Yes Trixxy-Rixxy?[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]I put my shirt in the bag, but didn't put the sweatshirt on.[/color] Me: I don't wear sweatshirts. I wear no shirt befroe I wear a sweatshirt. [color=magenta]Laura just rolled her eyes. I grabbed my cd case and sat down in Laura's car, shirtless. I put in Deam theatre, started it. The two guitars and drums filled the garage. Laura turned Metalica off and got in the car. Laura looked at me.[/color] Laura: Why are you usin my cd player? [color=magenta]Me: The good one's in the Escudo and built in, and my iPod's at home.[/color] I started muttering the words to Glass Prison when they came, and Laura chuckled. [color=magenta]Me:You know what..I'm callin Trix.[/color] I dialed her number, and waited for her to answer. [color=magenta]Me:...Trixxy Trix...Who you think won...I do know, but that's only by Laura's decision...*I chuckle*...who? No, wrong...Just admit it, Trixxy Rixxy..You know I won...[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]Me: It's leakin. Coming out faster, too. Can you see where it's coming from up there?[/color] Laura: No, I can't see the oil at all. [color=magenta]Me: Ok.[/color] I stood up and used a rag to get more off the shirt. I got the "Kitty Litter" As I called it, and waited for the oil to stop. The, I tossed the "Kitty Litter" ON top of the oil, coating it until I couldn't see oil any more. [color=magenta]Me: I think we should wait and work on it tomorow. Gve the kitty litter time to work. Unless you want to get under the car and get it all over you.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]I was nodding my head to the beat of Mettalica until some oil fell onto his face. This wasn't good, he had an oil leak.[/color] Me: Great. oil Leak [color=magenta]Laura: Huh?[/color] Me: Oil. Leak. [color=magenta]Laura: Don't get all huffy-uffy.[/color] ME: I have a wrench and I know how to use it, lil sis. Don't try that junk with me. [color=magenta]I wriped the oil off my sihrt with a rag, and sat back.[/color] Me: Let the oil drain. Damn it. [color=magenta]I threw the tool into the garage door, as it opened. In came Tré.[/color] Tré: Vwhat ever it is, I didn't do it. Don't throw tools at me. [color=magenta]Me: MY bad.[/color] I chuckled. [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
Well..then..I don't kow what's up with it. It's either the...check where the AV chord plugs into the X-Box. That may be messed up, or it may not. Cause that would affect both Audio and Visual. HOW DARE YOU DISS PS2!?!?!? j/k _-Nate-_
[color=magenta]Here's My best Advise-trade in the X-Box and get a nice shiny new PS2. You'll thank me later.[/color] For real, though. It sounds liek the AV plugs, not the X-Box. Can you still hear? If so, it is. Wiggle the Visual plug (Usually the yellow one) until it comes back. If it doesn't, blow into the hole, then do it again. [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[size=1][color=#2e8b57][color=magenta]Name: Sora[/color] [color=black]Age: Guessing...13[/color] [color=magenta]Game: Kingdom Hearts 1/2,[/color] [color=black]Side: Sony[/color] [color=magenta]Appearance:[img]http://www.houseofanime.com/media/z421.jpg[/img][/color] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=#2e8b57][color=black][/color][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#2e8b57][color=black]Weapons/Items: 1) Keyblade with 4 chains- 1, kingdom Key, 2 Jungle King, 3 Oblivion, 4 Ultimtae weapon, 2) Magic attacks: Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga,[/color][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#2e8b57][color=black] [/color] [color=magenta][/color] [color=magenta]Bio: He planned on using a raft to leave his home world and go to others with his friends Riku and Kairi. [color=black][spoiler]But when the Heartless take over his home planet of Destiny Islands, he had to find Riku and Kairi while saving planets with the aid of friends, Daffy, Goofy, The Little Mermaid, Jack Skellington, Tarzan, and others[/spoiler][/color] and defeating the Disney Villains. He also defeated others allong the way, including [color=black][spoiler]Sephiroth :wigout: , Rock Titan,[/spoiler[/color]] Hercules ( [color=black][spoiler]To[/color][color=black] prove he was a [/color][color=black]hero[/spoiler][/color] )[/color][/color][/size] [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]Me: Yea yea..what eva.[/color] I sat in the passenger seat, listening to the Escudo creak and shift behind us. This car wasn't designed to hold the clips from the tow cables. I had to clip int onto the back fender after checking the welds. I hope Laura doesn't talk about- [color=magenta]Laura: What did you clip it to? I thought this didn't have the tail clips, just the nose clips.[/color] me: Oh..uhm..I found them..they were hidden by the...uhm*i snap my fingers twice*..tailpipe. [color=magenta]This was normal behavior to me, so she didn't notice anything. I hate it when the idea leaves your head the secnod people ask you about it. Man, my brain must be dumb.[/color] I eached overand sliped a cd into her cd player without asking. Linkin park started playing PRR:KUT. [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]
[color=magenta]I was under the car when Trix Arived, not long after Laura pulled in.[/color] Me: Tranny's shot straight to hell. Damn cops. How'd they find out? [color=magenta]Laura: I don't know.[/color] Trix: This cop was keeping up till I smoked him in the tunnels. [color=magenta]I chuckled, and started unscrewing a bolt. I gotta get out of here. Then an idea came- I had tow cables! The Escudo was only 1700 pounds, Laura's Ferrari should tow it. Wouldn't be easy, but I've done it before with weaker cars.[/color] Me: Laura..can I tow the Escudo with the car? Pulease little sister? [size=1][font=Century Gothic]_[color=#ff00ff]-[/color][color=black]N[/color][color=#ff00ff]a[/color][color=black]t[/color][color=#ff00ff]e[/color][color=black]-[/color][color=#ff00ff]_[/color][/font][/size]