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Everything posted by Nate

  1. hmm...shuld i or not..or why not? hm...it's [spoiler] Blanko and Juuthena[/spoiler] Why do you have to start these! Oh well. it's out now.
  2. Trance: a blade...what type? *seeing the Kwan Dao blade* Nate: A Kwan Dao blade. First made in the Han dynasty. Wicked as a b*tch... Nate grabbed his shirt and put it on...taking his eyes off the road for a second....when he looked up next....a cop was beside him.. Nate: You ever seen the Escudo in action? Trance: The Villains escudo.... Nate: That's fully suuped...and a ***** to control.......this is bare...for a pike peak version....here's what this baby does... Nate pushed a button..they were pushed into the seat as the NOS was injectred into the gas and added to the engine power......the cop was gone. Nate swerved slightly..throwing the Escudp into a powerslide. For about a split second, the Escudo was facing straight dowen an ally...Nate used 2 tnkas and shot down the alley way..the cop couldn't handle it.
  3. Nate: Not to be mean...ma'am..but i don't think you could handle it. Charli: How hard can it be? Nate: Easy..if you've done it half your life. Charli: Oh? care to brag? Nate: Ok..i will....treu brags here....during Iraqi freedom, i was a nigt sniper before they took Bagdad. I didn't use a scope...i went by the moon light and the sounds, be it breaths....foot steps....what ever. And..i missed about 2 people per week. Now...how many did i get? Hmm.........some 20..... Nate looked ad Col. Clark as he said this. He had heard what he said about them using scopes and missing alot. And..he wasn't lieing if your wondering. Nate: Also....I never once went AWOl. You chekced my record, right? Clark: .....uh..maybe. Nate: You didn't read the end of the report, did you? Both times i went 'AWOL' i was framed by my supuriour officer. I had a three day pass to Tokyo..signed by him..i still have the stub...wish to see? Nate left out the part about him forging the signature. Nobody knew..nobodyb knows...nobody will ever know. EVER.
  4. Kenny slung around and shot off towards Charli. He didn't have to worry about nobody seeing them..the mayhem blured everything. Kenny: *getting out* get in my car.. Charli: Huh? Kenny: You ain't got no NOS..*pulls a chain from the back* Charli: and the car? Kenny: Hold on... Kenny put the chain through the bumper and attachedv it to his rear bumper. Charli: ah...ok. Kenny: Now..no second thought...get in your car..i will tap the break 3 seconds before i brake, if i do. Then..you can keep us from crashing into each other...and stir the way that i do..it'll work..just watch my brake lights... Charli: If you say so... --- Carla got in her car and shot off behind Magic. Carla: [i] it's something about him....i can't help but like him.....[/i]
  5. heh...figured....finishing at this post... IC: Nate heard the siring(sp,...sad) and slid into the front sheet, slipping on some shorts. He put his boots on quickly, as the pedals got hot during a hot pursiut (get it, the pedals hot during a hot persuit....hehe? :( ) Nate: Stay back there if you wish..or here...*hands her her colthes* Trance: Your time is up anyway.. Nate: Figured..you is a strickler for acuracy...*shakes head* He shot off down the street away from the cops. Trance put her clothes on and then started looking through the back seat. She came across a blade as long as the car was. He pulled a strap, and it reveiled 2 poles with, if the strap was puled taught, the 2 pole came otgether and clamped to make a some 20 foot pole. It has a sharp blade on one end and a small blade on the other... OOC: Got the idea from Ren's blade on Shamen King, for those who read the manga on Shoen Jump..it has a nice picture of it... And i forgot to add that on the profile...sory for it :(
  6. Ok,...i saw the first post and knew the answer....In the July issue they said it... [QUOTE]LOOK FOR THE [SIZE=3]RUROUNI KENSHIN[/SIZE] MANGA COMING THIS NOVEMBER![/QUOTE] just thought you'd like to know.... I like Shonen, and have every issue from #5 up..including the new issue with Goku doing a kamehamewha on it :D My favorite is Shamen king...DBZ...Yu Yu.....Sand Land.....Yu-Gi-Oh!, and kindas like One Peice! Heck, i like 'em all! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Youko Minamino [/i] I think if you're going to make an American version of Shounen Jump do it like the Nippon version.Release it weekly, not monthly!QUOTE] Hmm..in one of the Q&A sections..they had osmeone sday that..hold on *runs to getv SJ magazine* * doesn't feel like looking through every q&a secton in his SJ magazines* *runs back it* I remember it anyway.... a guy asked if theywere gonna switch and do it like that..they said: In abel to do that, we would have to translate and print 400 pages a week. They can't do that. You notice that the Weekly SJ in Japan isn't as big as SJ in America. Also, SJ ni America is taking it's time to translate so that you can have high quality mangas. I'd wather has a high quality that is big and comes out every month than one that is low quality and is small but ocmes otu every week. Nate EDIT: I see that it has been answered already...
  7. OOC: THIS RPG AIN'T DEAD PEOPLE! just cause oekakiotaku quit don't mean that it's dead...She said i could have control over it...so don't quit now folks!
  8. hmm....futurama, Family Guy (from Adult Swim) or Spongebob That smell, that smelly smell. That smelly smell that smells....smelly.(Mr. Krabs (Spongebob)
  9. Kenny then spun around and gunned it. You could hear a his as the tanks were replaced with new ones. He shot over to Charli's car. The guy was gone. Kenny: You get the money? Charli: Yea, that fib you told got him. Kenny: Good..now can i have my money back? Charli: No.... Kenny: Come on...please? Charli: NO Kenny: Ok...if u say so..but if i run out of NOS and lose because i don't have that 2 hund'ed, don't coem crying to me cause i ain't there to let you win....ok? Kenny: Then shot off to the top of the street.Right as he got there, sirings(sp) shot out as police flooded the streets. They were busted. And Charli was onthe side where they were.
  10. OOC: *starts to say something, but stops... IC: Nate walked in and did the usual, got his food, went over to Col. Clark's seat and sat down next to Charli. Before he had time to ask Clark, he answered. Clark: I did it becausei felt like it, good enough? Nate: Yes...it is...[i]bull ****. That ain't why he did it..[/i] Clark: I've been ordered to give you this note, caption.. Clark handed a note to Nate. He tuend around sideways so nobodt could read, and opened it. [COLOR=red]Captin Nate Martkin: You are ordered to come to my office at twenty-one houndred hours on the mark. We are to talk about your class and posible class switching. The choice of class switching has been designed by Colonel Clark because of the fact that there is already a sniper class. If you do not come at twenty-one houndred hours at the mark you will charged for court marshal. General Hathoway [FONT=courier new]General Hathoway[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: *can't hold it any more* [SIZE=3]I WAS DOING IT SO THAT YOU AND OEKAKIOTAKU COULD KEEP POSTING, AND IF I DIDN'T POSTR IT THEN THEN IT WOULD BE OUT OF PLACE! [/SIZE] thank you...have a nice day.
  11. Nate finished his small walk around the compound and went back to his bunk for another nap. He then watched tv for a while untill dinner time.
  12. Kenny: Then...we'll do it the easy way.. Kenny got out the car and went to a guy nextto the light.. Kenny: Who passed the line first?
  13. Nate: Yea...ok....[i] great...can show her my skills..*wants to impress her*[/i] After that, they went their seperate ways....
  14. Kenny revvs it, and you can hear a hiss as new NOs tanks alip into place. The lgiht turns green, and they go off, kicking smoke and gravel everywhere. Kenny glances at Magic in time to see him activate a NOS tanks, so Keny activates 2, sending him in front of him. Magic swerves over but Kenny doesn't flinch. They both activate 3 tanks, and now they are both even. They shoot past the line side by side.
  15. Kenny: I done beat you..i pulled 35 g's in that last race alone.. Magic: You liein. Kenny: Naw...7 gs a person....they go up as the night goes on...wanna have a 1 on 1 race? Winna take all?
  16. Nate had gotten up and was walking around the campus when he ran into some kids. Nate: What are you doing out of class!? Kid: Sorry sir... They all took off towards class again.... Nate: Kids.... Nate then remembered when he was part of project Iraqi Freedon. He had went AWOL 2 times, but he had gotten off. He was a kid then..just like the kids here. While Nate was walking around, thinking hard, he bumped into Charli. Nate: Sorry... Charli: It's ok Caption.. Nate: *finally figuring out who he was looking at* [i] Hello....[/i] Hi *smiles*
  17. Kenny got all 35 grand and pulled up next to Magic. Kenny: Hey..how much you won?
  18. I'm with Blanko no this one...i think if oyu go onto a journy you r demoted....
  19. Afterwards, Nate walked back to his room. He sat down and rested some more for the night ahead of him, spending his time sleeping, practicing his shot, playing darts, or watching tv... OOC: Not much to post for him...
  20. Nate was the first one to Ren's side. He picked up his limp body after checking the burns, then ran him to the sick bay. Nate: Nurse! Nurse: Oh..what happened? Nate: A bomb exploded and burned him real bad..... Nate layed him softly onto the bed. He then took the shirt and socks, etc. that wasn't burned onto his skin....
  21. dat sucks...and we had a good rpg going............ IC: Kenny pluged the NOS up, and set it up so when they emptied a new tank would slid into it's place. He then got ready to race. Kenny: How umch? Flagman: 7 Grand... Kenny: A'ight... Kenny set up the laptop and refreshed the NOS levels. A minute later, the flag dropped. Kenny shot past 2 of them in the very begining, then past everyone else a few seconds later. About 100 yards from the finish line, a car came up esude him. He flipped 3 NOS tanks, but the guy stayed even, obviously using 3 tanks, as well. You could hear a hiss from behind the passenger seat as 2 new tanks slid in.Kenny swerved, scaring the guy and alowing his use up 5 tanks and shoot to victory. He came to a stop about 2 cart lengths from Charli, and got on the roof to wait for the 35 grand to pour in....
  22. Nate: He still hasn't answered my question..... Nate picked at his food, not especially hungry...He couldn't figure out why, though.
  23. OOC: I found a picture of the Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Version. It's in the attachment... Ignore the hp..that's completely suuped.Nate's isn't..i didn't want to totally dust EVERYBODY... [IMG]http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/13846/images/escudo.jpg[/IMG]
  24. Nate woke up just in time for lunch. He got up and went again, to find out why Col. Clark did what he did last night. Nate: Permission to sit down again..sir. *said with sarcasm* Clark: You don't need permission to sit down here, soldier.. Nate: Thank you, sir. Now, i just want to know what pissed you off enough to do what you did last night? Don't like night sniper class? Let's say this competition goes out into the night. Night sniper classes. And..you did miss a few shots.
  25. Kenny lined up. Just htne he noticed there was no Nitrus left. Kenny: I ain't gone race in a race i know i'll loose it..I ain't loosing 5 Grand for ****.... Kenny spun around and launched down the street to the auto parts store. He pulled in and bought enough tanks for a night's worth of racing. He then came back to watch a few. He didn't feel liek racing right now,...just fixing his car. It didn't help that he was horny and found he was checking out every bum chick out there....
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