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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Kenny: I've paid,..i'm outa here..ain't interested in no blood right now.... Guy: blood....did he say blood....do you to know each other? Kenny: Previous race wars......i remember the last guy tyhat didn't pay her in pre-race war races.....he was killed... Guy: ki-ki-killed? Kenny: *nods* it was gruelsome... Kenny aid that, then walked away to his car. He slid in the window, and then rolled it up to block the snickers from hhim. He pulled off to join in in a race.
  2. Kenny: Here... He pulled out a 50 dollar bill. Kenny: Enough? Judgeing by that look..no...*pulls out another 150* Here...*hands it to here*
  3. Kenny toped the car, which wasn't hard being he had slowed to about 50 to let Charli win. The car stopped right behind him. The guy got out of the ar and walked over to Kenny. Guy: WHAT DA ***** DID YOU DO THAT FOR!? Kenny: *getting out through the window* I wanted to.. Kenny stopped halfway, sittin on the window. he turned his head and stared at the guy. Kenny: You got a problem with that?
  4. Kenny was side by side with Charli through the race. He was blastin Eminem's 'Without Me' on full bass, rockin the car and bluring his voice. He activated al of his NOS tanks at once....slinging all 200 mph into full force. He flew bast both of them, then slowed down, blocking the guy that shot past both of them. Charli shot past them, with Kenny finishing second and the guy third.
  5. Kenny: Now... Kenny got in his car and drove off, with Charli right behind him. They came to the line up right behind 4 others. Kenny set up the laptop again, and rechecked the NOS levels. He then got ready to race.
  6. Kenny: Shut up...move from this car...and don't say me name no more.. They got into her car, which was parked on the other side of the Eclipse. Kenny: One, that was 6 small cars. Did you see how many are here? And, i did tell you that we were goin from one race to another, if you dare to consider that one you was at a race. Now, second, i think this will yield better results.. Charli: Oh, now why is that? Kenny: Da Southside Villains are here. Charli: Da who? Kennt: Da Southside Villains. Known for stealin car parts. And cars. A stereo systems. Game systems. system hookups. Rims. Tire. If it can be used on a car, they've stole it.
  7. Cell has the saiyan cells in him. So, he would have the saiyan arrogance. That's what i think. Becides, as Perfect Cell said, if they did everything quick and finished, the world would be gone becasue of buu. His arrogance that he could beat anything and everything is made him take his time and give then time to prepare for the battle, and ultimately led to his downfall. If he did it quick, Trunks and goten would be gone, hence he's destroy the universe.
  8. yes, it was Garlic Jr.'s men. Salt, mustard, vinegar,and spice. all the ginyu force had fake accents Jeice: australian Zarbon: English cant' matc the others, but they had fake accents. just cant' match them...
  9. Nate finished mis breakfast and went to his bunk. Since he tought night classes, he had nothing to do for a while. He took a nap.
  10. Kenny shot down the peir, and skidded to a stop. He got out and went to Charli's car. Charli: What? i'm about to race. Kenny: Forget the small talk..i found the big tthing of the night. Charli: Where? Kenny: Follow me... Charli: Guys..i'm gonna take a rain check... Kenny got in his car and they both shot off. A minute later they came to the bend again. They came in like any body else would, and parked next to a Susuki Escudo Pikes Peak Version. It took Kenny a minute to recognize it. Kenny: Damn it.....i hate this guy... He was parked next to the leader of the gang he hated most, Nate. Nate, leader of the southside villians. ~~ Nate heard a car park next to him, on the driver side. He reached up and locked the doors and windows in to place, now nobody could get in, and the tint was so dark you could only see light coming through the other windowas. You could see nothing else.
  11. Nate grabbed his breakfast and sat down next to Colonel Clark. Nate: Permission to sit down, sir. Clark: Granted. At ease. Nate: What was that for last night, Colonel?
  12. jusdt like a said flora.....i wouldn't do it to get her back into the house..just to get them for donig it. Then, she'd ocme home with me when i came back.. Maybe me plans are rational...who knows?
  13. heh....... EDIT: Forgot about the 1 word psot rule..here's my racer profile... Name:Nate Age: 17 Bio: Born around racing, he owns severa lof the fastest cars that are legal in America. And 2 that arent. He was born in Southern Los Angalous(sp), and his dad ran out on him when he was 5. Since then he's been perfecting his racing skills, since they made a deal that if he could beat his dad, he'd come back. Personality: Quiet, loves loud music (makes up for his quietness), likes rapping,....when he was in school he had a rap gourp,...and very little is known. He is a wigga, and if u don't know what dat is...god help you. He hits on girls alot, ALOT. Mainly because of their looks. He's a sucker for a hot chick. Description: Ice Blue eyes, tanish hair which looks like it's been bleached, the side buzzed and the top pulled into cornrolls (i've wanted this hair style for months,..my dern parents won't let me get it). He wears black shades most of the time, so he looks mysterious (He truely does, if your wondering) He wears a black shirt with 'Da Southside Villain' written from shoulder to shoulder on the front and back written in deep red letters. His pants are jet black with 'Ds Southside Villain' Written down-ward on the left side and 'Nate' written down-ward on the right. (can you tell what he rapped by yet?) He wears 8 or 9 belts that hang down, looking lock Cloud has them from Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts. Wears blacck Air Force 1's that are never tied. He just kepeps the strap over the strings. Other: N/A Gang/Team: Da southside Villains Car Make: Susuki Escudo Pikes Peak Edition Paint Color: Red Other: Has a black thing over the top 2 inches over the wind-shield saying 'Da Villains'. Has 2 big NOS tanks and 2 small ones, keeps a lap-top in the computer for use with it. Uses hard racing slicks on the back with super soft racing slicks on the front. The car has some 900 hs and can go at 250 MPH. No cop can even come close to stopping him.
  14. Kenny stopped right around the bend. He could hear the mixture of music from here, so he knew he was close. He shut down the eclipse and walked over. A huge pack of cars poured out, finishing a race and slowing down. The sclipse blended perfectly, the chrome turned black by darkness. When it was clear, he got it and shot off towards Charli.
  15. Kenny shot out about half a minute later, following him. He figured that if he was undercover about the racing, he might as well do some undercover work. Charli could handle the stuff on the pier. Kenny came out right behind Magic, about 10 seconds behind him. Enoughso that it wouldn't seem like he was being followed.
  16. Kenny walked out the tanks on his shoulder. Magic: You traded tanks? Kenny: Got 'em refilled.... Magic: You could get them refilled? Kenny: Uh...YEA... Kenny placed the tanks in the back of the seat, hooked them up, then close the compartment. It looked like the back of the seat wass 1 long peice. Kenny: Now the new ones... Kenny got up under it and found the hook-up. He set it up and strapped it down with 4 elastic straps.
  17. Nate walked through campus. Everybody missed class for the first 2 days, he wasn't gonna have it happen again. Nate: Maggots! GET OVER HERE! Everybody poured over here. ONe kid stepped up. Day: Yes sir? Nate: Where have you all been? Day: We've been in classes sir.. Nate: How about at night? Day: We've been in our bunks sir... Nate: So...you all thought you could get out of night sniper school...eh? Night Sniper Class!?
  18. Kenny then remembered that he had used most of his NOS up in the last race he was in. He whipped it around, nearly running off the pier and nearly gave Charli a heart attack (lol). He gunned it and shot back down the pier, and towards town. ~~ Nate and Trance had moved into his car and were all out f*ckin in the back seat. The clothes were nothing but a pile in the passenger seat. Trance: *sits up* your times up. Nate: *grabbing her lightly byh the shoulder* Naw, i gave you a fity..back down here.. ~~ Kenny shot down a main street, and turned on a small set of flashers that looked like police lights. He layed it on the dash, so he could go that fast. He pulled into the store lot, and parked right next to Magic. Kenny: Magic...is that you? Magic: Kenny...holy f*ck..i'm outa here! Kenny: Naw,..i quit the cops now..*lying through his teeth* Magic: Ok...you going to the race war? Kenny: Would i miss it? Kenny pulled the tanks out from under the passenger seat. He threw them over his shoulder, 2 per side. He carried them in there and layed in on the counter. Kenny: Like to get these refilled please....
  19. Kenny: Man...John mad..... Kenny had gotte access to the cars earlier...he had helped the cheif pick cars for the other people and helped deck them out. He had equiped a mic in both cars after the cheif left, so he could hear every word they said, which was scripted onto the laptop he had and played out on the screen in a small box. It had been a good idea, as he could do undercover work much easier if he got the small mic placed in the cushins of the driver seat behind the head. That way, they wouldn't feel the 1 inch ride mic, and it couldn't b e broken.
  20. Nate raised the demin jacket off of her shoulders, reveiling skin. He then reached one hand down into her pants as he kissed her, his other hand on her cheeck, holding her softly. ~~~ Kenny shot down right behind Charli down to the bay. They shot down onto apeir, wide enough for about 6 cars. Just enough to race.
  21. Kenny got into his car right behind her. He shot out of the drive and into the street, only to be pasted be her. He did it intentionally. Kenny: Eminem now.. Kenny turned off '21 Questions' and incerted Eminem Show and turned it to 'Halies Song'.
  22. Anthony...Anthony anthony.....a Viper can't go that fast.. lower it to 210 and your in. Yes, i'm a strickler for acuracy on cars....
  23. Kenny: Now..how many racers have i won? Today...yesturday...a week ago...2 weeks ago..*continues naming them off* Charli: Ok..i get the idea... Kenny: *smailes* ok..now do you see why i keep bugging you? You owe me so much... Charli: *sighs*
  24. mmmmmmmmmm...i wish that was a girl in my way......*has to beat Anthony off with a stick* Your in....but r u joining as Charli also? Raiha, got a question.... What's Trance's fee? I didn't know..so i just gave her a 50.
  25. Both of you all are in. I don't feel like typing my Bio again...i'll type it 2night or 2morrow...
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