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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi layed there, looking into nothingness, and thinking. He didn't dare try to think of a second verse, because more than likely Hope would find out. Also, he would more than likely ditch the first verse and take time to think of a good one. Shinobi knew from past experiences that a song of this genre didn't come easy. Not as in Rap, but as in what he's expressing in it. He just let it rest, and started thinking of other stuff for a while, waiting for Seion to come back so they could get going again.
  2. *glances at Mitches post* *twitches* Does he do that all the time? Well, i...........don't know how to explain how i feel it means. Basically what you all said, really. Not much of an answer...but still.
  3. Damien: I'm not supposed to be cute! And there're not spikes! There're claws! Damien has a wierd meaness about him. He's very cocky and hates it when someone messes up. Damien: Nobody can recognize a good weapon when they see one! Sheesh! Damien landed on the edge of a cliff. He stood there for a second, then glowed again. This time, his size doubled. The wings turned to a goldish color this time. The horns became even longer, and the wings became big enough to wrap around himself. The tail became twice as long as his body, and he became about 10 feet tall. He then jumped and flew to just under the edge of the cliff. Flying thee, he apped the rock with both wings, using his energy to stay aput. The rock slid back, and he landed in the cave carved into it. There stood several others. They were the rest of his group.
  4. My parents arent' all into it, either...kinda sucks...they just don't understand. [quote][i]Originally posted by Maladjusted[/i] I mean, I know a bunch of people at our school that are OBSESSED with Spongebob Squarepants.[/quote] How dare you diss Spongebob Squarepants! J/K But, honestly, i wish my parents would just not bother me about it. They do like the anime pictures i draw, though. ~.^
  5. Can we have more than one person? Like, play one bad guy and one good guy? I'd be willing to do multiple people...i'd do it gladly.....
  6. OOC: Flora, how are you? *shakes head* odd...... Shinobi: Yea, give Seion time to get low again..... Hope: *playing semi-dumb* huh? Shinobi: He's so high right now if he went to church he'd start his prayer with 'as long as i'm up here'. *sighs, then shakes his head* And, a bike can sit for a while...my Hyundai Superbike, which can easily beat that thing of yours....sat for over a year...rode better than knew..but then i twicked it before i rode it again....*shrugs* maybe it's just me....*glances at the clock* It would be Tre's birthday.... Hope: who? Shinobbi: Used to be a close friend.... Hope: Used to? Shinobi: He's dead. Also died today.... Hope: Died on his birhday...yikes... Shinobi: Cause of me. Hope:...? Shinobi: Heh..figured.....i was boosting a car, the cops busted the tires, the Viper went flying. About 100 yards and one car later, ce's was both knocked out. A week later he died. He didn't even want to go...i blackmailed him by threatening to tell a crush that he liked her...and he had never had one before...and he was secretive at times *shakes his head* I was hurt 2 times worse than him...*tear* why'd he have to die....i should have....he had a good life. He was the only...the only one that i was firneds with that didn't cuss,...still hadn't f*cked at 10...*shakes his head* why him!*another tear* Shinobi looked up from his hands and glanced at Hope. Shinobi: Look at me.....*wipes a tear away* LOOK AT ME...
  7. Shinobi: Uh-huh....really................... Shinobi still layed there, one arm over his forehead, the other one next to his side. One leg was over the side of the couch, then other was raised up to make an upside down V. Shinobi: Right....
  8. Shinobi pushed her onto the ground. Without her weight on his lap he could easily pull himself free. He stood up. Shinobi: F*ck you, b*tch.. Shinobi then walked out, leaving Seion there by himself. Shinobi: Damn...what tha f*ck... Shinobi layed down in the grass next to Seion's house. Shinobi: If Hope finds out what almost happenend...i'm gonna be dead.....God damn all of 'em.... Shinobi stands up and walks in, and sees that Hope wasn't there ainy more. Shinobi: Holy f*ck..she found out...damn..why did i have to go see the..god damn it... Shinobi layed down on the couch, staring up at the roof. He took the case out of his pockets and threw it onto his other stuff.
  9. Shinobi: Seion you got any more? Seion didn't say anything. shinobi: God....*shake head* Hope's gonne kill me... Seion: Who is Hope? Shinobi: Damn......what da... One of the 2 girls that were maknig out walked over to him and sat down on his lap. She was naked from the waist down. Shinobi's exression never changed through-out all of this. It stayed neutral, never breaknig a smile, a frown, or anythnig. The girl wrapped her arms aronud his neck and smiled she then leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Shinobi tried to avoid, but others and made it so he couldn't. She continued to hug him and kiss on him, and he couldn't do a thing. ~~~Hope~~~ Hope: What da!? What is he doing!? ~~Shinobi~~~ Then, she reaches for the neck of Shinobi's shirt to take it off. Shinobi quickly pulled out of their grasp and stoped her.
  10. It's ok. when ya gonna start it?
  11. OOC: 2 porblems with that. 1) There is no guiest in here 2) That was spam.
  12. Damien folded in his wings, and sat down. Damien: They'l pay...nobody insults my master like that....they'l pay... Damien then stood up and started gling. His wings became incased with steel, and the claws on his arms become longer, then his stubby fin dernails shoot out like nails. The horns pull back like an eaxtra pair of ears. He then jumps up and flys towards a mountain.
  13. How many Roach Pokemon does it take to screw in a lightbalb? A: [spoiler]Don't know, when it turns on, they scatter![/spoiler] you know you've watched/RPed/played Pokemon [b]way[/b] to much- -When you call your pet mouse 'Pikachu' -When you kill said mouse by trynig to jamn a oversized yellow rock down it's throaght trying to evolve it to Raichu -When you watch pokemon then act out the episode afterwards -When you answer the phone, you expect for the computer to show the picture of him/her -When you buy a horse and paint flames on it's back -When your locker has stickies of all 351 pokemon on it -When you threaten to sick your 'Houndoom' (local stray) on your friends if they don't call you 'The All-Mighty Ash Ketchum' -When you are positive that if you try really hard, you can find an owl that's golden (the odd-colored noctowl) -When you tap a spoon into a toy fox's hand How many Nurse Joys are in my neighborhood? A: [spoiler]None, I hope...[/spoiler]
  14. Yea, Articuno is the only ice bird, correct? It has to be him.
  15. IT's ok...i don't mind...but next time...please, either pm me, im me, or e-mail me first. After i know, i don't care if you copy and paste my idea from another board, ok? ;)
  16. I think that Medium is Araidos(sp). Just letting you know...
  17. Chaos...not to be mean...but where did you get that idea? I had started an rpg like that on your board.....almost exactly like that...*scratches his head* oh well. [b]Name:[/b] Kid Buu [b]Appearance: [/b] Do i really have to tell you!? [b]Attacks:[/b] Udebunri Kougeki, Ekishyouka, Kikou Ha, Healing, Mouth Kikou Ha, Absorb, Psycokenisis, Regeneration, Human Genocide Attack, Destruction of Earth, Stretched Flesh, Change Beam [b]Side:[/b] With Kid Buu being pure evil,...do you think he would be good?
  18. KINGDOM HEARTS CANNOT BE SOLD!? Oh my god! TO far! I say we kill BUSH! Just kidding America, you know i love you! For really, i don't mean that. You cannot beleive a word i say
  19. True! You are just as true as Flora is! I must say it,...hold it back... My 10 cents (my 2 cents is free) from: -Nate (shoot, didn't hold it back...)
  20. And, uhm, i've noticed this about the skins. The 'rules' link is nto on the Industrial Okakt (i think it's that one) It has the f.a.q, but no rules. Also, the other 2w have rules, but no f.a.q.
  21. Ok, Lady K, i gotcha. O.^ I guess there really ain't much to say, other than what the others have said. My 10 cents (my 2 cents is free) from: -Nate
  22. OOC: If i made an early intrance, to tell me and i'll delete As Chance grew closer he saw it was in fact not a Kai. It was in fact a changling. He looked almost exactly like Frieza, except he had huge red wings and the purple patches on his arms were red. ???: Who did you think this was? A worthless Kai!? Chance: Uh, uh, uh,uh- ???: My name is Damien, i'll tell you once. But, you won't have to remember it, you'll soon be dead! Damin then lashed out with one of the claw-like structures where Frieza's pruple arm patches are
  23. I would say (but i'm dimented, remember this) That you should make a travel sized one and a big one. Double the counters on the big one. INstead of usnig counters, ue little colored sticks you places in small holes in the board. My 10 cents (my 2 cents is free) from: -Nate
  24. Alot of e-rated games my rear. If you can't play teen, then what r u stuck to playing? Barney games? Rocket Power? OPardon my french (i don't care if ya don't, any way), but no body gives a flyig f*ck about them. The good games have blood and violence. Sorry if i offended anyone. My 10 cents (my 2 cents is free) from: -Nate
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