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Everything posted by Nate
It used to bother me alot,...when i got 3 or 4 emails for threads..i'd post on one..and then i'd use the link to post on theo ther..and i type fast enough where i finish my post and everything and then send it with in some 30 seconds. Especialy if it's a short post...like this this. Not short in the sense of spam...because it has a nice begining...ending..and middle...but short text wiase. Did i make sense? didn't think so...
Kenny loked around. He then went through a door, then through the office it revieled, then he looked through the window of the other door. There parked a bike. And a guy Kenny had dealed with before, Tre. Kenny: Man..... Tre: That you Bonafide? Kenny: [i]bonafide, i hate him, too. I need to get outa here...[/i] ~~ Trance: 0,o Nate: *shrugs* Why'd he try to kill you? Nate then notices blood on his hand. A finger had been cut, obviously from spining the Kwan Dao blade. He ballancedthe blade on it's small end and wiped the blood onto his shirt.
Nate got on his good clothes and sat there, thinking. He knew he lost his class, it would be no doupt. He was the best one for the job, not sgt. howards. He shook his head and went to the general's office. Nate: *salutes* yes sir! You called sir? Hathoway: At ease soldier. Yes, i did. I understand there are 2 sniper teachers. I think one can handle it. Nate looked over. There sat the lord of hell, colonel clark.
Nate threw him into the back seat and wigged it so that if he happened to wake up he would be staring into the business end of the Kwan Dao blade. He then drove off and parked a few blocks away. He got out and pulled his still limp body and threw him on to the ground. He then stabbed his in the chest with the blade, then sliced his neck. Finally, for good measures, he stabbed him again in the lung area. Nate: That done... He grabbed hmi by the arm and threw him into the river. There was nobody around to see him, there would be no evidence. Nate then noticed the camera. Nate: damn it! I'll do it the easy way... Nate grabbed the blade by the center and spun it around 2 tiems, then launched it out. It slamed into the camera, tearing it up. a tape fell out of it, and into the water. Nate walked over and grabbed his blade, which had fell halfway into the water, washnig the blood off. He dryed it on his shrit and got back in the car.
Nate finally figured it out. He had on a black mid-length shirt with red shoulders, and black shorts that was almost long jeans. He then put on his red and gray nike's, then looked at the clock. He was slightly ahead of schedual, then noticed the clock won't changin. He ran to the computer and saw that he was actually even more ahead than what he planed. So he got on OB and posted on his rpgs.....
Trance: Well. Nate: Well what? Trance: HELP ME!? Nate: Want me to kill him? Or just get him outa here?
Nate: Be back Tre. Tre: Yea Nate: By order of the gang by the name of da southside villains, you cant' drive the villain escudo for a month after it's fixed. Tre: what da fúck!? Nate: You heard my Äss...Hey bonafide... Bonafide: 'sup dawg? Nate: Notin.....up for some 1 on 1 lata? Bonafide: Aight Nate then got into the escudo he had and moved towarsds the door. IT raised just enought for the tail fin to come through, as to not flash a stolen car, if there be one. He then shot off down the road. ~~A few minutes later~~ Nate: Here we is.... Nate pulls into an alley way, and parks it. He gets out and comes to her appartment. He knocks. Trance: Do you think i can come to the door to let you in? Nate: *opens the door and comes in* *shrugs* Figured I'd be nice. Nate then pulls out his Kwan Dao blade and drops it, hoding on to the straps. The straps pull taught, swinging the 2 hals together and making the 20 foot blade. Nate then spun it in his hand, waiting....
Nate suddenly got a feeling something was wrong. Tre: What da? What's wrong. Nate: Nothing....i guess.....so what's up? Tre: Notin... Nate: how is Earl? Tre: He's doin better..... Nate: Ok...and my Escudo? Tre: It's right there. Nate: Youk now what i mean. Tre: eh........i don't know.. Nate: bull. Tell me. Tre: Uhm...i blew the engine.. Nate: WHAT DA FúCK DID U DO THAT FOR!? WHAT DA FúCK ELSE DID YOU DO TO MY CAR!? Tre: That's all... Nate: Damn it.....
Shinobi1827 got off the computer a few minutes later. He had to prepare. Shinobi1827: Well..i better not try the stuff i've done at other parties...Blanko'ed have a fit....oh well. Shinobi starts going through his clothes to get ready. ~~some 2 hours later~~ Shinobi1827: (Shinobi for short now)Got it. He stepped back and looked at the clothes, laid out on the bed as they would be worn. Shinobi: No...to preppy. Want to impress her...yet i don't want to look like a prep. What if The Blouncer's there....? I can't let him see me like that...*shakes head* won't do. Shinobi goes back to looking for the right combo of clothes.
Kenny and Charli pulled into a garage. Charli had missed the lights 2 and rammed into Kenny's Eclipse...but other than that...nothing much happened. Kenny: *gettin out of the car* pay attentino to the lights Charli. Charli: Oh..so it's my fault? There better not be no damage. Kenny: You'r saying that there should be damage? Charli: WHAT!? *thinks about it* *shakes head* Kenny: I love confusing women......*snickers* Kenny unclips the chains and puts them in the trunk... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` Nate and Magic has been flying from Highway..to freeway...to parkway..to backstreets...to front streets...to highways...In short: They pretty much went over every street on that island.Most of the cops had puleld off, running out of gas or they lost them. Nate: Damn gas tanks...i need more put into this..... ~~30 minutes later~~ Nate: I've had enough fun..i'm outa here.... Nate shot off, and slid into a grage. ????:Hey nate.. Nate: Hey Tre.... Tre: What da fúck is u doin here? Nate: I need to store a the Escudo and a bike.. Tre: go ahead...
Shinobi827 was viewing an OTaku Lounge thread when a pm came up with a loud beep. He went to it and saw it was from friend and secret crush Blanko. He had sent her a PM a few minutes ago asking if she could get on AIM. The reply said she could and was gettin on now. He quickly got on, happy to be able to talk with her. It had been a while...and just talking to her made him happy. Blanko: There was something you wanted to ask me? Immediatly a lump formed in his thoaght. He had planned on PMing her since they hadn't talked via IM lately..but he wanted to ask it straight up, without waiting. Shinobi1827: Blanko...uhm......yes..there was......... Shinobi1827 paused for a second, thinking of what to say. Blanko: What was it? Shinobi: How do i say............Blanko,maybe you've hinted,...buy i like you.... Blanko: Like me...? Shinobi: Yes...and..would you go to the Otaku Prom with me?
True....forgot about T_N......*shrugs*
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................................... then i don't know *shrugs* i thoguth this thread was for telling it..not for making people guess!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]*pats your head* Awww, don't be sad. My crush is currently rubbing Charles's nipples. So don't worry. We'll get revenge.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] ????????????????????????O.o Ok.............................................. PS: I know this is off subject..but Raiha..will u post on RWH please?
i think i know....... Shaun?
Nate activates 2 NOS tanks and swerves between 2 cars. Horns blare as civilians slam on the brakes. Nate: stupid Äss Motherfückers Nate lowered his windows 3/4 of the way down and blred EMiN3M's 'Cleanin Out my Closet' Nate: Have cops ever been hated or discriminated again..dey have..dey ben protested and demonstrated again.....hahahaha
*notices that he has contridicted himself* sorry......i had the idea in y mind....But like i said..i have no problem with them..as in i don't mind benig weith them..but i don't want to see what they do/don't want them to make a pass at me. Maybe i don't make sence...*shrugs*
How does everyone feel abotu it? I don't mind it...in a way......just don't show me 2 boys liek that *nightmares insue* I deon't mind girls..but what boy doesn't? *shtrugs* What do you all think? And..if it gets to bashing and flaming..i will delelte this thread. I don't want to have a thread lock again..it's kinda embarressing...... But what do you think abotu them? Do you mind them? Do you hate them? Are you one? *shivers at the sight of gay boys* nothing wrong with em...just keep 'em away...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]Sometimes yeah, but I'm only going to put up his initials. D.D. Happy? [/B][/QUOTE] Dmitri_Dragoon..or dayday. Which one? *people yell at him* oh..you r dayday...*shrugs* maybe your a psycopath like me and have a crush on yourself as well?
Nate then pulled around the corner and saw Magic get in his car. Nate: District chase starter...at your service. Magic: Wanna? Nate: *nods* Nate spins around and all three of them shoot off....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] :twitch: Well...my names been mentioned??? What are you smoking Shinobi1827 ? Hmm.... you have already told me the answer to that...darnit... I guess.. you see something I deffinitly dont... and everyone else for that matter... :twitch: ps: Im still not telling[/QUOTE] 1) i'm not smoking anything, Flora :smoke: i promiss i ain't. 2) Nate..please...i'm changing it as soon as i can (why did i pick Shinobi1827? ) -Nate PS: Tell us!:smooch: Or if my family go to Oregon, i'll find you and give you a kiss! :smooch:
hmmm.... On rpgs: I like the topic in the anime forums: I can answer a question or help somebody.... in the first forum set: I like thwe topic/i can answer easily/i disagree with what's said/i agree with what's said.
Raiha...your a close third...don't worry..... My secret plans on getting juu, Blanko, and Raiha at oncve will soon start! *long, evil laugh till his love beam explodes* be back....i got to peel off the dead skin....
Nate: I'm telling you....you can't haldnel it...but oh well..you'll learn the hard way...*sighs* Nate picks up his tray adn throws the food away. Nate: [i]why is the meat the color the greens should be and vise-a-versa? Need to get used to the army food again...[/i] Nate then shakes his head ashe walked to is room to get on his good clothes for the meeting.......
Nate: Treying to say i hilled camel jockeys, eh? Not me...my fellow soldiers...yea..not me. I didn't get a chance to....but it was Colonel Cosby. i know yuou haven't heard of him..he's been dead ofr a while.