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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Kenny sat down on the sofe in the living room. A minute later she came out. Kenny: What i don't get....is you came up with that idea.. Charli: No i didn't... Kenny: Yes..right after the LA thing you had just got a 'so sweet' car that you swore couldf beat any of my cars. You said that if i beat you you'd let me sleep with you. Charli: No i did not! Kenny: Yes....you did...i can call Anthony...he was there with us that day. Charli: Yea..right...i don't belevie him. Kenny He tells no lies. Charli: Yea..and he always takes your side. Like the Boston mission...remember that? Kenny: I can't help it if Anthony's a bit on the slow side.. OOC: I'm not talkngi about Anthony, ANTHONY. It's an RPG character that's also a cop in this.
  2. just figured i'd help I gave him some pointers on how to make a fadt Celica that could also ride good. The idea is basic: Take the engine out of a Viper, clean the ports out, the valve stems, etc. Put in it the Celica body , bolt it down, reinforce it my welding metal under it, etc. Put an Escudo tail on it Put spacers on the coil springs Put the racing slicks hard back and super soft front for good riding. Put the free spins rims in it EDIT: I see he did it a different way.....
  3. HOLD IT Anthony, a Celica can't be suuped up that high. A Celica can get ot about 400 and some 150 mph. I know my cars....
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] [B]heh thanks.... when she is old enough... See ... well.. her mother (Raela) Told her to move out... and shes not even 14 yet. So she just moved to a friends house... when i get an apartment ... whenever that will happen... ill be happy to have her move on in when shes allowed to. But you know its all up to her... [/B][/QUOTE] hold it..she got kicked out and not even 14? Damn..Flora,..good thing it won't my sis who got kicked out..or that so called 'mom' would be killed or seriously hurt....*shakes head* what da f*ck is the world coming to.......
  5. Flora.........i.........don't know exactly what to say........ I didn't know it was ever that bad.... I mean i know you and me've talked and you've hinted..but never that bad....*wishes he could take back the stuff he said in the last few pms he sent* Well..at least she's writing now...hope it gets even better..
  6. Nate shot in right behind austin. He had to slam th brakes on and swerve to miss Austin's car that pared there, tearing up his tires. Nate: Not bad for a come back.... Nate spins it around and drives it next to the Viper. He rolled the window down, and Austin did, too. Nate: Not to be mean..though i am...but....next time you win by about 2 seconds, don't stop right in the middle of the track. Or i WILL run into you next time.... Austin: Ok.......O.o ~~~ Kenny: Sheesh...*sighs* Kenny spins it around and drives off, driving around for no appearent reason. A few minutes later, he changes his mind and goes off after Charli. Kenny: *turns the radio up* man...what's her problem..... Kenny inserts 'Get Rich or Die Trying' by 50 Cent.
  7. Kenny: I won... Charli: Luck..you cheated! Kenny: I do one know one thing yo...races they come dey go,..people do it all the all the, a-a-al the ti-time yo. Now, what is it i win? Charli: uhm... Kenny: You don't have to think about it..you know the deal....
  8. Hey, i just thought this up a few minutes ago, so welcome all The Fast adn The Furious lovers! Here's the scoop: Nate's (my character) lost some races, and he's in serious dept. Tey was about to kill him, when he made an offer. Here it is: Nate gets 50 cars, all of them different types, and gives them to the guy he owes. It doesn't matter what type of cars they are, but the total retail price must be over 3 million. That is, stripped. He cant' take a car and suup it up to make it worth enought to turn it in. After he does that, he's got to win 50 races against random opponents out in the street, winning one with each car. If he races 4 other opponents, he gets 4 wins or 3 if he beats 3, etc. He has to have proof, i.e video footage, ignatutres, etc. He has 4 days to do it all. Got it? I know it looks like Gone in 60 seconds at first. It's a hybrid. Here's what i need. We'll need at least 4 racers, not counting me, and 2 cops. Here's what's needed for the racer- Name: Age: Bio: Appearance: Attitude: Other: The Cop- Name: Age: Bio: Appearance: Attutude: Rank: (under cover or not) Other: The Car- Brand: (ie, Ford, Maza) Model: (ie, Mustang, Viper) Color: Other: It must be a car, you can have a bike, but you can't race on it. Thanks, -Nate
  9. Nate pulled up to the race spot. He slid in, in the usual drammatic entrance, stoping inches from Trances' bike. Nate: Hey Trance... Trance: I thought you won't speakin to me after me f*cking aorund with your boy? Nate: Ahh....i figured...why not. Oh..saw you lost your next meal. Here...*passes her a 50 dollar bill* Trance: Thanks... Nate: You owe me.... Trance: When? Nate: Later.......How you do it? Trance: What? Nate: F*ck some 4 times a NIGHT..but you don't get pregnant? How da f*ck od u do it? Tubes Tied? Trance: Condoms... Nate: Bull *****....half the people you work with i know...and they never even heard of a condom. Trance: *shrugs* Nate: Figured...by back. Nate slid back through the window and shot off, catching up to the racers. He slid around a corner, and shot past one car. He gunned it, and turned on the music. He raised the amp to pure bass, and turned it up. He then enserted Nelly's Country Grammer and turned it to the song of that name. The begining two bass blasts made a pen sitting on the dash-board jump completly off of it, and land in the floor board. It continued vibrating, being right next to a big 10 by 12 subwoofer. This was his shymbol that he was coming through. Nate: Gonig down down baby..*rapping with the song*
  10. Kenny: Sure...see what these things hit! Kenny turned to the laptop that was hooked up in the passenger seat. He pressed a few buttons, and it showed the nitrus levels. Small tanks, they wouldn't do.He'd have to sweitch them out before he went under cover for the races. He started the preperation for the NOS and turned back to what was ahead of him. The light went green. Immediatly they both stomped on the gas, sendnig smoke from the tires everywhere. Kenny let off of the gas lnog enough for the tires to catch, then gunned it again. The smoke cleared to show him about a car length in front of Charli. His speed was well asbove 40, so he activated the first NOS boost, at about the same time as Charli. He glanced over and saw he right next to him. He swerved over slightly to scare her, which threw her off and gave him time ti inch up into the lead. He activated the next NOS boost, leaving her in the dust. He let off and tapped the emergancy brake just enough to kill all of the ravvs gonig through the motor, so he could coast ot a victory.
  11. Kenny followed her to his car. It was a jet black Mitsubishi Eclipse GT 2003, exactly what he liked. Kenny: Dude knows my likes.... Kenny got opened the hood, checknig out it's capabilities, then got in it. He found out that he could hook his lap top to it and run NOS through to the engine. Very good for racing. Kenny folded down a compartment, opening up to a screen, a PS2, and an XBOX. He cut both all of themon, 1 at a time, to make sure they worked. They did. Kenny: I beleive i'm gettin used to this guy.... Kenny started the engine and sat there, revving it. He then drove off, and a minute later he caught up to Charli. Kenny lowered the windows, and turned the radio up even higher. That got Charli's attention.
  12. Cheif: Oh, Kenny? Kenny: Yes? Cheif: Two things. One, don't blow your cover, i know you. And, two... Kenny: Yes sir? Cheif: Pick up your pants. Kenny: Yes sir.... Kenny pulled his pants up slightly as they walked out of the office. Immediatly they fell back down. Kenny: *as he closes the door* Why'd u break into my car today?
  13. [b]Name:[/b] Kenny Delson [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Bio: [/b] He was born in Richmond, Va. Other than that, very little is known about his past. [b]Personality:[/b] He is ususally quiet, so it's easy for him to be undercover. He's rock solid on the outside, so he can hide secrets good,but he has a soft spot for girls. He loves loud music, so the=y police agency picked him so he would blend with the racers. He likes drawing, too- can draw most anime better than thee creater of it (I.E Akira Toriyama for DBZ). He likes anime, particullay hentai (hey's he's a guy). He's the person with the secnod most experience with racing in general, so that helped them in picking him, too. [b]Description:[/b] Has black hair that is currently buzzed back to practically nothing (like mine right now :D), has a bandana folded up and rapped aronud his hair line, and the bandana has a picture of a Mitsubishi Eclipse on it. He has Icy Blue eyes. He also has to wear contact lenses for reading (only needed when he's tired). Wears a blakc shirt on it with a white tiger on it, growling, withits ears pulled back. Wears jet black shorts that come to his ankles, with red and gray Nikes and ankle socks. [b]Rank:[/b]Undercover [b]Other:[/b] Grudge again Da Southside villains Car Make: Mitsubishi Eclipse GT 2003 Paint Color: Jet black Other: Has Chrome wheels, a 3 inch double spoiler, a small 7 inch tv with a PS2 and an XBOX hooked up to it, so he plays one of themw while waiting between races or before/after them. 2 NOS tanks under the trunk, with a laptop normally sitting in the passenger seat. I made this only because me and oekakiotaku made a deal.......me and her cop go with each other (right? or did u mean the racers? I am easy to confuse sometimes :( )
  14. You said you would probably join my gang..if ya want,...you can...more the merryer
  15. *shrugs* ok,..i had anothner plan,..but that will do.
  16. hey, Sakura kid, can there be more than 1 sniper teacher? I mean.....1 teacher might not be able to handle all of them... [b]Name:[/b] Nathan Martkin [b]Age:[/b]30 [b]Personality:[/b] He is quiet, and doesn't really care what happens in the other classes. He doesn't matter what rules are in the other clsses or the school's classes, if he tells the kids to do something, no matter what, they better do it. He's excellent with Sniper Rifles, and has a grudge between him and the other sniper teacher, to see which's classes do better. It's like a mini-grudge. [b]Recomended Name:[/b] Nate [b]Job:[/b] Sniper Class
  17. Nate


    Brolli is a real character. He is on DB.com and Akira Toriyama designed him as the legendary super saiyan.
  18. *nods* Yes, Raiha....if we must....it was fun chating, hough. If anyone here has AIM, im me at NaShoe91.
  19. Don't worry Raiha, Nate has money *Nate flashes ALOT of cash* Susuki Escudo Pikes Peak Version Rally cars DON'T come cheap,
  20. Da Southside villains will take her. Gladly. (nate raises eyebrows up and down) Nate: I won't lose my virginity..i lost it a long time ago....join us. -Nate (not the RPG character, me)
  21. oh....my guy will be slapped more than you, aYokano,..don't worry.
  22. [b]Name:[/b]Nate [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Bio:[/b] Born around racing, he owns severa lof the fastest cars that are legal in America. And 2 that arent. He was born in Southern Los Angalous(sp), and his dad ran out on him when he was 5. Since then he's been perfecting his racing skills, since they made a deal that if he could beat his dad, he'd come back. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, loves loud music (makes up for his quietness), likes rapping,....when he was in school he had a rap gourp,...and very little is known. He is a wigga, and if u don't know what dat is...god help you. :) He hits on girls alot, ALOT. Mainly because of their looks. He's a sucker for a hot chick. [b]Description:[/b] Ice Blue eyes, tanish hair which looks like it's been bleached, the side buzzed and the top pulled into cornrolls (i've wanted this hair style for months,..my dern parents won't let me get it). He wears black shades most of the time, so he looks mysterious (He truely does, if your wondering) He wears a black shirt with 'Da Southside Villain' written from shoulder to shoulder on the front and back written in deep red letters. His pants are jet black with 'Ds Southside Villain' Written down-ward on the left side and 'Nate' written down-ward on the right (can you tell what he rapped by yet?) Wears blacck Air Force 1's that are never tied. He just kepeps the strap over the strings. [b]Other:[/b] N/A [b]Gang/Team:[/b] Da southside Villains [b]Car Make:[/b] Susuki Escudo Pikes Peak Edition [b]Paint Color:[/b] Red [b]Other:[/b] Has a black thing over the top 2 inches over the wind-shield saying 'Da Villains'. Has 2 big NOS tanks and 2 small ones, keeps a lap-top in the computer for use with it. Uses hard racing slicks on the back with super soft racing slicks on the front. The car has some 900 hs and can go at 250 MPH. No cop can even come close to stopping him.
  23. Hmmm....going by my standards of fighting.... Note, this is the way i am. got a problem with that, don't tell it. 1) Somebody hits me,..i WILL hit them back. The way i am. 2) I'll fight to protect my family, even if i can't fight (which i can't)
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