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Everything posted by Nate
Well...several... 1) When i talk to a close firned that i like (they don't have to know,...and i don't have to like them alot, just like) 2) When i listen to my friends diss people..i can't help but laugh. 3) When i freestyle... 4)When i listem to music....it doesn't matter what type...it could be hillbilly for all i care (did i just say that? *bleh*)
[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24535] Dragon Ball: Unexpected[/url] That's the link to it. It is there.
It's been started, look on the second page. It should be there.
You said i can take over so i said ok....ok? *continues rapping*
Damien stood there for about 3 minutes after she left. He was both shocked, amused by her tryings, and dumbfounded. He didn't know what to think. He just stood there, not knowing what to say, do, or think. Shrugging, he flexed his wings and started to take off. Instead he flew off using his energy.
Lady K Q: Squirtle, Wartortle, Bastoise, Magicarp, Gyarados, Goldeen, Seaking, Vaporeon, Lapras, Kyogre, Remoraid, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Krabby, Kingler, Poliwirl, Poliwag, Poliwrath, Staryu, Starmie, Psyduck, Golduck, Seel, Dewgong, Shellder, Cloyster, Totodile, Crocanaw, Feraligatr, Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra, Marill, Azumarill, Wooper, Quagsquire, Qwilfish, Corsola, Mantine, Octillory, Suicune I know i left off the Ru/Sa pokemon, i don't know them that good.
Ok...*continues rapping 50 cent, dispite all the calls for the white boy to stop*
I never heard of a Pokemon manga. OH well *shrugs* ask a q.
Your in it, LAN. Don't worry
Sorry, Lan, buddy ole pall, but i beat you to it. I asked about 5 minutes before uy posted this. Sorry.....:( But i'll be the one taknig over, but only if it's ok with u all...or we can work together..........
That's all that i can think of...........................
CORRECT! But, i have no idea what the answer 2 ur q is....bye-bye! *teleports* -Nate
Red/Blue: Charmander, Balbasuar, Squirtle Yellow: Pikachu Gold/Silver/Crystal: Chikorita, Totodile, Cyndaquil Ruby/Saphire: Trecko, Mudkip, Torchic Q: What is pokemon that keeps Groudon and Kyogre in check?
Electabuuz, Magmar, Pikachu, Jynx. Q: (semi-easy) Is Pokemon a)a manga b)an anime c)both d)neither
OOC: *shakes his head* Fine, it's dead. Now reason to post on it any more. Bye-bye all it was fun while it was *glares at Flora*
OOC: AND as i said, i wasn't making it DBZ. That's one of Shinobi's fighting styles.
I got this idea when lookngi in the 'Pokemon Humor' thread. You can post jokes, 'You've had to much of...' jokes, etc. I hope this doesn't get locked.... You know you've RPed/Watched/Played [b]Way[/b] to much DB/Z/GT when... -You die your hair yellow and spike it, saynig your SS (Guilty) -You take brown pipe cleaners and tape them into a tail. -You put 6 m&ms on your head and threaten to but your friends in half with a 'destructo disk' (cd) if they don't call you 'The All-Mighty Krillen' -Every time you walk into your kitchen, you kick the 'Freiza' incase it's the Tyrant in disguise. (Guitly, for a while) -You think your inharently evil cause your body's made of Cells. -You jump off of a bridge and yell 'FLYING NIMBUS!' -You do Kamehamehas in the mirror (guilty) -You write a number '10,000' on your door and start dongi push-ups to train for fighting Frieza. -You call your dad 'Prince of Saiyans' -You try to put your brain into an Android. -You are wrting this (GUILTY!) -You are reading this and saying 'I've done at least a 4th of these once' (Guilty) -Your computer has 2% of it's hard-drive space open because of art files (Mainly DBZ) -Your room is jet black with a yellow Kamehameha going across one wall. -You sit and concentrate real hard, hopnig that Gohan's training with Videl will work for you. (GUILTY) -You think you actually found that 'empty spot' (GUILTY. I did, but it excited me and i post it again. Either that or i was hungry :naughty:) -You are known in your school for benig able to answer any DBZ question (GUILTY, in both my elementary and Middle school) -You find plot holes in DBZ for fun (GUILTY) -You can answer DBZ questionsabout a saga you've never saw (GUILTY, the Cell Saga and Afterlife Tournament Saga...) -You try to stop a fire by doing a Kamehameha (from DB). -You tell your friends that your Namekian, and have them tear an arm out, and you 'try' to grow it back (with try being the key word) -You tell them that you can Instant Teleport, and dare them to climb up a 3 story building and drop an anvil on your head.
[spoiler]When Gohan ramed his fist into Cell's stomach, Cell spit out Android 17 and 18.[/spoiler] At least that's how i understand it hapening. My 10 cents (my 2 cents is free) from -Nate
Goku: Oh.................why not, ok. You can come.. Nra: Can i come, too, dad? Vegeta: Why not princess.......Let's go stop them!
I didnt' know burnnig endigo is Burnnig Attack. I don't mo Japanese translation, i know it as Burning Attack. Even on the Japanese Import (not translated) form of Ultimate Battle 22, Trunks says 'Burning Attack!'
OOC: Flora, he was gonna stop and change Sythe to a pokemon battle this post, then they were going back. And, it's only 11 pages to my settings. But, come on, only 4 other RPGs have ever got this high, and we have a chance to beat all of them. Come on, please? And, i'm taking way past reality? Your saying teleporting and having huge 200 pound pokemon fitting into little 3 inch balls is real? Get wit the picture, Flora. IC: Sythe: Stop, stop. Shinobi: what? Sythe: Pokemon battle. Come on. Or are you scared? Shinobi: Ok *drops him onto the ground* 3 on 3, no time limit, stick to the clearing. Deal?
Shinobi jumps down into the crater. He picks Sythe up by the foot and starts spinning him over his head. He builds up momentum and lets him fly. He flys out of the crater and landed about 20 feet away, sliding. Shinobi jumped up and dashed towards him. Dirt and dust flew up around him. When he gets to Sythe, withoput stoppnig he grabs Sythe by the legs and slams his back into the ground again. A pop shot out as Sythe's shoulder blade shattered into about 200 peices. Shinobi: Come on Sythe! Your better than this. Throw so Shurikens, come on! Challenge me! Shinobi picked Sythe out of th small crater he had made. He wrapped his hand around Sythe's neck, like Frieza did to Vegeta. He picked him up into the air, about 10 feet up. Shinobi rose up and brought him even higher. About 50 feet up, Sythe was choknig big time. Sythe: Let me...let me go! Shinobi! Shinobi: Ok..*turns him upside down* you want down..*raises him above his head* you got it! *hurls him towards tyhe ground* Good ridence b*tch... Sythe hit the gorund hard, creating another crater. Shinobi dived, with his feet facing down. He hit 10 feet from the ourside of the last Crater, creating another crater. Rock flew around him and he dug into the ground as hard as he could. When he stoped, he had dropped about 25 feet. Shinobi jumped out and grabbed Sythe, getting ready to through him into the new crater for good.
Ginny? as in Ginnylyn? No, not her......
Damien: Why did this transformation come....i need to comtrol these.... Damien then glowed white and returned to the form at first. Damien: Dern puberty(sp) transformations....Why couldn't a be like my dad........he could control them...or so i was told..... *glances down at the blades* Ah! Damien lashes out at a tree, slicing it neatly in half diagonally. It slided off of it's base and lands on the point. Damien picked it up and threw it over a cliff. It hit water after falling about 500 feet, and water sprayed up at Damien. He flew through it for fun, then dived into the water. He folded in his wings just before he hit, making him stream-lined. Water shot up into the air. Damien: *popnig out of the water* where is Marashe.....
KittyLyn....after.....then..no...not with the person i'm thinking of....because it still is going....